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DA-ANC Deal Would Be A Disaster, ANC Heavyweight, Lindiwe Sisulu, Warns Ramaphosa

9 months agoTue, 04 Jun 2024 11:44:44 GMT
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DA-ANC Deal Would Be A Disaster, ANC Heavyweight, Lindiwe Sisulu, Warns Ramaphosa

Outspoken ANC heavyweight and National Executive Committee (NEC) member Lindiwe Sisulu has warned her comrades against forming a coalition government with the Democratic Alliance (DA).

For the first time since 1994, the ANC failed to win a majority in Parliament in the 29 May elections, resulting in the governing party seeking coalition partners.

Reports suggest that ANC President, Cyril Ramaphosa, was considering a “soft coalition” with the DA.

IOL reported that the partnership would see the DA take up strategic positions in government and the legislatures.

The ANC scored 40.18% at the polls, the DA achieved 21.80%, while former president Jacob Zuma’s newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) scored 17.4%.

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Since the ANC did not meet the 50% threshold required for an outright majority, it would need a coalition partner to govern.

However, speaking to Independent Media, on Monday, Sisulu said a coalition with the DA would be spitting on the graves of fallen freedom fighters. She said:

Firstly this looming disaster, if the ANC would ever partner with the DA, could’ve been avoided had the IEC (Electoral Commission of SA) done its work properly.

I was instrumental in setting up the IEC because I was deputy minister of Home Affairs at the time when Buthelezi was minister of Home Affairs. I ended up signing a lot of the legislation which saw the IEC did its work properly.

I would think that after 30 years the commission would be able to run a fair and transparent election.

Since 26 parties complained about the counting and the results, the IEC for its own credibility should’ve issued a recount. That has brought us to this.

In all the time I spent in prison fighting apartheid, I did not do it for the DA. The DA is the epitome of what the previous government represents.

The idea that black parties cannot govern is very racist. It is an insult for people who oppressed us and who threw us in jail for fighting for justice to tell us that we can’t govern.

The president of the ANC cannot enter a coalition with any party without the NEC’s approval. He is president of the country because of the ANC voters. He will not throw those votes away.

I hear the discussions in the media and some quarters of society saying that it will be good for the country and good for capital if the ANC went into bed with the DA, well those are the talks of capital.

I know that the president has friends in capital, but capital doesn’t decide internal ANC matters. If it does then perhaps I’m in the wrong party.

Asked if she supports an ANC-MK coalition, Sisulu said many of the soldiers that she trained with in the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) camp who later left the ANC were justified in walking that path. She said:

I was trained in MK. When we were in the camps I used to imagine that one day we’d come home dressed in our uniform and land at the airport to the salute of our people.

But when we landed, the MK soldiers were starved. They were not taken care of, but other people, who came out of nowhere were the ones giving us orders.

Today those people are at the top seats in our movement. The MK soldiers and comrades are our comrades.

We must lead the ANC back to glory. I never thought I’d see the day when our very movement takes orders from Stellenbosch.

Meanwhile, the MK Party is looking to derail the election of a new president by threatening not to send its 58 members to the first sitting of Parliament.

This over objections to the 29 May polls and a demand for a vote recount.

The MK believes that a National Assembly should comprise at least 350 members to constitute a quorum.

However, constitutional law academic, Pierre de Vos, told EWN that even if MK members were not present, the show would go on.

He also warned that if the elected MK members stayed away from Parliament for 15 consecutive sessions, they stood to lose their seats.

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Anonymous · 9 months ago
People like Lindiwe Sisule and Zuma have this sense of entitlement to governance like the ZANU ****s of Zimbabwe. Everything about them is about Exiles vs Local activists, based on the belief that only them, the Exiles fought in the struggle. This is the basis of their fight against Ramaphosa who never left the country. We can't be held at ransom in this region by this Liberation nonsense. These people must transition from that era of Liberation Politics to modern Democratic politics where a party is in power today, next elections it goes into opposition and vice versa all the time. That's how normal Democracies work, like in the US and the UK.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
She is the disaster.Shallow.Looter.She is not sympathetic of the jobless and the poor.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Thats what looter say.To protect their bounty
Anonymous · 9 months ago
She talks like that from the omfort of a looter's sofa in a looter's house in Sandton while the poor live in shacks.
bb · 9 months ago
I think pple have a problem here,if da is the second then they must join with an the general mass will speak in the next election. as u c an is going down while the total opposition is growing why. now 60% is against anc uuuh watch out
Mnangagwa · 9 months ago
hey kune uyo inga kunjamba maperiods zvri normal wani 😂😂🙌
Mhofu · 9 months ago
Coalition with a major opposition would bring a competitive gvt and all state funds are accounted for. saka nyaya yekuti one party haina production for the masses zvepafeya. being opposition doesnt mean tirenge kushanda pamwe chete to better lives dzevana venyika once leaders dzikava negakava after elections it means a bunch of greedy people were competing
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
the problem is that Lindiwe and team are afraid of their scandals that they did during their ruling, and why do people say DA is a whites' party when they have blacks within the party... do you forget that Moyimane came from DA.... what you are afraid of is a long gone history that happened when people were illiterate, now you can't oppress me when in court we have black judges, you can't oppress me when l now know my rights... soo this excuse of saying DA is racist is a none existing thing.... you can't rule out the coalition with DA since they are the second majority in party, this can tiger a huge turmoil and bewat
coni · 9 months ago
huure guru chhipfambi che zanu pf I hate you with passion you're demon possessed you don't have any meaningful thing to do with your life go find a life and stop disturbing the peace here with you're outdated outfashioned opinions apana anokuda pano faki you
ndatshi mkize · 9 months ago
what happened to the rainbow nation mantra. ..it was prophecy for the ANC/DA Coalition 😆😆😆😆and now dem bloodthirsty zulus are sabre rattling.
Account Holder · 9 months ago
Phone yaurikushandisa kunyora pano pa Pindula yakatobva kuvachena vamunotuka kudaro....munhu mutema haana chaanogona kunze kwekuroya kunyanya machembere ezanu
Wastak · 9 months ago
Dambudziko nderekuti DA ine vanhu vane Ganda Jena sei ikozvino vakuwona kuipa kwayo makore mangani ichikwikwidzana ne ANC kubva kare ndiyo inotevera ANC pakuhwina muma election emu south africa ngavava bvise varungu ivavo nhasi vakazara mu south africa uwone kuti inodii zimbabwe inotozova Nani tisafurirane panyaya dzekutungamirira hupfumi hwenyika vanhu vatema takahutadza tofunga homwe dzedu chete murungu anoba hake zvine huchenjeri kuda kana kusada ANC ichangoita coalition ne DA vanhu zvekuti hondo zvikazoti havasisina basa nazvo varikuda hunhu anoita kuti economy ifambe tarisa uwone kwainotonga DA yacho ma south african anototizira ikoko eve joburg, Durban iriko kwacho kune ANC kwainoti ndokwatakasimbira ndinzvimbo dzakasara
Viva ANC + DA · 9 months ago
vice president from DA kkk it's inevitable. look at Britain today yotongwa navatorwa. these so called war vets have destroyed lifes of countless Africans all in the name of black rule
😡😡 · 9 months ago
That's backward thinking being exhibited by this lady ,still reminiscing about yesteryear folklores which are now found in history books ,the New World Order is now different from the old world she grew up facing , apartheid will never return to SA , the DA party is now of mixed races and even the ANC has mixed races ,whites included, so this lady is now fearing the unknown and perhaps some skeletons in their cabinets , which are going to be exposed . After all they are all South Africans and that mentality of thinking that because we went to war against the Boers is retrogressive. People fought the 2nd world war against Hitler and his Nazis and no longer you hear anyone chestbeating priding himself about this feat ,so this lady should move wit the times and let the ANC embrace whoever it seems fit to form an alliance with for the progress of South Africa and it's people.
Dzikolati · 9 months ago
A good boer is a dead boer. Just look at what the boers did to the Red Indians in America.
nherera · 9 months ago
you can say it again A dead boer is adead boer Even God hates them
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Kana musingadi DA tangai madzinga tuma China twakazara muno.
Lungisani · 9 months ago
The greatest **** under the sun is that person calling himself chibaby chezanu.go to hell.
Madzibaba Ishmael · 9 months ago
chimukadzi chiripo zvacho icho ndatot.unda ini aah
@paraffin mutsetè we dhodhî rekambwa nechi 7 days remix · 9 months ago
Go hang iwe dutyé nyarara zvako ne jendé rako 1 iroro
Hesi Zuze · 9 months ago
DickboY HURU · 9 months ago
I'd rather support Murungu than to associate with that Chamisa boy he's an nincompoóp
ANC · 9 months ago
DA leader is a known sodómist we don't want him
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
we ,iwewe nani,pipo voted for him including blavks,hunhu hwevarikumusoro hwatuma vanhu kuvhotera mubhunu
Gweshegweshe · 9 months ago
Power sharing is never ideal but if push comes to shove, ANC should join hands with like terms. Whites must be sidelined
Solomon · 9 months ago
Fountain of wisdom?? kkkkkk don't make me laugh whoever you are...You are delusional if you think that **** girl who calls herself Chi baby whatever is wise...you need serious brain surgery.kkmmm
· 9 months ago
She is a He
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Ndiri. Huure Guru
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
risina matinji
You're out of facts · 9 months ago
The real Chi baby Che Zanu is a fountain of wisdom
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
ndiri **** guru
You're fake · 9 months ago
The real character is intelligent
Kkkkk · 9 months ago
And You...using pindula makes you original??... you are also a fake...pinda pa App tipedzerane
@kkkk · 9 months ago
You are only displaying how shallow minded you are
. · 9 months ago
is that an excuse for not having App data?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Ndiri benzi...handina kukwana...mungandi dii?
You're fake · 9 months ago
Her signature is unique
@kuriNYO · 9 months ago
heroe worshiping ndoinokutadzisai kuita zvine maturo.saka kukumbira ma sanctions handi hu**** here?
Kirinyodo · 9 months ago
Ko Zvizwai akatovigwa here @Chi baby Che Zamu kķkkk
...,. · 9 months ago
the best for south Africa and Africa as a whole is a coalition of anc and the da. such a coalition will be good for the rebuilding of south Africa and it will be south African citizens who will benefit more than the leaders or individuals.
nherera · 9 months ago
No no and no withDA Dead Afrikaans pasi ne DA
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Afrikaans guys are purely racist. Ndiwo anonyatsonzi mabhunu. Vaya vanokutii kafr
nherera · 9 months ago
like in Mexico DA leader must be asssinated as soon as yesterday
nherera · 9 months ago
l disagree with any one who say no with racism when it's us blacks DA should never be given any chance actually DA votes should be nullified pasi nevarungu If you want to see how these whites hatea black man go to Holland Russia South Korea North Korea China these people no matter what hate us Saka tit for tat Zuma must kill DA leader
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
If you've been to Capetown you'll understand that any alignment with DA is dangerous. Those guys have supremacist tendencies. Follow Hellaine Z on X and discover how much she makes fun of Africans who think that whitemen can represent their interests
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
hahaha I stay in Capetown ,Vredenburg hakuna zvakadero .. it's now more than 17 yrs living with these Boers ..
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
@Tripple D you can defend them but why did Malema come up with KILL THE BOER? If you remember the year and events... Also follow Hellaine Z mu Afrikaans akuv**** njere
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 9 months ago
ko chimbopindura Triple D ati ari SA and arikuti zvaurikutaura hazviko ko iwe urikutaura zveku SA urikupi coz kana urimuno ndokurotomoka sezvaunogaro ita pano netupropaganda twako
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
I work with Boers they love blacks especially maZimba . the prblm with media politics ka it gives wrong information . The prblm with South African vari very lazy havadi kushanda vanongoda kunakirwa chete ndopavanonetsana nema boers, Usanyebere vanhu ukapinda mavari I tell u vanokuitira zvakawandisa ,
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
taura hako @Triple D ini ndaka vashandira vanhu ivavo as a builder, they love blacks and they pay more than black South African
Kalulu · 9 months ago
You are exposing your ignorance on the essence of a general election. Every citizen of any country has a right to vote and to be voted into parliament/government without any other considerations.
aya · 9 months ago
my questions are 1. how many parties are allowed to form the coalition gvt? 2. since ANC has 40% ,do they need at to add least 11% from the other parties/party to say they have formed a new govt. Or it doesn't matter the total percentage,so long as it's another party joining them? From what the lady from ANC has just said I gather that it's not mandatory for the second best party to be part of the new govt. So in my on opinion I say ANC should join eef maybe ,and another smaller party.I strongly believe Zuma is not set out to unify South Africans and this means MK should be avoided at all cost. Joining with DA on the other hand ,would not sit down well with ANC supporters .SA people are kind of violent at times ,and I feel that could trigger violence.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
The long and the short of it is that south Africans deserve change that doesn't come from an apartheid regime. DA is another botha movement. SADC should advise ANC accordingly.
Kirinyodo · 9 months ago
Musoro wambuya vako Chi baby Che Zamu
aya · 9 months ago
my questions are 1. how many parties are allowed to form the coalition gvt? 2. since ANC has 40% ,do they need at to add least 11% from the other parties/party to say they have formed a new govt. Or it doesn't matter the total percentage,so long as it's another party joining them? From what the lady from ANC has just said I gather that it's not mandatory for the second best party to be part of the new govt. So in my on opinion I say ANC should join eef maybe ,and another smaller party.I strongly believe Zuma is not set out to unify South Africans and this means MK should be avoided at all cost. Joining with DA on the other would not sit down well with ANC supporters .SA people are kind of violent at times ,and I feel that could trigger it.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Unofunga kupfuura vazhinji varipano
Zid · 9 months ago
Who is being racist here DA or any other party wants to prove to it's voters what it's worth unlike these racist remarks by this lady Mandela said let's build SA together as citizens of SA not black or white
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
South African independence came through fighting racists like those in DA.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
What independence? Indipence from what? Mzansi was fighting for Democracy and majority rule, not Independence. SA was no longer under any Colonial power. So what independence are you talking about?
· 9 months ago
Dear Lindiwe, Where were you since 1994? You start complaining now about MK war veterans desires now that ANC has failed to garner a working majority in Parliament! Why didn't you say so in 1994 whe you romped to victory? I beg to differ with you and all your revolutionary comrades and revolutionary parties. You fought for democracy and not to rule.  ANC was given 30 years to get things right.  IT FAILED. Now the people have spoken.  They want a new opportunity- that DA has become the second most popular party, means people are disillusioned with the ANC. It means the DA is doing or saying something right. That DA has garnered 22% of the vote means that there are a lot of blacks who have voted for it. After all South Africa has 7 million whites, half of which are voting age,  Assuming that the 3.5 million whites all voted for the DA,  a significant number of blacks did vote for DA. You assertion that DA is a whites only party is hogwash. Only a bitter loser says that. After all democracy is all about freedom of association. Shape up or ship out. I personally cannot wait for the next elections in South Africa- maybe the DA will form a governing majority.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Your obsession with whites is appalling. SADC must do away with whites.
Back · 9 months ago
Uyo anonzi chi baby he or she were is he from, iri itori bonga thinking zanu control everything, leave south Africa alone concrete with your zanu who hired you for cheap propaganda that doesn't work unongorotomoka did you finish promoting your sg tshabhangu from zanu, SA there is law and the government listen to there citizens not Zimbabwe mbava hanzi chi baby go back to your country , unoshoresa Zimbabwe hautombo ziva zvauri
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
ANC will grow stronger. DA will naturally fade away. Ignore the protest votes
Tambaoga · 9 months ago
ndosaka vakaligalaiza chi****.They were influenced by thoz whites.
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
ANC yakatotadza kuita grow stronger kwacho,remember DA yakavhoterwa nevatema futi ,the pipo have spoken,munoti ndemenyu muno mamunoriga masikati machena motinyararidza nemota dzehondo here
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
@🦀🦀 a protest vote doesn't necessarily mean that the masses are in love with the alternative. They are just not happy with ANCs internal politics. Once that is sorted, DA will be sent to the dogs
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Chi baby Che Zanu uri puppet yeZANU
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
@anonymous suit yourself
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Uri kishandiswa
coni · 9 months ago
I think if anc beds da it would be better considering the power whites have in advocating for better lives da ndiyo inoita sisulu is just a broken meaningless record that needs to be shut
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Ndimi munotengesa nyika munofunga nzara yanhasi chete
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
vanhu varikutya kuti mrungu akapinda achagadzirisa nyika ,then ma next elections wotora chimuti,pamberi neDA ,inga tirikungogara navo wani varungu vacho tichidya navo ndiro imwe,maChina asiyana nevarungu here,svikai 1 place irikumainwa nemaChina muone,maroads avarikushandisa aparara and they do not repair,mazikomba avarikuchera varikusiya zvakadaro ,saka kana munhu adiwa nevanhu regai akwane pamamonya ipapo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
I'm sure SADC leaders will advise Ramaphosa accordingly
coni · 9 months ago
shame on you ungade kutaura nechipfambi che zanu chinonhuwà wiwi sorry kwazvo
Tman · 9 months ago
Pamberi Ne D.A coz nyika yakupinda kumawere kana yakaisa MK ne EFF
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
DA is not the answer. ANC, EFF and any other party will maje south Africa great again. I would like to term it a regrouped ANC
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
DA inosara cy uyo iriyo irikuteera ANC,irikutokwana pamamonya ipapo,viva DA
sad emoji1
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
ANC must just choose partners. The order of winning percentages doesn't matter
Chimukela · 9 months ago
Sisulu is 💯 % correct
mucherahowa rambanepasi · 9 months ago
No to racism
Zanu Supporter · 9 months ago
@ Chi baby che zanu...hie urisei...huya titaure pa app.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 9 months ago
I think DA is the way to resuscitate the ailing economy even the whole of southern Africa plus futi they stand for foreigners to acquire Visa since it's the largest source of their employment and that's a good thing fo a nation that has natives not willing to work
Bitter Sisulu · 9 months ago
Sisulu's remarks are based on her fear of the opposition. She is afraid DA would take up strategic positions in gvt. so what? she is afraid a competitive party which is still eager to prove its worth to the people will invest its energies in nation building as opposed to stashing rands into mattresses. SA cannot deny the reality that DA is the next loved party 2nd from ANC. if ANC keeps on sliding DA rises to the top. when you see a ruling party complain about the body handlinv elections then u know all is not well for them. SA Zanu Pf your days are numbered, thats to say ANC, MK, EFF.
mugurameno · 9 months ago
Obama akadiwa wani USA
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
America haina muridzi. Vatoriwo vanhu vakarumurwa from Britain
Anonymous · 9 months ago
What do you mean kuti America haina muridzi? There are many native tribes ku America, who were there before varungu, just like Australia, New Zealand
mugurameno · 9 months ago
SA itai zvakakunakirai isi tingorimo wani muZim .nyika ndeya mwari ndovanotendera kuti zviitike uye kuti zvaitikirei kutori ne vatema varkutoidawo DA yacho iyoyo
it's a taboo to say this in zim · 9 months ago
The president of the ANC cannot enter a coalition with any party without the NEC’s approval. He is president of the country because of the ANC voters. He will not throw those votes away.
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 9 months ago
dzokororai kna zvashupa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
What's your frank opinion on a coalition with DA?
ChiBishu cheZanu · 9 months ago
Iwe **** reZanu tinyarewo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Anything but DA is a plausible partner in crime. We cannot have racists running a government in southern Africa. Pasi nemabhunu. I remember Julius Malema during his days he'd say KILL THE BOER before changing to KISS THE BOER
,,,dott · 9 months ago
kuita coalition ne DA its a totaly a wrong move munenge madzosera nyika varungu
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
I hope Ramaphosa will Act reasonably.The revolutionary is greater than individuals
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 9 months ago
ok nemhiri yalimpopo vanokuzivai futi nhai? urikuti "we" iwe nani? SA yasiyana nedrama dzamunotiitira muno uko kuno rohwa mbiti ichidzokera mumvura
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Zanu pf and ANC go a long way. Solidarity isn't a bad idea
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Lier, know your facts....ANC and Zanu were never friends. ANC and Zapu worked together while Zanu cooperated with PAC.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Nonsense. ZANU go a long way with their fellow rebels from the Mother parties, the PAC. The ANC and MK go a long way with ZAPU and ZIPRA, as both the Mother parties of South Africa and Rhodesia, respectively. Don't get fooled by politicians over the current ANC ZANU marriage of convenience. ASK me, I know this from experience. ZANU hated the ANC and accused both with ZAPU of forging a tribal relationship. That is part of the reasons Mugabe refused the ANC permission to set up military bases in Zim in 1980, after selling us out to the Boers. .
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Ma Zimbabweans hamunyare here? Munokwana papi panhaka yemutorwa. Leave South Africans to run their affairs and concentrate on fixing your broken Zimbabwe. If you were as smart as you pretend to be our country wouldn't be in the mess it is in. Stop meddling in other people's affairs.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
That's the best opposition mk& eff are anc extensions. It's members were not given better tenders and complained then chucked out of anc. They are greedy.

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