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Biti Urges South African Voters To Prevent A Zimbabwe-style Failed State

12 months agoSat, 16 Mar 2024 06:17:38 GMT
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Biti Urges South African Voters To Prevent A Zimbabwe-style Failed State

Prominent Zimbabwean opposition politician Tendai Biti warned South Africans to use their votes wisely on May 29 to prevent South Africa from going the same way as other regional countries ruled by liberation movements, reported ZimLive.

South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Tanzania, Angola, Botswana, and Mozambique, are governed by former liberation movements.

Speaking at the Daily Maverick’s Gathering Twenty 2024 in Cape Town on Thursday, Biti, a former MP for Harare East, asserted that all six former liberation movements in Southern Africa share a common ethos: an unwavering focus on power rather than the development of their nations and citizens.

He warned that unless the governing party in South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC) transformed itself, it was in danger of dying the way the United National Independence Party (UNIP), the independence movement of Zambia and KANU, the independence movement of Kenya, had died. Biti said:

The liberation movement that fails to transform, the liberation movement that fails to democratise itself… atrophies, it disappears.

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And I think you are seeing slowly here in South Africa the withering of the liberation movement.

Biti noted the decline in ANC electoral support from the high levels under Mandela to May 2024, when “if they get 40% or 44%, they would have done very well.” He added:

So the acceleration of South Africa towards a state of state failure is beholding and bewildering to many Africans who live north of the Limpopo because of the huge vast resources that your country has.

But the story of South Africa is a story that has been narrated and lived in much of Africa, where it’s been characteristic of state failure, of pseudo-elections, the ritual of elections that are held every five years.

Biti said liberation movements were concerned with power for power’s sake instead of power to develop the economy.

He said due to their failure to enact meaningful transformation and create employment opportunities, these former liberation movements have fallen into a regressive pattern of entitlement.

They now adhere to a culture that asserts, “We deserve tenders and substantial contracts because we were the liberators.”

Biti claimed that in Zimbabwe, one could not get a job or a contract in the public service unless one had participated in the liberation struggle.

In all these countries, there was a rule of law for others and a rule by law — or impunity — for the leaders. He said:

Firstly is the weaponisation of poverty, the weaponisation of harm.

Sixty-nine per cent of the poorest people in South Africa vote for the ANC.

In Zimbabwe, where I come from, the ruling party finds dominance in the rural areas where poverty is the order of the day.

So poverty is weaponised. Ignorance is weaponised.

Biti said in Zimbabwe the constitution was no more than a worthless piece of paper.

In contrast, he commended South Africa’s judiciary for upholding its constitution, saying the courts in South Africa have played a crucial role in safeguarding constitutional principles and rights.

The CCC official noted that in regional countries where liberation movements were in control, citizens bear some responsibility for state failure.

However, in South Africa, he emphasized that citizens still have hope, but they must actively participate to reclaim control of their future.

More: Pindula News



PR · 12 months ago
@anonimous ndiwe here or maybe some aisa that comment using your identity
Anonymous · 12 months ago
Sell out ndi. Chamisa akapinda pa Harare Poly netsamba yeZanu pf asina 5 O levels. Akapinda netsamba yeku Cell, district ne province kuti aite basa radai kugona. Apedza mu youth we Zanu achadei futi
Widzo · 12 months ago
Murume mukuru iyeye,haana kana any say mumba make asi kuda kunovaka imba yesmall house
Pattiot · 12 months ago
**** Biti wekunokumbira masqnctions...✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇿🇼
Pattiot · 12 months ago
**** Biti wekunokumbira masqnctions...✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇿🇼
patz · 12 months ago
Indava muchibvuma kuvharwa. Majaira kuyewa vamwe vachidya neliver imi muchingoti sanctions sanctions. Wakamboona ma sanctions anokumbirwa here.
Anonymous · 12 months ago
This is what madness looks like. What makes think he can advise South Africanss.
Ideology Ideology Ideology · 12 months ago
Former liberation movements are rooted in clear ideologies.Comrades resolve their differences amicably; unity is more important than one man band cults.Chombo and Killer Zivhu are back in the fold.Zanu pf understands the importance of unity.At its formation, the MDC leadership had absolutely nothing in common except the desire to remove Mugabe.No values, no ideology, no shared vision.The MDC and its successor parties continue to breakup up to this day.Its no wonder the All Whites DA Party is now the biggest opposition party in RSA. Black led opposition parties offer no hope to struggling South Africans so the ANC will still win the coming up elections but with a reduced margin.
ec · 12 months ago
well said Biti
WIFI · 12 months ago
well said
Anonymous · 12 months ago
Tendai Biti must be arrested watanga futi he is a sell out puppet of the west
Mboro🍆💦 · 12 months ago
Biti akufarisa. ngazive mashoko okutaura Tomukanda kuWhawha Maximum for 2 years like Jobhoo
super · 12 months ago
biti wakafa mupfungwa une sure iwe asi uri kurapwa pfungwa here ikoko aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
zim · 12 months ago
kkkkkk @super ,wazvionawo kuti biti ashayisha apa ,atadza kushandisa kufunga
...... · 12 months ago
Iko angaite njere achibhagura chana chidiki kudaro dai ayi kumbira hake mu Russian uye wekumatare naye brain dzaivhurika
**"* · 12 months ago
What happened to the Patriotic Act, this is treasonous he should be arrested for this.
Mboro🍆💦 · 12 months ago
ntshompi yakho elezilonda wena Biti. ungasitshel okokwenz
...... · 12 months ago
Yindaba umuti yi ntshompi ngokumhlonipa kangaka woti bolo lakho stere senja Biti kuphela lokhu
Mboro🍆💦 · 12 months ago
kusijwayela kabi okulitshabi lokhu
mzansi · 12 months ago
usapedzere shungu dzekutadza kubvisa zanu pf, pa power kune ANC ,ndosaka chamisa akakusiya akatoona kuti hapana kwaano enda kana akakombwa nemi .
Anonymous · 12 months ago
Don't know about the article. Are you a Zimbabwean? The only access to public service contracts, government social welfare handouts including tax funded initiatives...is to be a member of ZANU. ZANU is still fighting some imaginary enemies which makes all its members fake war heroes
chimusuri · 12 months ago
biti and Zanu same pots.so nyarara hako
T · 12 months ago
I wonder if the article is accurate. It is so stunningly untrue that one cannot get a job or contract in the public service unless one participated in the liberation war
😎 · 12 months ago
Bata paati even ignorance is weaponised 💯
Shumba · 12 months ago
Zimbabwe is not a failed state. It is scumbags, social sewage, pathetic politicians like you Tendai Biti who have failed the people of Zimbabwe. You have no right to educate anyone on anything, you are a filthy stinking sellout. To hell with you! ****.
Me · 12 months ago
Reporter you should have that he's the rotating president of CCC
starnty · 12 months ago
Patriot · 12 months ago
ngaasungwe uyo...that is treasonous statement we are happy with developments going on ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🔥🇿🇼🐊
😎 · 12 months ago
Usanyepere vanhu which happy impositing chabhangu as a SG to hijacke ccc with the help of ZANU who is happy mbava
baba Jukwa · 12 months ago
varume vanhu munyika vakagumbuka zvekuti demeti kkkkkkkkkkk nhas umwe aridza song ya Mutodi ye kuti idhiii idhiii vanhu vakamisa kombi pa coca cola vakadzika vese hanzi usatiitire zvisina basa kkkkkkkkkkk kibhejera kusvika ku mbare ne tsoka

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