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Ministry Of Education Speaks On School Fees And Uniforms

10 months agoMon, 06 May 2024 16:43:41 GMT
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Ministry Of Education Speaks On School Fees And Uniforms

The Government, through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, has reiterated that schools should allow parents and guardians to pay fees and levies in the currency of their choice, and not force them to pay exclusively in foreign currency.

In a statement issued this Monday, 06 May 2024, ahead of the commencement of the Second Term, the Ministry also reminded schools not to adjust fees willy-nilly but to charge approved fees.

The Ministry highlighted that the interbank rate should be applied when parents pay fees in ZiG, no learner should be sent home for non-payment of fees, parents should pay fees on time, and schools should not parents and guardians to buy uniforms and stationery from the school. Reads the statement:

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education appreciates that the First Term’s school holiday has ended and that pupils were given adequate time to rest and are ready to resume term two schooling tomorrow, the 7th of May, 2024.

As we approach the commencement of the second term on 7 May 2024, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education would like to advise the nation and reiterate its policy regarding the payment of approved school fees and levies.

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The current local currency in the form of Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) as announced by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe through a monetary policy statement, is a legal tender of transaction in schools.

It forms a key basis of transactions in the payment of fees and levies and in procuring of other good services and assets, amongst the basket of other currencies.

Therefore, school authorities are expected to abide by the pronouncement made by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

Parents/guardians must be given an opportunity to pay in the currency of their choice, and not exclusively in a certain currency and especially foreign currency, the USD in particular.

For parents and guardians paying fees in ZIG, they must pay at the prevailing interbank rate of the day the transaction is made.

The Ministry will continue to work with other Government agencies, such as the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Zimbabwe Republic Police, as well as the internal inspectorate of the Ministry to ensure compliance.

The Ministry would also want to reaffirm that the obligation to pay approved school fees and levies remains with the parents and guardians and not with the pupils.

Parents and guardians must pay school fees and levies to allow schools to meet their operational costs and overheads. No child should be sent away from school due to non-payment of fees and levies.

Furthermore, parents and guardians are free to purchase uniforms and stationery wherever they find it affordable as long as they adhere to the specifications set by the schools.

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education remains committed to facilitating access to a relevant, quality, inclusive, equitable and comprehensive Heritage-Based Education for all Zimbabweans.

Any school heads that defy this directive will have disciplinary measures taken against them.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 10 months ago
Zig arishandi ba Kana richishanda why is gvt asking its suppliers to quote in USD then pay in Zig Why not just ask suppliers to quote in Zig and pay them in Zig or USD?
Pindula · 10 months ago
If you haven't already upgraded to our new version, we advise you not to, the new app is not functioning properly it crushes time and again but we're fixing the problem as we speak sorry for the inconveniences caused
Khan · 10 months ago
Mazwano ndiri kwa John rore uko zvangu kudhuze ne karoi zve pindula n****niwa
Wuto 🎗uthentic · 10 months ago
ndichirikuda match newe ndikupedzere
@wuto · 10 months ago
izvezvi ndri busy ndokuudza kna NDAPEDZA ndimbori kwa amai vako trikuchimhanya
cool · 10 months ago
anyone ane idea kt BEAM ichiririko hr plz help
rx · 10 months ago
Makajaira zvemahara vanhu ve zanu Vana ndevako havasi veHurumende ita plan
Mudhibhisi · 10 months ago
Mateacher muriko here.Mabhadhara nei fees idzo nzungu dzenyu dzakapera musi wadzatambirwa? Tinokukumbirisai mudzidzisewo vana vedu kunyangwe zvazvo venyu vakagara kudzimba nekushaiwa fees.
mitimikuru · 10 months ago
kkkk usatinakidza zvdu ma teacher akungoita zvaanodawo kudzidzisa vna vazvinji vna vaanodzidzisa kna achiwana kuitisa malesson kwaari.kna ane vna 30 mwana achibhadhara $10 anenge ane marii pamwedzi ko panopera gore.musati tsvinyira ma teacher. moshungurudza vna wasina Mari kuvabereki vawo.sechikoro chematongo primary ku gweru Chaka nyanya ukataura mwana vko haa hatodzidziswi mateacher mune huroyi rwaka Rwanda imi hutsinye.vna wenyu vari kudzidza ne Mari dzedu hamutendi makaita sei .
Khan · 10 months ago
Crystal Palace 4 0 Manchester United
suggestion box · 10 months ago
Hurumende ye government ndiyo ine say munyika ne country saka government inifanira kuteerera Hurumendw kuitira kuti government ive hurumende inotungamirirwa ne government nekuti pakasaita government hurumende haizova hurumende nekuti government inenge isipo,asi ndinoona hangu kuti hurumende inofanira kuisa musoro pamwe chete ne government kuitira kuti pave ne hurumunde ine government kana zvaramba votaurirana kuti pave ne hurumende ye government kana kuti government ndiyo yoita hurumende kuitira kuti hurumende ive government hamenowo kuona kwangu
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Hurumende ngaibatsirwe ne Government nyika iite mushe....vabereki vanzwa nenhamo
· 10 months ago
taura hako anonymous,hurumendi iri yega iri kukundikana😂😂😂😂😂😂
mandrose · 10 months ago
first half Man U 0. palace 2
@faka Wuto 🎗️uthentic · 10 months ago
faki yu sani ofu e bichi you're an imposter ndosaka baba vako vakakumaka iwe duzvî rembwá rine maplastic
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁 Wuto anozvidenha kuti azvituke handisati ndambozviona zvakadai he needs help
Wuto 🎗️uthentic · 10 months ago
Stop using my I'm a very well known person you'll tarnish my reputation
Simon Khaya Moyo · 10 months ago
Pambili li Zanu pf
Hamburger 🍔 · 10 months ago
ZANU Pf is not bad at all, it's just they're very few bad people within the party
Pindula · 10 months ago
@Mohammed, thank God you are still here because we are going to block all propagandist like what we did to the real Khan
ndini · 10 months ago
unofunga uchinzikwa here.Pawangoti SDC inouya yakadhakwa ichitaura zvematongerwe enyika vatoirasa kkk ko tsvaira chikoro here kungoto vana vatandare vachikura
Mark Twain · 10 months ago
ma xul fees ngaabhadharwe guys,,zvekuti nyika yakaoma tozotaura later ,
Ndini · 10 months ago
anonymous kana une njere dzinoshanda,Vanhu vawataura iwawo 5 kana variwo varikutadzisa nyika kuenda mberi kkkkkk kkkk kubva ngawatongezve unoda kudeedza vanhu kutsigira mbavha nemhondi idzi here kkkk unonyadza pfeka underwear yako mushe.
Pindula · 10 months ago
Ehe tikubvisa nonsense dzose ,
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
nhymi nhymi u know my username have been hacked and um not posting nonsense i comment zvoindirana ini ndiri we zano uri wa chamisa tichivaka nyika yekwedu
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
pindula um the real Mohammed Zaka ali what is going on with my comments they ar disappearing why
Pindula · 10 months ago
We're pro Chamisa and we're fed up with your nonsense
Wuto · 10 months ago
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
@Zaka Ali this new apk is very poor it does not work properly, even if the comments reach at above 100 it crushes, also the reply option is poor
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Kuramba kana kusairamba, the ball is in each Zimbabweans court. Nothing will change and no going back. We know kuti kune vari kuda kuti zvinhu zvirambe zvakaomera vana ve Zimbabwe kuti vatore mukana wekti vana ve Zimbabwe vapandukire hurumende yavo. Hurumende is trying its best to make this economy work iwe hako mu opposition nana Hopewell, vana Gambakwe nana Mugano muchishandiswa kuita sabotage moita kuti zviipe. Hakuna zvakadero. Zviri kwamuri ma Zimbabweans kufuga kana kuwarira Zig is here to stay so better embrace it because it is us the majority who will suffer. Do you think Chamisa, Hopewell, Gambakwe, Mugano and others who wish this currency fail for their benefit buy forex on black market? Wake up Zimbos, musashandiswa.
june · 10 months ago
kuda kutivigira vasina mabvi munyika nhai nhai
mkoma · 10 months ago
can't you reason beyond this. poritiks modzowanza nepadzisingadiwi
patz · 10 months ago
@ Anonymous Mugano ndiye arikuchinja mari mustreet here? Mugano ndiye arikuramba kutengesa fuel neZiG here? Mugano ndiye arikuramba school fees yemaZiG here. Chii chaita musoro uteme. Siyanai ne cheap politicking and face the root cause head-on. Those you oppose are actually telling you the reality as the passage of time is telling
Zvaka pera zviye · 10 months ago
Zveku go appealer for Aid to run your own country even varikudiaspora vanowandirwa wo, you can't give and give and give fish all times but you give zviredzwa and dam construction fsh farming and other to shy away dependence syndrome yema donner agencies, saka ZiG it's our only means to transact inotowewo ne mitemo inoipa ku minimiser extenalisation, that put arrests ava vangevakuita njuga ne mari outside Zimbabwe, Munhu ku tengesa anything ne Yuwesi o crosser border aveku China ko hoarder ma toothpicks kuitwa just a shopping basket chete in a supermarket shop That should stop forth with
mika · 10 months ago
kuno kwaChendambuya paChikoro chinonzi Tsvaira sec ma-teachers naHead havateereri izvozvi please svikai muwone anytime, Chairman wacho weSDC anouya akadhakwa nguva dzechikoro achiita zvematongerwo enyika
John ZiG · 10 months ago
unofunga kuti pano paPindula pane weku education here. pane ma teachers nemamwe civil servants
mha..taa ye Wuto · 10 months ago mwana wako..hadzidze..kana chiri boarding todya ne beans ,matemba NEMA chunks
. · 10 months ago
worried · 10 months ago
tipei fon dzenyu tizokubatai kan zvakuitika
teacher · 10 months ago
Taneta nekungoudzwa zvisina musoro ivo vana vedu vachingodzingwa
MrD · 10 months ago
Fokufuyi imi bhadharai Mari dzechikoro
patz · 10 months ago
@teacher Ngavadzingwe imi munetenge muchiti tucha tucha muchiendesa vana venyu kuchikoro munenge muchida kuti ashandise mari yaani. Makatanga kuzviziva riini kuti kuchikoro kodiwa school fees. Zvana Taungana Ndoro hazvishande izvo
zandex · 10 months ago
igore renzara mari ikunetsa nhamo yawandisa kudarika mariii

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