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Chitungwiza Man Shot By Soldiers Gets US$30 000 In Compensation

9 months agoTue, 21 May 2024 14:26:10 GMT
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Chitungwiza Man Shot By Soldiers Gets US$30 000 In Compensation

The Harare Magistrates Court has ordered Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) Commander Lieutenant-General Anselem Sanyatwe and Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri to fork out about US$30,000 in damages to compensate Felix Mafondokoto, a victim of army brutality.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), Mafondokoto was shot by a soldier during a clampdown on anti-government protests held five years ago. The ZLHR said:

Mafondokoto, a 43-year-old resident of Chitungwiza, was shot by ZNA members on 19 January 2019, when soldiers were dispersing people during a clampdown on anti-government protests, which gripped the country as people protested against an arbitrary hike in fuel prices and the agonising economic crisis blamed on President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration.

While Mafondokoto was not participating in the protests, he ended up being admitted in hospital after sustaining injuries from being shot at by a ZNA member.

The Chitungwiza resident, who suffered severe injuries from the shooting and still has some bullet fragments in his body, engaged Kossam Ncube of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, who assisted him in suing Sanyatwe and Hon. Muchinguri and demanded to be paid US$49 000 in damages for the violation of his fundamental rights.

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In the summons filed at Harare Civil Magistrates Court, Mafondokoto asked the court to order Sanyatwe and Hon. Muchinguri to compensate him for the pain and suffering he endured, nervous shock, loss of earnings and for the medical expenses, which he incurred as he got hospitalised for treatment.

On Monday 20 May 2024, after presiding over a full trial in which Lieutenant Colonel Whatmore Ziweni, the ZNA Operations Chief, testified on behalf of Sanyatwe and Muchinguri, Harare Magistrate Mandlenkosi Ndhlovu ordered the duo to pay US$29 182 to Mafondokoto as compensation for the damages, which he suffered from the brutality perpetrated by soldiers.

Magistrate Ndhlovu ruled that Mafondokoto suffered severe injuries and endured excruciating pain and suffering and had to undergo various operation procedures.

Magistrate Ndhlovu stated that Mafondokoto now struggles to work for extended periods because of the injuries, he sustained which now impact his livelihood.

More: Pindula News



Khan · 9 months ago
justice on play..tikunzwei muchiti hamuna rule of law muZim
ZNA · 9 months ago
who will arrest the commander of the army if he fails to pay
Advice · 9 months ago
ishoma mari iyo , life is more than anything. but at least magona henyu
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Maraya hatori 1/2 re
gumlaz · 9 months ago
kuhwina case hakusiriko kupiwa mari wee unoipiwa ari mazig kana vatoda zvavo vachikurova ne bank rate unonzwa butter nekufambira mari yacho wangu wapinda buizy wena
. · 9 months ago
ahwina hake case but team iro haribuditse mari and hapana zvamunovaita ndiana vene
kwaziso · 9 months ago
hello ku radio zimbabwe here nditarisai tizirepi hama here... ndinokumbirawo kukwazisa maitabasa vamushamarari ndinoda kukwazisa ngochqni inonzi Khan ndichiti akusi kushosha here kuburi kwemanyowa maitabasa vamushamarari muridzireiwo kambo man to man
coni · 9 months ago
it least this captured judiciary system did a great 29k ishoma hayo waifanira kupiwa 200k will that 29k be enough I don't think so kashiri ka Robert Mugabe kuhondo kanzwa butter
Rudo💅 · 9 months ago
at least he can start a bhizimusi to sustain him n his family.Thank you.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
His lawyer will probably get a cut , the tax man will most likely have their hands out as well , after that how much will be left. If this was USA , he would have may be collected millions.
Justice · 9 months ago
The court has ruled, but he won't be paid. The government doesn't respect the rule of law.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Obvious. The timing is just for distraction. They won't pay in the end.
Zozo · 9 months ago
Ndichatoudzawo K****z dzangu dzakaroverwa kuperekedza murwere kuChitown hospital nevapfanha ivava kuti aite re-appeal
me · 9 months ago
vrikubvuma here moskva yavo ,pkafpurwa munhu mutown vakaramba
penis girl · 9 months ago
Moses Gumbo, Ruben Barwe, Judith Makwanya, Tazen Mandizvidza · 9 months ago
Well done. At least we're in a democracy

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