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South African Set For Its Most Tightly-contested General Election Since 1994

9 months agoTue, 28 May 2024 09:35:22 GMT
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South African Set For Its Most Tightly-contested General Election Since 1994

Nearly 28 million South Africans are set to head to the polls on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 in what is set to be its most tightly-contested general election since the end of apartheid in 1994.

Opinion polls suggest the governing African National Congress (ANC) party could lose its majority for the first time in 30 years, reported Sky News.

The vote will mark South Africa’s seventh democratic general election – with the country having gone to the polls every five years since Nelson Mandela became president as the head of the ANC in 1994.

The elections take place amid high rates of unemployment and crime.

How does South Africa’s election work?

  • Voters will cast three votes on election day. One ballot paper asks electors to vote for a political party. These parties are then allocated a share of 200 seats in the National Assembly based on how many votes they get.
  • The second one is a “province-to-national” ballot, which will include parties and independent candidates seeking to represent each of South Africa’s nine provinces in the National Assembly. Politicians elected in this second ballot will take up the other 200 seats in the assembly, with each province allocated a number of seats based on the size of its population.
  • The third ballot will be to elect members of the provincial legislature.

In South Africa, voters do not directly elect the president. The 400 members of the National Assembly vote for a new head of state within 30 days of the general election.

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Who is running in the election?

Seventy (70) political parties and 11 independent candidates will contest the national and provincial elections. The national ballot will have 52 parties listed.

What are the main opposition political parties?

South Africa’s main opposition is the centre-right Democratic Alliance (DA) led by John Steenhuisen. He has suggested he would be willing to form a coalition with the ANC if his party doesn’t secure a majority.

The DA claims South Africa is in a “crisis” under the current government and wants the nation to move towards more privatisation.

The third largest party in parliament is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) – led by former ANC youth league leader Julius Malema.

The EFF wants to nationalise mines, banks and other key parts of the economy.

There is also the MK Party, led by former South African President Jacob Zuma – who was ousted in 2018 after facing corruption allegations.

Zuma remains the face of the MK Party’s campaign despite the fact he has been banned from running in the election because of his previous criminal conviction.

Who is expected to win the election?

Some polls have suggested the ANC is heading for less than 50% of the vote for the first time since 1994.

If that happens, the ANC may have to enter into a coalition, but South Africa’s constitution doesn’t lay out how a coalition would work.

Who is most likely to be South Africa’s next president?

The ANC is still expected to win the largest share of the vote, so its leader President Cyril Ramaphosa is likely to remain in office unless he faces an internal challenge.

When will we know the result?

By law, South Africa’s Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has seven days in which to announce full results.

However, the IEC normally starts releasing partial results within hours of the polling stations closing.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 9 months ago
ANC ikahwina hatibve ku South zvamuchose
VaBhomba · 9 months ago
Hany'a nani
Dear Pindula · 9 months ago
please mashaya nyaya here?if yes ko kungonyarara nhai.zve Joni hatinei nazvo izvo
Malaba & Chigumba Pvt Limited · 9 months ago
we are watching and ready to give advice even in Russia they know us
Tina · 9 months ago
Ma elections eku SA affect us in a big way because we are neighbors, we are affected either directly or indirectly because we have Zimbabweans living there
☝️ · 9 months ago
anoku affecta how?give examples kwete kungoti they affect us zvsina explanation
🤔 · 9 months ago
Ma elections eku SA anei nesu ma Zimbabweans????? anenge ahwinha ndiyeyo ungatode kuisa comment yekuti hee nhingi ngaahwinhe fanike iwe uri registered voter munyika yacho????
· 9 months ago
Foreign policy baba. If ANC loses, there's going to be a lot more pressure on ZANU for starters
☝️ · 9 months ago
asi urimunhu we MDC?
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Tina · 9 months ago
I love EEF, I would vote malema if I were south African
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
Regai waite elections dzawo wega wazvitonge wega isu tiite zvedu wo toga. Hatipindiri apa unosvibiswa siyai vaite wega. Tonzwa zvawo zvabuda musaga, ISU ngatidzidzei tozogonawo zvedu kuno.
Chimukela · 9 months ago
Ngazviitwe zvipere
Sky · 9 months ago
@Anonymous · 9 months ago
ehe handirambi kuti EFF and DA zvicham@miswa neANC asi iwe haundim@m'isi kana une nharo 0714636573 totangira ipapo
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 9 months ago
murudo here?ndokwazvatosvika here?
Anonymous · 9 months ago
ANC will win resoundingly. Kutaurisa kwana EFF, DA just like vemuno vana Chamisa vanotaura zvirungu zveku University does not translate into votes. No wonder why Chamisa is denial mode kuti akadyiwa because he was over confident kuti anohwina.
Tman · 9 months ago
akadyiwa achiparidza kuheroes achikanganwa vanhu
joe90 · 9 months ago
ANC ichahwina zvayo but ichashaya majority. Usafananidze South Africa neZimbabwe. Uku hakupisirwe munhu musha kuti uno sapotereyi opposition.
The Griot · 9 months ago
The ANC shall comprehensively win these elections and prove the armchair experts wrong who want to create an atmosphere of discontent in South Africa...No1 in their right mind will vote for the last remnant of apartheid or that basket case of party EFF which moves from one populist talking point to another....Ramaphosa is now an international darling after taking a firm stance against the Zionist pigs and it is my solemn hope that he is given another mandate to continue leading the nation into prosperity.... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
some pple are inflated with bad doctrine .. Blinkered 2 such extend of failing 2 differentiate good frm bad... it's high tym now 2 b brainwashed with these politicians ... electing thieves in power 4 them 2 continue stealing , abuse state resources e.t.c
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Haaa tafanana gore rino kuri kuitwabasa Zanu pfee.
Jah Zignal · 9 months ago
Malema waenda nenyika New Order in South Africa congratulations to all Viva Malema Viva 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 God bless Africa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Malema is good as an opposition leader. Shuwa shuwa tingaita Malema semutungamirir here? The kiss the boer kill the boer guy. Ma jokes
Account Holder · 9 months ago
Saka.... · 9 months ago
Are you implying that Zim should follow how SA conduct elections to be deemed credible, that's how they call demokirasi, nyika ne nyika ine a way of conducting elections, Dzimwe arace yacho starts ne 30% of voters being given to the sitting president so ku 70%uko ndoo kuno contester wa if president fail to get 50+1, anenge a rohwa, so he/she would have to work on 20%+1 to continue serving
5 ⭐ General · 9 months ago
yah it shows kune
Patriot · 9 months ago
Ramaphosa takaenda $3 000 000 maUSA we donated will work for the ANC ✊🏾✊🏾🇿🇼...pasi neDA pasi neMK pasi with every little party
Antman · 9 months ago
ANC plus DA for a Win.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
BigBwana the Bosss · 9 months ago
Vamwe zvavo zvakaringeka
Rudo💅 · 9 months ago
viva Ramaposa viva
Zanu pf · 9 months ago
ANC set to win
· 9 months ago
... without a parliamentary majority

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