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Ramaphosa Loses Grip On ANC NEC Amid GNU Talks With DA | Report

9 months agoWed, 12 Jun 2024 10:48:59 GMT
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Ramaphosa Loses Grip On ANC NEC Amid GNU Talks With DA | Report

South Africa and ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa’s leadership is now on shaky ground after he reportedly lost his grip on the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).

IOL reported “highly placed sources within the NEC” as saying there has been a significant shift in the balance of power away from Ramaphosa following a move to push through an ANC-DA coalition government.

The ANC’s NEC met last week to discuss its various options for forming a new government.

The ANC-DA coalition was defeated, with the NEC favouring a more measured Government of National Unity (GNU).

However, some ANC officials are reportedly frustrating parties like the EFF and MKP out of any discussions.

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The ANC failed to win an outright majority in the 29 May National and Provincial elections and received 40.18% support.

Speaking to IOL, political analyst Professor Sipho Seepe said Ramaphosa failed to deliver and should resign. He said:

Any leader who has any integrity will not be forced to step down from the position. The election outcomes were disastrous… Ramaphosa is obsessed with the idea of being a president.

Seepe said if an ANC-DA coalition was pushed through, it could spell the end of Ramaphosa in the ANC.

He argued that it was a wrong move for the president to even consider talks with the DA after it had opposed many of its policies over the years including the recent signing of the National Health Insurance (NHI) bill. He said:

Don’t be surprised when people take you as the enemy. The DA has opposed many policies of the ANC, so why go with a party that has always pushed you around?

This is the same party that suggested it would take further steps on the Phala Phala matter.

The growing influence of ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe, Deputy President Paul Mashatile, and Nomvula Mokonyane over the NEC is being viewed as a sign of the shifting power dynamic within the party. Said a source:

Ramaphosa has lost the NEC and this is going to prove detrimental to him in the next few weeks or months. The push for a DA coalition by those loyal to the president was widely rejected by the NEC.

Reports at the weekend suggested that the ANC NEC was concerned that those close to Ramaphosa were trying to engineer “side deals” with the DA.

The meeting, apparently widely rejected a coalition with the DA and was said to be in favour of an ANC, IFP, EFF, and PA coalition. Said a source:

The NEC could not bring itself to work with the DA and preferred the so-called “black pact” grouping. Ideologically it makes sense for the ANC.

Another IOL source said the sense from the NEC was that if the ANC-DA coalition was pushed, it will end in tears for Ramaphosa. Said the source:

The NEC will recall him if this line continues. The last meeting was a clear indicator of this. In fact, the GNU could very well have a different president in a couple of months. That is how fluid the situation is right now.

Meanwhile, Seepe warned that the ANC-DA coalition would be the total end of the ANC.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 9 months ago
Form coalition with ZANU pf Kkk
Tina · 9 months ago
Its true that whites are better than blacks in their dealings, SA Shall improve. Blacks are unprofessional even in business, they prefer free labor
Chicken 🐔 · 9 months ago
The issue here is, Ceril wants a coalition with DA but his leutenants thinks it's dinning with the enemy. DA opposes all policies that were proposed by ANC, so these two can't mix. They are like oil and water. If Ceril pushes on the idea, he will be left in the cold and automatically loses his job.
mucheki · 9 months ago
regai zvikurirane tozozviona pakukohwa
Khan · 9 months ago
Pomposity klaftricatious colliation for the betterment of SA should involve all the parties. Drescougal vitrovation can not stand in the way of black empowerment...Khan speaks and the world listen
Bhomora Zvekuti · 9 months ago
Wakatiza kuIngutsheni iwe ngoc hani
@khan aka The Griot · 9 months ago
We know u are The Griot of the Oxford dictionary and student companion.
captain · 9 months ago
Regai tione kuty zvinopera cei
tshaka de zulu · 9 months ago
DA murikutii ndeye vachena nhai .ko vachena vacho vakaipei .His Exellency was in Russia musiuno ,so ma Russians mablacks here kkkkk komaChina mablacks here kkkk.DA ndotoda kuti itonge SA .look now bulawayo ine a white folk but yakuto improver wani .Blackman blackbrains black magic cete cete.
sad emoji1
👀 · 9 months ago
well only sellouts will support ANC DA coalition as it is a well known fact that DA is a white man's party in an African if Ramaphosa is pushing for a ANC DA coalition then he should resign with immediate effect and unconditionally.All African countries should emulate the Zimbabwean model were free and fair elections are conducted and the ruling party always enjoy a landslide victory.Thats a clear reflection of the will of the people who can only be described as true patriots defending the sovereignty of the country from those who are busy consolidating power in Zambia
Tese · 9 months ago
I think comrade muriwrong 2009 patakaia GNU mugabe akatengesa nyika here or ndozvonenge zvochidiwa senyika
slimz · 9 months ago
obsessed with zanu down to the marrow.. wake up and smell the coffee
Ikowo..... · 9 months ago
Kukanzi munhu ane40% onzii haana kuhwina movona zvichi ita here, margin yaainayo kukunda vamwe iyo makes him a leader and should detect how he want to govern kusina any infiltration, Ramaposa ane majority share and there's a provision for leadership the way he wants,
· 9 months ago
Politics is NOT about arithmetic. In politics a win in 50%+1. Anything below that is failure. Well, even in examinations 40% is an E, which is a failure.
In the UK · 9 months ago
During Covid19, no exams were set but certifications and certificates were given as a form to have passed the stage (that) of school, so the election can't be talked over for decades when a term comes to end in just 5 year term this impasse is eating away some minutes of a winning candidate and time loss can never be recovered so other parties did not win majority fame at %age level ANC did win and for the government to run and not waste times a callabo with second is tantamount
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Mfes wekuUK uri kunyatsoti chii
tshaka de zulu · 9 months ago
Ramaphosa neANC yake akagona kupa vamwe mukana .DA ichaita kuti corruption iite shoma mu sasafrika.Rama arikuratidza kuve maturity pa papolitics
Realist · 9 months ago
On point ✔
Sorojena · 9 months ago
It's true to power, Ramaphosa has failed big time, he has to step down on his own asaite mweya waJudas. Again ANC - DA is a devastating reverse gear that will crash on the little gains ANC has achieved from independence.
Realist · 9 months ago
The voting patterns by South Africans shows none of the gains you are talking about. In 1994, 77% of the votes went to ANC and since then it has been a downward spiral to a 2024 40%. Meaning that South Africans are getting more and more disillusioned with the ANC
,,,dott · 9 months ago
Ramaphosa ngaasiyane nezve DA izvo
· 9 months ago
Zvauri matoto embwa chaiwo 🤮
· 9 months ago
Akasiyana neDA vanhu vemu SA vanofa nenhamo
chahototo · 9 months ago

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