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"ZiG Failed Before It Was Launched"

11 months agoSat, 06 Apr 2024 10:19:58 GMT
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"ZiG Failed Before It Was Launched"

Zimbabwe’s newly-introduced structured currency, known as ZiG, short for Zimbabwe Gold, failed before it was even launched, an economic commentator has said.

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor John Mushayavanhu on Friday, April 05, announced the introduction of ZiG, which replaced the worthless Zimbabwe dollar.

However, economist Gift Mugano said the new currency failed before it was launched mainly because it was not backed by sufficient reserves.

Mugano said the genesis of Zimbabwe’s currency crisis started on 14 November 1997 when the ZW$ crashed – the Black Friday.

Since then, the ZANU PF-led Government moved from the Zimbabwe dollar (the currency adopted at independence in 1980) to USD (in 2009), Bond (in 2016), RTGS (2019 – February), ZWL$ (2019 – June), back to USD in 2020 and now to ZiG, although the latter is part of a multi-currency system. Said Mugano:

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At each and every point when these currencies were introduced, we witnessed massive disagreements clearly drawn on political lines and serious disregard for the experts’ views.

Like now, we are telling you that ZiG will fail dismally and you are busy defending a currency which was dead before it was announced.

So, we haven’t learnt anything in the last +26 years of the currency crisis?

One Nyasha Musandu said the introduction of ZiG will not succeed as the Government lacks sincerity. She wrote on X:

It worries me how many people actually think the government is being sincere with this ZiG thing. I see so much analysis and justification, and I just think to myself, we have been here before so many times. What are we failing to learn?

Meanwhile, in a post on X, Mugano outlines seven factors which he believes will undermine ZiG namely (1) a large informal sector (+80% of the economy); (2) drought of confidence; (3) drought of production; (4) printing of money & excessive liquidity caused by treasury; (5) lack of national cohesion and consensus; (6) lack of policy clarity; and (7) external shocks (drought & subdued commodity prices). He added:

The MPS presented by the new Governor today reminds me of the MPS which was presented by Dr JP Mangudya on 20 February 2019 where the later introduced the RTGS as the new currency with a starting exchange rate of ZW$2.5: US$1 (interbank rate/market).

Immediately, the exchange rate started to run away and today the ZW was trading at ZWL$40,000: US$1.

This is exactly what is going to happen to ZiG!

Over and above the 7 points raised above, the existence of the USD in the market (although unavoidable), is the worst enemy of ZiG. ZiG can’t compete with the USD in the market.

As long as ZiG is not accepted/used exclusively at fuel stations, passport offices, ZIMRA (payment of duties & taxes), schools, tuckshops, etc then forget about ZiG.

Most importantly, if individuals/anyone can’t walk into a bank and buy /sell foreign currency the same way they do in the informal market/black market at an attractive rate, then forget about ZiG.

Another serious threat to ZiG which requires special attention is excessive liquidity from the Ministry of Finance going towards payment of contractors & civil servants salaries. The approved 2024 budget stood at ZWL$58.2 trillion albeit it is eroded by inflation & exchange rate spiral.

The RBZ in its MPS presentation, placed emphasis on the fact that the total reserves in its coffers amount to US$285 million are more than 3 times the current reserve money, i.e., ZW$2.6 trillion (equivalent of US$90 million). This is a correct assessment.

However, the RBZ is obviously not factoring in the impact of the excessive liquidity from the Treasury. Obviously, with the exchange rate movement which has seen the official exchange rate slipping from ZWL$6K from the day when the 2024 budget was launched to ZWL$25K as of this week, it means that our budget shrunk by more than 4 times in 3 months.

The converse is true – it is implied that the budget has moved from ZW$58.2 trillion by four (4) times – so we may be talking of a realistic budget of ZWL$240 trillion.

The question which arises is that when RBZ is presenting its MPS, isn’t prudent that it must also raise a point of advice to the Treasury (as an advisor to GOZ) on the possible implications of liquidity on the exchange rate.

Likewise, isn’t it fair to request the RBZ to give us a balanced assessment of the impact of reserve money & excess liquidity from the treasury on the exchange rate rather than concentrate on the reserve money supply only?

I would like to argue that the national budget has always been and will always be the biggest threat to the exchange rate stability – more than money supply.

The question which arises again is whether the US$285 million is enough to cover USD demand (demand for value preservation) from civil servants & contractors. The answer is a big no!

ZiG = bond note = ZWL = RTGS = FAILURE

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 11 months ago
Hoyooooo mamisanai zvipere mhani
Anonymous · 11 months ago
So long as we can't use zig for fuel payments, passport fees, duty etc, matakanana ezanu pf,
Bla sam · 11 months ago
Guys handiz kunzwisisa pamari iyi kuti ndeye goridhe here
Anonymous · 11 months ago
I am glad I dont live in Zimbabwe. Looking at the comments made, the problems run far deeper than a stable currency. The first solution when one finds oneself in a hole is to stop digging. A land of morons
Anonymous · 11 months ago
There are very intelligent people in Zimbabwe. It's just they choose not to get involved in politics. I know everyone is looking at US in a bad light, but Benjamin Franklin said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." That is the state of things in Zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Kuda kunzi wataura here ko pinda kaa kazvaune solution
Musharukwa · 11 months ago
Bond was introduced at 1 - 1, and it failed, ZiG rauya rakadyiwa kare neUS, already riri mugomba haritobudimo, what a shame to a failing goveenment, kungoti akoniwa haasiye zhange padare asi zviri pachena mozoda kukundikana kwakadii
Anonymous · 11 months ago
This governor is illegally appointed cz what does the RBZ Act say about his share ownership in FBC vs being the governor. Above all else, do we deserve this approach where economic policies and programs are crafted and implemented with no adequate consideration of critical sectors of the economy. This whole smacks of illegitimacy at its highest level
iniwo · 11 months ago
Multicurrency is the demon in our midst. We work for the rate between currencies and nothing else. Munhu unongomuka kuhope ane mubvunzo wokuti nhasi rate riri pachii? Ndiyo mari here? Ngatishandei tiwane maZiG edu tomashandisa tisingafungi zve rate!!!! Patinongotanga kutsvaka zvema rates yave confusion, tomhanyamhanya tisingazivi kwokuenda semapete atsika pastove inopisa. Taremadzwa nezve ma rates izvi. High time ngatishandisei currency imwe chete, yedu, seSouth Africa kana Botswana. Izvozvi tiri busy kusimbisa USD pane kufarira yedu! Humwe hupenzi hwedu hwave kuda Jehovha. By the way, did we know that God influences certain decisions in governance? If you didn't know, wake up and accept ZiG because the Lord approves of it
Anonymous · 11 months ago
But guys, how do you create jokes and insults at each other on a very serious matter bordering national economic management. You are such a disgrace to both body politikx and economikx. The road to sanity is very simple and we should all know it, 1. Fix the politrix and all shall fall into place 2. Craft investor friendly environment and both local and international shall pour money 3. Promote investment in goods and services with an export inclination 4. Allow market forces to determine exchange rates 5. Promote balanced prism of economic growth vs socioeconomic development, and 6. Invest in technology development, retooling dilapidated factories through research and development 7. Amen
Hhh · 11 months ago
Its difficult to convince a thief to be straight - zvava muropa
Anonymous · 11 months ago
jfjd · 11 months ago
lets not forget that RBZ rate doesnt work well, since we buy most of our transactions from informal traders who use black market rates, bond wont be enough, banks will limit the amount of bond, the blacket market rates emerge Crazy kikikikiki, people will favour US
gg · 11 months ago
we need this money badly
doug · 11 months ago
The new Governor has been reported to be saying that the Zig notes and coins will only start circulating on 30 April!
PVC · 11 months ago
That's true he said that. people need to be educated on the colours rates this and that
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Africans are funny. Whites Rhodesians accepted an illegal currency the Rhodesia Dollar without any fuss. They were businessmen, farmers, etc and did not raise any objections. Now Africans are being clever by half coming up with all kinds of theories and negativity. Do your tomatoes, madora and mazhanje taste more when bought in U$?
. · 11 months ago
that rhodesian currency never went through the cycles that the Zim currency has gone. We had different types that have failed from bearer cheques ,agro notes to the recent bonds notes. I too would love the new currency to work ,but given the history of our money, honestly there is a part of me that worries. And you can also get the same feeling from most who have been around This issue is only haunting Zimbabwe in africa, so to say ,Africans are funny ,that would be wrong becoz other Africans outside Zim have not rejected their currencies
.... · 11 months ago
Sadly there aren't any ecomic fundermentals to support this new currency. Aligning it to gold only will not work im sorry to say
dddd · 11 months ago
Zimbabwe already uses us$, for most transactions, so your argument is weak.
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Kkkkkkk usadaro shaaa. We use US dollar 💵 for most transactions ???????? So why was the rate going up 1: 42 000
Anonymous · 11 months ago
And yet how many people are given salaries in us$ you sick psycho
. · 11 months ago
mari iri mucirculation haasi mareserves
Mugano is right · 11 months ago
Zimbabwe is broke; it only has less than 12 days of import cover according to the figures released today by the new governor of the Zimbabwe central bank, John Mushayavanhu. Mushayavanhu said that the central bank only has 2.5 tonnes of gold, which translates to US$189,105,000 at today’s gold price of US$75,642 per kilogram. The new Reserve Bank Governor said that Zimbabwe has US$100 million in foreign exchange cash, making the total balance US$289,105,000 ONLY! Zimbabwe’s monthly import bill for March was US$745 million according to the central bank figures, meaning that it only has import cover for 11.6 days, that is ELEVEN DAYS. For context, Zambia has forex import cover for 3.7 months, Malawi has import cover for 2.7 months, Botswana has import cover for 5.9 months, South Africa has import cover of 5.5 months, Namibia has import cover of 5.6 months, and Kenya has import cover of 4.5 months. The minimum requirement for import cover is THREE months! Import cover or import cover ratio is an economic indicator that measures a country's ability to pay for its imports using its foreign exchange reserves. It is calculated by dividing a country's foreign exchange reserves by its average monthly imports. Import cover measure is important because it tells you how much a country is able to buy outside its borders. This obligation of covering imports does not include debt re-payments, meaning that we are in a more serious situation! After paying its foreign debts, Zimbabwe will have less than 11,6 days of cover! Zimbabwe now has the highest inflation in the world and a worthless currency after massive looting of public funds and the merciless plunder of the country’s natural resources!
Anonymous · 11 months ago
You explained this well enough for political freaks to see that they make futile arguments trying to prove futile points which prove them bootlickers of a failing government. You cannot refute expert judgement by politicizing it. One must support or argue with economic expertise like you did in this comment. It's not proper to declare that the ZiG has failed, for Mugano, publicly but to hint to the nation that due to loopholes in the planning of the new currency dispensation we're likely to repeat the previous experiences if corrective measures are not done. Truth be told. Looting must stop and gold reserves be improved so the back up if the currency is improved. I do not remember Mugano saying this or that political party or figure in his presentation. He laid down facts in an economist interpretation. His mistake might have been bringing the ZiG failure comment carelessly but might be true with time. Our import cover should be improved also. It is also fine to support the government's efforts but sanely without provoking mad comments from others, like some freaks I've seen here. Funny enough I didn't notice any comment saying the opposition would have done better. A focused and sane Zimbabwean would want everyone to prosper economically. Thank you for this sound economic comment dear citizen.
lily · 11 months ago
zig mboma mdhara
Khan · 11 months ago
I doubt if Mugano is a real professor because guy is always getting fired or resigning from his job due to gross incompetence....He thinks he is a big deal when in reality he is just a nobody who waffles for a living..... Am sure in his mind he is already governor of Zimbabwe just because some ****s on X gas him up😂😂😂😂.... My advice for Mugano is to start a band with Biti and compose mediocre songs together 😂😂😂😂😂....My suggestions for their first single is "Niggas in BrokeVille😂😂😂😂"
@Khan · 11 months ago
I hve been following ur chats since u started commenting at first I thought ukuziva zvauri kutaura bt eish usanyadzise or kutukisa dzinza rese Sha just try to be sane and hazvirwadze than to pretend iwe zvako zvakarongeka wen the mass is suffering in short kwana hapana nhunzi inogadzira huchi ndatopedza newe
Khan · 11 months ago
I don't pretend ini my life is going great that's why I don't go on X trying to play pretend Governor just to get a few retweets from a clueless and entitled individuals..,.Kana uchitambura uri individual don't assume kuti everyone is struggling..... Victim mentality won't get you anywhere except to the nearest tissue or phone so that you can cry to your echo chamber😂😂😂
☝️ · 11 months ago
ukati sezvo wakabuda neku rectum instead of ku vijay tingaku regerere here nekuti hausi normal?kweteka hatidaro wena chero ukada kuita ganzom pano but truth be told mukati kati nemoyo ukutozviziva kuti uri toilet paper ye zanu pf elite and the sad thing is vakuru vako vacho vezanu pf havatombo kuzive kana mbchana ED chaiye atorine dzimwe mombe dzake dzaano toziva nemazita kupurazi kwake but iwe toilet paper rake haatokuzive apa uchizviti urimunhu but mukuru wako instead of knowing you anotoziva cattle dzake zvinova zvnongoisa pachena kut iwewe uri a loser completely......of cause not everyone is struggling but unoona chiii???utori kungo tamburawo sevamwe maybe utori worse off paneni hausi part of the gold mafia or the tender comrades but nemhaka yenjema dzehutununu dzaka kakata pfungwa ukutoona kunge ugere mushe mushe.
Khan · 11 months ago
Mr Index finger at it again crying pakeyboard again🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....Veduwe I see I have poked your fragile ego no wonder why you worship at the alter of Mugano who is also a loser like you 🤣🤣🤣🤣.... Rectum??? Toilet paper??? Kasi going number 2 is all you think about haa wake up my guy that's why the opposition never wins anything because masuppporters are always thinking of 💩....The Gold Mafia is a myth made up by desperate journos vaidawo their 15 minutes of fame on a crappy D list news channel and remind me kuti what was the outcome of your fabled Gold mafia series kusara kweHypertension 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣..... Ini am doing well and am not doing this for any financial gain unlike iwe who thinks being a stan for a crappy economist and failed political hack will get you anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.... Enda unoita wank off to maposts anaHopewell nanaMugano tione kuti unowanei🤣🤣🤣🤣.... Time ikutofamba isu tichiita Mari while you busy suck ma****s ana Mugano🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.... I don't need ED to know me ini so that I can feel good about myself ini Zanu is not a cult ka
Ini · 11 months ago
You’re a keyboard warrior🤣🤣🤣💤
@khan · 11 months ago
makuridza ngoma yenyu muchizviomberera, pride yenyu inenge ye peacock iyi, chenjerai takabva neko kwazvakuenda takuziva
Khan · 11 months ago
There is no reason to be sour ka in Zim....brick by brick we building this nation from the trenches of the third world evolving into something better....MaProphets of Doom achiita fall by the wayside while we move as a Bulwark of People United and Free🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Kupi kwamakabva why do you have to lie so the ZiG is not even a week old nhai quasi prophet of Doom..
Anonymous · 11 months ago
I am sure that's what the people in the Gestapo said.
Zig chiororo · 11 months ago
One observation I noted today in Kwekwe and Gweru people where shopping their goodies without being inconvenienced nevanhu vezvima card kkk tokupai swipe , card pin quad 0000 ZiG haaa ma1
gg · 11 months ago
this man is evil-minded to the core. he is the devil incarnate. if he is wise why did he not advise long back. he must shut up once and for all. we dont want to hear his poison. to hell with him.
☝️ · 11 months ago
jiji ende **** nhai.
Reign · 11 months ago
What is inside RBZ vaults is known only by them What is in offshore reserves is only known by them *Im demanded to BELIEVE*? SAME SCAM: It's them who organise elections , it's them who count ballot papers ,it's them who announce ,it's them who enforce order after announcing , *believe them again?*
me · 11 months ago
asi Mugano uyu haana kakurwara kaanako here...how can someone say ZIG failed iro risatiravepo kurwara kuripo apa
☝️ · 11 months ago
you're the one who is pazzo inhau yeku brarika brain too much zvekuti unenge usingatoone kut zvii zvirikuitika.pamwe pacho zvnongoda kuonera wega pachako kuti zvii zvirikuitika kungoti vanhu vane brain dzirimu rectum hamungazvi nzwisisa
@me · 11 months ago
It's annoying..... Sad to witness national institutions become arms serving personal interests of a few arrogant & heartless individuals
Zvanzi · 11 months ago
Kkkk "those with ZWL100000 worth of notes have to explain the source"........ Zwl100000 is equivalent to US$3 when converted using mid rate. *_Hameno kuti varikuti munhu ataure kuti $3 akaiwanepi here apa_*
. · 11 months ago
shadows · 11 months ago
kkkk ndomafungiro akewo mugano wenyu iyeye. ane pfungwa dzakaora dzisingashande ndosaka asina kupiwa basa racho reugovernor. let's give zig a chance them tozoshora kna zvaramba. how can a normal person say zig has failed iyo isati yava mumaoko eruzhinji. mugano is just trying to make a name pasocial media
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Muchandiudza kuti achapererepi mugano uyu
☝️ · 11 months ago
mummy imimi mutori rabid when it comes to zanu pf propaganda dai wikinero chivharo akuonawo nhai nhai nebasa guru raunoita iri rekuva toilet paper ye zanu pf elite nhai nhai ibasa guru mummy rinopihwa type dzakaita semi musina dzakanyatsoti kwetsere mumusoro umu.dai Mwari vakuwanira nyasha wasunungurwa njema dzehupenzi dzokakata pfungwa idzo.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ Chi baby Che Zanu... Haana chinhu Mugano uyo pretty soon he will be quiting social media like some teenager 😂😂😂😂
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
mhondi tokuziva faz agent
. · 11 months ago
haasi kana agent uyu itpye iya yedzungu, andiudzirwe patriotism nemunhu asigagoni kuita distinguish his left from his right foot in other words who has never been drilled vese ana fugu, patriot chibaby nemusvikazuro uyu I can bet u 1000bond have never gone thru that process so shut the f@ck up mutongwe lyk the rest
🤔 · 11 months ago
ndizvo zvakataurwa namai mujuru izvi kut zig uyu ibepa reku tsvangurisa matoozviii kuchimbuzi anosaririra s.hu.re pauno daughter paya.
Sorojena · 11 months ago
Smacks of another black Friday. Ngaite GNU to save face, izvi hazvisi zvema geriatrics. Kubvuta kwavakaita is one of the biggest curse that would never break away
Yoyoyo · 11 months ago
😁😁 ZiG iro ndiri kuda kuri yitira Wiwi ye YELLOW 🍻🍺
Gits · 11 months ago
Prof Mugano, you can't oppose everything. I don't believe that all the measures announced are all wrong. A true analyst would point both good and bad. For us to believe that all is bad, all are bad except your self.
The True Professor · 11 months ago
@Gideon Gino wema Zillions wandi sparka Wave kufunga ma equation eku gwazh. But you make one thing clear to the octagenerians. The electorate yekuma 80s yasiyana neyanhasi. Yekuma 80s ndiyo generation yema parents angu, now in their eighties.. Most of them havana kudzidza zvachose, vamwe vakagumira Sub B, vamwe Standard 3. Vasikana vainzi it's a waste of money kudzidzisa mwanasikana. The octagenerian is now capping thousands of graduates at each university each year but still telling them of the liberation struggle and cheap propaganda, as if ma dunderheads asingaoni kuti hupfumi hwenyika hwapera nana Chivayo, Tagwirei, Chinese and company. Anyway chimbotipa Theorem ye Dictatorship viz a viz the power of the oppressed. (factoring in time)
ECD · 11 months ago
mambozviona here kuti iyo 1zig haitengi kana stumpo because its less than 10cents Yuwesi. so why wasting cotton yenyika kugadzira mari yakadaro
Cdes · 11 months ago
Sports update · 11 months ago
*Live from Mandava Stadium* Matchday 5 38" freekick Fc Platinum Fc Platinum 1 - 0 Caps United Powered by Pure Platinum play
true hero · 11 months ago
as Long Zanupf irirpachigaro sayizvozvi hapana hapana chichachinja inonzi tamba tamba chidembo muswe ndakabata
Anonymous · 11 months ago
In my view, the moment we go to the bank with our zigs and are told that...sorry you can't exchange them for usd, the rate will start its run to extinction, black market will florish anew, and we will be back to square one - without a square!!!
si · 11 months ago
ini varume mu4n mangu hamusisina mari kuecocash yema rtgs
PVC · 11 months ago
they're changing it to zig don't worry
Gedion Gono wemaZillion · 11 months ago
dzave chemistry ⚗️🧪 here; zwl+rtgs+zig+GoZ= -44(years) tiri ku maths tinomboti make ZiG or GoZ the subject of formula
doug · 11 months ago
Did the professor say those words in the title of the report, or the reporter is trying to put words into the professor's mouth? That is his own point of view, basing on what he knows about the country. Different people will have different views according to what they have been exposed to. Mark him and mark his words and give him a response in a year or three of operation of Zig.
· 11 months ago
haa zig anoda kupihwa civil servant 4Ed,shuwa Mari inobuda yakatoshaya value kare
Cdes · 11 months ago
izvi tazvishora
stylez · 11 months ago
azvishande izvoo ndezvemugotsi matsuro vanhu avachin kupusa vakai mega nekuputsa nyika yenyu apan kwatiri kuenda nezanu
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Ini hapana zvandirikuziwa ndangomirira kuti Econet indiudze kuti 10 000 Rtgs yangu iri mu Ecocash imarii kuma Zig acho.
Hwesa · 11 months ago
Kana neni am waiting also
Zvakatongodhakwa · 11 months ago
Hapana kwatiri kuenda inzira yekubira vanhu Mari yavo ma US Dollar
· 11 months ago
Ndicho chnonzi chokwadi chauri kutaura Mari dzabuda dzchandiswa kutora ma us$ atinawo tosara takabata marara . Ngatibatanei mhuri yeZimbabwe tirambe zig nekut auya kuzotitorera mubairo weziya redu anenge aiwona ngakande mumoto
bounty hunter · 11 months ago
*Mhandu T. (Zim) Vs Evans R. (Wal)* => _MMA ._ *_2024-Apr-06,22:00:00 ._* _The Game Code is given in the first bracket () followed by the odd on the [] then the description. The last [] has nothing to do with you_ *(h7627)* [1.59] Mhandu T. (Zim) To Win [0] *(a7627)* [2.04] Evans R. (Wal) To Win [0] bet & watch the Zimbabwean
Khan · 11 months ago
It is sad to read such garbage from a man who clearly wants the job of governor 😂😂😂
John the Revelator · 11 months ago
😂 we had John Panonetsa Mangudya Now it's John Mushayavanhu aka John 2 😂
Joe · 11 months ago
tiudzeka iwewe usingade kuita governor
Reign · 11 months ago
Kuchinja mazita emari is not the solution, kiti ikarara nemusana yobva yaita tsuro here
Anonymous · 11 months ago
The Zim situation has one solution," remove the sanctions". As long as sanctions are there, the majority will suffer at the expense of those under sanctions. Whoever asked for sanctions made a big mistake. We cant beat them on the ballot and they are very creative to tap our produce and forex from diaspora. We tried it since 2000 now its 2024 we must admit we cant beat Zanu pf its more popular than all opposition parties. Lets join hands an salute ED Pfee, give him all the respect then build Zim together brick by brick. Opposition has failed dismally like Yaya Sinwa who killed 1300 Jews and lost 30 000 arabs as revenge.
laugh emoji5
Dhadza · 11 months ago
unotaura zvinemusoro iwewe.
wastak · 11 months ago
Chitunha chemarii
bambo · 11 months ago
don't worry guys we just use the love ZiGs to pay council finish so that they collapse finish

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