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Police Set To Conduct Blitz On Money Changers "Manipulating" ZiG Currency

11 months agoFri, 12 Apr 2024 12:51:16 GMT
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Police Set To Conduct Blitz On Money Changers "Manipulating" ZiG Currency

The Government is set to deploy law enforcement agents on the streets to arrest illegal money changers who are allegedly manipulating the newly introduced Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency, even before ZiG notes and coins officially enter circulation.

The new currency is already in electronic circulation, and reports are suggesting that the street exchange rate has surged to at least ZiG18 per US dollar, surpassing the official rate of ZiG13.41 per dollar.

On Wednesday Members of Parliament raised concerns that the value of the ZiG currency has been distorted less than a week after it was unveiled.

Presenting a summary of the Monetary Policy Statement in Parliament, Ncube said that the Government will ensure that money changers are cleared off the streets. He said:

Hon. Togarepi (Pupurai) said that he has noticed that some street traders are back on the street corners and may start attacking our domestic currency again.

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I received similar information as well as early this afternoon. We are going to send out our law enforcement agency to do their work on a blitz to make sure that these vendors are dealt with.

They are cleared off the streets, and heavy fines are imposed on those caught trading in the parallel market.

It is illegal. Therefore, if it is illegal, the law must take its course. I am also urging our law enforcement agents to move with speed to deal with this matter. We cannot allow it.

Ncube also assured parliamentarians that civil servants will get their salaries on time this April. He said:

What RBZ mentioned was the issue of availability of hard cash being available later, at least by April 30 but in terms of receiving electronic payments into their accounts, civil servants will be able to receive these by April 18th or any time because ZiG is already operational.

Illicit foreign exchange trading has undeniably flourished in Zimbabwe, permeating major urban centres across the country.

Critics contend that authorities contribute to the illicit trade by allowing money changers to openly transact in broad daylight.

Forex dealers often handle freshly minted stacks of local currency, a commodity scarce within formal banking channels.

More: Pindula News



Wagona · 11 months ago
Kana makuda henyu muchaita kwazvo.
surprised · 11 months ago
1) Ma bank ngaape interest on deposits to encourage banking. Cash will simply move from the streets to banks. 2) All, I mean all, businesses must bank money and not keep cash in safes. 3) Illegal forex trade must be stopped forthwith. The rule of law must take centre stage to deal with forex dealers. 4) If authorities cannot deal with currency manipulators, citizens will. Let the people themselves carry out the operation, and we will see sanity coming back to our economic activities. 5) Vana Mthuli pachavo must stop fuelling the parallel market by supplying cash and swipe machines into the streets. I pen off
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Let the zig buy fuel
Ndiza · 11 months ago
kuti nyepera kuti munovasunga shuwa ma money changer anga opareta daylight kupara mhoswa pasina chinoyitika who is behind them imi vakuru vacho
.... · 11 months ago
Market fundermentals shall ALWAYS determine the exchange rate
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Remove the money changers and cross borders and shops will start emptying. Force petrol stations to sell in ZIG and withing a couple weeks there will be 3 km queues and we will be back to buying fuel on the black market. Dollarise - at this stage it is the only way to save this economy.
Reign · 11 months ago
The problem with Zimbabwe is that all money changers have got links with Zanu Pf top brass, so it will be hard to end this, next week this ZiG will be 1-50,
Zanu pf pfee pfee · 11 months ago
What is in a name.Bearer cheque, Bond note, ZiG.Three different currencies in 15 years.God forbid.Currency manipulation is a known trickster ploy used by rogue Governments to steal.We now know your intention.We have been there before and that has taught us a lot.We will never trust you.Sorry
· 11 months ago
ED Shweee
Zanu pfee muchi babe che Zanu · 11 months ago
What is in a name.Bearer cheque, Nond note, ZiG.Three different amed currencies in 15 years.God forbid.Currency manipulation is a known trickster ploy used by rogue Governments to steal.We now know your intention.We have been there before and that has taught us a lot.We will never trust you.Sorry
Zanu pfee pfee · 11 months ago
How dare you introduce another currency without letting us know why the previous currencies ie Zimbabwe dollar, Bearer cheques, Bond note collapsed.What was the oitcome of all reviews you carried out to estsblish underlying factors that caused the collapse and how you planned to rectify the fundamental causes.So everything is fake.The ZiG is another fake note
Malema · 11 months ago
Kana zvaramba zvatoramba hamumbozvigona izvi 🙌😂🙆🏿‍♂️🤣
exchanger · 11 months ago
who is buying and selling money on the street? munozivana ikoko musanyepere kupenga. those people we see are agents working on commission but mari ndeyenyu the ruling class
Cde hondo · 11 months ago
Hazvishandi izvi..... Everyone knows the elephant in the room....lets deal with the elephant you know it..
cool · 11 months ago
let Tshabangu recall the street cash vendors
Zim-Sketch · 11 months ago
That's the consequences of having illegitimate govt...... zvadirwa jecha zvakare..
Bvills · 11 months ago giving changers? They are not employed yet they have piles of cash to buy forex. As of this afternoon Zig was 18 to.1 USD mu Street So we are already on a downward trend. Charwere chiri mu mari yedu charamba kurapika Mr Muthuli. You talk of sending the police to arrest money changers aaaa the.police will never.arrest them for reasons best known to them because no one has ever been arrested.and tried ever since years back wen we were told that they will be arrested. Let's walk musangotaure zvamusingagoni kuita. Today 1 USA = 18 ZIG less than a week. Pindai munyika muzvionere kwete kungotaura muri muma office over.a Cup of coffee
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 11 months ago
Switch off Zipit, Ecocash, all INSTANT MONEY TRANSFER AGENCIES, it will be difficult then to wait for 7 days to get clearance for the transaction. Not the Police do we have any advisers nhai ma cdes ko makuita sei futi.
. · 11 months ago
people need to transact ,Most money is electronic right now . You would want people to live without their monies
ama2K musharukwa · 11 months ago
haihwahwo muri dog dzisina mazino kani
Zig · 11 months ago
Am dead before I am born 😭😭😭😭 maiweee
Zibaba rema change money · 11 months ago
ZIG Toda kuisvasvanga kuipedza Simba kusvika yati tasa
ram · 11 months ago
kusvipa kuramba uchisvipa hakupedzi hwema ,suduruka ugonzvenga hwema.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
RULE OF LAW chete will delete ALL wrong doing in Zimbabwe. Since 1964 Zambia has been using their Kwacha. See Botswana, Namibia, South Africa no problems. Rule of law.
Chicken 🐔 · 11 months ago
@ram Ndochikwadi ichocho. However, I feel money changer's money should be forfeited to the state. Wese anobatwa achiita izvozvo kungotora mari yacho, kustate pfee. Vachaona kuti hazvisi kufamba then they retire. Even the likes of Pablo lost their wealth that way.
patz · 11 months ago
Mr Speaker Sir,one of the fundamentals which we will put in place to stabilise our ZiG, which was never put in place by those countries with stable currencies, is to deploy the police to remove illegal currency dealers from the streets. Thank you Mr Speaker Sir
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Waste of resources. Something is not adding up, all over the world we are the only ones who hate our own money.....why
. · 11 months ago
vanga vajaira kutora zvevapfupi nekureba manje chicard chakaonerwa tanyura mari kakawanda since 2009 apa dai vangopanana mapepa avo kumsoro ikoko nemaemployees avo kuno kushaya bond racho same same izezvi haripo bt hapana ambonongwa akafa nekuti ashaya bond, mari ipi inokupinza bizzy kuitsvaga woti kupinda bizzy ichirambwa nematraders?
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
1usd=zig 25
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
chivhayo for president 2028...munhu wese kaAqua kake
Haaa · 11 months ago
Isai policies not police's. Zimbabwe Nikisi
wastak · 11 months ago
Hazvibatsire izvo Inga munogara muchivasunga zuva ne zuva asi hazvipere tsvagai chirikuita kuti zvidaro avo varikutsvaga kurarama ndimi vanhu vanozviti ma mp munovapa marii idzi kuti vaite ma money changer muchida green money
Heya · 11 months ago
Iko kutosunga ikoko, NDO ku chato kwidzisa rate. I I foresee a dramatic rise in inflation.
Gunvosta · 11 months ago
you cant stop diarrhea by stitching up the a.n.u.s
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Iyo ZRP yacho ndiwo maSenior money changers.......
senior money changer · 11 months ago
l have enough money to bribe police ma n l pay them twice their salary
Money Changer · 11 months ago
Mbaje dzinosungisa asi tongodzirova zvakadero , noone can STOP REGGAE , Sphatheleni hapere zvekumhanya as long porisi inenzara toidiiza yono dya nevana kumba.
🤔 · 11 months ago
Nhai zvako
joe · 11 months ago
taura hako
Gamarieri · 11 months ago
Aaaa kkkkkkkk kkkk haaa ungasunga munhu wawatuma kukutengesera zig racho here nxaaaaaa
doug · 11 months ago
If we have to use the police to stabilise currency, then there should be one or more economics fundamentals missing, and the police is not one of them. If America, South Africa, Zambia, Russia etc are not using the police force to stabilise their currencies.
Chikanya · 11 months ago
It’s illegal to trade forex without a licence in South Africa. The reason why the police are not arresting forex traders in SA streets is that there’s very little forex trade happening illegally. Otherwise their shops reject USD because they can be arrested.
Mangwana rate torisa pa 20zig =us 1
mtangadura · 11 months ago
To allow money changers to operate in daylight, what of lately evening, what is bad is bad with no any circumstances whatsoever. Law has no time, you are not serious, when are you to deploy officers, where and remember that they are also in the trade to get something for the family. Visit us here in Kwekwe and see for yourself how hot the going is. a uniformed zrpersonel in harsh business daytime, you won't win this it's very hard nearly for everybody. Best is to dollarise for just 6 months and see no more money changer on the street
cute gel · 11 months ago
nyaya haisi yeraider mamoney changer but kufixer problems akatarisana ne our economy
. · 11 months ago
this has never stopped the black market. Wasting time
Zelensky · 11 months ago
Every Zimbabwean knows that corruption is the major cause of all the rot in the street, Money changers are untouchable , back from the days when the previous government was in power heavy penalties were proposed including jail terms but not even a single sphatheleni went to jail, they were charged with blocking the pavement and we're set free,
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Mukavasunga tinovateera tobuditsa, mungadii tiri panyanga. Kusvika mazotongao
Putin · 11 months ago
So who will you blame for the failure of your imposed ZIG currency 💱
@Putin · 11 months ago
Blame sanctions, Chamisa, business and saboteurs as usual
🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ · 11 months ago
khan nezuro maiti moshanda ne 4n nhas hamusi pa basa here kana kut ka solar kenyu hakasi kupinza moto nemakore aya,,
Wuto · 11 months ago
Wachipedzera ndosaka chisiri kubatika chimboko chimfana chiya
🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ · 11 months ago
Comrade khan where are you,,i am missing your comments ,,zve starlink,Zig huya utsure usanyare
Dark Angel · 11 months ago
vanhu mukati pliz we say no to economic saboteurs
· 11 months ago
Tagara tiri mujeri kare. Munhu wese ari muZimbabwe ari kupika jeri, kupikiswa jeri neZANU
Motorist · 11 months ago
Mukavadzinga, mari yeFuel tinoyiwana kupi.?
Lacto · 11 months ago
Kuti unemota here nhasi chimpxisi
Motorist · 11 months ago
Ndinayo @Lacto, iwe chumushikashika chaunokwira chunofambawo nefuel kwete nerusero😁
BONDAZ · 11 months ago
Jesu kristu. Amen

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