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Met Department Forecasts Chilly Weather, Cold Spell Expected To Linger Until Midweek

9 months agoSat, 08 Jun 2024 04:52:47 GMT
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Met Department Forecasts Chilly Weather, Cold Spell Expected To Linger Until Midweek

The Meteorological Services Department (MSD) has forecasted the current cold spell to persist until Wednesday when temperatures are expected to rise slightly as clouds break up.

The maximum temperatures are forecast to be below 20 degrees Celsius and minimums to fall as low as 3 degrees Celsius in the early morning.

Cold temperatures were felt on Friday in parts of Matabeleland South, Masvingo Province and Manicaland in south-east Zimbabwe.

South-easterly winds will extend the cold and cloudy conditions to Bulawayo and Harare Metropolitan, along with southern Midlands and Matabeleland North and Mashonaland East by Sunday.

According to the MSD, Matabeleland South, Masvingo, and Manicaland provinces were expected to experience cloudy, windy, and cold conditions for most of today, with a chance of light rain and drizzle in some areas.

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In a notice on Friday, the Met Department said that a significant rise in wind pressure was expected over the southeast coast of Southern Africa.

This was expected to drive a cold and moist south-easterly airflow into Zimbabwe. It said:

Before the clouds set in, anticipate a cold and relatively dry southerly airflow on Friday with moderate ground frost and early morning temperatures below 3 deg Celsius in frost-prone areas such as Matopos, Gweru, Lupane, Masvingo, Marondera and Nyanga.

The MSD said from this Saturday, the weather should become cloudy, windy and cold over Matabeleland South, Masvingo and Manicaland Provinces for much of the day with light rain and drizzle in some places. It said:

These conditions should extend into Bulawayo Metropolitan, southern parts of Matabeleland North and Midlands, as well as both Harare and Mashonaland East Provinces on Sunday and only become slightly warmer on Wednesday as the clouds break.

The MSD warned members of the public that chances of getting a cough, influenza or a cold increase during this transition period towards winter, hence people should dress warmly and ensure that vulnerable members of society are kept warm both early morning and late evening.

More: Pindula News



mwana waED · 9 months ago
dai ariwo maonero anoitwa mvura neve Met vaidei vachibetsera zvakanyanya. its exactly havibg light showers and very cold and cloudy in masvingo
👅 · 9 months ago
Nguva ino inonakidza zvayo.
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
kuno worse coz tiri pakati pemabani ,ipapa ungatonzwa chi**** che Zanu achiti kuchinja kwe climate kwakakonzerwa ne CCC
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 9 months ago
kuno kurikutonhora hama dzangu
laugh emoji1
sad emoji3
@pk · 9 months ago
bhoo zvekuti...achi makuseni vanhu havasati vanwa mapiritsi
pk · 9 months ago
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 bhoo here apo 👆👆👆👆
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
Mapedza hupfumi hwese nyika hachina chinhu chando chouya nekuti mabvisa nhumbi DZENYIKA ino mega hazvifadzi izvozvo Chando chouraya mofara imi mune zvese. Matongero aya kuparadza murombo ne chando zvakanaka zvose maba Mapedza zvose garai mega Zimbabwe ndeyenyu imi munotungamirira ne hama, mhuri, shamwari shamwari
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
Wanhu warikuba kuzvipatara uko mishonga hakuna motiudza zve chando musingaiti zveu penyu. Chipa gumbeze kunherera chembere vakwegura hapana haubatsiri nezve chando chako chawaona ichocho

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