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Zimbabwe's Leaders Lack Basic Negotiating Skills, Putin Will Exploit Mnangagwa's "Desperation" - Chin'ono

9 months agoSat, 08 Jun 2024 12:42:26 GMT
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Zimbabwe's Leaders Lack Basic Negotiating Skills, Putin Will Exploit Mnangagwa's "Desperation" - Chin'ono

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been criticised for showing “desperation” during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Konstantinosky Palace in the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg, Strelna village, two days ago.

Mnangagwa told Putin that Western countries are consolidating their power in Zambia “in terms of security and in terms of financial support” thereby isolating Zimbabwe.

However, it is not true that the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) has a base in Zambia.

Last year, Gen. Michael Langley said that the United States established an Office of Security Cooperation in Zambia but there are no plans to establish a U.S. base in the country.

He said the Office of Security Cooperation is just an office with a desk with an officer manning that desk whose mission is to keep deepening the two countries’ relationship, long-term bilateral security relationship between the United States and Zambia.

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Journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono said Zimbabwe is always getting played because the country’s leaders don’t know how to negotiate.

Commenting on video footage of Mnangagwa’s meeting with Putin, Chin’ono said the Zimbabwean President showed desperation in trying to engage with Russia. He wrote on social media:

You don’t negotiate by selling yourself short, saying that you are lonely and that nobody in the West wants to engage with you.

This approach signals to the other side that you are desperate, revealing that you have no perceived value.

What we saw explains why Zimbabwe is always getting played, our leaders don’t know how to negotiate at all.

He should have said that the West is offering many opportunities to thaw relations, but because of our liberation history with Russia, he prefers to do business with them if they provide a good deal.

By openly stating that Zimbabwe is “desperate” for engagement with the West, the President weakened his position and gave President Putin an advantage in future negotiations.

To get the best deal, it is essential to convey a strong bargaining position and demonstrate the value that Zimbabwe brings to the table.

Highlighting the country’s historical ties with Russia was a good carrot, but emphasising the potential benefits of improved relations with the West was going to be the stick rather than revealing desperation.

What we saw in that video is a glimpse of how Zimbabwe has been sold cheaply in the last 44 years due to incompetent negotiating skills!

Meanwhile, Mnangagwa on Saturday said he reaffirmed the importance of a multipolar world to achieve air and inclusive global development. He posted on social media:

I had the honour of addressing the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) alongside President Vladimir Putin.

I highlighted the importance of a multipolar world, advocating for fair and inclusive global development.

Zimbabwe stands by the philosophy of “friend to all, enemy to none,” embracing cooperation, partnerships, and investments to drive mutual growth.

I again called for the removal of illegal sanctions and sought strategic investments in infrastructure, education, and renewable energy to unlock our potential.

Together, we aim to build a just, inclusive, and prosperous world. Zimbabwe is open for business and welcomes partnerships across all sectors.

More: Pindula News



Ummm pakaipa · 6 months ago
Matereke Baba
The Griot · 9 months ago
It's exclintious, tumablanzilous and acrubiquos to castigate our highly esteemed President Cde ED's pronouncements. Griot is warning you
shadows · 9 months ago
Russia is friend ska hapana chekuvanza kushanwari yako. help from Russia tinongopiwa chero anaduzv'i musingadi. mungaudzire his excellence, commander in chief of the deffence forces, first secretary of the ruling party zanupf, zvekutaura imi anagurwewo zvenyu. mafuza
. · 9 months ago
So does it mean lobhengula negotiated better deals than our President
Same Fanana · 9 months ago
6 lo 9
A disgrace · 9 months ago
this guy is a disgrace to Zimbabwe apa we did not vote for him.
zvonyadzisa · 9 months ago
gross incompetence
xene · 9 months ago
ko that was their planned speech with advisers
Shadows · 9 months ago
This octogenarian geriatric kuenda kunoyemwa kuna pootin haa zvinonyadzisa kutengesa nyika cheap cheap
@baba jukwa · 9 months ago
patinge tichiti zvishandire paya tinoreva kut ukarima fodya unofa nemari ukachera goridhe unofa nemari ukarima ma granadilla unofa nemari ukaita auto electrics unofa nemari ukarima mombe beef and dairy unofa nemari ukarima mbudzi maihweee.ukaita fashion and designing unofa nemari.iiiiiiii wangu nyika ino izere huchi nemukaka iyi kungoti imi vana vevachena hamudi kushanda
⛹️🕺🏋️ · 9 months ago
kana mari yacho yakuuraya ma1
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
hauna zvauno ziva iwe iyo mari inouraya ndinoiidii zvangu if we become farmers and designers anotenga cheumwe ndiani that's why ndichiti munhu aka sapota zanu pfungwa dzino gomaka
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Hopeless chinono that's why musiri president and musingafe makaita president nema skills enyu
Vladimir Putin · 9 months ago
You're miss understanding the good moves being taken by my friend ed
Anonymous · 9 months ago
KO vanhu varikutuka Chingono munepfungwa dzakakwana here. Chokwadi ndipo paunoona kuti Nyika yakazara nevanhu vasingafungi. Russia and China are going to empty Zimbabwe nezviri mumatura chaiko. KaTrump chaiye Aida Ku banner zvinhu zvese zvakadzi made in China asi imi vazivi veZim mukadi uyai maChinese nhasi Uno zvese neRussia. Vanhu vemuZimbabwe mukaiwo mhani. Munosvota semanhan'anga asina kunyatso ibva.
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
it's like kana munhu aka konewa kugarisana nevamwe mu village obva adzingwa na sabhuku kana Ishe wedunhu, anoenda kunerimwe village kana dunno achitaura zvekunyepa achiitira kugamuchirwa kunzvimbo iyoyo. Zanu of irikuuraya ramangwana redu kuno ku Zimbabwe yobuda kunze kuno nyepa ichitsvaga zvombo zvekuti pondesa nazvo, vachitengesa ivhu kuti ma china a gobore zvicherwa pese pavanoda vachiti siira makomba, vana ve Zimbabwe variku shanda se nhapwa kuma mines ema china uko vachifira ma 2bhobho. ivo vene vachingoti pamberi pamberi, ko pamberi pacho tosvika rinhi zvatiri kutambudzika kudai.. uchanzwa rimwe richiti nyika yaka naka but munhu achirarama ne hwaku mukwaku achishandira chikafu ne zvipfeko asi ramangwana rake risina chaanoitira kuti azodya mudya ndigere, hezvo munoti zvishandirei but hamudi ma vendor mumaguta, hamudi mabhero, hamudi ma money changers saka mukuda tiitesei.. Hopewell is very ryt these guys know nothing at ruling this country
so desperate · 9 months ago
he will not last long in power this chap
Zim-Sketch · 9 months ago
it's like a blind beggar, waiting for the sound of coins dropped in the old metal plate....we don't have leaders. we have clueless clones who only Know how to intimidate citizens and cheat in elections.
Wa Gutu · 9 months ago
Hopuwero kuda kungonzi wataura kuti ufadze vana John White. Farisa uchidaro
Mkomana · 9 months ago
"Kutsvaga uta nomuhari" ," confused cockroach" and poisoned 🐀 "rat" haaah! Cheap pray for Russia ",dzauya dzoga ","dzawira mutswanda" ,no labour for Russia kkk
Account Holder · 9 months ago
You don’t negotiate by selling yourself short, saying that you are lonely and that nobody in the West wants to engage with you.This approach signals to the other side that you are desperate, revealing that you have no perceived value.
Account Holder · 9 months ago
Saka president vakwira ndegee kunorevera Hichilema kuti arikuita hushamwari nema Americans here.....that show that the old man is not comfortable on his chair.Kukura kwangi kwese handisati ndamboona Zanu ichizungunuswa kudayi Soo, after all let Zambians be Zambians they(Zambians)have the the right to choose their friends nhai SADC Chairman
Antman · 9 months ago
You have said it all yet thete are our neighbors but ae shouldn't carw who they be friend. If we want bw friends with Russia we shouldn't use Zambias relationships with USA. Lets stick to our Chinese and invite others peacefully. Botswana has the biggest USA military base in Southern Africa.
mommy dearest · 9 months ago
uyu mudhogani unonzi hopuwero uyu haikona mhani kungo commenta commenta zvisiri zvezera rako.uri president here iwewe a starving journalist zvake.seka zvako hehehe deeee.mave kudhunya ka nako kuda kufadza ana Biden uku mave kungo saiza everything pro zimbabwean.zvno tiriku kuonai hedu vana vezvidhoma iyi hamuibude bhobho tsoro yamuri kuronga iyi
👀 · 9 months ago
chinyono utori imbwawo zvako iwe there wasn't anything to support your insinuations of desperation on the side of Zim's president during his discussions with the Russian president.Of course you want our president to have closed door meetings with your Western handlers but comrade always bear in mind that Zimbabwe is a sovereign nation and will never be a colony again.Isnt your Western handlers busy consolidating power in sub Saharan Africa?wake up adhala and join people like Zimbabweans Palestinians Russians not that bunch of vampires like ma British Israel Jews Ukrainians etc etc.
...,. · 9 months ago
in life, you cannot be good at everything. as they say that they fought in the war, negotiation is not what a soldier trained to shoot is expected to be good at. It is like giving Hopewell a gun, he may shoot himself!
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
iye Chin'ono chanoziwa mapiritsi evanopenga chete ma pengadine
@fugu · 9 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 makanyanya comrade
Kk · 9 months ago
Ko iwewe wakanganwa kunwa mapiritsi anokuita kuti utaure propaganda isingavake Zimbabwe were a you from;
border gezi green bomber 💚🍏 · 9 months ago
ma sanctions apizve. there are only 11 people on the list
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
11 vanhu ivavo vakabata economy nevanhu 12 million.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Vanogobata economy kuti ndeyavo here
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Ndoo panogumirawo pfungwa dzako Baba vako vakanyimwa pay iwe ne 8 siblings na mai vako munofa nenzara. Woti haaa pay yanyimwa munhu one chete Dofo

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