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"RBZ Governor, John Mushayavanhu, Once Served In ZANU PF Structures"

11 months agoSat, 13 Apr 2024 11:05:43 GMT
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"RBZ Governor, John Mushayavanhu, Once Served In ZANU PF Structures"

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor John Mushayavanhu once served in ZANU PF structures as Masvingo provincial party treasurer, former Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi has said.

Posting on X last week, (April 4), Mzembi said Mushayavanhu briefly held the portfolio of provincial treasurer for ZANU PF in Masvingo. He wrote:

The most encouraging attribute out of the recent appointment of the new Reserve Bank Governor Dr John Mushayavanhu is his quiet and calculating disposition. He is a reserved character and second-guessed most of the time.

In his brief stint as Treasurer for ZANU PF Masvingo Province he never uttered a word, after three meetings he concluded he had made the wrong decision to accept the co-option and quit quietly to pursue his banking career.

I would like to give him a chance starting tomorrow and I am sure he won’t rush to say if I don’t get it right in six months, fire me like both his predecessor & current Minister of Finance and then stay for years after failing. Kugona basa kuriita (success comes from hard work).

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According to The NewsHawks, Mushayavanhu is a close associate of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, and also a relative.

The two reportedly worked closely together when Mnangagwa was in charge of the ruling party business empire and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) investment adventures during the Congo War from 1998 to 2002.

According to the report, before his recent appointment as RBZ Governor, Mnangagwa’s political allies wanted Mushayavanhu to replace Mangudya in 2019 when his first term ended.

Mnangagwa, however, allowed Mangudya to finish his term.

Mushayavanhu and Mnangagwa reportedly worked together behind the scenes on private sector deals, ZANU PF business networks, including the formation of FBC which was initiated by the ruling party, and also in DRC through the bank on which they were both directors for the Great Lakes country’s operation.

The NewsHawks cited a source as saying Mushayavanhu is part of Mnangagwa’s business team. Said the source:

Their business network is big and wide and includes the Joshi family (Manharlal Chiunilal and Jayant Chiunilal Joshi) that Mnangagwa worked with at Zanu PF when he was still party treasurer and secretary for administration. Mushayavanhu worked with the Joshi family at the bank and on the Zuva Petroleum deal when it acquired assets worth over US$29 million from Masawara plc. Masawara had bought the assets from BP & Shell in Zimbabwe.

Mnangagwa is accused of appointing his Karanga clansmen from the Midlands and Masvingo provinces to the Cabinet and civil service as well as to strategic positions.

More: Pindula News



Khan · 11 months ago
I have answered each and every one of your questions but the problem is your masters hand is still firmly up yours...You don't wanna listen instead you wanna parrot your views born from your colonial masters....I no longer have the energy to engage with a bottom feeder like yourself...Go on and keep believing in your Western agenda born from the Great Satan and see if I care... Don't be surprised if you don't achieve anything in life in the short remainder of your life you gay c*nt.... Bulwark of People United and Free....Bye sucker
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous why do you always have you have to think of Bollocks is it because you get shafted by your white colonial masters
Anonymous · 11 months ago
You like this theme. Do you enjoy that kind of thing? Not for me if I am honest. Let the **** sheep make friends with the wolves.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous You neocolonial charlatan are not worthy of my time
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Neocolonial? Do you even know what that means? You have no answers, that is why you can't answer.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Old script my friend. Whats your mantra been for generations? Convert or die, isn't it. I didnt quote scripture, I just said that the resources are God given. Or do you believe that they are man made. An underhand way for colonialist to empoverish nations by leaving them with natural resources. Maybe you should ask your Ayatollah for divine inspiration, because you are seriously lacking. I don't believe the slave markets in Dar Es Salaam were run by Anglos. Did you benefit from selling your "brothers and sisters". That is why you are pointing the finger so hard at everyone else when you are just as guilty. You are spurting propaganda from incompetent rulers who used their media allies to say that standing on your own people's necks is in their best interests. It is well documented that Castro created famine in his own country by forcing farmers to produce one crop and damaging their agricultural production base as anyone knows that some soils are not suited for some crops. I find it amazing that you think the Bible is a means of economically enslaving the people of Africa. Laughable. You need a new script. Smith is never coming back because he has already passed on. I think you can go and collect your paycheck from your new masters. Slavery, tick, Castro, tick, Colonialism, Bible enslaves, tick. Here is the test, when Castro was alive, just like Zimbabwe, and the US opened its borders, how many would leave. If you are honest with yourself, you would acknowledge that it would be most. Except the parasites that are leeching off the nation. If sanctions only prevent US companies from investing in the nation, how is it that is keeps the nation down. You hate America, but you want them to invest their resources in your country. Hypocrite. Keep your Bollocks of People United and Free. "The loving grip of Zanu PF", very unfortunate use of the word, but explains a lot about you and your convert or die indoctrination. When you grip things, there is nothing free about it. Maybe you tickle too many Johnsons yourself, same like your slavery tick box. Telling everyone to look elsewhere while you have your hand doing the fiddling. You have brought Great Evil, Satan into the discussion. Maybe it is you who is promoting it.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous whenever someone mentions a Bible automatically you have lost an argument unless I am right about you being nothing more than a neocolonialism mouthpiece... Christianity is one of the major reasons why the African continent is poor and the reason for most of the suffering of my African brothers and sisters....The Great Satan and her Anglo allies used the bible to underdevelop the African continent and yet junkies like you continue to lap up that Jewish propaganda...The Bible is the tool of racists
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous stop trying to rewrite the codex Gigas hey no1 will read that crap..America has always been the great Satan since Khomeini coined that term way back in the 80s and America's actions have continued to prove him right...Castro didn't fail anything he just got sanctioned by your masters you neocolonial SC*m.The Cubans just like the Zimbabweans understand that it is sanctions and not the leadership's fault but hey even in good societies we still got people that think things were better when they were just slaves or inhabitants of a colony 🤔🤣🤣🤣....Wake up Smith is never coming back we are under the loving grip of Zanu PF now and that will never change despite the efforts of modern day Quislings like yourself....I have no love for America and would rather chop my left ball than to go that cesspool called America.... Bulwark of People United and Free....Bye bye Quisling and go eat a Johnson
Anonymous · 11 months ago
You have no idea what liberal even means. Your comments stink like nothing else. Your comments, just like you ideology, are like Cholera. They were common place in the 19th century, but have proven to be no value to society ever since. Only crazed, mouth foaming nut cases, like yourself, run around thinking that they need to keep it around in the 21st century. You call Americans the Great Satan. They may not be perfect but I don't see them running around burning not only Bible but babies as well. Your talk like your s**t don't stink. I suppose when you live in it long enough, it becomes standard that everyone must follow your example or be called the Evil Ones. A shining light for the world, isn't it? I always find it interesting that your like offer wisdom from leaders who failed their country. Castro is no saint as you play him to be. I suppose it is Americas fault his nation doesn't shine in any form either. I see now. Its your 19th century script coming in again. Lets all look backwards at those who pushed all their populations into a state of famine. Not only that but the economy as well as it was all focussed on a small group who controlled the state, and thus production. It has ended up really well for them hasn't it. It is a beacon of what not to do for small countries, but in your mind, repeating mistakes is the best way forward. You should go to America and join the Muppet Show as the only people of that age group would just absorb that rubbish.
Khan · 11 months ago
For someone who claims to know economics your lack of knowledge of the resource curse is all too apparent
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Wow, you denigrate others when your indoctrination is for all to show. You should look in the mirror before throwing stones at those more intelligent. You are done discussing because you have brought nothing of value to the table. The same drivel that has kept this country in the state it is in. Slobbering over those who you give you money. You have no shame. You talk about your name. What little value it carries going forward, other than an empty vessel that produces nonsense in your own little world of depravity. You only spout this rubbish because you cannot bring any intelligent to the table to resolve the countries problems, just running around shouting propaganda slogans that keep Zimbabwe in the state that it is. United and Free is your slogan. More like Bollocks of People United and Free. A countries resources are a curse? The country is not cursed by its resources, only by those who abuse God's gift to line their own pockets. Blaming America for their sanctions. Give me a break. Their sanctions only block their citizens from investing with certain individuals, not the nation. Your hate for America is all apparent, but you complain that they are not bringing their money. Your lack of sense on show all the more. I am sure you run around shouting down with America whilst wearing your RayBans talking on your Apple phone. Hyporcrite much? CNN talks nonsense as most other media outlets as they are paid for the narrative they spurt. As with most Zimbabwean outlets as well. Of course you called education a failure as you clearly stated that Zimbabwe only produces by your words, i.d.i.o.t.s. Or is you lack of memory catching up with you. I am not done with you, because your narratives are not worth being left as the only part of the conversation. Rubbish by any other name is still rubbish.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous your manuscript is just full of liberal tears...In Zim there is no middle ground it's either you with the system or you part of the Western sponsored opposition....America literally printed money under the new monetary theory and when the citizens complained they were shut down... Problem is you only get your news from CNN and other liberal news channels...I said DRC and not Angola because DRC is the poster child of the resource curse which is what I mentioned so stop creating a narrative which isn't there Mr Anonymous...🤣🤣🤣🤣 is that what they teach you in opposition Echo chambers where you spend your hard earned data bundles in....I never implied or stated that the state failed by educating people...I meant that the doctors and nurses that left the countries thinking that they will earn significantly more are the i.d.i.o.ts because this is no longer the 80s...Anyway am done with you all you should know that there is more of us than they ever will be of you opposition crybabies... Bulwark of People United and Free
Anonymous · 11 months ago
So the Americans do not look to their government when their currency devalues? Or they ship their money elsewhere, which I believe you were whinging about earlier. Americans also complain when their government prints more money for projects that do not benefit the country. A group of successful businesspeople do not control the currency. And I do not support the opposition as they have proven to be toothless. So you believe the mass majority of educated and qualified individuals are, by your words i.d.i.o.t.s. The state of the education of the general population is a reflection of the government as most people in Zimbabwe are educated by the state. So you are basically saying the government failed the people. "Zimbabwe is just a country full of confident i.d.i.o.t.s who wasted their time attaining useless degrees", is this the official position or does this only apply to doctors and nurses that left the country, because they are, by your words "i.d.i.o.t.s". Interesting stance for a self-professed pro government mouthpiece. That explains a lot about your ideology. And DRCs resources don't belong to me. I think you mean Angola, where Dos Santos ran away with most of it. You ran around my questions instead of answering them. Attacking me and not the questions. Status quo for you I suppose.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous...your tears hydrate me ..Anyway this is the problem with you opposition crybabies so much entitlement.... Zimbabwe is just a country full of confident i.d.i.o.t.s who wasted their time attaining useless degrees which no longer have a place in the modern world...I just used the DRC as an example because it is a country with far more resources than you yet they struggle because of third world problems which so happens to be where Zim is....You do not care about this country because you support an opposition that brought sanctions to this country..Stop looking at the government to provide for you even in America most successful people do not look at the government to solve their problems....Get out of your parents house and do something with your life instead of complaining at the government
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous The economy has been under attack by nations you continuously bootlick in hopes of getting a visa when they don't even care about you...Those that asked for sanctions and trade restrictions are out there in the open so go out and ask them why they brought suffering unto you...Our suffering was also brought by following the crooked and biased IMF when they gave us so called ESAPs so in essence the West ruined our proud nation... But no worries under the second republic things are getting better and by 2030 we will be fine.... Having loads of resources does not mean anything go and research the resource curse phenomenon...DRC has more resources than Zim yet they are far worse than us....🤣🤣🤣 intelligent workforce futi? ...No1 intelligent moves from a peace loving country like us with very low crime rate
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Never heard so much rubbish. I don't want their visa. What is most effect of increasing money supply to the market? As the man you bootlick, Mr Gono, clearly stated that you can "print yourself out of recession". It has never worked in any country in the world, the result has always been the same. Though Zimbabwe tries it all the time, and when it collapses, they change the currency name and take some zeros off. Like putting lipstick on a donkey. Nothing changes in the process, the only change is the currency name. I was talking about Zimbabweans being intelligent. Why is that Zimbabweans are getting accolades all over the world? What is the common theme? They don't live in this country. I couldn't care less what the DRC are doing. Their country, their rules. Wouldn't you agree? We care for this country. Zimbabwean have the greatest potential, but they are always held back by being overburdened by taxes to fund wasteful expenditure like cars, that offer zero benefit to the nation or it's people. Does spending millions of USD on vehicles every year, increase our exports? Does it add to the GDP of the nation. What is it that an intellectual, that left the civil service said, in Zimbabwe, no-one is allowed to shine because it may make someone higher up the ladder look bad. Good ethos for the civil service isn't it? But I suppose you tend toward that habit because you wouldn't be able to hold your position for very long if it changed.
ty · 11 months ago
epl updates anyone
bambo · 11 months ago
ukaona pachine munhu achiri kufunga kuti zig rino budirira its a sign yokuti ane problem mufungwa . either imbavha .muroyi i**** mu cult or ndevaya vayaaa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Zvekuti aive mu Zanu pf zvine basa rei? Ku Zanu pf kwagara ndokwega kune vanhu vakadzidza
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Muchaida Zig. Muchadane Zanu
Legend · 11 months ago
ita basa sebasa @mutangadura
mtangadura · 11 months ago
Ndezvekupenga izvo tichazo taura musi wa2 ndiri kuronga zvangu mazig andanzi nditsvage is ne rate 1us dollar 28 zig apa ndapiwa 30 million. Ndi minister andipa iri basa. Izvozvi ndiri Chevron hotel kutsvaga mhene, kuExor kune vanenge cid wandisina kunzwisisa kumira mira kwavol. But ndorara ndabudisa around 12million👧😎😎
Jason · 11 months ago
us$1 ku airtime yema zig unoisirwa how much????
ty · 11 months ago
epl games played so far ,anyone
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Man city 5 Luton 1
ty · 11 months ago
thank you @Anonymous
Vene · 11 months ago
Kune akuba zita rangu
Registrar · 11 months ago
Uri vene veyi nhayi
💅Rudo · 11 months ago
I just to encourage someone today that never think kuti ucharamba ungori in the same place for the rest of your life. 🙇‍♀️ Just accept God's call for your life and shine. Hakuna munhu akamboenda kuna Jesus Christ akaita disappointed. You are special and you have Destiny. I used to be lost but the Gospel chairo ra Jesus touched me and here I am. My life is way better than it used to be, that's why ndisiri kuita spend so much time on Pindula as I used to. And very soon I won't be coming here at all. But I will say Good bye zvakanaka.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Very true
Patriot · 11 months ago
Vene venyika ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇿🇼 Always support you building Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 in front of evil white people from UK and USA 🇺🇸
Bvepfepfe · 11 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dai wanga uchiita benefit something from Zanu you should have been on Facebook and YouTube uchinakirwa ne data svinu rema Gigabites wangu
Patriot · 11 months ago
ndine mustards nemaplot nayo Zanu PF and I will kill for this country✊🏾
. · 11 months ago
idzi hondo yadzo nevarungu inondirangaridza bhuku reanimal farm
· 11 months ago
Ndewe Zanu manje chimari chake hachishandi Toda kuchi wondomora Mirai muone
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 11 months ago
Wakambo applier basa rehu RBZ boss ukarinyimiwa here coz kwese kune track records years of experience ne academic advancement ko Mthuli Ana Moyo Ana Nyoni Ndlovu s haasi makaranga wani but they are ministerials Vamwe vanhu Gore rinopera vachingotsoropodza chete, They always see defectiveness squint eyed pa Pindula chete Open up your brains Zig is not invalid or stillbirth It's in its weaning and lactation stage Let embrace it sezvinoitwa Makorokoto mwana a va mukuberkwa or abudirira zvidzidzo zvake,
ZIMBA🇿🇼Original · 11 months ago
I love this new appointment,,, fresh blood
Vene · 11 months ago
and Sons private Limited
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Did you not read? He has been in the "organisation" since 1998. How is that fresh blood?
DHOODHI · 11 months ago
💩 Basa rangu ndere kungobuda ndoenda. Ndine skiri
fugu pfeee · 11 months ago
zve cv yake mushayavanhu zvebasa reyi. ndiani asina kumbova we zanu pf pasi pano
@ Bount · 11 months ago
Huya pakudzanai izere tinayo
m · 11 months ago
for US$ 1 you get how many zigs of airtime?
bounty hunter · 11 months ago
bounty hunter · 11 months ago
need air time in zig ndoiwana kupi ndiri mugweru .. l hv us$2 ... plis help
Dddd · 11 months ago
10 zig
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 11 months ago
🤔🤔🤔 I am not surprised that Mushayavanhu is related to ED coz akafanana ne the Twins sons dza ED na Auxillia.
Bhomora Zvekuti · 11 months ago
🤣🤣🤣 Mushayavanhu ane maziso anenge enyoka 🐉🐉🐉, I think he is a satanist and a womanizer. He is also a CIO futi. He is going to be very corrupt
Observer · 11 months ago
för real,munoona and that is quite factful. I suspect the same in the name of my ancestors.
Dr observer · 11 months ago
Mazvionaka eee musazoudzirwa gava nembwa zviribe musiyano
NewsHawks · 11 months ago
Breaking News Pres EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA this afternoon appointed his wife first lady Dr Auxilia Mnangagwa to the post of defense minister replacing oppah mchinguri kashiri
Oppah · 11 months ago
Iwee hokoyo
Bvepfepfe · 11 months ago
😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 Are u serious dude? There is no Zesa today, I will wait for the electricity and check the news coz aaah. It's like ED wants Zimbabwe to be a Monarch, Zanu Pf yatongova party yana Mnangagwa. His other son is in the ZDF
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Saka vangaise mukoma wa Jobho here? HazviiteChamisa akatotiza Tshabangu wani

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