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Second Wife Jailed 12 Months For Setting Husband On Fire

12 months agoThu, 21 Mar 2024 10:35:01 GMT
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Second Wife Jailed 12 Months For Setting Husband On Fire

Cecilia Chitambo, a 35-year-old woman, faced trial at the Chipinge Magistrates’ Court on charges of attempted murder. Chitambo is the second wife of the complainant, Fungai Nyazana. 

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), On January 1, 2024, Cecilia and Fungai had a heated disagreement because she suspected him of having an extramarital affair.

Amid the heated dispute, Cecilia left their marital home and sought refuge at her parent’s house.

Upon her return the next day, another argument erupted, this time over money. Cecilia disappeared briefly and then reappeared with a container filled with petrol.

In a horrifying turn of events, Cecilia doused Fungai with petrol and set him on fire. Desperate to save himself, Fungai rushed to the kitchen and poured a bucket of water over his burning body.

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Fungai was rushed to the hospital for treatment, while Cecilia was subsequently arrested.

The court convicted Cecilia and sentenced her to 18 months in prison, with 6 months suspended for five years. She will serve an effective 12-month sentence.

Domestic violence has seen an alarming increase in Zimbabwe. The government has responded by enacting the Zimbabwe Domestic Violence Act (DVA) in 2007 to address this menace.

More: Pindula News



BIG T 🫖☕🍵 · 11 months ago
mukadzi iyeye ndi💅Rudo panova asati avakunamata paakasungwa ndopaakafunga kunamata
aldayz · 11 months ago
akanzwa kuti murume uyu uno nakaka zvomuti dhu haafaniri kubata vamwe vakadzi nomutaku anzwa wake
akaita · 11 months ago
barika mupopoti nefight
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Akapusa mukadzi uyoo ungapisire munhu pamba pake. Dai akangodzokera kumba kwawo chinyararire
madam julie · 11 months ago
Shanje dzake dzakapenga..anoda kutengerwa majombo echisoja...soja rechikadzi.
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 11 months ago
isu kwedu kwaMarange hatipisani barika tinorida and vakadzi vedu vanotikurudzira kuti tiroore hama dzavo🤣🤣🤣 zvebarika zvinoda mwari mukati
@ June · 11 months ago
ane mkadzi umwe arikungoita wani nzara azvinei nebarika izvo asi mutongo mudiki judicial system yedu inofevhera vakadzi sterek dai atimurume apiwa 200 years
Yoyoyo · 12 months ago
😁😁 Ndi @Chi baby che Zanu hakuna mumwe. Chi Baby Che Zanu ane hutsinye akapisa murume wake using patrol, that's so satanic
Scud · 12 months ago
Lets hope haana kutswa nhengo nema balls
Kongaring Kongara · 12 months ago
She deserved more time behind bars this furious woman. She is just a brutal person who rejoices in inflicting pain on another human being,shame on her.
...... · 12 months ago
taurai zvenyu mdara odza this is true.kusheya murume zviribho zvekuti vakadzi takawandisa varume vashoma so we gonna share those pennis
Wasu · 12 months ago
**** iri rakapihwa mutongo mdiki,arichada kuti murume anyenge asi iro rakasvika pane mumwe mukadzi,rinotoroya zvekutorevesa **** iri ndofunga kwarakabva Mai varo ndo zvavanoita
Mdara Odza · 12 months ago
The fact that she came in as a second wife means she doesn't own the husband, in fact, no woman owns a man, murume chibage chinotonongoreranwa. Good to see her going to prison, however, the sentence is rather tok short for such henoius crime. Stop violence against men and boys
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 12 months ago
🤔🤔I hope people are learning kuti it's important not to bottle up rage and anger for a long time. Mukadzi uyo akanga akatakura hasha for makore akawanda against her man. People need to heal from rage. Ukaona munhu wechikadzi akusvika pakupisa her own husband, anenge akatuta hell chaiyo.
· 11 months ago
How do you know kuti she had bottled up rage and anger for a very long time? Musataure zvekwamusina kuswera. Rume guru kuita makuhwa kunge Madziro Committee, haunyare here?
Anonymous · 11 months ago
She's second wife although we don't know where the 1st wife was. Ukaona zvaoma rova nzira not kupisa mwana wemumwe munhu. 12months what's wrong with judicial system???
humba · 12 months ago
kkkkkkk zvichati d****i,zvobva zvashaika ft apa tiri busy kupuwa fertilizer ne Russia kt tirime,ndizvo coz kunonzi vape chiredzo kwete hove
screwdriver · 12 months ago
Igore renzara so people are busy finding reasons to do silly things zvaakange aenda akadii kubva angogara ikoko zvachose silly beach ugapisire munhu kuti ahura chete kana uchida hurawo inga une pombi yako wani
laugh emoji1
jii · 12 months ago
the sentence is a mockery to our judicial system. if it was a male, he cud be 10yrs behind bars by now..
Kaiser Sozés · 11 months ago
i wonder if the judgement would be the same had it been the man who had doused his wife with petrol n set her alight

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