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"Judiciary Has Been Buried", Chin'ono Decries ED's Appointment Of 'Unqualified' Judges

9 months agoSun, 16 Jun 2024 12:54:25 GMT
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"Judiciary Has Been Buried", Chin'ono Decries ED's Appointment Of 'Unqualified' Judges

The outcry outcry over the quality of new high court judges to be sworn in Monday 17 June continues. Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, in a post on X described the appointment of these judges as the burying of Zimbabwe’s judiciary. 

In a notice released by the government days go, Mnangagwa said he had appointed former magistrates Faith Mushure and Ngoni Nduna and lawyers Regis Demure, Philipa Phillips, Gibson Mandaza, Joel Mambara, Naison Chivhayo, Vivian Ndlovu, Sijabuliso Siziba and Mpokiseng Dube as judges of the High Court.

Chin’ono says the president selected judges who would likely rule in his favour, and not based on their qualification for the job.

Said Chin’ono:

Dear Fellow Africans,

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When we say that the Zimbabwean judiciary has collapsed through capture, incompetence, and corruption, this is what we mean.

These men and women you see in this video clip publicly failed their interviews. Some are even crooks who don’t repay debts, yet President Mnangagwa is appointing them as judges tomorrow.

These are the men and women who will be part of Zimbabwe’s high court.

They know they are not qualified, the president knows they are not qualified, but they got the job because they have done things for the regime!

One of them, Ngoni Nduna, who until these interviews was a magistrate, outraged the international legal community when he removed my lawyer, Beatrice Mtetwa from representing me in 2020 after I had been arrested on trumped-up charges.

Even the Chinese bar condemned his actions. He doesn’t pay his debts, yet our president ignored all that. From tomorrow, he will be a judge!

This is the quality of judiciary that we will have and have had in Zimbabwe.

Some of them like Nduna were used at the magistrates court to illegally deny opposition figures, journalists and activists bail.

When a person is appointed a judge when they are unqualified, they will seek to return that favour by making illegal rulings which go against the constitution.
Under the so called Second Republic the judiciary has been buried!

Welcome to my Zimbabwe!!!

Pindula News



Fugu · 9 months ago
We fought to suffer
Joe Cool · 9 months ago
Can someone post a direct contact number for Chin'ono, please. I want to send him some information.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 9 months ago
Kana nyika ine chikwereti inga Wani,kana iwe waverenga ,
KG · 9 months ago
Israel · 9 months ago
are u supporting the appointment of criminals who dont repay ****s because of their oositions as judges. you are an ****.
Khan · 9 months ago
VaBhomba you are just a misogynistic weevil not worth his weight in gold...You are an archaic relic of a bygone era best left in the dustbins of history....You newt of questionable character are not worth my time as you continue to cling on to a widely discredit notion of me being gay.....I am Lord Khan and you are but a drink coaster in a jewelry case
Clarence Shanyurai · 9 months ago
chinono ndaanyarare
Magaka mambishi · 9 months ago
Collapseeeeeee collapseeee
AAA · 9 months ago
wakafanana nakhan iwe. iwe ndiwe urikudonha
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Whats bad with appointing cde Chinotimba to become one of the anti corruption commissioner or rather a High court judge.Because in this second republic everybody else is equally ignorant including the appointing officer.Lets have a laugh
shadows · 9 months ago
ndomafungiro akowo iwayo. opposing everything. shallow minded ppl who are used by the west to destroy their country
Khan · 9 months ago
@ bastardized Sultan of Brunei Censorship Inc strikes again siding with a dimbulb who doesn't even know where Borneo is.... Borneo is in Southeast Asia you dweeb so your attempts at correcting fall flatter than an A cup...keep your silly attempt of an apology as it is hidden behind a very apparent veneer of chicanery and deceit...You had the audacity to label me dog shît and you went into disturbing and gruesome territory to describe my alleged shîttiness ...I believe you have chosen death and Lord Khan will deliver it to you on a platter...You are nothing but a crayon scribbling in the freaking Louvre you simpleton of humongous proportions...I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
VaBhomba · 9 months ago
Leave the Khan hes just a gay dude fighting makumukutsanira
bard laureate of handusi · 9 months ago
we should all keep in mind the fact that criticising and lampooning the gvnt of zimbabwe is hoewell's major source of livelihood. there is a method to all he does, the guy is not ****. in this instance he is hiding behind addressing "fellow africans" but in rrality we all know the audience he is playing or singing to! he plays to the west's agenda, and they in turn reward him with awards and other rewards. he is just the typical example of the so called "educated african" who still has that subconciously colonially subjugated mindset that leads him to believe everything western is superior. manje taakumuziwa!
Anonymous · 9 months ago
And you are playing to the nations that strip our resources? Corrupt judges don't need much to be corrupt. Best suited for their needs as the down payments have already been made.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Hopewell is just holding a grudge against Nduna. He had his expectations. Opposition figures should not deliberately commit crimes and in turn expect special treatment. Secondly, one cannot talk about other people's qualifications as if he's even qualified to serve in any public institution. His approach is bookish. Thirdly, you don't bring the world into trivial issues like your 2020 case. The same precedence would have been set anywhere across the globe. Why do you think that Zimbabwe is unique. LEAVE JUDGES ALONE. THEY'RE BETTER QUALIFIED THAN YOU BECAUSE VANOTONGA. IWE UNOTONGA ANI? SOCIAL MEDIA? 🤣
Anonymous · 9 months ago
What are the appointed judges qualifications? Are they the most qualified of all applicants? Or is their persuasions that got them appointed. If they failed the public interviews, how is it they appointed. Bring answers, not insults.
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
@khan by the way a khan am not sultan of Brunei am The Sultanate of Bhurunai and Brunei is in southeast of Asia FYI
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
@khan am sorry my brother ain't mean to degrade you just wanted to prove the fact yekuti you're mentally unstable because only insane individuals respond to each and every insult
pm · 9 months ago
Saka muchaita sei ne highlander
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
@khan uri kadhodhî kaneturopa netumadzihwa kanonhuwa zvisingaite pano paplatform you're like a tumor go back to hèll kumusha kwako
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
Chibaba chatenga nyaya, khan you're a degenerate son of a exhibitionist your father died a bastard and a failure n tete vako vakakurombera you filthy good for nothing dhodhî rembwá rine maplastic ne makushe go n lecture ku Harvard university kna wakadzidza zvekudaro nincompoóp
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Saddam Hussein you cannot even point out Iraq on a world map or even know the meaning and doctrines of Sunni yet you have the audacity and temerity to model yourself after the anointed one🚮...the rest of your rant is meaningless and shows you for the dimwit you are
SADDAM HUSSEIN · 9 months ago
@khan go back to Mozambique kwamunoita zvechichichi akitera Yako yakaruza kare kare
👀👀 · 9 months ago
Mr Giriyoti vakaendepi,asi vakadzokera kuzita ravo rekare here kuita coalition chaiyo,mubatanidzwa wemazita
dj TECH · 9 months ago
varipo ipapa tarisisa,look 4 hs ENGLISH ,U shall surely find him
👀👀 · 9 months ago
shiri inozongofa
Khan · 9 months ago
@ AAA you are indicative of my really are on the wrong side of the autism spectrum
shadows · 9 months ago
muchawawata kusvika mati pfii. 2030 vanenge vachiriko shumba..
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Since the tenure of Godfrey Chidyausiku under RG, judiciary in Zimbabwe has never been independent.....
@Man toMan · 9 months ago
shadows · 9 months ago
nhaiwe chin'on'o usatitudze zvetukasha twako nanduna, hatinei nazvo ndezvenyu. chero ukawawata, those are the judges selected by his excellence. iwe hausi president urigudowo zvaro. saka shut up. kutonga kwaro gamba
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Over 50 people of Citizens Movement arrested today in Harare while celebrating The Day of the African Child.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
patz · 9 months ago
In an interview its not only allegations put across to the interviewee by the interviewer that counts but the response given by the interviewee in answer to the allegations also counts. Hopuwero should, as a journalist, know that, unless he is up to opposing everything, whether good or bad.
Justice · 9 months ago
Dead right. It would be interesting to know how the candidate responded before we nail him on the cross from one view. Someone must have maliciously omitted the interviewee's response
Y · 9 months ago
. Ndozvaweppo ungaite sei pambwa dzzakadai huhu dzine muswe yegava nebere
patz · 9 months ago
Pindula your App is improving. Latest comments appearing ontop is good. Can you please also put the comment box just after the story rather that beneath the comments
2 · 9 months ago
feels like reading a book from back to front , nothing good about that at all .it just feels wrong ,I'm sorry to say
Scribe · 9 months ago
Well said. I can't agree with you more. You read a comment and wonder what the guy is talking about. You read the third article at the bottom and it sounds like something you've just read moments before. You scroll up to find the last comment to see if it makes sense relative to the third bottom article
nherera · 9 months ago
Thanks brother
Chinese bar · 9 months ago
even us we condend this....
. · 9 months ago
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Dynamo 1----1 ZPC Kariba 65 minutes live at Rufaro stadium 🏟️ Emmanuel Paga ⚽⛹️
Khan · 9 months ago
@ anonymous he has and always will be a liar of the highest order...I do not follow hypocrites that benefit from evil empires and the Great Satan...Hopewell is not a real journalist but rather an activist with very apparent and transparent objectives which only dolts cannot see...I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
VaBhomba · 9 months ago
Hi gay guy
hey fag boy · 9 months ago
hows your bunghole doing, you great homo seksual
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Now I know you're the biggest Propagandist on this here platform. Never have I once heard you condemn the "Comrades" , no matter how apparent their sin is. I see no rational thought on your stance with regard to these issues. I think you're benefiting from these guys (financially or otherwise). I've seen some of your perceived "intellectual" commentary and I'm not so convinced that it's just a common brainwashed individual. those be my 2 cents(or 2 zigs I suppose)
Anonymous · 9 months ago
@Khan doesn't accept ZIGS.
Ndevuzoqethu · 9 months ago
The government has been buried ⚰. The fall of the judiciary is just a sign of a dead government run by impostors, what can function on the illegitimacy begotten from rigged and chavangulized elections. The judiciary will only function on the restoration of legitimacy in governance.
,,,,,dott · 9 months ago
nhai vahopuwero ndimi manga muchida kupihwa basa reku appointer majudge hre kuti nyika igutsikane kuti kwa appointer vanhu vanoziva , haaa munedambudziko mukoma pfungwa dza zara neku opposizer
hoyo · 9 months ago
Vision 2030 or 2035 and wat notee bene will be suffering . Sad reality most most likely u online warriors on pindula have good lives so the f boys and garls who are complaining tussle up
Khan · 9 months ago
Fear monger in chief and professional activist at it again...He is always decrying and lamenting as if Zimbabwe is some dystopian land akin to the land resided in by Mad Max and co...Who is he to question the appointment of those suitable qualified and well versed individuals.. Hopewell is testament that true journalism is dead and all we have left are carny content creators who thrive on sensationalism and hyperbolic vitriol...The 4th estate is truly dead if pawns like Hopewell are "journalists" whose medium of communication is X which is now synonymous with X rated content rather than distribution of news...Hopewell should crawl out of the dimly lit cave he resides in and show his true political motivations and only then will I take him seriously...These newly appointed judges should be unfazed by the utterances of the dullard in chief whose only achievement in life is to be a bootleg Quisling...That small boy should learn how to put on a dunce cap properly before trying to lecture anyone...This is the same guy who accepts awards in autocratic regimes like Qatar where millions of his African brethren are treated like mutant dogs yet he doesn't say anything... Hopewell is a bellend and that's the bottom line because Khan said so...I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Ohhh Lord
Anonymous · 9 months ago
So this hopefully guy is lying ?
My Titty · 9 months ago
are you hoping to become a sosho media star like my titty ? you must get a proper job buddy boy, you cant always survive on handouts from your zanoid masters, save your "donated" data and rather get a proper job so that you dont have to survive on chicken inn, chips and coke every few years when its erection time ...
apes · 9 months ago
Khan busy writing useless paragraph about hopewell you are pathetic you are just a fool
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Hopewell has never practised as a journalist. He lies his way to notoriety. The stories he claims to have uncovered were stolen from others. No journalist in Zimbabwe has ever covered a press conference with him. Would an ordinary person know what qualifies one to be a good judge. Why does ne not mention that in thre US Supreme Court judges are appointed on political basis?
African Observer · 9 months ago
Pindula pic ramaisa iro rinondi fungisa the Godfather by Mario Puzzo. But hapo the blame is solely on us the Zimbabweans.We voted yes yes for that 2013 constitution referendum but that said constitution is just dangerous like the one it replaced. President kana ari iye ane final say on the appointment of judges then don't make noise about judiciary capture by the Executive.
@ · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs sa-will-be-known-for-reconciliation-says-cindy-jacobs-at-empowered21-congress-1068x712 The river is going to flow through Zimbabwe and I see a powerful torrent of water, a mighty rushing torrent, many fish. I see that there are strongholds in the church of division and the accuser of the brethren is active to discourage souls. An army of women with the Deborah anointing will march across the land. They will be like a net all over Zimbabwe with prayer. With a powerful anointing, the women first and men following. I see ancient thrones coming down, reconciliation between black and white, the spirit of racism which goes back further down to the tribes. I will use Zimbabwe like a jewel; she will help feed the world with beautiful produce. God will break the curse that came through civil war . . . the curse will be broken. I know nothing about Zimbabwe. The land will produce beautiful beef. New factories will be built. Zimbabwe has the ministry of reconciliation that reunites the African people. The anointing of reconciliation will be all over Zimbabwe. Do not be afraid of the change. Although it looks like you are going backwards. I have a plan for you. Satan thinks he is advancing but I will expose wickedness at high levels. Do not be afraid. Satan will try to bring war; this army will be used to stop war and bloodshed. A treaty will be written with other nations. Zimbabwe will be used like Switzerland to bring the healing of nations to break ancient things. Your nation came through trickery, but God will restore it. You will be given a piece of land, a beautiful place to pray. You will build a place to watch and pray. It will be like a compound with a place to sleep. The Annas will give their lives for intercession. Senior citizens will have places to stay and give their time to pray day and night.” Prophecy given by Cindy Jacobs in Guatemala City, Guatemala on October 30, 1998.
boy · 9 months ago
thats a true prophecy
⚓⚓ · 9 months ago
Taking Oath of Alliance with the Devil incarnate.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Fake Prophets
@ · 9 months ago
Chin'ono une nhamo iwe, ko vadii kuuya utaurire izvozvo kuno, uite basa rako uri kuno
patz · 9 months ago
Apa aripi
zigo · 9 months ago
we're heading towards a total collapse

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