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Govt Warns Communal Farmers Against Selling Livestock As Hunger Bites

11 months agoFri, 12 Apr 2024 07:24:49 GMT
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Govt Warns Communal Farmers Against Selling Livestock As Hunger Bites

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister, Anxious Masuka, has urged communal farmers to desist from selling their livestock at giveaway prices because of dwindling pastures caused by the El Nino-induced drought.

As reported by, Masuka was responding to questions that had been raised by legislators during the Question and Answer session in the National Assembly on Wednesday.

He said the government was aware that farmers were “de-stocking” after the number of cattle sold in Matabeleland South from January to February 2024 has risen by 43%. Said Masuka:

In different places, we have observed that farmers are busy de-stocking because they are worried about the quantities of the feed that they have, for instance in Matabeleland South, the cattle that were sold from January to February… we observed that the quantities have gone up by 43%. So, the majority are selling their cattle.

As the relevant Ministry, we urge farmers to stop rushing to sell their livestock. They should only sell those old oxen and cows.

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The heifers and other young cows, we should keep them in stock so that we can use artificial insemination to ensure that we have pastures for the calves so that they cannot sell their cattle.

Spencer Tshuma, the Gokwe-Kabuyuni MP (ZANU PF) had also asked what the Government was doing given that most communal farmers when faced with hunger sell their livestock for survival.

Tshuma wanted to know what help they could get considering that livestock movement is banned in some areas. Said Masuka:

The Government has put in place, together with the Ministry headed by Minister July Moyo, a programme to ensure that all households countrywide are provided with adequate foodstuffs until next year.

We only allow the movement of livestock once the period of the ban has expired because if we allow this, we may fail to contain the disease.

Reports suggest that farmers are struggling to sell their livestock. Minister Masuka said the Government is currently trying to revive a programme under which market days will be published.

The programme was formerly run by the Cold Storage Commission (CSC) but has since collapsed. Said Masuka:

We are in the process of trying to revive such activities so that farmers can be able to buy and sell cattle. We have allowed the Agricultural Marketing Authority to do that process.

The shortage of pastures and poor crop yields due to drought are some of the factors driving communal farmers to sell their cattle, not only to avoid losses as the animals may succumb to hunger but also to raise money for food and other necessities.

More: Pindula News



ClD Admire kuyeri · 8 months ago
good cattles
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 11 months ago
Yaa ku mombe uko dai Government yaita plan, vanodii kydzitora ivo voiendesa kuma spe****ed feeding centres ava ha create dunhu nedunhu kuma villages provincial sects, mombe haudi a special house ka tin house zvako kana mombe Boyz and jus that panopeeera wo drought dzine nge wo dza multiplier obviously kunotendwa wo ka even a beast offsprings fo a certain number of heads sezvavanoita ku command farming
farmer · 11 months ago
haa uyo vekuti nyika izere nechibage then tonzwa a week later kuti nyika yopemha zvokudya kune dzimwe nyika tererai moga at your own peril
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Wofa nenzara idzo mombe uinadzo..dziri dzako....TENGESA SHASHA!
12345 · 11 months ago
evene if you don't sell them dzichangofa isu touya todya nyama yacho mahara.pavari kumbotadza kupa vanhu chikafu vozowana chekupa mombe.....God forbid 🫰🫰🫰
Aaa · 11 months ago
I think there is no problem because beasts are dying to diseases especially January disease
Aaa · 11 months ago
USD60 paZaka
Gumlaz · 11 months ago
Varume zvinhu hazvna kumbomira mushe panyaya dzemombe guys hatirambi hedu kuti mombe dzitengeswe asi sezvazviri ikozvino mombe hombe ikutengwa ne$ 150 ma USA kana dzio sediki ma $90 guys pakaipa wotoshaya kuti wodii nadzo mombe dzacho saka mp vataura sekudaro
morefire 🔥 · 11 months ago
@mudhibhisi ipawo vanhu pfungwa dzako sekubasa kwako kt unozvionawo sei
Mufudzi wemombe · 11 months ago
Mombe dzakatoonda dzirikutotengeswa hatimirire izvozvo kutengesa mombe dzave
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 11 months ago
kurambidza vanhu kutengesa mombe dzavo here? there is no CSC or other boards to buy the livestock. farmers must keep what they are able to keep not to be forced, now there is outbreak of diseases of which farmers don't have money to buy medicines. there is food shortage country wide and people don't have money for food so they need to sell livestock and other possessions to get money for food.
Legend · 11 months ago
mombe dzine nzara munhu anenzara saka pazviviri izvi chinokwanisa kutengesa chimwe kuti icho chirarame nekuraramisa regai chiite, hazvibetseri kufa nenzara wakatarisa mombe yakaondoroka
godogo wenyaya · 10 months ago
kkkkk fact
fifi · 11 months ago
pano panotaurwa ma facts BT hameno vasingatiitewo maadvisers avo maybe inyaya yekt tikushandisa 0 data @ ndini todini kt zvikungoperera pakuwawata
Ndini · 11 months ago
Pindula Commentators are quite interesting they well read well informed good analyst ED should make them his advisers
Wuto · 11 months ago
Kunyanya inini haa ndotongozvinzwa kuti ndakanyanya
patz · 11 months ago
Its better to dispose at a lower price than wait for the cattle to die coz get nothing. Kana wenge une 15 mombe uka deposer at a low price you can buy 6 kana zvanaka than kuzotangira pazero. VanaMasuka ndevekuteera with care taking your own situation into account.
???????? · 11 months ago
bud · 11 months ago
@ ndini is this your day¿
tho · 11 months ago
tho kkkk kwaa
bud · 11 months ago
🙄 chii ft ⚠️
yoo · 11 months ago
mombe dzatadzeiko ft
Ndini · 11 months ago
kkkkk you made my day

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