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"Zimbabwe Now A Minnow In International Football"

9 months agoTue, 11 Jun 2024 13:14:11 GMT
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"Zimbabwe Now A Minnow In International Football"

Former Warriors and Highlanders striker Zenzo Moyo said Zimbabweans should accept that the country’s senior football team has been reduced to minnows in international football, therefore, losing to countries such as Lesotho should not be surprising.

Zimbabwe lost 0-2 to Lesotho on Friday and has another tough assignment against Bafana Bafana this Tuesday in the ongoing 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

Speaking to the Chronicle, Moyo said Zimbabwe has to go back to the drawing board, identify why standards have gone down low, and take corrective action. He said:

I don’t understand people who say we are losing to minnows when we have become the minnows ourselves.

Football being football, we can get a result from Bafana Bafana this evening but that does not take away the fact that we need to regroup, restrategise come up with a clear five to 10-year plan of what we really want to achieve.

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At the moment we don’t have a clear plan as we just react to the situation that is on the ground. It should not be a surprise that we are losing to teams like Lesotho because while they were developing we have been degrading.

We used to beat teams like Lesotho, Botswana and even South Africa on impressive scorelines but now we are struggling against the same teams.

We are not at the level which we used to be at and the sooner we accept that the better. We have to look at where we have done wrong and rectify that. It will be a process but that is what our football needs right now.

Zimbabwe is yet to register a win in the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers. The Warriors drew against Rwanda and Nigeria in November 2023 before last week’s embarrassment by Lesotho in Soweto.

More: Pindula News



Bryan tickey · 9 months ago
This is new normal now as long those buddling zifa thugs exist no progress will occur within our football
Hevozve nhaiwe Zambaza · 9 months ago
Bhora munyika medu richanetsa chose. Ko vakuru vebhora mukamboita an outrich program kuma soccer fans, kutsvaga root cause yedambudziko risingadi kupera iri, hazvingabatsiri. Zvana match fixing handioni kt zvichiko. Talented international players hobho, but y tisingachayi kobuda. Is it to do with the money motive or what! Taifanigwavo kuendavo kuWorld cup gwendo guno mhani.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
I think it's wrong to say Zim warriors are minnows now. The problem is Zifa normalisation committee, how can you appoint coaches on interim bases?.They must hire a fultime coach preferably a European coach. All is not lost we still have 18 points to fight for
Anonymous · 9 months ago
That international ban as well as bungling Zifa should shoulder the blame
Anonymous · 9 months ago
When was Zimbabwe a giant in football? I thought we were always minnows.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Dream team
Garabha · 9 months ago
like all the good things bhora rakatama muno
Football Fanatic · 9 months ago
Hard luck ..but mupfana Chirewa anogona bhora
. · 9 months ago
Zim is leading ku bottom uko
xyz · 9 months ago
Donation to RSA,3 points, another donation of hyenas to Russia.wazvizwa.
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
This is becoming too much ada arova
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe yakatukwa boys Zimbabwe has become a minor it's true SA 3 Zimbabwe 1
Helter Skelter · 9 months ago
For a country which has been sovereign for 44 years and has reached a point where our stadiums are across our borders, what motivation can be instilled in our players. In retro some of the the team players used to finance travelling expenses for the entire team yet now the Pres claims ours is the most developing country in the region guys mafunnies chaiwo. Ben Koffi anga awona something about this country.
fonsokwembo · 9 months ago
kkkkk chiregai kudaro zve nhai vanhu wee DZIMWE NGUVA INOBVA YANDODYIWA IKOKO😎
laugh emoji1
Jah Zignal · 9 months ago
*Changomisa maWarriors kudyiwa inyaya yekut 6pm haisati yachaya chete*
green bomber tsepete tsepete · 9 months ago
zanu and the hyenas to be deported to Russia are causing all this misfortune. huyai paye pekumbobuda diziri pachinhoi ndikugadzirirei nyaya yenyu idiki. vana Israel and Russia ndini ndirikuvaitira matare avo kuti vaheine
Urg · 9 months ago
free points to SA because Zim has no soccer team...
TheLastAntKing · 9 months ago
unoziva iwe 🔨 🛠 dzako
· 9 months ago
Khan · 9 months ago
Zenzo is just a bitter old man who is just hoping on the trend of negativity in search of clout. .The football nation of Zimbabwe being spearheaded by the NC is outstanding...We now have so much pull in terms of the player base and once we get a well recognized substantive coach people like Zenzo Moyo will eat their hats....Just wait till the Warriors win tonight and I am sure Zenzo will be the first to jump on the bandwagon 🙄...Khan predicts a win for the warriors as we have better players than these overhyped diski merchants...The events that will unfold tonight shall be documented... Tomorrow's headlines will be ones to read as they will feature the story of triumph of the rebirth of the football nation..If only Michaelangelo or Da Vinci were alive to paint portraits of the Warriors impending victory over Bafana Bafana...I am Khan and I approve this message
Zuze · 9 months ago
i agree with you totally as a fellow butt bottoms lover as you are happy 🌈 month
Zenzo Moyo · 9 months ago
Ndobva zvaita sei😂😂😂😂
theLastAntKing · 9 months ago
haiwawo Khan zim win what? Prophet of doom, Zim soccer needs an overhaul period. All zvima dhala izvi zvema normalisation Committee ngavabve. Ana Zennor Bunjira ivava should take over. Vanoziva zvinodiwa nema players kwete kuti bhora rinotingamirirwa nema spectators...nxaaa
Anonymous · 9 months ago
He has a point he's not negative, he's as frustrated as all zim supporters and citizens
mommy dearest · 9 months ago
ah ko hanty paya mai themba Peter Ndlovu here
. · 9 months ago
ka Benin kaka topa hako group ,kumuswe guess who is there?
· 9 months ago
Time & Weather · 9 months ago
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Playing games out of the homeland don't even say anything just shhh,
theLastAntKing · 9 months ago
zifa should be disbanded & competent persons like former players should be ku Zifa uko. Vanoziva kuti even players needs have to be met. Zim youths nolonger need to play football because it doesn't pay. Also ma playing grounds ari standard hatina kubva ku grassroots kusvika ku national level. In short football needs major investment. 10 years of not playing international football might resurrect it but only if it start to pay the players

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