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Declaration Of State Of Disaster: Zimbabwe Is Not Poor, But Poorly Governed - Chin'ono

11 months agoWed, 03 Apr 2024 13:51:06 GMT
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Declaration Of State Of Disaster: Zimbabwe Is Not Poor, But Poorly Governed - Chin'ono

According to prominent Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, Zimbabwe’s poverty is not inherent; rather, it stems from inadequate governance. This perspective emerged after President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa declared a state of disaster in response to the drought that severely impacted the 2023/24 summer cropping season on Wednesday, April 03.

Zimbabwe becomes the third African country to declare the current drought a national disaster, following Zambia and Malawi.

On his social media platforms, the prominent government critic Hopewell Chin’ono pointed out the irony of President Mnangagwa allocating trucks to traditional chiefs and ZANU PF social media propagandists while the nation grapples with a severe cereal deficit. He wrote:

The President of Zimbabwe has declared a state of national disaster, a euphemism in this case for saying there isn’t enough food to feed the nation.

This ironically comes after the president distributed 100 trucks to traditional chiefs, and has started distributing cars to ZANU PF social media propagandists who helped in his election campaign.

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A surrogate close to the president, convicted criminal, Wicknell Chivhayo, has also been distributing high-end cars to greedy musicians who support the ruling party, ZANU PF.

It is indeed strange that after this obscene public display of misplaced extravagance, the president is now asking ordinary citizens both at home and abroad to donate money towards something caused by his government’s lack of planning, yet he has been splurging on cars.

Chinon’o boldly exposed the ZANU PF-led government’s deception, revealing that their claim of sufficient grain reserves in the country was far removed from reality. He said:

The severe impact of the ongoing drought would have been mitigated by maize reserves, but the government lied that it had enough reserves when it didn’t, only to be exposed that it was buying maize weekly from South Africa by that country’s Head of International Diplomacy on Twitter.

Mnangagwa stated that over 2.7 million Zimbabweans need food aid. He added that Zimbabwe will face a grain deficit of 680,000 tonnes.

Zimbabwe’s agricultural industry collapsed when ZANUPF removed land tenure and embarked on its never-ending removal of commercial farmers, both black and white, from farms and handed them over to ZANU PF cronies who couldn’t farm.

Chin’ono has emphatically stated that Zimbabwe currently grapples with the world’s highest inflation rate. 

Furthermore, the local currency has been rendered virtually worthless due to corruption within the central bank and the glaring incompetence attributed to ZANUPF’s legendary inability to govern, said Chin’ono, adding, “Zimbabwe is not poor, it is only poorly governed!”

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Muchasvinura Fugu pfee · 11 months ago
Giving land for FREE takes away importance attached to ownig and using land profitably.The commercial value shrivels.No wonder land reform settlers are selling or surrendering land in search of jobs or hussling anywhere.They dont care whether they succed or not.They dont appreciate the potential of creating massive wealth from land.Valuable land turned useless.There is no business sense.Its just land for dwellings.Do not expect something good to come out of someting that was given free no matter the potential.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Until sanctions are removed Zim will reemain where it is. This is the best Government under sanctions. Bestroads, houses and schools are commissioned everyday. Employees are paid inUS $ which is good.Viva ED
Mr Carlson · 11 months ago
Saka muchaita sei nhai VaHopewell....Always criticizing as if he has the power to change anything..The only thing he changes are the cheap prostitutes he can afford kkkkkkk
Fugu pfee mu ch babe cje · 11 months ago
Bad polotics and corruption is the elephant in the room.Mafias break up when some members start to feel they are not gettin the slice of cake they deserve or rather when sharing the spoils is unfair,unequal and problematic.Muchaburana chete.Vamwe venyu vachadya vamwe vasina chavadya.kkk
Chicken 🐔 · 11 months ago
VaChin'ono tinoda kukukudzawo nekunyora kwako but hauzivr zvamunoda. Ndakamboverengenga nhai iyi uchit president must declare this year a national disaster in terms of food shortages due Elnino induced drought. Nhasi sandu vave kuti azviitirei, kureva kuti you already have creates for the issues you encourage other people to do or say.
Ndini · 11 months ago
Mhofu uri dot chairo nharo dzako kusakwana , pawatsiurwa woti vatukwa pawaudzwa chokwadi voti nharo. Kwana pavanhu usatinyaudza.
Fugu pfe pfe ndi · 11 months ago
One party state pfee.Zvenyu zvanaka.Kwa kumafura mhepo.Yave nhange mutange.Wasara wasara.Hapana achadzora mumwe.Tichaonerera hedu.Muchaburana henyu.All lies will show themselves. Muchasvinura. Muchavengana pachenyu.Tichaonerera.Kuzoona tosvika 2028.Kkk hameno.Zvimwe unongosiya zvakadaro.You have no one to blame.Chamisa wakaenda.Achakufumurai
Fugu nde nde nde · 11 months ago
Musazotikangwewo isu ma boarders agere muma dhomu imi muchiti mad****ba.Takangogara isu.Hatina chekubata.Kare dhiroba raichengeta anoshanda.Zvono mabasa hatina.Nhaka tichafa isu.Jovha tinzwireiwo ngoni
Fugu nde nde nde · 11 months ago
Musazotikangwewo isu ma boarders agere muma dhomu imi muchiti mad****ba.Takangogara isu.Hatina chekubata.Kare dhiroba raichengeta anoshanda.Zvono mabasa hatina.Nhaka tichafa isu.Jovha tinzwireiwo ngoni.
Fugu nde nde ndee · 11 months ago
Rural to urban migration will increase.Young people will move around searching for lines of a sound life.Crime will increase.Morals will die.Social services will be under immense pressue.Disease outbreaks.Migration will go up.Displacements.
Muchasvinura henyu · 11 months ago
Its time to command productive use if land.Train good farming techniques at every food distribution session.Vadzidzisei nzira dzakanaka dzekurima pese pamunotipa chikafu.Ndo mukana wacho.Dzidzisai nzira dzekubika nekudya kwakasiyana siyana.Things like chapati,chomodho,growing nitrogen fixing crops together with maize,Use of fertilizers.rorationing,
Pfee mu chi babe cheZanu · 11 months ago
Provide hay and fodder to animal farmers in low rainfall regions-region 3,,4 & 5 at affordable or subsidised prices.Zvima doctrate zvekutenga.Funga minister. Stop drinking and smoking tobacco.Stop watching things getting worse.Do something.
Muchi babe che Zanu pfeeee · 11 months ago
We dont need lots of land to feed the entire nation.We need to utilize prime land to the fullest.Region 1 and 2 is enough to yield enough grain.Masuka should look into this posibility and give land in those regions to well trained farmers.Even if you refuse to do it now,this idea will catch up with whoever will be minister in future.
KG imh-a-ta iyi · 11 months ago
Nyengai mukadzi we rema iri.Svi--ra-i zvebasa.Because mukadzi uyu haana murume Zvese nevana batai muipfekere.Ndo kuti asvinure..
Ko drought ikadzokorora 2024 · 11 months ago
Ko Elnino draught ikadzokorora muchaita sei.Stsrt thinking along these ideas:-increased irrigation.More dams.Intesive farming systems.Train farmers to take it as a business.Reposes derelict prime land in region 1 and 2.Pay farmers a viability price.Innovative feeding habits.Geological mapping of underground water.More dams.Good politics.Fight corruption.
Gayson Chinono · 11 months ago
Only God decides kuti mvura inonanaya kupi.Even with improved irrigation infrastructure mvura inofanira kunaya to fill up ma dams.Even Zambia ine good governance had also declared a national disaster. So as usual, Gayson is talking nonsense
Muchasvinura · 11 months ago
Batai homwe. Berekai vana venyu. Mabhinya adzoka.Mbavha dzadzoka.They thrive on your misery.Maoko avo ari ku vavira mari.Mukana wauya nenyasha uyu.Icharohwa zvisingaiti apa.Ko Nguwaya chirikupi.Grain will be imported at inflated costs.Muchanzwa zvonzi US$1000/ton kkk
Chi babe che Zanu fugu pfe pfe pfeee · 11 months ago
Stop politicizing land distribution and land utilisation.Command agri and now Pfumvudza are both a tool to subjugate villagers.They are now perpetually dependent on handouts.How long will take small holder farmers to stand on their own.When will they stop depending on Pfumvudza.You are developing a dependancy syndrome knowingly.Its a form of slavery.STOP IT.By now these farmers should be able to continue with their production from their own funds.How can that be when they are abused by those who should protect them fro abuse and exploitation.Producer prices are rubbish and if one is lucky to get something a year after delivering their crop at GMB.Pasi ne mhanduuuuu
Fugu chibaby pfeee · 11 months ago
Watch what comes from the mouth of a devil whenever it declares a state of disaster.Watch your pockets.Covid times taught us to be sceptical.Open your eyes.Billions will go missing.Many will suffer in silence
Chibaby che Zanu pfee · 11 months ago
You delay paying us the Pfumvudza assisted farmers by over 6 months in Bond money that loses value daily.You have the guts to pay up front in US$ white farmers that ran away from tyrany to SA and Zambia.Are you not ashame of belittling and impoverishing your own and making your enermies richer.
Fugu pfee mu chi baby cheZanu · 11 months ago
If you cant manage food security how do you think we trust that you care about us? Even a dog makes sure its puppies have enough.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Mhona is the best minister not Masuka
Ini Ziiii Zvangu · 11 months ago
ChiBaby cheZANU ava nezita idzva - Mhofu. Mhofela ma1&2. Shava.... ❓ Chihera. asingadzoreke...
Cde · 11 months ago
taura hako Hopewell zvakadhakwa zvakadhakwa
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Hopewell is Hopeless. A drought is exactly that. It has nothing to do with governance. I want to ask Hopeless how much he pay in tax ?
wastak · 11 months ago
Ine chekuita kana zvinhu zvaita seizvozvo nekuti vakamboramba pekutanga vachitemba Russia asi zvaramba kwavanga vakatarisira vakuita kunge vakanga vasina kumboyambirwa pa musoro penzara iyi asi ivo vachiti nyika ine chikafu chakakwana chinosvika next year
wastak · 11 months ago
Zanu must admit ndochinhu chekutanga kuti zvatiremera vakamboudzwa kuti munyika zvinhu zvakadhakwa munyika vakaramba
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Wese andituka akabuda nepaburi ramai vake rizere masadza, ndosaka musinga funge.
chikara · 11 months ago
lmagine Mari dzakatambisika pamaby elections arisponsered nezanu pf.mari iyoyo Dai yakatenga chikafu tangatisingasviki kure.nyika Haina vanotungamira.
Wuto · 11 months ago
Mfofu murwere wepfungwa ananhonga smartphone ine line re econet
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Mese muri kundituka. Makazvarwa naana mai vakazara masadza kuzasi. Ungati mota ye us70000 ingatenge chikafu chinokwana dunhu rese ramambo. Zvituta zve vanhu. Dzokerayi muno fundiswa maths futi kuchikoro
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
mhofu ku driller mvura mazuvano I 1000 US saka tell me how many boreholes can be drilled by the funds for each truck, even chikafu chaicho inoto tenga chikafu chakwanda chinoto wedzera pane chatinacho vanhu vaka rara ma but the problem is you support zanu nepaino konewa and mostly zanu is failing us
zanupf · 11 months ago
mhofu zvariri benzi...dununu..sponono...mota dzakapiwa ma chiefs dai taitenga chibage
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Muri **** Cde, akati mari yekutenga chibage hakuna ndiani
...... 🤪 · 11 months ago
Usadekupikisa vanhu vaida ku strategist an ambiguous action kumwe kutozvipedzra nguva nekuti honedty how can you live ambiguous, I bipolar disorder chaiyo kuti apa wapressewa hauzive chinoda kubuda firstly dodokana wiwi kana kungopazha zvakadaro 🤪
intellectual · 11 months ago
intellectual · 11 months ago
uyo anonzi mhonzi chituta chaicho issue here is about priorities instead of majoring the minor it's does not make sense tht a community chief drives a dmax ye 70k but the gvt should buy him a better vehicle yekufambisa then the rest would hv been used for instance drilling boreholes as alluded to nemumwe for their benefit zvoratidza kufunga nd love for fellow Zimbabweans
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Iwe CDF inopihwa maMPs ndobasa ravo iroro to develop their constituencies. Chiefs don't get any money to develop their areas, mari iyi inopihwa maMPs. Chete pano pakazara ma**** majority CCC
intellectual · 11 months ago
ko uyoo akanzi Shree akazvinetsereiko nekuda kubira vanhu mari
Mai charamba · 11 months ago
we are not poor but we are rich 🎶 we are rich we are not poor 🎶 we are just victims of bad governance 🎶 🎶 🎶
wicked-nell chivayo · 11 months ago
Go & see madzibaba John..your Benz is waiting for you
me · 11 months ago
Chin'ono imbowanawo nguva yekunyarara kana usina zvekutaura
@me · 11 months ago
nzvonyo yako iwe inenge kasau
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Hopewell i**** anofunga kuti value of 100 vehicles given to Chiefs can feed the nation, secondly us1. 5m cost of vehicles donated by Chivhayo can feed the nation,,,? . Hopewell was a dunderhead in Maths that's why he did journalism
👽 · 11 months ago
Nyaya iri pama misplaced priorities Mhofu coz kwakaenda ma D.teq ikoko people are facing hunger. Mind you factor in the running and maintenance costs of these luxury vehicles to your math and you'll see kuti bharanzi ndiwe
Mhofu · 11 months ago
Dofo guru ndiwe, Gvt has a food program run by the Dept of Social Welfare where vulnerable members of the society receive grain, beans and other foodstuff. Iwe value ye mota is not even enough to feed the community covered by that Chief for a month. Unonyadzisa kana kuti maths wakafoira. Iwewe kubasa kwako tengesai mota dze managers mutengere vanhu chikafu tiwone kuti munosvikepi. Ndo zvino netsera vanhu vanofunga nekuzasi
Wuto · 11 months ago
@mhofu muri bofu zweshuwa y exhibit your foolishness paplatform uri nhumbu yembwa wanzwa
Patriot · 11 months ago
@Wuto tisiyeiwo as patriotic Zimbabweans chese chaitwa mongoshoora basa rekida kuunza magay rights chete muchisupporter Hopewell wenyu iyeye never in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 ✊🏽
👽 · 11 months ago
🤦🏽‍♂️Zva Mhofu akomana. Dept of social welfare yamotaura only exists on paper shame. Kutenga mota ye 70k inonopondwa in a few months while the chief's subjects have inadequate water, schools and clinics many miles away. Inga muri munhu mukuru wani mdara, tibvirei uko
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Why should chiefs not have government funded vehicles? The perform valuable work in their communities.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 11 months ago
What about Zambia which declared a state of emergency also? is it a question of being poor too nhai iwe Hopless?
Mdara Odza · 11 months ago
When is the time that President Hichilema bought luxurious cars or spent extravagantly like what Mnangagwa did recently?
..... · 11 months ago
Motokari idzi haasiriwo matengero a oita ku chingwa uko these might have been contractual settlements of probably 3 - 4years back and hadzingotengwi ipapo ipapo imi Ana musoroB
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Kkkkk comrade tinyarei imi
Lacto · 11 months ago
Saka mu Zimbabwe hamuna anehushingi kunge the butcher of port au prince the one and only Barbeque
Wuto · 11 months ago
Zim ichapedsisira yava ne civil war soon because a hungry man is a angry man
citizen · 11 months ago
civil war is wat they want because they have the money & guns...this will enable them to have a firm grip of power in the name of weeding out so called dissidents
🎓 🧠 👀👂 👃 👄 · 11 months ago
We are sharing these cereal with animals 🐔 🐽 🐴 cattle etc, so these mandalas thought they had much in stick yet all has been to profit making stock feeds other that humans
👁️👃👁️ 👄 · 11 months ago
the government
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Ko ma Zanu trolls arikupi, akanyarareiko?

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