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Mzembi Challenges Mutsvangwa To Name RBZ Governor Who Facilitated "Theft" Of Zimbabwe Gold Reserves

11 months agoTue, 16 Apr 2024 13:31:00 GMT
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Mzembi Challenges Mutsvangwa To Name RBZ Governor Who Facilitated "Theft" Of Zimbabwe Gold Reserves

Self-exiled former Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi has challenged ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa to name the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor who facilitated the illicit removal of the country’s gold reserves during the tenure of the late President Robert Mugabe.

Mutsvangwa on Monday alleged that following the imposition of sanctions on the country by Western powers, the RBZ governor, whom he did not name, sought assistance from contacts in the Arab world, who said they could provide US dollars. Said Mutsvangwa:

We had our gold reserves, then the Americans imposed sanctions, and then we were short of US dollars.

As we were short of US dollars, our Reserve Bank governor then, I won’t mention names, these days I am not mentioning names.

Our Reserve Bank governor engaged outsiders in the Arab world… they said we can give you US dollars but on condition that you support it with your gold.

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Mutsvangwa added that while the gold was transferred as per the agreement, the country never received the promised US dollars.

In response, Mzembi challenged Mutsvangwa to specify the RBZ Governor he was alluding to, considering that five individuals have held the position since the imposition of sanctions in 2001. Mzembi posted on X:

Yesterday’s aspersions, innuendo and allegations against an unnamed former Public Servant /Governor of the RBZ ref the disappearance of Gold, a public asset, cannot go unchallenged. Cde Chris Mutsvangwa should name the Governor and beneficiary country or countries he is referring to. Sanctions on Zim were imposed in 2001 under:

1. Governor Tsumba who served to 2003.
2.A/ Governor Chikaura, May 2003- Nov 2003
3. Governor Gono, Dec 2003 to Nov 2013
4. A/ Governor Charity Dhliwayo, Dec 2013 to April 2014.
5. Governor John Mangudya, May 2014- to March 2024.

Mzembi also listed the names of Finance Ministers who served during the period: Simba Makoni, Chris Kuruneri, Herbert Murerwa, Samuel Mumbengegwi, Tendai Biti, Patrick Chinamasa and Ignatius Chombo.

He also identified external auditors who were engaged since the country came under sanctions, namely: Deloitte & Touché, Ernest & Young, KPMG and Kudenga BDO. Added Mzembi:

What do these reputable external auditors who covered the period say? What does the IMF say? Then the genius no-nonsense Biti & Inclusive Government and its intrusive modus also failed to pick this?

At this stage, I would be more interested too in the one lot the President himself says is being kept by his friends at a location only known to him and the officers who took it there .. the Big Q is HOW did they do it?

Does it reflect on RBZ financial transactions and auditors’ books? What is the risk associated with this in the event of loss of office, incapacitation or death in office? #whereisourGold?

Speaking after inspecting the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe gold reserves earlier this month, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said that a few months ago he had travelled outside Zimbabwe to inspect the country’s gold reserves held offshore. He said:

Zimbabwe has solid gold in the vaults. In the past, we sold all our gold, and we couldn’t keep money, but now we have solid gold in the vaults.

So, year by year we should have about 1.2 tons of gold in our vaults as well as outside.

A few months ago I went outside, I will not say where, but I went outside where I inspected the gold there and I am satisfied that my officer carried out my instructions correctly.

Mzembi also raised an important question — how a nation well-known for its robust security infrastructure—could find itself unable to safeguard its precious gold reserves He wrote on X:

So a country that prosecuted 16 years of revolutionary armed struggle and has a @UN Safekeeping Mission accredited @PoliceZimbabwe, a network of Private Security Organisations can’t entrust itself with the safekeeping and custody of its own gold?

Secondly, if it happened under the First Administration both the Finance Ministers and Governors under that era of pilferage are alive and they include Chinamasa and the current President himself. They should shed more light.

More: Pindula News



The Watcher · 11 months ago
it's that hen ass-shaped vocal vented Mutsvangwa loud ranting again .. bootlicking the crocodile so that he won't get swallowed alive.. But now, were you the only person who was involved in that deal that costed so much gold and money ?noone. ever came out with such dubious claims except the culprits and the country concerned..
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous Viva Zanu PF
Khan · 11 months ago
The Gold Mafia is a fake story concocted by a desperate news channel...They should release the uncut and unedited version not tho edited charade meant to appease Western nations... Sanctions are the real cause of Zim problems and they have to be removed immediately so that Zim takes her rightful place on the world stage... Seriously in this day and age you find people that believe such drivel as the gold mafia...That documentary listed well known Western nations bootlicker Simba Chikanza as one of the contributers which tells you all you need to know... Bulwark of People United and Free
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Sanctions 😂 your a comedian 😂
chirume chirume · 11 months ago
hakuna sanction rikukanganisa nyika, masanction imbavha dziri kulooter maresources chete, we hv enough resources kut nyika iyende mberi, asi mukukanganwa magold mafia here
shadows · 11 months ago
tell your west to remove sanctions.
Skimbo · 11 months ago
Hakuna ma sanctions atinoramba tichingoitaura so kana muchiwona kuti arikukutadzisai kutonga siyayi sei musingataure corruption munotowona zviri normal kusatura nezvayo
Akah🥷 · 11 months ago
Oh the country never grow only being vitiated is happening,,,,
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Bvisai ma sanctions kuti nyika intake kwete kutaura zvisina basa.
lawyer · 11 months ago
muzembi should be arrested for breaching declaration of secrecy that he swore during his service in govt
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
ko where is @ check zanu ambotipawo pfungwa dzake dzinofunga kupfuura Zimbabwe yese
Tongogara · 11 months ago
Garwe kuviga gold mubako maanoziva ega ko akabatwa Nana Jaguar zvinovharana hatidi mbavha tatambira munyika muno kubva kuSandura commission hamusi kudzora tsvimbo vakuru ityaiwo
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Nyika inoputswa nevene vayo kuendesa gold for free madununu. Why didn't you wait for money first or does it sum up 15 billion that Mugabe spoke about
Quana · 11 months ago
maswera sei giys
ZANU PF · 11 months ago
Being led by corrupt leaders who are foolish enough to tell us what they squandered from the country. So during Mugabe tgey took our gold. ED also has his own in the name of offshore reserves. Yah we will forever be fools as Zimbabweans working to feed our leader hunger for more and thirst
cute gel · 11 months ago
both mzembi and mutsvangwa fully of ****
Skimbo · 11 months ago
Politics is dirty game mnangagwa akambotiza wani ndozvinoratidza kuti chii chinonzi politics
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
dzoka kumba iwe Mzembi
Fifi's nudes. · 11 months ago
ED should just mutsvangwa coz he is letting the cat that zanu has been looting country's gold for the benefit and enrichment of themselves chinhu chinonzi Zimbabwe hachidisina chinhu ichi chaora
Clemence · 11 months ago
Mr Mzembi, can you kindly tell us why you're out of this country? Are you sure you don't have a case to answer? A nation is better built by its own people hey. If you're also clean, huya tivake nyika yedu gara zviye handiti tri gene vayo here?😀😀
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
kombo Moyana na Leonard Tsumba best governors and Benard Chidero ..Simba Makoni and Tendai Biti best Ministers of finance zvimwe zvese izvi idramma
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
kombo Moyana na Leonard Tsumba best governors and Benard Chidero ..Simba Makoni and Tendai Biti best Ministers of finance zvimwe zvese izvi idramma
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 11 months ago
Haridzoki wakabva wakasa sungwa zvakatopera nanhasi warikuba gold, lithium, chrome diamond, zig, US dollar and all donations. Hazviperi uye hazvidi wanobvunza warikure nyika ndeyedu dzokai mutitaurire musatye ko mune mhosva dzei isu tichitambura kudai. Hapadi mbwende apa huyai!!!!!
Clemence · 11 months ago
ummm apa pane nyaya apa.
Zignaire · 11 months ago
Thus a big C happening this country is full of surprise aaah shame 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wuto · 11 months ago
I fake story hakuna mazita anotaurwa ne dhununu iro
Skimbo · 11 months ago
Dununu rip kana wakambojoina zvigure unotoziva kuti zvinofamba sei usati dununu nekuti makamudzinga mzembi anoziva zvese chero zvakavanzika kudarika iwe unomirira kuunganidzwa kunge dutu renzungu saka mutsvangwa ngaataure chokwadii
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
@skimbo apo wataura chokwadi chizere
Anonymous · 11 months ago
S.Class · 11 months ago
No use crying over spilt milk
Gh · 11 months ago
@chi baby, I'm waiting for your so called self righteous opinionical ideas
Kkkkk · 11 months ago
Ndozvinoita vanongoda kupikisa pfumgwa dziri nani, always drooling counterfeit pese hakuna pavanova agreeable on anything Ndiwo ma opposition Vana saku opposer enda unooppser traffic. Lane tione ukararama

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