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Local Universities Shut Doors On Children Of War Veterans

1 year agoTue, 12 Mar 2024 11:22:53 GMT
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Local Universities Shut Doors On Children Of War Veterans

Local universities are reportedly refusing to enrol the children of the veterans of Zimbabwe’s armed liberation struggle because the government is failing to pay fees on time.

Speaking to The NewsHawks, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association (ZNLWVA) publicity and information secretary, Edward Dube said university tuition for the children of war veterans has not been paid for the past two semesters. Said Dube:

Students have been greatly affected. Institutions like the University of Zimbabwe have been having challenges enrolling the children of war veterans.

While the university has now started enrolling, accommodation remains a great challenge. Other institutions like Great Zimbabwe University are refusing to enrol.

Despite working closely with the ruling ZANU PF party during election campaigns, war veterans have constantly been at loggerheads with the government over their welfare.

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The war veterans are entitled by law to pension, basic healthcare and education, according to the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Act (Chapter 17:12) of 2020.

However, the ex-combatants have not been spared the economic hardships being experienced by the majority of Zimbabweans.

More: Pindula News



Tapz · 1 year ago
What type of war vets are these who still have school going kidz. Asi wakushandisa tax payers money kudzidzisa vazukuru kani
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Varipo vana and some are in primary school ufunge. Vamwe remaried. So zvawurikutaura hazvishandi kkkkk.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Our vps got married recently are you saying its not allowed to remarry and have children,what of those whose first wives died,what about those with many wives
🔥 · 1 year ago
ma warvet na ED wenyu muri m.ha.ta manzwa?m.usatan.y.ok.o amai vakono.blerry sh.i.t manzwa?busy kubira nyika 24hrs per day muchi.m.a.ma nekumuromo kut hee sanctions sanctions imi muchiba henyu ruzhinji rwe Zimbabwe rwuchitambura.muri ts.v.in.a manzwa? good for nothing pieces of s.h.i.t!to h.e.ll with you mhani imi mazimbavha
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The value of the $50 000 you talking about fell with 72% in one day.....it was a economic sabotage so that Warveterans Rewards can not buy anything in Market Value chains
☝️ · 1 year ago
the value of$50 000 fell 72% in one day???ama2k madii manyarara hapana kana anomboziva kuti pfungwa dzenyu dziri mu rectum mfunge makangoti ziii henyu.
007 · 1 year ago
talking about ds war veterans pane nyaya wena vanoramba vari a burden tu the government nenyaya yekt ava gume kuzvaraa .. nekt vakarwa Hondo chaivo chaivo vaaktochengeta vazukuru so avaa vachine vana varii kuda mari yechikoro I think vanofanirwa kupaonesesa ipapoo .. ndine uncle yangu 79yr old was veteran bt now achne vana vari ku ecd.... ndozvavakarwira Hondo nhai
.... · 1 year ago
usanyepera vanhu baba vedu vakatotenga 2houses so erosion yaukutaura ndeipi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I'm no longer a war veteran...
gurucon · 1 year ago
gurucon · 1 year ago
tshaka de Zulu · 1 year ago
mwana vemuwarvet muwarvet.siyai vadzidze
Yoooh · 1 year ago
Vana vema small house war vet kuita mwana ane 23 years zviriko here.Hondo yakapera gore randakazvarwa ndatove nemuzukuru.Matsotsi evanhu
Bob · 1 year ago
We are all war veterans isu vanamujiba tiri kungotambura hapana chat iri kukwana asi muhondo taiva pamwe chete tichitakurazvombo nhasi tinongodya nhoko dzezvironda vamwe vedu vakafa nezvironda zvemuhondo hapana chavakawana rubbish yegorvement takatamburira mahara
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
eheka ndokuti zanu pf ka kumāmìra mahara varidzi vachimamìsa cash kkk "vote for the chaos"
chimusuri · 1 year ago
zim ichiri nemawar vets if yes.asi ndevema small house cz hondo yakapera 43yrs ago.lnni born 1981 my child is at UZ.ko vavo varikubva kup? pliz Mr speaker tiudzei kt zvirkufamba cy asi zva zvedzinza hr
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko mwana wesmall house haazi mwana? Chipoko here? Usataura zvausingazivi. Some remarried and they have kids at school. Let them be paid.
laugh emoji1
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
It should be shameful to go around claiming to be a child of a war veteran. This is fraud of the highest level. War veterans were given demobilisation, then packages of ZW$50 000 in 1998 when the ZW$ still had value, they were given farms for free, they get free farming inputs every farming season at the expense of the tax payers, now they also have their children being educated for free. What a bunch of parasites. The taxpayer did not benefit anything from these War Vets, the tax payer is still fighting for his freedom but is being forced to fund the lives of fake war vets who did nothing to benefit the country but are actually busy sucking whatever little we work so hard for. Shame on you fake war vets, shame on your children and grand children too. You are such vicious parasites. When people demand accountability from the thieving zanupf, these parasitic war vets defend the thieves. So brain dead are these parasites they still don't realise they would be more respected if they made the gvt accountable. What a waste of life for these war veterans.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I think if you use your head you will understand what are called benefits, These are are to be paid. You don't appreciate that without these war vets your coward parents may not have managed to send you to school. Countries like America honour their war vets why not Zimbabwe.
@anonymous · 12 months ago
name American war vet you know who is asking for assistance after more than 250 years of attaining independence.
💅Gudo · 1 year ago
Most of this warvets have farms, plots and businesses but they want the Government to pay for their children.No ,no, no! Pay fees like everyone else. You already are enjoying the benefits of the liberation struggle.
gurucons · 1 year ago
kkk yaah
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are just saying what you don't know. Which war veterans with farms are you talking about? Maybe those from your tribe.
@@ · 1 year ago
go to Chitepo school of ideology
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Its free and you learn from Chinese textbooks.
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
zanu pf the master illusionist puppetry
👁️👁️ · 1 year ago
They have s.e.x like rabbits.😂😂😂
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vazukuru vema warverts vanodawo kuchengetwa
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
yes ndiwo mubairo wekurumbidza bhinya
🌚 · 1 year ago
Mari yakanotengeswa Mota dze Zanu pf.

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