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Govt Launches Blitz Targetting Traders Rejecting Zim Dollar

11 months agoTue, 09 Apr 2024 06:27:54 GMT
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Govt Launches Blitz Targetting Traders Rejecting Zim Dollar

The Consumer Protection Commission (CPC), in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), has initiated a crackdown on businesses that are rejecting the Zim dollar following the recent launch of a new currency by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ).

Last Friday, RBZ Governor John Mushayavanhu introduced a novel currency called Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). However, the rollout of the new notes and coins is scheduled for April 30.

Unfortunately, this situation has left citizens stranded. While some shops refuse to accept the Zim dollar, others that do accept it are applying exorbitant conversion rates.

In an interview with NewsDay, CPC Research and Public Affairs Manager Kudakwashe Mudereri confirmed that they have received complaints from customers about unscrupulous businesses violating government policy by refusing to accept ZWL$ notes He said:

It is important to note that the ZWL$ remains legal tender and the country’s citizens have been given 21 days to change their ZWL$ notes and coins to ZiG.

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The penalty is going to be heavy on those found violating Exchange Control Regulations by refusing to accept ZWL$ notes.

Citizens faced difficulties purchasing prepaid electricity tokens from the power utility ZESA, as well as obtaining airtime from local mobile network operators (MNOs).

On Monday, the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) allegedly refused to accept the local currency at tollgates, citing that the government had banned the use of the local currency.

The situation has been exacerbated by banks, which have delayed the conversion of ZWL$ balances to ZiG.

Effie Ncube, spokesperson for the National Consumer Rights Association, characterized the introduction of ZiG as chaotic. Said Ncube:

Order is critical for market confidence which will decide the value of the new currency. Having introduced different currencies on five or so occasions in the past two decades, this time around the RBZ needed to be more efficient and upfront with all the information.

That we have unanswered questions days after the introduction of the new currency should have been avoided. The process should be decisive and emphatic in all stages.

People want to know what is different now and what is there to prevent the same outcomes as was the case with previous currencies since 2000.

A banker who spoke to NewsDay on Monday night said what RBZ had done was unprecedented and worked against the adoption of a local currency. Said the banker:

The Zimdollar has been discarded and there is a gap in the market. You can’t go for 72 hours without a local currency and expect it to wave its magic wand.

After a week, people will say the local currency is no longer necessary. If the economy has operated for three days without the financial sector, the message is clear: The economy has informalised.

Economist Gift Mugano said that the glitches that were experienced as a result of the introduction of the new currency spell doom for ZiG. He wrote on X:

Traditionally, during the time of @DrJPMangudya and his predecessor Dr Gideon Gono, it was a tradition that whenever a new currency was introduced, banks were favoured with the notes and the system changeover was flawless.

Most importantly, over the years, we witnessed massive information dissemination e.g., Gedye promotion. We still remember the Gedye promotion up to the present day even if the bond note failed.

The new Governor has started his tenure on a bad note as the introduction of the new currency is characterized by:

1. System glitches which have seen the public failing to transact as both payment platforms ceased to work and the bond notes are being rejected – our lives have been put at a halt in at hospitals, pharmacies, commuters and shops – it’s a disaster and nightmare;

2. The currency was launched on 5 April but we are now told to wait up to 30 April 2024. Why do we have to wait that long? Why did the Governor rush to launch the new currency if he wasn’t ready?

3. The use of the USD has continued uninterrupted thereby reaffirming its credibility at the expense of the ZiG.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 11 months ago
An idea dead on arrival.all the questions .Mr governor has failed the test.He needs to supplement
Justice · 11 months ago
The fuel sector is pursuaded to accept the ZiG, but the rest of the business sector is commanded to accept it. Government departments are allowed to insist on the US$. Hakuna kukonewa kunodarika uku. They don't realise kuti they are exposing themselves
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Zig the way to go
yy · 11 months ago
dhaza · 11 months ago
ko econet iri kuramba kut tishandise Mari dzedu dzavanadzo.ngavatange ikoko kwete kumhanyira kuvanhuwo zvavo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Ma fines ngaiitwe chero $10 000 USD for kuzviitisa. Anobatwa ngafire vamwe vese
· 11 months ago
Haiwawo, zviri pai makumbo enyoka
Joza · 11 months ago
It's us the people who should be issuing threats to this administration for such gross incompetence. Not you thieves threatening us. You cannot be so reckless and and casual with our livelihoods. Take back your gandanganomics where you got it.
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
zvaendwa izvi , ndokunonzi kuenda kwatiri kubva.... tiri kudzoka instead yekuenda mberi
PVC · 11 months ago
zvakanwiwa na Panonetsa zvodhaka Mushayavanhu
Cdes · 11 months ago
mwana anozvarwa akafa anonzi = (100marks)
PVC · 11 months ago
gava zig
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Kumanikidza vanhu kugamuchira bond Notes it means that money is useless. Dai iri US hapana aimboiramba
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
not even one faz member has commented on this article and they are waiting for an order or words from their ZANU headquarters for them to comment and they know it very well that ZiG has started on a very very bad start and it will. fail like every past currencies that we once had
mwenewazvo · 11 months ago
@baba jukwa waita kure wangu,Dai ndambokupa mari yekokora.wataura chokwadi vakumirira kuudzwa zvekunyora😂😂😂😂😂
Hombre · 11 months ago
The governor is only a place holder. He gets his instructions at gunpoint from the dictatorship. He has no decision in all this.
Gedion Gono wemaZillion · 11 months ago
nhai Jowani wepiri. kuuya kweBond yaive anti-bonf campaign vanhu vachisungwa nekuvhindudzirwa, kuenda kweBond same same. kuenda humbangu kudzoka humbangu
Mbavha · 11 months ago
Makati maGold coins hatina kana kumboona kana ribodzi zvaro nhasi maane Zig chii chiri kumboitika munyika muno nhai vakuru venyika budai pachena kana Muri kungozvifadzirira Mari dzenyu chete naCorruption wenyu
Wuto · 11 months ago
Manje makaisa 4c matomamá ne ZIG racho hatichatoride
doug · 11 months ago
If planning fails use force. So all those units have nothing to do on a day to day basis, and work has now been found for them. They will also claim allowances and, maybe coerce bribes
Shacman · 11 months ago
woti kungotanga nekufoira shuwa shuwa here nhai second John?@least first John anga asina bvepfepfe rauinaro iri reku launcher chinhu chisipo.utori a professional here iwewe or you're just a product of chitepo school of brainwashing??? bcoz kamuitiro kako ikaka leaves a lot to be desired.
masigede · 11 months ago
as far as lam concerned,zIG rakangovharidzira bond kuti risapinde mu 1 000 coz ndoo kwaraive raakuenda
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Wapedza iwe
m · 11 months ago
1000 or 1000000
masigede · 11 months ago
yaa iri garoziva kuti ndookwazvirikuenda,l don know why they introduced mari yavasati vapedza kugadzira,takazorara futi kuma balloting stations kusina ma ballot papers yet vaiziva mazuva ekuvhota
tyranny · 11 months ago
wazondibaya nekuseka manje.its true we waited material day rekuvhota titori paque
Clemence · 11 months ago
Now l understand why bond notes have never bn in use in Bulawayo. Hararians don't cry just join Bulawayo.
Vet Dr · 11 months ago
Zig suffered a still birth. Yakasvodza😔😔
Clemence · 11 months ago
John the second pliz don't try be bookish for no reason, see what you have started. how are going to spend 3 wks without our currency. The introduction of Zig seem to be a rehash of previously failed attempts. Currency = trust +confidence. Nyika inoka
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Ndokumammisa kuseni seni kunoku ndapinda papi huya man to man
Yoyoyo · 11 months ago
😁😁 Hasha dzako idzo @Chi baby che Zanu ndedze mukadzi asiri kukwiiiiirwa for years😁😁, don't worry uchawana murume anokuda
· 11 months ago
wangu wangu wangu zvakukundaka wakuda fight,manje ini handinwe newe unorwiswa neeconomy😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Taku · 11 months ago
Wazviona ka kuti propaganda haivake nyika mupurwa wabatwa ka wane hasha, muchatiza zvenyu time will tell, mbava
Bvepfepfe · 11 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Saka zvava zvekumanikidzana kushandisa mari yakadhakwa iyo🤣🤣
· 11 months ago
hazvishande izvi takazvitaura,vanhu vachituka tuka ana chibaby cheZanu.zvimwe ndezve kuonerwa kutarrace hauna chaunobva unless uchishanda by commision.ukasapa comment unorara nenzara
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Ndokumammisa kuseni kunoku kana uchida huya man to man neni
Heyaaa · 11 months ago
Yaa man-to-man manje!!! Zvazobuda pachena kuti Chipfambi cheZANU murume. Team rekumanyowa iri 🤣🤣🤣
🕊️🕊️🕊️ · 11 months ago
shiri inozongofa but iyi shiri yainzi zig iyi yaitoda kurarama asi yakatorwa nenguva.
umm · 11 months ago
ini andpo
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Ginyanomics never works, the market is largely informal and the traders device their set of rules that help them to bypass repressive SIs and regulations
☝️ · 11 months ago
iro idama Mdara Odza ginyanomics never works vakambo zviita nguva ya Robert zvikashaya basa
patz · 11 months ago
Ko iro Zig rako rakamboburitsirwei iro risati rapo. Shuwa kupeda mwedzi zig racho risati rapo. Moda kuti vanhu varambe vachishandisa mari yavanoziva kuti 21 days inenge isisashandi saka moda kuti 21 days dzisvike vanhu vachingoshandisa mabond iawaya imi mozoaramba futi. Dai makatanga maburitsa Zig mozoti vanhu chiunzai mabond. Zvinhu zvacho so confusion yega yega
Minister of black market · 11 months ago
handei tione isu anasipateleni Tinotonga economy motokumbira kwatiri kuti ZiG rishande
zig · 11 months ago
tafirenyika · 11 months ago
mnangagwa nevanhu vake not proffesionals nyika yava confused .bond ririkurwambwa toziva zvipi manje
🤔 · 11 months ago
madhara emutoriro makauraya zig wenyu mega nema moves ehu**** you see. kunonzi kuita murmuring ryt from the start. blitz blitz kuita sei zveku murmur izvo muchijaira ku murmira majority muchingoita zveku daughter every day. hapana zvamuri kuita apa mbavha dzevanhu.
Taflo · 11 months ago
Haa ma Zimbo takakwira bhazi remabhinya chokwadi, hameno tikasvika
papa ki · 11 months ago
Zvadhakwa.ZiG chichafa chisina kuroora
😇 · 11 months ago
... chisati chazvarwa 🤣🤣🤣
tumeric · 11 months ago
chaora chinhu ichi
saint · 11 months ago
taura hako

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