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Ramaphosa Accepts Election Results, Says They Reflect The Will Of South Africans

9 months agoMon, 03 Jun 2024 08:18:48 GMT
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Ramaphosa Accepts Election Results, Says They Reflect The Will Of South Africans

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday said that the final announcement of the 2024 National and Provincial election results represented “a victory for our democracy, for our constitutional order and for all the people of South Africa.”

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) announced the results on Sunday evening despite threats of violence made by former president Jacob Zuma on Saturday night.

Zuma, who now leads the Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, on Saturday night threatened violence should the IEC “rush” to declare the results on Sunday amid 500 objections.

In his address at the IEC Results Operation Centre, at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Johannesburg, yesterday, Ramaphosa said political parties should respect the wishes of the people who participated in the election. 

Ramaphosa praised the IEC for conducting what he described as a successful election that has been free, fair and peaceful. He said:

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The Independent Electoral Commission has, despite many challenges, once more acquitted itself with excellence, professionalism and integrity.

Millions of South Africans have cast their votes in cities and towns, in villages and on farms, at voting stations at home and abroad…

South Africans have demonstrated that they want to be part of making this country a better place.

South Africans have shown how important their vote is and that they know that their vote counts.

By going to vote, the people of South Africa have taken responsibility not only for the future of themselves and their families, but for the future of their country.

Through their votes they have demonstrated, clearly and plainly, that our democracy is strong, it is robust and it endures.

They have given effect to the clarion call that has resonated across the generations, that the people shall govern…

As the leaders of political parties, as all those who occupy positions of responsibility in society, we have heard the voices of our people and we must respect their wishes.

Ramaphosa added:

And now, we are all called upon to recognise that the results of the election reflect the will of the people.

What this election has made plain is that the people of South Africa expect their leaders to work together to meet their needs.

They expect the parties for which they have voted to find common ground, to overcome their differences, to act and work together for the good of everyone.

Our people expect all parties to work together within the framework of our constitution and address whatever challenges we encounter peacefully and in accordance with the prescripts of our constitution and the rule of law.

The governing ANC won considerably fewer than half the seats in South Africa’s National Assembly.

It won 159 of 400 seats, the country’s electoral commission said. In the previous parliament, it had 230 seats.

The DA increased from 84 to 87, while the newly-formed MK Party won 58 seats. Julius Malema’s EFF lost five seats, from 44 to 39.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 9 months ago
All were free but biased minority parties never accept. It is the DNA of a certain ethnic group in Zim. They can't count but dream. Let's pray for them.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Please take note that Zimbabwe has never conducted free and fair elections since 1980...
kumbu matuzex · 9 months ago
DA,MK and EFF should form a coalition and chose a new leader for the rainbow nation,Ramaphosa should just retire to his farm where he stashed his loot,but should later be brought to the court of law and face his crimes
Only the Truth · 9 months ago
wese mu South African wechitema akaisa vote ku DA party calling him human waste is pejorative to sewage.
secret · 9 months ago
congratulation Mr Ramaposa wishing u a prosperous better leading for more yez
kwako unobvuma · 9 months ago
kwevamwe unoramba
Wa Gutu · 9 months ago
Big 5 to Ramaphosa for respecting the voice of SA citizens. People have spoken. l would also want to commend on electoral commission for the job well done in a pieceful manner which is to the advantage of SA and the rest of the foreigners at large. That alone serves as the reason why you're one of the best economiccally performing nation in Africa. All the best Mzanzi 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
Tina · 9 months ago
There is a possibility that ANC was rigged. I don't know why Ramaphosa was quick to accept the results
Me · 9 months ago
You are clueless, that's why you don't know how and why Ramaphosa accepted those results.
Wa Gutu · 9 months ago
Dzimwe ndosaka dzichienda mberi. Ma elections apera vakutoronga way forward. In Zimbabwe, ma elections acho haashaikwe zvipomerwa, ma by elections anoitwa every year, mari yaakuenda ikoko panguva yatirikuchema nzara. Zvenyika yedu zvinokunda ngoma kurira.
👀 · 9 months ago
yes the voice of the people is the will of the majority Ramaphosa is very correct as the election was free and fair just like what happened in Zimbabwe last year.muno zvikanetsa inotongwa nemasoja.
ZiG · 9 months ago
In Zimbabwe a re run was to be conducted,wasting state funds.A lot of violence was going to happen.
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
They may take zanupf and ccc to form the coalition gvt it works
Me · 9 months ago
Yes that might work
Chicken 🐔 · 9 months ago
Low turnout in election is 5je general trend worldwide. This could be an indication for the need of new innovative means of installing governments. The ballot box seems to be loosing it's value. ANC has the highest negotiation powers so it can determine who to or not merge with to form a coalition.
coni · 9 months ago
ko ma results akadaidzirwa na Priscilla chigumba reflect the will of who zanupf here ed na chiwenga hre IAM failing to understand
Jinn · 9 months ago
Those were declared not free and fair unlike in SA
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
good. kwete zvanaChamisa zvekuti kana adyiwa oti hasiriwo maresults.
Me · 9 months ago
Congratulations wishing you the best on your next move

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