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ZANU PF Suspends "Thank You" Rallies Indefinitely

10 months agoMon, 22 Apr 2024 13:07:59 GMT
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ZANU PF Suspends "Thank You" Rallies Indefinitely

ZANU PF has reportedly indefinitely postponed its planned “Thank You” rallies across Zimbabwe due to internal friction.

The Thank You rallies are being viewed as part of an alleged agenda to push President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s bid for a third term in office.

NewsDay reported party sources as saying that the postponement of the “Thank You” rallies was due to increasing tensions between rival factions competing for influence and control within the party. Said a source:

It’s not yet clear why they postponed. They gave a notice that we are postponing the rallies. There has been too much factionalism within the party.

It’s chaotic. The party youths, however, have been pushing for the amendment of the Constitution to allow Mnangagwa to rule for more than two terms in another move seen as targeted at Chiwenga.

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Another source was reported as saying financial challenges facing the party are the reason for the postponement of the interfaces. Said the source:

The party does not have money for the rallies. Its coffers are empty. Those who are fighting can halt their differences and prepare for the rallies for the sake of President Mnangagwa. So, I don’t think that’s the reason why the rallies were postponed. You can check with Bimha.

Meanwhile, ZANU PF treasurer-general Patrick Chinamasa is allegedly pushing for the lifting of the suspension of Manicaland women’s league leader Happiness Nyakuedzwa.

Nyakuedzwa was suspended by the politburo in February this year for alleged misconduct.

Chinamasa reportedly fought for Nyakuedzwa’s reinstatement during the last two politburo meetings.

Nyakuedzwa and her husband, ZANU PF Manicaland provincial political commissar Albert Nyakuedzwa, are said to be allies of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga who reportedly leads one of the party’s two main factions.

In Matabeleland North Province, ZANU PF secretary-general Obert Mpofu is allegedly at loggerheads with Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Richard Moyo.

Moyo is accused of presiding over several failed and unfulfilled projects in the province since he was appointed minister in 2017.

In Mashonaland West, some politburo members are allegedly plotting against provincial chairperson Mary Mliswa-Chikoka who is accused of ignoring the national leadership.

ZANU PF director of Information Farai Marapira told NewsDay that factionalism reports in the ruling party are being made up by some people. Said Marapira:

First and foremost there is no factionalism in ZANU PF. The leadership is very solid and united. Any talk of factionalism is just imaginary in the eyes of people who have nothing better to do.

Our calendar has been busy with projects which move the country forward. This is why the Thank You rallies have been postponed.

They will be held, definitely, at the discretion and convenience of the party. The party will not be forced to do its programmes just to fulfil the interest of those who are outside.

ZANU PF is holding an extra-ordinary session of the Politburo this Monday, according to a notice issued by the party’s secretary for information and publicity Christopher Mutsvangwa.

More: Pindula News



Zpcs · 10 months ago
Kana kunaMai Welly ndinoenda
Musvanga · 10 months ago
Yakavoterwa nani ko? Zanu yakasvasvanga tendai ini.
Cde Masango · 10 months ago
Zanu pf yakavhoterwa guys
* · 10 months ago
Ehe, ne33%
Mamzoe · 10 months ago
You can't say thank you mabvuta, it's a curse, nyararai zvenyu. People's voices are from God. Kuti thank you...kunani mabvuta? 33% doesn't make a ⅔ can't.
g40 kasukuwere · 10 months ago
information has it mishina yekubika chicken iri down mazuvano
Anonymous · 10 months ago
You know you rigged so it's difficulty to gather masses especially without food. Food for thoughts.
Clemency · 10 months ago
Thank you rally at this moment is good but not that important given the current state of the economy. Those guyz at RBZ are calling for a helping hand for the project they started.They now seem to be lacking confidence. Our are also calling for urgent refurbishment considering that we will be hosting August SADC summit. Congratulations in advance H.E for a pending chairmanship post. Elnino induced drought needs serious attention.
Gedion Gono wemaZillion dollars · 10 months ago
waiting for strong ZiG the best so far on the planet
President Mnangagwa 🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
Thank You 👍
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 10 months ago
wicknell chivhayo for president....vivaaa zanu pf
Ziggy Mari · 10 months ago
Kana ndauya ini muchaona oitwa maThank you rallies
coni · 10 months ago
zanu yaimboda kutenda aniko chaizvo truth be told no one voted for these thugs so iam wondering who where they planning to thank when no one ever voted them can someone please explain
gaucho of pampas · 10 months ago
true @coni maybe they want to thank zec bcz pafair zanu and especially Ed aka.m.amiswa
Digital Tshaka · 10 months ago
@Jack reacher everyone in Zim came from elsewhere, it's just that their forefathers arrived at different times
Jack reacher · 10 months ago
Dumbu guru Nkomooo pasii!Dumbu guru Nkomooooo pasiii!!🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 Taiimba zvedu tichivhima ma dhizidhendi. Va Nkomo chitiviri chebhasikoro chakasara vakomana!!!!! 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶. Inzwai mbwanana dza Tshaka.Muno mu Zimbabwe hamuna kana say
Digital Zulu · 10 months ago
drugs & ignorance
Jack reacher · 10 months ago
Taiimba tichiti.... Nkomo iwee chibva kumhepo waita ka smeroo kengozi 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 kana waivepo panguva yacho wakanzwa vana mkoma vachiimba. Ma dhizidhendi achitsvairwa senhunzi. No apologies. Those Ndebele guys are arrogant
dakar · 10 months ago
akutiiko uyu wamunoti jack reacher ,kkkkkk ,mukawana mukana izosiyai zvinodhaka mutsvage Mwari manzwa here
Jack reacher · 10 months ago
Ndati mandewere hana pawo mu Zimbabwe. Ngadzokere kwa Tshaka
masigede · 10 months ago
seni handitongwi nemwana anobuda madzihwa akaita saChamisa but hurumende yedu ngaizadzise zvivimbiso zvese zvayiotipa,hapana anoda kupihwa nehurumende but ndodawo kuti what ever l do ndobatawo mari inotengacoz tirikushandira
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Paka Chamisa apo wapedza zvako. Zvekutonga nyika zvinoda hwereshenga. Vanhu vanokodzera kugara pamatare.
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
n ndochiii ichii
,,,,,dott · 10 months ago
Opposition party wil never rule Zimbabwe 🇿🇼,
,,,,dott · 10 months ago
Zanu pf to the fullest ,,zig 2 the world
mee · 10 months ago
never say never
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Particularly anything associated na Chamisa. For it is written
Mamzoe · 10 months ago
We are more than 2 million, we support Chamisa chaizvo. Saka uchaita sei ❓
patz · 10 months ago
,,,,,dot True opposition party will never rule Zimbabwe- thats common sense coz party inenge yahwina inenge isisiri opposition. Its impossible to have a ruling opposition

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