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Agriculture Minister Speaks On Genetically Modified Maize Imports

1 year agoWed, 13 Mar 2024 14:35:19 GMT
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Agriculture Minister Speaks On Genetically Modified Maize Imports

The Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Anxious Masuka, said that the private sector must continue to import maize for human consumption, including importing genetically modified maize but under strict supervision.

Speaking during Tuesday’s post-Cabinet media briefing, Masuka said the food security outlook is made of four components which are: what is in stock, what is likely to be produced in the current season, what is likely to be produced in winter and what is likely to be imported.

He said Zimbabwe allows GMOs to be imported because the country has a very strict framework. Said Masuka:

This is what we deliberated; we said the private sector must continue to import maize for human consumption, we said if they wish to import genetically modified maize they can do so but that must be under strict supervision.

Zimbabwe was one of the first countries in the SADC region to put in place a GMO (genetically modified organism) policy in 1998 and formed the National Biotechnology Authority, and Zimbabwe allows GMOs to be imported because we have a very strict framework. Perhaps because of the strictness, very few private companies have come on board to do some experiments on GMOs.

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In the past, we have applied this model very successfully. It is genetically modified maize not GMO maize.

We said that our food security ought also to be premised on consideration of wheat as a cereal crop, either for direct consumption by people as bread or as a mealie meal or for swap arrangement.

Meanwhile, the Government has liberalised the importation of grain at the household level with effect from July.

Duty will be waived on the importation of rice, maize, potato seed, cooking oil and genetically modified maize for stock feed, whose milling and distribution will be strictly supervised.

Cabinet also approved the removal of Value Added Tax on rice and potato seed since the two foods are now considered staples.

More: Pindula News



baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
and lastly initiative chero ndikaita mwana handisati ndakambodya chekuba ndino shanda nesimba kuti mhuri yangu irarame but imi ma zanu monditorera zvandashanda nekuputsa pandavaka ndimi mukutoti dzorera kumas**** ma ZANU vamwe titori ne shungu dzekuita ma businessman masvinu but mukutoti tsikirira pasi
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ukandzwa vakutaura kudai nyika Haisina chibage , hokoyo nenzara .
chimusuri · 1 year ago
gore rino vana vachabuda mazamo vari maEcd rambai makatarisa muone
PRIGOZHIN · 1 year ago
sadza rehupfu uhu harisi nutritious ummm unodya zimukonde but woita kadhoti katoko toko
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
l still remember 2008 kudos Gokwe vanhu vaibika ma. banana mambishi kuita se ma potato voisa soup vanhu vodya vonwa mvura then tozoti ku Siyamuchembo vaiita yainzi dhoma yaiti ukaidya usina kuijaira waisvuuka ma lips kkkkkkkk kwedu kumberengwa vanhu vakafa vanwa mukumbi we chakata l still remember tiri much line re. chingwa. ku Belmont ku Bulawayo pa Baker's inn paya isati ya chinjana bepa rechingwa ichine. riya re. red vamwe moms vaka sunungukira mu line takamirira chingwa nekuti munhu anga akudya yese yese l still remember tisisaende ku chikoro tiri ma 4m 5 tichienda ku kelvin ku matura ku tshabalala kuno nhonga chibage chaidonha pama Bots vivs aibva ku Zambia l still remember takazo rova rimwe team re ku GMB chadinha iwo anga abhagura 25 cases dze rice re. silo tikazviona vachino viga kusango kudhize nekwa Grilles tikano hire mota kwaku takura rese. guys kana tichi kuudzai kuti taka tambura munyika inoi regai kuita nharo l'm sure chi baby che. zanu never experienced such a nasty life and matauriro ake ndeemwanana asina zvaano ziva about suffering
Sir Mjoe · 1 year ago
mbudzi yayitenga 20kg mealies mombe 50kg chicken 2,5kg
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
@Jukwa ndosaka uchiita nharo. Uri mwana wazuro
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
38 yrs is not a joke mfana ndatove pedyo nekupera basa ndisina kumbo shandira company , ndibvunze zvaiitika ku ma 97 kusvika nhas ndikuudze zvandakaona kwandaigarawo izvo zveku age hazvindi tadzise ku ona ku I pa kwe zanu that's why iwe wachembera usinga zivi musiyano we chakaipa ne chakanaka you went to school for nothing
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
and you should know that politics dze sure sure dzinoitwa ne youth not chembere munenge muchingo vinga chi hu re ne kudya Mari,vese vanozviti vakarwa hondo vabvunze kuti. vaive ne makore mangani you will see kuti struggles are for the youths and youths are liberators
rhabos · 1 year ago
it is genetically modified maize not GMO maize..... hardly understand ther can u shed mo light
.,..... · 1 year ago
Bedward · 1 year ago
Ndidzo dze command agriculture here
113010 · 1 year ago
yes muriwo nemapotato
😎 · 1 year ago
Pane humwe hupfu hunoita ma maggots, huno fanirwa kudyiwa within a specified time frame failure hunenge hwatove chikafu chehuku, that is unoita se iya yatoti I starters mesh as it stays pa shelf ino evolver kuiter growers kusvika yaita finish pack all musaga one,
. · 1 year ago
Mabroiler atinodya maGMO hadzisi huku ba.
... · 1 year ago
kungoisa ma cup maviri sadza ratokora,asi ukaridya unoramba uine nzara
dhadza · 1 year ago
Lava · 1 year ago
hupfu iwowo mahwan ndiwo uye unokudza msoro kuiita zibhangu am talking the likes yevanhu vakaita sana madhuku nana fugu and anonymous
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
😂. · 1 year ago
😂 Minister of bumper harvest
Min of Demolitions and Pfubvudza · 1 year ago
Min of Demolitions and Pfubvudza
@ · 1 year ago
If I may ask, kana vachiti potato seed, vari Kure a here embewu, kana kuti ekudya?
Tapz · 1 year ago
Potato seed ndoinodyiwa kana kudyara. Its the same thing. Raunodya iroro ukaridyara robuda kuita potato plant
#Tapz · 1 year ago
Thank you for the enlightment

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