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Zuma Warns There Will Be "Trouble" In South Africa If IEC Declares Election Results

9 months agoSun, 02 Jun 2024 13:30:40 GMT
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Zuma Warns There Will Be "Trouble" In South Africa If IEC Declares Election Results

Former South African president Jacob Zuma has demanded that the official results of the 2024 general elections should not be declared on Sunday.

Addressing a press conference on Saturday night, Zuma warned that any declaration of the election outcome by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) would be tantamount to “provoking” his new uMkontho weSizwe Party.

The MK Party and at least 20 other opposition parties said they had lodged objections with the IEC over what they claim is vote rigging.

As reported by News24.com, the MK Party also called for a recount and a commission of inquiry into the elections and threatened to take legal action against the IEC.

During a late-night media briefing at the National Results Operation Centre (ROC) in Gallagher Estate, Midrand yesterday, Zuma said the complaints brought to the IEC were “very, very serious”. He said:

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There is a tendency in this country to ignore serious matters. Some people get arrested, even if they’ve done nothing, but some people commit serious crimes. Nothing happened to them.

Zuma insisted that the problems should be addressed and that the results announcement should not be “rushed”. He said:

We have a bigger right than anybody else to demand that, it is us who are citizens. Institutions can’t then say, ‘we can’t listen to you and let us rush rush’, because that is provoking people, in reality.

What do you think if the institution that was supposed to deal with everything deprives you of that possibility?

When people stand up and do something, somebody is going to say these people are wild; they must be shot and arrested.

I fully agree with my colleagues who say nobody must force us to say these are the results when the results are incorrect.

If they say so, I think the institution must satisfy us that they did look into the issues.

We are going to need the time. Nobody must declare tomorrow. If that happens, people will be provoked, we know what we are talking about.

I am hoping whoever is responsible is hearing us. Don’t start trouble when there is no trouble.

Adriaan Basson, the News24 editor-in-chief, castigated Zuma for threatening the electoral commission of South Africa. He wrote:

Zuma couldn’t capture the IEC during his nine years as president, but he is now trying to do so as leader of the MK Party.

His threats tonight against the IEC not to declare the election tomorrow before the election has been rerun is a blatant attempt at capturing and undermining and institution of democracy.

Zuma has no business threatening the IEC or threatening violence if the results are declared. Like any political party, he can lodge his complaints and they will be dealt with by the IEC.

By saying the MKP should have received 66% of the vote, Zuma is reminiscent of tinpot dictators who attempt to rig elections after they lose the popular vote.

The IEC should stand firm against Zuma’s populist attacks and proceed to declare the election results if they believe all material complaints have been dealt with.

News24’s columnist and UJ’s Professor Mcebisi Ndletyana said Zuma should go to court if he is not satisfied instead of threatening the IEC. He said:

The IEC is empowered to declare the election results if irregularities have no material impact on the results. Whoever disagrees with that announcement must then go to court.

What the MK is doing there is typical of parties around this time, during elections. They try to increase their numbers through intimidation.

In the last election, we had Mzwanele Manyi and the EFF making all manner of threats, but nothing came of them.

The IEC must go ahead and declare the elections if they’re satisfied that they’ve complied with their regulations.

Then, we’ll leave it to law enforcement to deal with the mob. This may well be the right time to affirm that we’re a democratic state based on the rule of law, not subjects in some fiefdom under a strong man.

More: Pindula News



Me · 9 months ago
Says a coward
Jinn · 9 months ago
He is a sore loser
Dhadza · 9 months ago
Zuma is a blood monger.Stupid party leader who doesn't think.Corrupt leader.
The Griot · 9 months ago
I take a day off commenting and this is what I come back to???...Some virgin simp proposing love to a faceless stranger on the comment section 😂😂😂...He must have come out of the imposter factory a little wonky because he still cannot do the catchphrase right 😂😂😂..My advice to you cretin of questionable character just use your actual name if you wanna propose love on a free platform since you are too much of a coward to ask out a real woman... Happy Monday people... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
🇿🇼 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 · 9 months ago
What else can a spent force say? Iye anodei because he had his time. Nguva yeku retire yakakwana kare. He must let young ramaphosa lead the nation. The idea of destroying the revolutionary party is childish.
Ndlozi · 9 months ago
Now that they've been announced, what shall he do?
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
l know they be peace coz none of them is denyning coalition,
g40 · 9 months ago
MK+ DA+ EFF = MAJORITY. an out!
woof · 9 months ago
rega vamamisane votiza vachiuy a kuno,nesu tinawo mataya ekuvagotsha.....
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
va Zuma vangu zvashaya basa ANC yahwinha ,the results have been anounced,
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
ANC yahwinha kupi ikoko, yaita how many percent
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
40% but ndiyo yatora ma seats akawanda
Tina · 9 months ago
@The Girot kkk kkkkk go to hell and hang.
Tte Griot · 9 months ago
Your laughter i believe is that I'm making progress to declare my undying love Thats the bottom line because The Griot says so
DA · 9 months ago
DA why are you quiet
baba jukwa · 9 months ago
abantu bathi bafuna uZuma aphathe,
woof · 9 months ago
the corrupt Zuma is hungry for power a nd revenge..
👀 · 9 months ago
uyu munhu uyu his tenure was marred with controversies of corruption and he stepped down bcoz of that but now he's trying to sound like a good guy yet we all know that he's a leopard in sheep's clothing pasi nemhanduu!!!
Anonymous · 9 months ago
He is damm broke SA Innocent Chikoore.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 9 months ago
Ma elections results, don't have to stretch more than 24hrs as they may be susceptible to manipulation and be deemed rigged, all that data collected from a various centres in this age of AI honestly it's just a touch of a tweet to spread world wide, so this business of day before declaration is simply chaotic
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
Zuma izundu chairo,ane pfungwa dzakapunira mudenga semubato wechibhorani,mhirizhonga ndeyei kana munhu adyiwa adyiwazve.Ko magadziko angade kuzorwa ponzi here? Adyiwa adyiwa zvaiva zvakare zviya zvekunyaradza akatunidza vana.Mukore uno tinongokubaya jekiseni remombe kana ukakamhina zvine zvava zvako izvo.Ngavatipe zvakabuda musarudzo,Kuipa kana kusaipa zvinei nesu isu vekwasadza, Zuma ngaazive kuti kufunga kwake handidzo pfungwa dzeSA yose kukura musoro kwaZuma hazvirevi kuti dzoro iroro rakatakura pfungwa dzavanhu vose
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Just like Donanl Trump inciting violence when he lost in 2020, they cry foul🫣🫣 look at all the illegal things Zuma was involved with Guptas???
👀 · 9 months ago
Unoti vanhu Vane basa here nekuti Guptas chii ne chii people jus love being led by real leadership not belly leadership, they want leaders who make headlines and in this age tresetting trendsetting is huge
Zimbos · 9 months ago
vaZuma hamusi kana pedyo neANC, chero kukaitwa recount hapana hapana.
sekuru muyananisi · 9 months ago
Soko guru heri chinokonzera vanhu vakura kungon zvisina tsarukano havasisina peace of mind Unongonzwa ash!! nhongi afar ehee Asi mari ainayo dzimba ma properties hobho hobho ne vana nema girlfriends nema boyfriends Aso peace of mind iri ku shaiwa, munhu angave Read 1 Jn 1;8 Wapedzezvezvo 1Jn 1;9 ukanzwisisa chapter iyo anoda uri mutsvene unoenda ku paradise womirira judgement here peacefuly'Kwete kufa uinezvigumbu nekuda kwe Politics.ukaf unoenda ku Hardes kwaunorwadziwa Ducati wapihwa judgement.MUSATAMBUDZWA Ne Politics Dzinevene vadzo idzi.usati Zika Zika kumira mu Line reku Bank Iwè using kana cent eubank kwacho.usazvinetsa ne politics kubva nhasi anoda ne stress nenyaya ndinei newe.byeee
Tina · 9 months ago
Losers always cry foul after elections, zuva must accept results and start preparing for the next General elections,
The Griot · 9 months ago
I will cry for you because of my unrequited love 💕 I do not need to pontificate on the nature of my love and high regard for you you are a sweet scent drifting from a flower 🌹 in bloom.My Tina my love That's the bottom line because The Griot says so .
Chikwerekweshe · 9 months ago
Zuma unemweya wezanu.Ramaphosa wakazvigokera munyama pakudyidzana nababa vesikavha ava.supposed to be cleansed ne**** yegudo yakavhenganiswa nematoto ekirimba nemukaka wetsiri richangobereka.
Führer · 9 months ago
Pindai mumugwagwa kana zvanetsa kuno makwara totsatisa . Munorota muno hazviitike todashura tsikidzi
Antman · 9 months ago
I'm seeing them taking the streets after results announcements. Some celebrating song crying foul
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Kana zvanetsa pindai mumugwagwa muratidzire isu kuno ku Zimbabwe tiri magwara tinotya pfuti.
Antman · 9 months ago
South African demonstrations are so organized. They will be toyi toying singing in harmony and after the same goal. The moment police tries to displace scores thsts whem they wreak havoc, looting, destruction and all sorts of evil and unhead of staff. Some even stsrt to hunt police officers in their homes so as to set scores even. 🎶 Liyabe saba na hayi asibesabi siyabafuna 🎶
ANC.... cont. · 9 months ago
MK on its own has a degenerative index, it's bound to evolve, many freedom fighters much of whom where never in good relationship since the inkatha freedom party and all those so, that just a terrible move by MK s to disband from revolutionary of ANC
Famba Zuma Famba! · 9 months ago
Kangene ubaba!!
mugurameno · 9 months ago
ma elections handimanzwisise vanhu vanomada asi havade kutambira zvinenge zvabuda mayari. tikangoziva kuti pfungwa dzako neshungu dzako hadzimiririre munhu wese.
Time · 9 months ago
Is it true that Zuma has no business now kkkkkkkkk
access · 9 months ago
Ma shareholders in various companies Havana ravanorynnee directly Ava
Cde · 9 months ago
Dira jecha Musholozi JZ
Antman · 9 months ago
In case of violence eruption I fear for Foreigners. So in SA its allowed to incite public violence. In Zimbabwe such statements can get you behind bars for 500+ days
laugh emoji2
Achimwene. niasisi · 9 months ago
chawona dzako chapita mawa chili kwaiwe.
Citizen teacher · 9 months ago
Zuma you're crying foul go on form the coalition with others
Antman · 9 months ago
Tha one with almost majority should be the one formo5a coalition
Antman · 9 months ago
So MK party thinks it got more chunk than other parties. EFF is just quiet or its cause Im not checking social media. ANC coalition with EFF or any insignificant parties them MK and DA will have better luck next time
Mr · 9 months ago
kkkk you don't have full facts, tinyararire ukoo!

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