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Mudenda Revokes Appointment Of Chamisa-aligned MPs To Parliament Committees

9 months agoWed, 29 May 2024 15:24:29 GMT
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Mudenda Revokes Appointment Of Chamisa-aligned MPs To Parliament Committees

A faction of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Jameson Timba suffered a major setback in Parliament on Tuesday after the Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda revoked its appointment of portfolio point persons made in February.

ZimLive reported that Timba, who claims to be the CCC Chief Administrator, wrote to Mudenda naming Chipinge South MP Clifford Hlatwayo as CCC’s leader of the house with Nomathemba Ndlovu, the proportional representation MP for Matabeleland South, as the Chief Whip.

On Tuesday, Mudenda told MPs he made a mistake by acting on Timba’s letter. He then invited a rival faction led by Welshman Ncube and Sengezo Tshabangu to submit its list of leaders in parliament. He said:

On Thursday, February 15, 2024, I made an announcement in the House on the appointment of several members of the CCC party to various portfolios in parliament.

The announcement was based on a letter authored by one Mr Jameson Timba, purporting to be the interim leader of the CCC party.

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On reflection, I should not have acted upon that letter as facts now thereof before me show that Jameson Timba had no locus standi to represent a party in such a manner as I will outline below.

Jameson Timba was recalled from the Senate by the CCC party on November 7, 2023, the party which he purported to represent as the acting leader and administrator.

Jameson Timba challenged the recall in the High Court under case number HCH 6684/23 with other former members of the CCC party and lost the court case.

He was also among the former members of the CCC party whom the High Court barred on December 9, 2023, from contesting the February 3, 2024, by-elections under the CCC party following Sengezo Tshabangu’s application to block them from participating in the polls under the CCC banner.

Considering that Jameson Timba had been recalled by the same CCC party he was purporting to represent and that he was also banned by the courts from contesting under the banner of the same CCC party, his communication to parliament and the appointments made thereafter, are therefore null and void.

Accordingly, I am rescinding the announcement on February 15, 2024, and referring the matter back to the CCC party to make the appropriate appointments.

The other CCC MPs who were assigned to various committees were Hamauswa Shakespear (Deputy Chief Whip); Chalton Hwende (Public Accounts); Joanah Mamombe (Environment & Climate); Lesley Mhangwa (Energy & Power Development); Daniel Molokele (Health and Child Care); Caston Matewu (Information); Minenhle Gumede (Higher Education) and Surrender Kapoikulu (ICT).

Timba reportedly leads a CCC faction loyal to the party’s former leader, Nelson Chamisa who quit the party in January claiming infiltration.

The other faction, which is recognised by the State, was formerly led by Tshabangu, who has recognised Welshman Ncube as the new CCC leader.

Ncube will likely secure government recognition as the Leader of the Opposition, an official title that would come with perks, and also receive CCC’s share of funds from the State under the Political Parties (Finance) Act.

More: Pindula News



Fugu pwee · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe is not free under zanu, zanu now doing things by force to be in power that's why Mugabe fired Ed he knew it
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Zvirema zvese zve Zanu zviri pa pension ko ma short sleeve nema long sleeve arpoo here. Apa makaavhara maparties acho. Ini ndine zizo rakatarira side nezidzvimbo randaka zhazhamudzwa nemu youth we Zanu ndati pasi ne Zanu ndichiti tichatonga, manje soo kkkkkk
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Thank you Advocate Mudenda
hunter · 9 months ago
kwamuri data riri kutengeka here usinga econet ..
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
can u repeat
Yoyoyo · 9 months ago
😁😁 hauna kana kana cent
mkoma · 9 months ago
do we have parliament in Zimbabwe, that one iri ku Mt Hampden 8s a zanu pf corcus room
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
was justing watching the score board now .Syril Ramaphosa is leading and now has 12%,DA ichiteera ,malema on third place,the ballot papers were never transferred ,mavotes arikuverengwa munhu wese achiona and paine representative ye every candidate,l wish vaiitawo izvozvo muno mu zim
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Well done vaMudenda. Just recognize what's right. Do away with the worst
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Famba famba famba comrade, CCC hatichadi kunzwa nezvayo vakatimanyisa nemumunda makarimwa
Anonymous · 9 months ago
CCC kashiri kasisi yooo hamusati matongwa guys, Sikala anoda kubatwa futi wave kupenga nemanyepo haaa idhoti chairo. Anoda kutonga nyika hamamire nyike yake, pamberi neZanu pf kusvika Jesu adzoka, tambai ngoma mai Welly, tsepete tsepete pana Zanu Pf famba famba famba famba comrade
Asalif · 9 months ago
CCC ichiriko here ??
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Pari zvino rave bato reZanu PF. Hapana kukosha kune ani zvake. Zita harina maturo zvakare. Kungofanana nehutungamiriri.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Aiwa ndezvekwenyu mutauri, hana nani
Mr Otilia · 9 months ago
aiwa COVID 19 yakapera kudhara mati manzwei mabagwe ma**** kukanga nyimo zuva rakacheka nyika?unokuvara zve nekuda kubata zvekuronzerwa mukore uno idi ngatisadaro vanhu veZimbabwe.
@bhobhojani · 9 months ago
Haa dzakarembera shuwa
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
@pindula Handina njere dzakarembera kuti ngurerezeze sechirebvu chechibage.Ini zvekutatapurana nevanhu handidi hazvisi mutsinga dzangu asi kana wondichera sembeva ndinomisa angu meno ,handina wandakatuka pano asi ukada kuzviratidza kuti Uri chimbedeya mbovha dzebenzi ndinosvika newe kwese kwaunoda .Kana ndakutuka ruregerero asi pane wangu muswe usatambira nokuti kana ndouya ndinonanaira seutata
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
@ Anonymous waitaura idi hama yangu Vkuru vaiti usakwenya s hu re neruoko rwaunodya narwo nokuti mumugwagwa uchasangana neane bagwe ukapedzisira wodya ndove yako.Mataura zvine hudzamu mukuru ino yavanguva yekuzvideredza wotevera zvakatarwa kwete kuita chinharo ndini chegurwe kudambura makumbo anoritakura
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
CCC yakaparara nekuda kwehumbimbindoga
dd · 9 months ago
dd · 9 months ago
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Kkkk ccc should simply swallow pride unite all factions, its always circus, chamisa was all bombastic praising iec of SA come election day there are logistic problems on ballot paper deliveries, too much lack of strategy, sikhandela was telling kenyans that he will be arrested for what he said in geneva, question is you aspire to be national leader but you deliberately break laws, its not about good or bad laws but anyone who want to lead a nation must show maturity from family level to national level
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Its always a circus because the leaders are bought just before elections and run away after, or rejoin.
border gezi green bomber · 9 months ago
it's now clear that even the blind can see
zanu · 9 months ago
taura hako
#free🇿🇼 · 9 months ago
The problem of the manipulated elections that produced a government without a mandate from the citizens has since culminated into high levels of intolerance, violations, repression, illegal recalls of citizen representatives (of the very same disputed election, in itself, an unprecedented move and an encyclopedic infraction of democratic tenets) unlawful arrests and persecution of citizens upon all other kinds of archaic intimidatory and suppressive manifestations of the lack of mandate.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
We're past election mode. Nyika takuvaka
Anonymous · 9 months ago
If it is past, why is it still being manipulated by replacing those who were appointed?
Ermason · 9 months ago
Ibvapo hired from Malawi for cheap propaganda, zanu is now showing the whole world that they can steal in front of everyone because it is a revolution party, kumberi kuchanakidza hanzi chabhangu is opposition leader this will be the beginning of the ending
Anonymous · 9 months ago
That is being competent enough. It does not matter if he erred first time but later saw that he made a mistake and corrects it means he is not competent. Where is it written that competence means doing things first time. Correcting oneself is a key to competence. Well done Mudenda. Hoyooooo
Antman · 9 months ago
You're correct, thats your averment.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Magona Mr Speaker Sir
Fugu pwee · 9 months ago
Hired agent for cheap propaganda from Malawi helping zanu to distroy Zimbabwe mucha manya makananga kumalawi , you are not a Zimbabwean uri he or she
Darlington Musundire · 9 months ago
Good cell phone
Antman · 9 months ago
So you announced first then someone queried your competence then you sat down and did your job ukawana answer . Mr ZANU PF politiburo member do your job efficiently cause you're somehow very incompetent
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
Tshabangu chiranga mapenzi chaicho
Chinamas · 9 months ago
Zanu is now showing the whole world that they a stealing and forcing things in Zimbabwe, zanu aponting chabhangu to ba opposition leader who wasn't voted will divide Zimbabwe and this will not going to end well that's why Mugabe fired Ed he knew that this guns were a problem for this country Zimbabwe is not free, hanzi chi baby hired Malawian for cheap propaganda
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Tshabangu wooyweeee

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