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"Zimbabwe Lacks Fundamentals To Sustain New Currency"

11 months agoThu, 11 Apr 2024 14:49:45 GMT
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"Zimbabwe Lacks Fundamentals To Sustain New Currency"

Zimbabwean-born economist, Gareth Horsfield, says the recent introduction of a new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) to replace the Zimbabwe dollar, is akin to putting the cart before the horse as the country does not have the conditions to sustain it.

Horsfield said that Zimbabwean authorities should first restore confidence in the financial system, put in place strong economic fundamentals, and increase production to reduce dependence on imports which drain foreign currency, among other things for a new currency to have any chance of success. He wrote:

Zimbabwe’s New Structured Currency: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Introducing a new currency in a country comes with a complex set of challenges and considerations, particularly in an economy like Zimbabwe, which has faced significant financial instability over the years.

There are several reasons why introducing a new currency in Zimbabwe may not yield the expected outcomes or could potentially exacerbate existing economic issues.

Historical Context and Economic Instability

Zimbabwe has a history of hyperinflation, most notably from 2004 to 2009, which led to the abandonment of the Zimbabwean dollar in favour of a multi-currency system that included the US dollar and the South African rand.

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This history plays a crucial role in understanding the scepticism surrounding the introduction of a new currency.

Hyperinflation led to a loss of confidence in the local currency, making recovery and re-establishment incredibly difficult.

Lack of Confidence in the Financial System

Confidence in the financial system and the stability of a currency is crucial for its acceptance and functionality.

Given Zimbabwe’s history of hyperinflation, the public’s trust in any form of local currency has been severely eroded.

Introducing a new currency requires building this trust anew, a process that can take years, if not decades, of stable economic policies and practices, something Zimbabwe has struggled with.

Economic Fundamentals

For a new currency to be successful, there needs to be a strong and stable economic foundation. This includes a stable inflation rate, robust fiscal policies, and strong governance structures to manage the economy effectively.

Zimbabwe’s economy has faced challenges such as high unemployment, a decrease in industrial production, and governance issues that undermine the potential success of a new currency.

Dependency on Imports and Foreign Currency

Zimbabwe’s economy is heavily dependent on imports for basic goods and services, which necessitates a strong demand for foreign currency.

Introducing a new local currency could lead to a devaluation against stronger foreign currencies, increasing the cost of imports and potentially leading to inflation.

This reliance on imports and the need for foreign currency make it difficult for a new currency to establish itself as a stable medium of exchange.

Social and Political Challenges

The introduction of a new currency is not just an economic issue but also a social and political one. It requires the buy-in from various stakeholders, including businesses, the general public, and international partners.

In Zimbabwe, where political tensions and social unrest have been prevalent, achieving this consensus is challenging.

Political instability can further undermine confidence in any new currency, making its adoption and acceptance more difficult.

Comparative Examples

Looking at other countries that have successfully introduced new currencies, it is clear that certain conditions need to be met, such as political stability, strong economic fundamentals, and public confidence.

These conditions are not easily met in Zimbabwe’s current context, making the successful introduction of a new currency more challenging.

In conclusion, while the idea of introducing a new currency in Zimbabwe might seem like a potential solution to its economic problems, the realities on the ground present significant obstacles.

Historical economic trauma, lack of confidence in the financial system, unstable economic fundamentals, dependency on imports, and social and political challenges all contribute to the scepticism around the success of such a measure.

For a new currency to have any chance of success, Zimbabwe would need to address these underlying issues comprehensively and convincingly, a task that requires time, political will, and economic stability.

More: Pindula News



Polar Mlalazi · 11 months ago
I suppose the fundamentals have been there long back. The economy is gradually gradually improving and politics faces dual dis stabilization from foreign intervention and dis organised opposition, These factors exist in other countries whose currencies are stable. The cart before the horse! May be the cart is heavily loaded and too heavy for the horse to pull! True people dont bank much. I think the USD has colonised people and they are illiterate about the consequences of using that money. Its loaded in suitcases that leave the country and thats the issue!
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Good, it is so surprising that the country is supposed to have confidence in the new currency yet your day to day service outlets like petrol garages do not accept the local currency as a legal tender so this creates an unfortunate situation where citizens are forced to go and change their ZIG to get USD and thus turning to black market again. Black does not have a government, they can put up the price at anytime to capitalise on profits and that forces the intermarket to follow on their tracks leading to inflation and currency devaluation day after day. It would be better if it's doable to just do away with the USD as a legal tender in any outlet and maximize on local production, making the country self sustained then no one will need to change their local currency or the country won't need so much USD to import basic goods.
Howard ZiG · 11 months ago
Start by having confidence in it yourself 1st minister of finance please make sure this money is printed on a High Quality paper not these cars boards as usually secondly add some nice features there yes money can be worthless but it must look nicer that's what consumers appreciate 1st something to keep in my Wallet e.g a $2 $10 an' $10 of Ian Smith but as long you print on these cardboards you will never gain nor build an trust from your citizens because the paper itself sends a wrong message to Zimbabweans already.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Vana veZimbambwe , mukaona veukama voyukana pachivanzwe hapachina kukudzana. Mhuri yoparara. Zvotoda vakazvipira kuti mhuri itararame. Ipai pfunga dzenhu zvigobatsira kuti nyika inova vanhu igarike.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
You will always continue insulting America about sanctions yet forgetting that no matter it is incharge of everything why not kneel and be assisted and let the country survive and do away with **** chinnesse Fong Kong masters.
Chi babe che Zanu pfee pfe pfeee · 11 months ago
How dare you introduce another currency without letting us know why the previous currencies ie Zimbabwe dollar, Bearer cheques, Bond note collapsed.What was the oitcome of all reviews you carried out to estsblish underlying factors that caused the collapse and how you planned to rectify the fundamental causes.So everything is fake.The ZiG is another fake note
Chi babe che Zanu pfe pfe pfee · 11 months ago
How dare you introduce another currency without letting us know why the previous currencies ie Zimbabwe dollar, Bearer cheques, Bond note collapsed.What was the oitcome of all reviews you carried out to estsblish underlying factors that caused the collapse and how you planned to rectify the fundamental causes.So everything is fake.The ZiG is another fake note
Malvin kiki · 11 months ago
Well spoken , it makes a lot of sense no wonder why some other countries currencies are so stable 💯
Anonymous · 11 months ago
If they restore confidence in the system, then looting won't be possible.......!
Ndini · 11 months ago
we will murder asssinate kill massacre ZiG wipe it in the face of the earth Monday we will peg it at 30
Dubs · 11 months ago
In very simple terms,as long as we import more thn we export we cannot sustain a strong currency. Call it whatever you want it will remain useless in a few days.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
ZiG is RTGS with less zeros after it.
TD · 11 months ago
pfungwa shoma tichashorana nekuudzana makobvu apa makati and munoti maka winner mavoti uye muchatonga kusvika donkey ranenyanga nokuda kwekusafunga kwakakwana apa musanyepere povo hazviite rigger tione economy pfurayi vanhu vaite zvamunoda tione hatina zvatoita imi itai isu tiiitei ndokutonga kwacho kwamoti isu tichingotonga shame
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Pandakangonzwa Kuti reserve Bank ine 100 million USD cash in reserves ndakabva ndaziva Kuti trikutandara zvedu how do you expect Kuti zig Risa rase value yaro when reserve Bank renyika rine Mari shoma kupfuura irimuvanhu . Kuti zvinhu zvedu zvifambe reserve Bank inofanirwa Kuva nemari iri more than 3 billion USD In its reserves by so doing that munhu anokwanisa kunochinja ma zig Ake Ku bank not mu street
kkkkk · 11 months ago
chibaba · 11 months ago
vakomana ve black market vakaimurira vatove ne rate izvozvi us$1:25zig for swipe usd1:30 zig for cash ungazodei nekuti fuel tichaida hatina option tinongotenga.Reserve bank governor was lying to say people will scramble for zig,how can the national currency be scarce?don't say that chibaba che zanu admit kuti chinhu ichi chafa chisati chashanda.Those who have embraced zig eg supermarkets they priced their good beyond the rich of many chii ichocho.Chingwa chodhura hapana zviripo apa go back to the basics People would still need to keep their money in stable currency not zig so they will opt to go to the black market simple vakadaro VA Chiwenga
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 11 months ago
Government never forced anyone, but the policy is till the 30th its going to be te legal tender In the mean time you can sift around play with the lot basket of money but after 30th know they cease to exist and those with bulk notes are susceptible to a jail term for contempt, speculative, and treasonous efforts so come first a newer currency we gonner have
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Government never forced anyone? Where have you been living?
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
chivhayo for president 2028 ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
Bishu · 11 months ago
Zimbabwean currency is akin to HIV before retrovirals. You knew a person was going to die sooner than later. Hazvina mushonga zve Zig. Into depreciate tichida tisingade. Dai zvisizvo and the fundamentals were strong enough there would be no need to plead that we support it. Yaimita yega semusambangwena.
dada zvako · 11 months ago
zvadirwa Jecha rine rufuse
mtangadura · 11 months ago
Taurai pane anemhosva yekusapa vamwe nguva yekuraura Hove, arikuda kuenda nadzo dzese kwake akanganwa kuti auya nevamwe. He or She must learn to share simply best. Zvino totsvukira takagarira gold lithium chrome copper tasks wildlife nezig kkkkk kuno kuBeatrice kune boora nyevhe nyemba nemakondo 😀🌿🐒
ZiG™️ · 11 months ago
👨🏽: Hi! Did you block me? 👧🏾: Yes. 👨🏽: Why? 👧🏾: Budget cuts. 👨🏽: Budget cuts??? What does that have to do with anything???? 👧🏾: You were costing me my peace and I had to cut some unnecessary expenses. Have a nice day/life!
Ndini · 11 months ago
Ichimbosvikireyi pa $1.40000 pacho ndopaunoona kuti unofunga nenzewe. Zig hapana zviripo hanti Chinotimba akataura kuti kubvisa mazero only. Hapana kwatiri kuenda sugar $5 us mafuta $4 us.
Cde hondo · 11 months ago
Itai zvamakajaira ma zanu Faz ne zec come and rig exchange rate tione.
Cde hondo · 11 months ago
Changemoney atochidonhedza chi zig chiye rate as of today black market $1 chairo chairo reku America is equivalent to 20 zig.....
Anonymous · 11 months ago
No trust ..... companies participating in the final December auction ..... were robbed of their money ...
aldayz · 11 months ago
ndiye mutuli here aisazig zvakawoma vakoma a from us to zig
Anonymous · 11 months ago
This is straight forward and clear to real economics,this guy is very good at describing his area of knowledge.all that he said contributes to a proper and clear economic structure for an economy to run smoothly.hakuna economy yenyika inorarama pasina PRODUCTION munyika. Our government should respect it's citizens bcz ndivo vanoshandisa Mari yacho,if there is no confidence hapana hapana ,haishande,dnt force us accept it .
Ttt · 11 months ago
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
symbol yezig yakaita sei
. · 11 months ago
it's ZIG
. · 11 months ago
it's ZiG ndo symbol yacho so you say ZiG 1 ,ZiG 2 etc
· 11 months ago
Soon to be ZiG 0 🤣🤣🤣
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 11 months ago
strongest currency in the region....zig
Economist · 11 months ago
Inwai vakadzidza Zimbabwe has got no industries meaning no exports we are depending on minerals of which we busy looting those minerals kuindustry hakuna chiri kugadzira chichitengeswa kunze kunyika Makati black black empowerment kukasara kusina production nhasi moti maSanctions vakomana kwadzaka kururirwa ndiko kwadzinoboperwa dzokera pamakarasora tsoro musatsvage muroyi muchizvidyisa poison mega Zig kusvika December mune makutaura ngano dzatsuro nagudo varume vakuru futi musanyepere nyaya iyi hamuikunde kana musina kudzokera pamakarasira dzokera kwaaiti Structural adjustment Kuya muonapamarasirra Economy yenyika
Hhh · 11 months ago
Comrade Economy is supported thru Production & Exports. Its not a political party that is supported by slogans, intimidation, FAZ and Rigging.
Tawana · 11 months ago
Pakanaka pakadaro♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
😔😔 · 11 months ago
Mirai muone richi wondomoka next ma civil servants atambira...pakaipa world bank iri kudzoka muna streets .
masigede · 11 months ago
ndabvunza baba vekwangu kuti nezuro nanhasi murikuitasei patransport,zvikanzi vanhu tabatana 2 2 , nhasi ndikabhadhawo $ ,mangwana wobhadharawo
The cattle rustler 😁 · 11 months ago
Zimbabwe has been relaying on basic commodities from imports for such a long time ever since it destroyed it's bread basket which was based on exportion of a vast farming produce,the introduction of the so called land reform program and I quote which was a political tool to buy votes for the failing zanupf party destroyed the value of a once strong currency.Now this current junta government has introduced a currency that is backed in gold with no industry as a back up tool to support it,is as simple as pissing in a different toilet but passing the same ****! We are going no where!!
Ian Douglas · 11 months ago
The Truth, nothing else but the Truth 🙏🙏🙏
Third Chimurenga · 11 months ago
Minda takatora. Muchaita sei
The cattle rustler 😁 · 11 months ago
Then what are you doing that is productive with those farms?You sons of *****s have turned multi millionare farms into grass productions nxaa go hang!
mkwasha · 11 months ago
iwe unowa sei ndikakwira sisi vako usiku wese ndo vapa ZIG
@Third Chimurenga · 11 months ago
Mukaitei nayo minda yacho kunze kwekurima Sora beans nekuvhima shuro nekuchera mbeva saFugu?
laugh emoji1
sad emoji1
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Zvichatora five years kuti tisvike pa 1:40 000..... Ko on another note, Biti vainzi economist vakutiza public space?? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Inga zvakaoma
· 11 months ago
You mean 5 months surely, not 5 years. Hezvo tiri pano.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Why don't these economicts be frank and say the biggest obstacles to economic growth is the domestic use of the U$. Almost all transactions are cash based. Cash is being siphoned out of the country. Retailers refuse to accept credit or debit cashs even if they are forex ones. They want cash, which they can easily siphon away or sell on the black market. People are buying trinkets with U$ istead of buying products for production as most countris do.
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
For as long as we don't have a proper currency then forget about the sole use of domestic currency, the market is largely informal and that sector has its own set of rules which benefit everyone involved, even if there is a ban on the use of US$, the informal market will still trade in that currency and there is nothing anyone in government can do to stop it.
@odza · 11 months ago
Tenga usd airtime. Isu takamirira ye ZiG nema bundle acho
Mcgyver · 11 months ago
You are very ryt
Lacto · 11 months ago
Ichapedsisira yava kunzi fugu Mari iyi makaita zvekutamba
ah eh ok · 11 months ago
tell us something we dont know
Marvel Malvin · 11 months ago

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