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Government To Extend ZiG Currency Crackdown To Shops

10 months agoFri, 17 May 2024 09:38:05 GMT
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Government To Extend ZiG Currency Crackdown To Shops

The Government plans to extend a crackdown that’s targeting street currency traders to retailers (shops) to ensure goods and services are priced using only the official exchange rate of the new ZiG currency.

Responding to questions from legislators during a National Assembly sitting on Wednesday, Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister, Mthuli Ncube, warned that businesses caught pricing their products or services using an exchange rate higher than the official rate risk severe penalties.

Ncube said there is no longer any “basis” for shops to use any rate above the official rate after the government recently removed the legal provision allowing traders to put a 10 per cent margin above the ruling interbank exchange rate. He said:

We must protect our currency and keep it stable and discourage unnecessary speculation. The speculation is unjustified.

It is clear what the fundamentals are that drive value, that underpins the value of this currency and therefore it should be clear to everybody that this currency should be stable and an appropriate official exchange rate should be used for transaction purposes.

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In our desire to protect that, Mr Speaker Sir, we are putting certain measures, certain sanctions on those who deviate from that objective.

First of all, for those who are managing retail or own retail organisations and sell goods to the public, we are insisting as a Government that they ought to use the willing buyer-willing seller price for foreign currency as the basis for pricing.

We have removed any basis to deviate officially from the official exchange rate, that 10 per cent exchange limit was causing deviation as an excuse for overpricing purposes.

So, from now on, we will make use of the willing buyer-willing seller pricing mechanism and any deviation will be sanctioned through a fine of no less than ZiG200 000 per offence.

So, those are really the measures we have put in place to deal with the pricing by retailers.

The government gazetted Statutory Instrument 81A of 2024, Exchange Control (Amendment of Schedule to Exchange Control Act) Notice, 2024, last week.

S.I. 81A of 2024 scrapped the provision for a 10 per cent margin above the ruling exchange rate and also laid down the new requirement and the civil penalties that can be levied against defaulters.

Violation of the law now attracts a penalty of a minimum of ZiG200 000 per offence, and if the foreign currency taken in is higher in value, then the penalty equals that foreign currency.

According to Business Weekly, traders and open market foreign currency dealers are pricing the local currency between ZiG17,5/US$1 and ZiG20/US$1.

According to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) website, the average interbank rate on 17 May 2024, was ZiG13.39/US$1.

More: Pindula News



Khan · 10 months ago
@ anonymous do not be a hater please..Deep down you know I am correct .... Bulwark of People United and Free
Khan · 10 months ago
I am currently enjoying the dance moves of our supreme leader...They should make it mandatory for everyone to do the dance... Bulwark of People United and Free
Khan · 10 months ago
😂😂😂 was only kidding....My spirit will never be crushed by these small obstacles...Khan will live forever steadfast in his beliefs that the revolutionary party will lead forever....I will fight the censorship myself and crush the homo imposter.... Bulwark of People United and Free
Khan · 10 months ago
Pindula has now become a haven of the deranged and deviants..Most of my comments are getting censored or deleted while those of an imposter who clearly thinks his orientation is of high importance that he has to tell the world....I will be leaving this platform very soon to go and try spreading the message on other platforms where there is an option of monetization....I just hope fellow comrades keep the good fight going on...The trail I blazed must continue to be kept burning and I will return once the draconian censorship is abolished... Please treat the deranged imposter with the contempt he/she merits.. Bulwark of People United and Free
Shadows · 10 months ago
you sabotaged the will of people now its the other way round🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
Willing buyer willing seller means I price my ZiG the way I want or my US$ the way I want, if there are no takers I adjust accordingly. I can price my ZiG at 30:1, it's my money, I earned it and should do what I want with it. Forcing a price is not willing buyer willing seller. My chicken costs US$6 I can price it at ZiG200, those who want it can take it, that's willing buyer willing seller, ZiG78 for my chicken is not willing buyer willing seller. What happened to the law of supply and demand now? Is Mthuli a true economics professor?
patz · 10 months ago
Rambai makadzvanya mudhara gore rino vanonyura chete.
... · 10 months ago
Kune bakery inonzi DKC batayi muridzi wacko musunge
🧐 🤔 · 10 months ago
Apa pa government should simply pakura Zviriko and stop this pestering business concerning ZiG, cause too much of it said everyday it loses its essence it ought to gain, nyaya dze mari idzi zvinenge zvakataurwa stays and conforms, that is that, sadza reku boarding Asingade ngarege aite ka Nyika kake ega nema exchange rate e speculative behaviour, akadhakwa ayo
Anonymous · 10 months ago
True, promote value not enforcement.
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 10 months ago
This will not work at all jus buying tym.. Come June !!!
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
The crackdown must be a ruthless one.Those working in cohorts with opposition parties to destabilize the economy should be punished without any reservation.
laugh emoji1
theLastAntKing · 10 months ago
Do we still have opposition that we can blame for economic sabotage? That's old politics, go back ku Chitepo school & learn new trix
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Zig richashanda zvaro muchida musingade
Anonymous · 10 months ago
That's what the last John said.
Appah · 10 months ago
chi baby asi chichakarara hr
Anonymous · 10 months ago
You take ZiG at the low rate, we charge higher rate to convert to buy stock. But we are open for business.
Cool 😎 Doc · 10 months ago
May the Reserve Bank FIU team pay a surprise visit at Hwedza Growth Point, we are in real trouble? Prices manipulation has now become the order of the day especially when transacting using ZiG?
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁 Khan naWuto 🤣🤣🤣

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