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Mushayavanhu Celebrates RBZ Appointment With Tribesmen In Gutu

10 months agoWed, 01 May 2024 13:22:51 GMT
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Mushayavanhu Celebrates RBZ Appointment With Tribesmen In Gutu

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor John Mushayavanhu recently hosted a party attended by his Karanga tribesmen in rural Gutu, Masvingo, to celebrate his appointment as central bank boss.

As reported by ZimLive, Mushayavanhu formally announced his appointment in front of relatives, in-laws, the traditional leadership and friends who attended the party.

Mushayavanhu said President Emmerson Mnangagwa broke former President Robert Mugabe’s tradition of appointing people from Manicaland to head the RBZ.

He cited the origins of predecessors Kombo Moyana, Leonard Tsumba, Gideon Gono and John Mangudya as all from Manicaland amid cheers from his tribesmen. Speaking in Shona, Mushayavanhu said:

I want to thank the president for putting Masvingo in the limelight, Gutu and Mushayavanhu in the limelight.

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I came to my home village to thank those who gave birth to me… your son has been appointed to a top government job.

Mushayavanhu added that he will not forget the friends he grew up with and herded cattle with.

The former FBC CEO was appointed RBZ Governor in March 2024, becoming Mnangagwa’s first appointment at the helm of the central bank since taking over as president in November 2017.

Mushayavanhu’s most significant policy to date is the introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), the new gold-backed currency.

His predecessor, John Mangudya introduced the bond notes and also brought back the Zimbabwe dollar after a 10-year hiatus.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Tigadzirireivo ma (pot holes ) chete nzira dzapedza hama
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Why does Pindula use racist whiteman's terms? What is tribesmen? I will give you a free lesson in proper terms. The story should say he celebrated with his CLANSMEN.
That Oh My Guy · 10 months ago
Haasvodi uyu,kusvika nekusvikokundikana
coni · 10 months ago
fatha flawa amuendika mainditsvagireiko
debt collector · 10 months ago
John mangudya didnt introduce Bond notes,it was introduced by Ian Douglas Smith regime
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Where did the Bond note go in-between 1980 and 2016? And when did they name change from the Rhodesian Bond Note to the Zimbabwean Bond Note? If it was not a good idea to keep it, why was it supposedly kept after 1980? To blame someone else when it doesn't work? Seriously. How short is your memory? These statements are like Mashayavanhu saying it was not his plan or idea. It was the CCZ and the World Bank. How can they nation take the currency seriously if the man who is supposed to be safeguarding it is already making excuses. Be real.
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 10 months ago
kombo aiziva basa zvake ... ko A.Chambati akazoendepi
Finance · 10 months ago
Kombo Moyana and Leonard Tsumba usavatarisire pasi vaiziva zvaita kwete zvawatangaiwe izvivi you are the worst reserve bank governor ever appointed to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe uchatiudza pamberi apo Mugabe was right
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 10 months ago
Naro timhu reku makaranga zvarinenge isina kubata a kana kusupportana kubva kunana Dzikamai Mavhaire, Kudakwashe Baskiti, Walter Muzembi Temba Mliswa Edson Zvobgo Hunger Nelson Chamisa, Vese zvavo vanongo pikisana chete they don't support their leader ship
paMpandawana · 10 months ago
John2, dzungu too much homeboy. You're the only RBZ governor who has started off with a mess. You talk too much. You lie and deny accountability. You even unashamedly lie about the World Bank. You introduce a currency at gunpoint. Why should Zimbabwe believe anything else you say? Besides being my homeboy, why else should I respect and believe you?
John ZiG · 10 months ago
makarang.a continue killing our beautiful country
Ndini · 10 months ago
isu makaranga we in charge the rest follow
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Kkkk sometimes when you are not familiar with norms of fellow citizens tribes keep quiet with respect, in karanga its common practice kuvudza vadhara zvaitika kwauri good or bad, even when planning to marry they are told, its our way of doing things, very normal to us, please kindly respect it nothing abnormal here
· 10 months ago
Correct me please. Is it Mushayavanhu (ED Shweee ainge ashaya vanhu vekuisa pachigaro here) or is it Mushayazano (because uyu kupinda pabasa nekushaya zano same day)?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Nhai Zuze? Ndozvaunoswerera izvozvo
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Well even, the opposition party is now also Karanga, from Gutu! Chamisa, Job Sakhala ......
and · 10 months ago
@Zimbabwe is karanga takawanda takatovharisa we colonised
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Watoratidza kuti uri mu tribalist maziso anenge erwaivhi
Sorojena · 10 months ago
Welcome to the karangazation of the RBZ. Ritualizing the takeover of office is sinister and akin to witchcraft. This political portfolio aisi yenjere, it stinks of false tribal supremacism. Ndo zvinowuraya nyika.
kkkkkkkkkkk · 10 months ago
Mr Muchangana musuka kwihi kaya
Medicine 💉 · 10 months ago
@kkkkkkk watanga futi manje this time ndopedza newe
kkkkkkkkk · 10 months ago
kautahlupana namina ku niteyini
adiyola · 10 months ago
kurangarira vandakakura navo tichifudza mombe
adiyola · 10 months ago
chava chibaba mushayavanhu Ava kurangarira vaakarisa navo Mombe zvinokudzwa kuita governer we mari
Mohammed zaka ali · 10 months ago
@coni ndikuda kumupa heavy koiling
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
kkkkk aaaa nhy assistant

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