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74-year-old Gwanda Farmer Reaps Big Sorghum Harvest, His Maize Crop A Total Write-off

10 months agoTue, 30 Apr 2024 05:59:27 GMT
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74-year-old Gwanda Farmer Reaps Big Sorghum Harvest, His Maize Crop A Total Write-off

A 74-year-old Gwanda-based farmer, Emmanuel Nare, is expecting a good harvest despite a severe drought during the 2023/24 summer cropping season after he put seven hectares under sorghum.

Nare is among the pioneer farmers who have fully embraced the growing of drought-tolerant traditional small grains as part of efforts to ensure food security in the country.

As reported by the Chronicle, Nare is based at Reata Ranch in Ward 23. The farmer said he learnt that a drought was looming, he sought advice on the varieties of traditional grains to grow and settled for sorghum Sila and SV4 varieties.

Nare has started harvesting his sorghum. He said:

I have seven hectares under sorghum, three hectares under the SV4 variety and four hectares under the Sila variety.

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When I heard that we would experience the El Nino drought I inquired with an Agritex official on what sorghum variety I could grow.

I have always been producing traditional grains, but I then realised that I had to adjust and plant a variety that will do well under these weather conditions and I’m glad that this has paid off.

Nare urged other farmers to take advice from Agritex officers as this can help them make the right choices.

He said he only had two hectares under maize, but the crop was a total write-off. Nare said he intends to deliver his sorghum to the Grain Marketing Board. He said:

As farmers, we must ensure that we are highly productive on the land that we have so that we can contribute towards ensuring food and nutrition security.

If we could all take up the advice that we are being given and seek even more knowledge, we can record good yields each year. As farmers, we need to be innovative and seek new solutions.

The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Obert Jiri, who recently visited the ranch, said:

We always emphasise that household food security is premised on climate-proofing at the household level. This area is now Region 5B, which is unsuitable for cropping, but we see here a farmer who climate-proofed knowing what to grow in this area and the choice of the variety of the crop.

The farmer is growing traditional grains, which we know will survive dry weather conditions. Even in this El Nino-induced drought, the farmer made good choices.

He respected the agro-ecological region and chose traditional grains, which we prescribe for this particular agro-ecological region.

Traditional crops such as sorghum, pearl millet and rapoko are slowly becoming popular not only because of climate change but also because people are becoming aware of their high nutritional value and the technology advancement has made it easier to harvest and process small grains.

Zimbabwe is one of the countries in southern Africa hardest hit by El Nino, which has resulted in poor rainfalls and crop failure across the country.

More: Pindula News



musanyepera vanhu · 10 months ago
GMB is paying it's farmers in 2 weeks time from time of produce delivery to it's depots and is well computerized and report in real time. please GMB is highly professional and is the best buyer and pays more than any other competitor
mboko · 10 months ago
Unonyepa GMB yakango fanana nezanu
patz · 10 months ago
Asi haasati amboendesa zvirimwa kuGMB kani. GMB haasi kuiziwa mushe. Achaita nzara sevamwe coz anozobhadharwa gore rinouya
chipoko chaPrigozhin · 10 months ago
Mr Nare manga magona mazorasika pakuendesa zvinhu zvenyu kuGMB. gore RINO kune nzara dai matochinjisa zvenyu chero nehuku zviri name pane kupa GMB
Big Buyer · 10 months ago
vamurimi tipei goho Rose iro tikupei mari kwayo musi iwoyo kwete kuda kuzvisungirira pamupangara kwamukuda kuita vunzai vakarima wheat gore re bumper harvest. gmb chiororo pakusabhadhara
aaaa · 10 months ago
Kana shungu
· 10 months ago
imborumbidza murimi uyo usiyane nekubvunza nyaya dzema China hatizi ma China isu
El nino · 10 months ago
Drought yake yatovapo nekuti aisa kuGMB haibhadhare anotopiwa mari gore rinouya saka zvakangofanana
🏃‍♀️Chi baby cheZanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Very well done patriotic Zimbabwean keep believing in ED he delivers through the government departments working in agriculture
t · 10 months ago
ls it true that China shops are rejecting Zig
Access Bay · 10 months ago
Vazhunji avana ma POS machine . Physical money ndoiriko nhasi saka vakaramba ma notes zvadhakwa
Gono · 10 months ago
Yes how do u expect them to restock with a currency that does not cross the border
Typical opposition syndrome · 10 months ago
Topical issue haizi ye Ma China pano kurikutaurwa ne kurima kuno a bundutso even drought hardest hit
Agronomist · 10 months ago
Mr Nare
Agronomist · 10 months ago
How many tonnes of sorghum is Mr NaRea expecting from the 7ha

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