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Zimbabwe To Impose Fines On Companies Not Using Official ZiG Exchange Rate

10 months agoFri, 10 May 2024 06:47:25 GMT
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Zimbabwe To Impose Fines On Companies Not Using Official ZiG Exchange Rate

The Zimbabwe Government will penalise individuals and companies charging prices above the prevailing official foreign exchange rate.

The official exchange rate in the economy is set daily by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ).

Offending firms and individuals will be fined ZiG200 000, but if the foreign currency taken in is higher in value, then the penalty equals that foreign currency.

Furthermore, the 10 per cent premium that retailers were allowed on the official exchange rates between foreign currency and the ZiG has now been abolished.

The changes were made through Statutory Instrument 81A of 2024, Exchange Control (Amendment of Schedule to Exchange Control Act) Notice, 2024, gazetted on Thursday, 09 May. Reads the Statutory Instrument:

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Exchange Control (Amendment of Schedule to Exchange Control Act) Notice, 2024

THE Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, in consultation with His Excellency the President, in terms of section 11(2) of the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 22:05], hereby makes the following notice: —


1. This notice may be cited as the Exchange Control (Amendment of Schedule to Exchange Control Act) Notice, 2024.

Substitution of Paragraph 2(12)

2. Paragraph 2 (“Power of Reserve Bank to issue civil penalty order”) of the Schedule (“Civil Penalty Orders”) to the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 9:23] is amended by the repeal of subparagraphs (12) and (13) and the substitution of the following subparagraphs —

“(12) A natural or legal person shall be guilty of a civil infringement if he or she, being a seller of goods or services, offers such goods or services at an exchange rate above the prevailing average interbank foreign currency selling rate published by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

(13) In the event of default in complying with subparagraph (12), the civil penalty shall provide for-

(a) a combination of-

(i) a fixed penalty of two hundred thousand ZiG or an amount equivalent to the value of the foreign currency charged for the goods or services in question (whichever is the greater amount); and

(ii) a cumulative penalty over a period not exceeding ninety days of five per centum of the outstanding amount of the fixed penalty for each day (beginning on the day after the service of a civil penalty order) that the fixed penalty or any outstanding amount thereof remains unpaid by the defaulter;

(b) the suspension of the operation of the civil penalty order for a period of 48 hours from the date of its issuance to enable the alleged defaulter to show cause to the designated officer why the order should not have been issued:

Provided that-

(i) if no such cause is shown within that period the order shall be deemed to have been issued with effect from the beginning of such period;

(ii) if within that period, good cause is shown why the order should not have been issued, the designated officer shall withdraw the order and make the appropriate notation of withdrawal in the civil penalty register.

More: Pindula News



Boss Chekurongerwa · 10 months ago
zig kahwan
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Hakuna chinhu chichashaikwa muma shops. You're prophets of doom na Mugano. He's speaking from the grave like Chamisa. His manifesto died zvese neka party kacho. Ngano Advisor vatenzi vake mumwena
@chi...chezanu · 10 months ago
john2 and Mtuli's faith in the Zig combined doesn't match yours
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Prophet of doom
Pindu · 10 months ago
True varidzi vemari varikutotya kuimburitsa apa iye arikuitenda.
a · 10 months ago
Zvinhu zvinongoshaika muma shops , zvoiswa pa black market..handei tone..mano**** ndiwe mutengi..
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
ZiG richashanda ende 5years dzichakwana mari iyoyo iripo
John White/John ZiG/John Doe · 10 months ago
nhasi tawana daily bundle Saka tichambo hot spotana tobatana tomorrow kana rapera. chimbofambai nezvemahara kusvika mati ekee
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 10 months ago
it's a curse !!! Zim is full of educated fools ... Full of pple who wnts to discuss economics yet they don't knoe "what is economics" what is commerce? what is finance .. what is money? what is accounts ? what is bizness? what is politics? someone who can not define one of these . ndiye ari pamberi kuda kuudza vanhu... It's a shame to the nation.. even a blind person can c where Zim is going now.... **** is gng down the drain a crippled economy but still a brainwashed person stands behind it. One wnts 2 justify a dead situation.. A normal person seconding looters, corruptionists . bloodsucker e.t.c Someone who works 2 enrich his/her on pocket at the expense of the valnurable pple lyk u... benzí ndiro rinot pamberi nembavha iye asina chinhu doesn't on any thing haana kana 1 thing under/in his/her own name ... Ndinosiriswa nevanhu vakadero defend evil pple....
ndini · 10 months ago
l am official interpretor of Pindula handzi me RBZ macombani acharamba ku shandisa ZiG zag achapiwa mubairo me matrophy
Bambo · 10 months ago
chi Baby rega kuisa comment sekunge zviri kuitika ndezve kupfidzisa cause you know the truth from your inner person saka musi wazvichabuda pachada which is obviuos uchanyarira kupi nhai tsika ma breaks kwete kuti zvese your comments to be of fighting even if you are paid which is true gadzikana hana its not the last job in your life babie.
Big bhara · 10 months ago
dati vakomana regerai kuisa rate ye chimbadzo use the official rate kana mungati kurimara
CNN news · 10 months ago
Elon Musk's has hinted on buying Zimbabwe, this comes after the South African-born business magnet said last week during an interview with Chuck Schumer that if he were to purchase Zimbabwe itll automatically jump to become one of the most powerful economies in the world 🌎🌍
titi · 10 months ago
kutotaura muchishandisa ma iphone moti zvakaoma. hakuna hondo kana chii. be grateful mhan
arrogance without direction · 10 months ago
HANDEI tione nema policies iwaya ana Bharanzi vanoswerera kranko can come with something workable and in the national interest
arrogance without direction · 10 months ago
makabvisirei Smith?Kuti muzoita gold mafia manje zig ranzi gold backed rega uone chimafioso Che type yese muno
titi · 10 months ago
don't be obsessed nevarungu mhani. if uchivada sterek enda unokwesha chembere uko. gold mafia was fabricated iya.
DenDivDex(Triple D) fatha flawa · 10 months ago
But that makes sense hazvo. sorry
John White · 10 months ago
200,000÷13.67=us $14,630. this will not happen, it will happen.yes it won't. kana zvichibvira Ponzi scheme iyi ngaipfuure hayo
titi · 10 months ago
problem inotangira pa 5 o levels dzamusina. dzokerai kuchikoro baba munodzidza kufunga. ungaweke sei but value yemari iri subjective.
Zig huchi · 10 months ago
Start with Bulawayo City Council
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 10 months ago
my question who is going to suffer? muridzi we company anongovhara e.g Proton yobva yavhara what is going to happen? vashandi nemhuri dzawo ..nyika .. that's what u dd pahondo yeminda muchifunga kut muri kusafisa vachena .. Tangai mafunga musat maita
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Hakuna munhu anovhara. Varikungoita manyemwe chete kuita zvinhu zviri unlawful. Shamhu panyama nhete chete
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 10 months ago
asi 2008 wangwa usati wazvarwa? kana wanga usati, Ok akambosvika pakutengesa ma**** nematissue apa vanhu vaine nzara, so zvinoshaika zvinhu becoz hapana anoda kunyudza mari, plus madii mangovhura zvimashop zvenyu zvezanu motengeserana ikoko coz zvemazig-zag band zvakatodhakwa
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁 Mamukasei hama takakwanisa kuzadza national sports stadium zvokuti takashaya space ye overflow for the masses that had come PAMBERI MBERI NE ZANU-PF
titi · 10 months ago
zvima comments zve sarcasm. stadium yakazara and takanakidzwa isu.
DenDivDex · 10 months ago
ZIG yakafanana ne nhumbu yembwà chero mwana wacho akazvarwa haife wamutuma kunokucherera mvura..... triple D original
stie · 10 months ago
tenda panogonekwa. economy iri mumusoro mako
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Zig richashanda chete
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 10 months ago
iyo mari inombonzi ichashnda chete zvenharo her,,,kna chingori chinhu chaknka chinozviratidza choga . ... kuatnga mafuta pamota ikarmba kumuka zvireva kuti panezvimwe zvakafa tsvga makanija akugadzirire inomuka .
gudo · 10 months ago
this will definitely bring relief
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Embrace ZiG
Joe Biden · 10 months ago
That's an aggressive approach if you ask me economy=economist kwete zvenyu zvechigandanga paeconomy
arrogance without direction · 10 months ago
vaizodii when most of them were not disciplined and used to go after soft civilian targets during the war
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Iwe unoda kuti vanhu vadonhedze mari yenyika vachisekererwa? Hazviite
Anonymous · 10 months ago
You are a dirty communist

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