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Informal Traders Reject Zimdollar Notes

11 months agoMon, 08 Apr 2024 10:17:02 GMT
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Informal Traders Reject Zimdollar Notes

Harare vendors now refuse Zimbabwe dollar notes, commonly known as bond notes, due to the introduction of the new ZiG dollar.

Consequently, consumers must purchase items not on their shopping lists because traders cannot provide change for amounts less than US$1.

Despite RBZ Governor John Mushayavanu’s declaration that old notes would no longer be legal tender by the end of April, traders continue to reject them.

Moreover, Mushayavanhu said ZiG notes and coins will begin circulating in the economy on April 30, 2024, to allow the Reserve Bank to undertake an intensive educational and awareness campaign on the key security features of the ZiG notes and coins.

In an interview with, Jane Makura, a vendor from the Dzivarasekwa high-density suburb, expressed sentiments likely shared by many ordinary citizens. She said:

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I do not know whether bond notes still work. What if I let people use them at my stall and later know they are now worthless?

This is another mistake. They should just let us trade in US dollars and leave this culture of changing currencies and removing zeros.

Most tuckshops in Dzivarasekwa, Warren Park and Highfields and other high-density suburbs are no longer taking the banknotes.

The new ZiG, described by NewzWire as “Mushayavanhu’s clever way of removing zeros from Zimbabwe’s currency”, has been introduced at an exchange rate of US$1 to ZiG$13.5.

Last week, economist Gift Mugano said the new currency failed before it was launched mainly because it was not backed by sufficient reserves.

Mugano outlines seven factors which he believes will undermine ZiG namely (1) a large informal sector (+80% of the economy); (2) drought of confidence; (3) drought of production; (4) printing of money & excessive liquidity caused by treasury; (5) lack of national cohesion and consensus; (6) lack of policy clarity; and (7) external shocks (drought & subdued commodity prices).

Meanwhile, most major retail outlets such as supermarkets are still taking the Zimdollar notes.

More: Pindula News



Bond note · 11 months ago
Ndazorora mukutambudzika
Usanyepere kupusa · 11 months ago
Kana uchida kutukwa nekutanda botso kwira bhazi wonosiira mai vako vari kumusha saga remaBond notes...Zvakanaka vanozviziva kuti mapepa emuno haisi mari
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Vajaira ku manipulator rate vachamaaamaaa
☝️ · 11 months ago
tinozviziva kuti wakabuda neku anasi mus**** mekunge waita 9 months urimu rectum ma amai vako tinozviziva kut mune dzako tsinga hamu flowe human blood but watery fecal matter bedzi tinozviziva ufunge it's very saddening indeed.
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu you are a village f00l, if you say the Zim dollar fell victim to manipulation, what in the World will stop the same from being the story of the ZiG? Mutsipa unenge wegarikuni
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
You can never change the fact that we're Zimbabwean. Zim dollar for Zimbos
Vanhu vanobigger mbinga dzeZanu makakwana here? · 11 months ago
Comment section yepindula yakazara vanhu vasina mari yekutenga data.Mungadai muri ku X, Instagram,facebook,snapchat etc
🤔 · 11 months ago
Dear Pindula idzi dzave stale news idzi news team muchiri kutaura zvema bond nhas?isu takatosiyana nawo zuro manheru taona pakati vhiringa big time pekuti zig wacho achavepo physically on the 30th apo zwl akufa on the 26th. hakuna leadership inorohwa nemutoriro big time kunge iripo iyi zverudzi urwu zvakutodawo Jeso 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. hazvina effect iri catastrophic hayo pakuti ma bond yangogara iri chenji hayo pakutengwa kwema small small so people can adjust tisingazive kut from today to the 30th pasina Zim dollar paachazo pinda muchi round anenge achiine basa rei?????
· 11 months ago
@🤔 ndipo pari kutofira sarungano ipapo.kuti bond harichatenge apa zig wacho haasati ava kushanda.zig atogara basa atoshaiswa nechekare,ndipo paunoona chibaby cheZanu achimisa tsinga nezvinhu zviri pachena kuti zvakanwa hwahwa
@@ · 11 months ago
chibage cheZanu isn't a human being but a zanu pf troll don't mind it.
june · 11 months ago
madomasi nemaveg totenga nei
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Tenga nema US$ iwe mutsipa unenge wegarikuni
Humba · 11 months ago
imi Asrsenal haipedze iyo ,,ichine chele ino trainera ma big team kutya liver chte bt Man ne chele dzo bhura ****nal idzo
stylez · 11 months ago
kkkkk ndingafarira mari isin kan power isingapedzi 2 days inenge yatomama rate apa aitenge kune imwe nyika aisi mari iyoyo
doug · 11 months ago
The country can carry on without local physical local currency, and the new Governor knows that by stopping use of bond notes many days before the Zig starts operating. If, even with the so called sanctions, American can allow us to use all their currency notes, why don't we just get from them the fifty cent and quarter dollar and other coins for use? The Governor also knows that 85 percent of Zimbabwe's transactions are in the American dollar and the local currency and others account for only 15 percent.
☝️ · 11 months ago
15 percent haina kuto wandisa here
nm · 11 months ago
LIVERPOOL : crystal palace (H) Fulham (A) Everton (A) west ham A Spurs H Aston villa A wolves H ARSENAL : Aston villa H wolves A Chelsea H Spurs A bounermouth H man utd A Everton H MAN CITY : Luton H Brighton A Nottingham forest A wolves H Fulham A west ham H spurs A last 7 fixtures epl . Which team has the hardest and which team has the easiest?
Psl · 11 months ago
Arsenal yapedza
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Kuvenga your own currency kushaya sense of originality
doug · 11 months ago
Hapana anovenga the currency. Maunzirwo ayo nekusajekesesa kwazvo ndiko kurikuvengwa.
Gedion Gono wemaZillion dollars · 11 months ago
imboisaoiwo Sekuru Kaguvi pamari itsva pamwe gender yakachinja zvingashande nekuti chero mapofu nezvirema vorambawo bond
omg · 11 months ago
kuf kaf unopachema chete
l · 11 months ago
imi noida ini unpti zvawakaivebga mnu wese akaivenga ere
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Unotoshaya kuti Saka zanu yacho yakavhoterwa nani nekuti hapana anoida
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Unozviona kunge wakawanda. Kasi uri legion ma demon kanhi!!! 😂 😂 😂 Speak for yourself. Zanu pf yakavhoterwa nevaka register. Imi hamuna ku register asi maingoda kubvisa zvakaiswa nevamwe 😂😂😂
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
Fact that a whole country can afford days of Zero transactions in its local currency with no outcry means that the local currency is not needed anymore. When your presence is the same as your absence. As long as we can go for a month or so then it means the local currency is no necessary ...
Mwonzora · 11 months ago
you can say that again
Apana · 11 months ago
apna akudao kurora ere
kkk · 11 months ago
muroi aharoi mwana wake
zandex · 11 months ago
zviri pa2 kufa kna kufenda
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wapedza
Cdes · 11 months ago
zvitunha hazvivigane
Führer · 11 months ago
Kana ukarota nyika ino isinga fire nema ZiG muka ubike doro bika uti mudzimu makundirasha musandipa hope dzakadai
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Pamberi nemari yedu inotenga
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Ndizvo zvakakaita futi pa ZWL
kkk · 11 months ago
100% correct
50 · 11 months ago
Kuramba bond note uchitengesa madomasi makes no sense. Akaora unohodha sei
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Say that again
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Saka unoti munhu anozoenda kumba asina ma domasi acho here? Anotobuditsa US$ remember 80% of transactions are made through US$
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Isu tinotaura zvatinoona kwete zvekuverenga. Problem yana odza muri vemakuhwa.As we're speaking right now ma vendor ari kuchema. Business radonha
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu as long as pasina vendor rambouya kwauri rikati ndipewo mari then don't spew nonsense, they are just fine. The Zim dollar was just used for change otherwise on a normal day any informal retailer gets all transactions in US$, even the men you hook up with no one ever paid you in Zim notes saka basa rawo nderei
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Let politicians play politics. Mukada kuhakira munochema mega. Iyi shamhu ine munyu yatopinda........ 😂 😂 😂 😂 Nenharo Odza. Zig power muchida musingade. Plus five years muchivukura. ED was waiting for you to plot. Muchiti mapedza vobva vakusvasvangai
kkkk · 11 months ago
pamberi nezig
kkkk · 11 months ago
Dama muzukuru we****
kkkk · 11 months ago
aaaa wataura dama muzukuru we****
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Iyi ndiyi mari ichashanda nenharo. Zvakatora nguva yakareba sei kubva pa 1:15 ya 2019 kusvika patiri nhasi?? 🤣 🤣 🤣 Calculat3 makore iwayo wobva waita add to 2024 wobva waziva kuti Zanu pf imhiripiri. Haichinjiswe taste nekuda kwetu shuga tweku western. Ma vendor arikuramba mari achafa nenzara especially vaya vanotengesa zvinhu zvema 500 bond neve ma sweets. Bassop!!! Ed vanozongorasisa muvengi. Opposition yanga yavhura meso ichiti economic sabotag3 yazobhadhara... Aiwa ka!! Endai munoudza maforomani enyu akakutumai kuzowondonga nyika kuti kuno hazvishande... Ino nyika ine vene. Zanu pf chitirobho chinozvambura chichikwatura ganda
Jumex Santa · 11 months ago
kkkk haa you got a point there..
Stepfather 🚶 Manyama · 11 months ago
Are you for real
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu you are a village f00l for real, nothing of real value costs $500 at any vending stall, you can get one sweet for that, the money is virtually worthless. The vendors are correct, they will receive $1 notes and they will give you good to that tune, it is pointless to receive money that will soon be illegal and they can't even take the money to the bank to get ZiG because the so called new currency is not yet out and they don't have bank accounts. You talk in glowing terms about how the soon-to-be former currency moved from 1:15 to 1:42000 from 2019 to now as if that a good things, that is more than 1000% in value that was lost, any currency that lost that much is not a sustainable currency no wonder everyone who was earning was complaining. What was done to prevent that from happening to the doomed ZiG? Nothing.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
@odza sweet inoita marii?
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu no one has ever survived by just selling sweets, they have some larger things they sell which may not be legal
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
hakusisina chinhu che 500 go and check with vendors ryt now ... @ Mdara Odza I second your point of view .. but unfortunately ugere pakat pemadandawiti miguri yevanhu, vanoomera kufunga vanoudzirwa zvekuita... zvituta zvinongotewera ... zvidzoriro zvibage zvevanhu
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
@ odza saka you claim to be knowing what's happening in Zimbabwe yet uchisur@ zvako. Enda mu Harare gardens unoona vanhu vanoita hutsle rema sweets. In fact vanotopinda mu town vasina start votonokwereta votenderedza vonobhadhara chikwereti mangwana vodzoka again.your argument yakafanana neyekuti hakuna munhu anorarama nekutengesa airtime. Inototengeswa achiraramisa vamwe vanhu
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu iwe unosur@ yapinda yese yembinga ye Zanu after that wopihwa ma US$ hambokupe ma Zim dollar nekuti they earn exclusively in US$. The sweet vendors you are referring to will never resort to accepting Zim bond notes nyangwe zvikaita sei coz they are part of the informal trading systems, kwavanohodha they don't accept Zim notes they accepts US$ exclusively
👑The Kingdom of👑JESUS👑 · 11 months ago
🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Its time. Ezekiel 37⚡
Ndini · 11 months ago
ZiG chitokolotsha chidoma chitukwane you will never see it physically
Ndini · 11 months ago
Even mad people refusing to take Zim currency
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Hanya nani chidhoma chekwa chivi. Mukaramba mari mega ndimi muno suffer. Ed havarwadziwe nazvo kana ka1. Ungaita protest inokuuraya nenzara? Ndokupata. Hunger strike ndeye matununu. For your own information, ED nevamwe vaei muZanu vaimbove masoja. Havaite zvekuwanza compassion pabasa. After all, public administration is way different from mere corporate governance. In PA we talk of sacrifices. If we can let 100 people die to save 5000 lives zvitori bhoo. Saka itai
wildo · 11 months ago
Which 5000 lives are you saving??
Hhh · 11 months ago
Chi**** che zanu chinokwirirwa ma bond
,,,,dott · 11 months ago
the economy is Zignalation ,strong currency lead to investments & stability
,,,,,dott · 11 months ago
there is many many ways 2 kill a cat ,viva Ed vazviita
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
Chibage 🌽 che Zanu Vendors won't struggles because they don't take Zim notes, remember the economy is 80% dollarised so they will still get US$ even iwe kwaunokechesa I'm sure mdara eZanu havakupe ma Zwl
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
@odza vanofa nenzara vanotengesa ma sweets mu park avo. Ani munhu musvinhu angachinja dollar kutenga ma sweets
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Nobody is taking the Bond Notes. Hey, Pindula where did you hear that from? It's time you kept up to date with the news - if it is more 2 days old it is too old to read. Wake up.
. · 11 months ago
the fact that this clueless regime has let the issue of traders rejecting money willy nilly get out of hand without being checked what will stop the new currency from suffering the same fate?

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