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Mushayavanhu Says "Crucify Me" If RBZ Reverts To Excessive Money Printing

11 months agoWed, 17 Apr 2024 11:17:18 GMT
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Mushayavanhu Says "Crucify Me" If RBZ Reverts To Excessive Money Printing

Central Bank Governor John Mushayavanhu has pleaded with Zimbabweans to regain trust in the banking system and resume depositing their savings in banks, as they did in the past.

Zimbabweans have lost confidence in the country’s banking system over the past two decades after the Government changed currencies several times resulting in millions losing their savings.

Addressing business leaders at a Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) organised meeting in Gweru on Tuesday, April 16, to unpack the new Monetary Policy Statement (MPS), Mushayavanhu sought to assure the citizenry saying that under his watch, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) will not indulge in excessive money printing, which causes money to lose value. He said:

People need to trust the banking system again so that they can save and bank their money again. I am saying there will not be any room for excessive printing of money because that causes inflation.

Under my watch, there is not going to be any printing of money in excess of the gold that the Central Bank has.

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That’s a cardinal rule at the Central Bank and we have systems that we are putting in place to make sure that we don’t break that cardinal rule. If that happens (excess printing of money) under my watch, please crucify me.

Mushayavanhu reiterated that the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) is anchored by a composite basket of currency and precious metals, mainly gold, held as reserves for this purpose, by the Reserve Bank.

He said the government has set aside 2,5 tonnes of gold and US$300 million in cash reserves to back the new currency, to guarantee its stability. Added Mushayavanhu:

Of the 2,5 tonnes, 1,5 tonnes are held in the Central Bank’s vaults, with one tonne held offshore.

So, each year, we are going to have independent auditors coming in to audit the gold and the foreign currency reserves we have that back ZiG.

We had President Mnangagwa and the media at the RBZ to see the gold reserves we have that are 2,5 tonnes and US$300 million that are backing ZiG.

We are confident that ZiG is going to address exchange rate volatility, curtail inflation and restore durable macroeconomic stability as the country works on doing away with the multicurrency regime by 2030.

Since April 6, ZiG has been stronger and remember it is backed by gold, and forex reserves that we have. You can go into a bank and buy, or go in and sell foreign currency.

There is a need for us to be positive about ZiG because there is no gain in attacking the ZiG, to anyone.

We need to start believing in it, it won’t benefit you soiling the new currency, and it won’t benefit the next generation either.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that ZiG is sliding on the black market even though it has marginally gained value against other currencies since its launch earlier this month.

When the new currency was launched on April 5, it was trading at 13.56 to the U.S. dollar, before firming to 13.34, as of 17 April.

However, according to VOA, ZiG is now trading at around 20 on the black market.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 11 months ago
Mushayavanhu..watotanga kuzvisungirira iyo tambo yacho isati usati wairuka.....Bvunza Gono naMangudya..vakafamba namo mumapotholes acho......
🙆👁️‍🗨️ · 11 months ago
game on · 11 months ago
imari rudzi inotanga kushanda isati yaonekwa rudzi rwayo? asi ndeye ngozi? dzimwe mari taitanga tadziona ko iyo yakoshei?
game on · 11 months ago
zig wakatofa tisati taita body view
Donzamusoro fugu pfee muchi bsbe che Zanu · 11 months ago
Not surprised.Fundamentals which destroyed ZiG's predecessors,Bond and Bearer cheque are sill actively at play, notably rigged and disputed elections, currency manipulation by the Central bank,overarching control by corrupt politicians,compromised Governors,lack of indepence by Central bank,primitive accumulation f wealth,ineffective supporting instititions like ACC etc etc but above all ZiG will die a sudden death as long as it does not buy certain essential commodities like fuel, passports and printing money etc
zimboo · 11 months ago
yemota dzevatsigiri venyu iri ipapo here yekugala ichabva ipapo here yema thank you rally ichabva ipapo futi here yekurapisa vanhu mhiri kwemakungwa ichabva futi ipapo here yekuchengeta offshore gold ndopairi here yemota dzema chief, mp, minister, tambangu crew ichabva futi ipapo here yedrought relief irpo futi ipapo here mukaita zvose izvo nezvimwe tisina kutaura mosara nei
Mushayavanhu · 11 months ago
There are pple vaakutoita ma transfer ema 80k ZiG kunze uku & it boggles my mind kut irikubvepi..u don't practice what you preach,RBZ yatotanga kupa ma money changers Mari haaa iyo nyika yese ingaita jus $300 million iye Chivayo aine $100 million?
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Don't worry Mushayavanhu you will receive instructions from your Superiors and you will act accordingly
Hondo · 11 months ago
Ngaobiwe iri muchigaba pane kuirwa iri mubank uchiti yakachengetwa ukaisa$200us ugara 3months usina kuidrawer wonzwa kuti mascara $45us imwe ywenda kuserves charges that's day light robbery garai nezvimabank zvenyu
Jonas · 11 months ago
takambozvinzwa nevakaenda izvi ko makazoti kudii neshareholding yekubank kwenyu inoreva kuti hamufanire kuita governor ko instructions ndeeyi every day asi pane zvamuri kuwanza kani have you ever wondered why people rush to the bank every month end?
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Once bitten twice shy. Is zig buying fuel now. Gono used to speak in parable that no one understood now this one wants us to crucify him. This job is difficulty to handle
Zim-Sketch · 11 months ago
the problem will start when you begin to take instructions from the shake shake house. we had that all ministers are just shodows..... policies are coming from that shake shake house.
Zig- master · 11 months ago
mukuzviziva here nhai mukuru kuti Black market yatove 1:20 imi muchingowawata nhema
pee · 11 months ago
guchu · 11 months ago
if they have a full support for this why are they sending CIO on the road to chase money chargers the system must chase the money chargers how long are going to chase them another cost again we support our currency but its big guys who this fail who have cash in hand ambuyas and sekuru wont make this fail our banking system again will give the USD when needed that will force people to money chargers because you need it
doug · 11 months ago
He knows Zimbabweans are Christians and they will not want to sin deliberately. Zimbabweans are also very afraid of ngozi, the avenging spirit!
patz · 11 months ago
Vamwe vakamboti toresigner asi vakazoita chinamira
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 11 months ago
To hell with you, Zimbabwe is full of thugs like you even we have the evidence, only the one who appointed you can crucify you, not us don't try to be innocent. Keep quiet if you don't have any words to utter. This has men who failed, like you already they still live, because you have joined the team don't fool 👤 us. You have been advised that you are a failure but you insist, that's the team you play for but beaten as of last year kkkkkk. Be calm and enjoy your self our sufferings.
Mamzo · 11 months ago
It's obvious, this dude has already overprinted the Zigs, let's not be hoodwinked
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
John 1 once said if the bond note fails, I will resign, it then failed, but he refused to resign. Now John 2 is saying we can kill him if he resorts to printing man
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Godisinit, Zig will work muchida musingadi, vavengi varipo.
. · 11 months ago
The fundamentals for the establishment of our own currency are still in the intensive care unit, no matter how you wish, the Zig will flop.
@Anyinimous · 11 months ago
iwe hauna kana brain dai ukafa zvipere
PhD · 11 months ago
the pillow and mattress banking system is much much more comfortable. unovata hope dzinobata
Xxxx · 11 months ago
He is fully aware that he is not untouchable.
John I · 11 months ago
Ndinosiya basa kana bond rikasashanda
Anonymous · 11 months ago
God need to intervin in these situations
.... · 11 months ago
Idya Mari wakanyarara iwe Mushayapeople zveZanu haungambozvigone. AnaBaBona vakangofa vakazvisiyawo zvakadaro. MHSRIP baBona .
It's the principle · 11 months ago
It's not about kudya, toilet zvayo BUT the principality, a working brain, chikafu chaunodya is it convertible to brainsworthy kana just a peat destined for toilet iwe dhuvhasi
.... ChiBaby cheZanu · 11 months ago
T s e k wako. Zi gu ri rako rine ho nye.
cde che · 11 months ago
deposit money in a bank at your own risk. there's mo danger
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
takabva Neko kumhunga akuna ipwa imi vamushayavanhu
Humba · 11 months ago
Hapana chinochinja apa chakatanga ndochakachenjedza
PhD · 11 months ago
you can say that again @kamukono we have traveled this route many times over. Zimbabweans will never trust the banking system unless there's a complete overhaul of the political system

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