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A Large Part Of Southern Africa Just Had Its Driest February On Record

1 year agoMon, 11 Mar 2024 14:01:51 GMT
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A Large Part Of Southern Africa Just Had Its Driest February On Record

Parts of Southern Africa suffered the driest February in decades that severely affected agriculture, and electricity generation and threatened to push up food prices that were already high.

As reported by TECHCENTRAL, in February 2024, large parts of Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe had the least rainfall — or close to it — since records began in 1981, according to data released by the University of California Santa Barbara’s Climate Hazards Centre.

The centre based its preliminary appraisal mainly on satellite-based rainfall estimates, with a final assessment due this week that will include more rainfall gauge observations.

The dry spell has been blamed on the El Niño weather phenomenon. Scientists have warned that extreme weather events are becoming increasingly frequent and severe because of climate change.

Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema recently declared the drought a national disaster.

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An estimated 45% of planted areas in Zambia have been destroyed just as the staple maize crop should be maturing.

In Zimbabwe, some farmers have given up trying to grow and harvest their crops, allowing cattle to graze on what’s left.

Water flows in the Kariba Dam, which powers turbines that Zimbabwe and Zambia rely on for electricity, are less than what they were during the same period last year.

In Botswana, the Botswana Meteorological Services (BMS) said that the vast majority of the country was receiving significantly less rain than normal.

Farmers who receive government support planted less than half the area in the current season than they did in the previous one.

In Namibia, water levels in dams are already at dangerously low levels and the main reservoir supplying the capital, Windhoek, is only 11% full and dropping.

In a statement issued on 05 March, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said the current El Nino is one of the five strongest ever recorded and has contributed to drier and warmer conditions in parts of Southern Africa.

The WMO said temperatures were 4-5ºC higher than the February average.

More: Pindula News



aaaa · 1 year ago
zvakatangidza gorerino
never · 1 year ago
induced hunger what's next for humanity and wild animals
khini · 1 year ago
panonetsa kudaidzira state of emergency nekuda kwenyepera kuziva kuzvibaya pa gumbo kkkkk PVO bill munobatsirwa nanii kkkekeesto
zenzo · 1 year ago
ngatichemei tiinetariro . there is a God in heaven who makes impossible situations to be possible . Think of the Israelites crossing the red sea and imagine what happened to the egyptians when they tried to make a followup . God is there for us as said in Psalms 23:1-6
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Garai maziva imi Ma Chamisa nemamwe ma Opposition kuti draught is affecting Southern africa yese including kwacho kwa HH na Mumba ku Zambia. Saka zvenyu ma Chamisa zvekutumira ma message muchinyomba kuti heee hurumende yatadza heeee this and that, hazvisi zveZimbabwe chete. Chinofadza manje ndechekuti President wedu ED haasi kuzosiya vanhu vachifa nezhara. Nyangwe imi ma opposition muchauya muma line ekupihwa chikafu ne ED ngekuti ndi President ane hanya nevanhu venyika yake. @Pasi pamera ziso, une dambudziko rekuteerera mashoko epa VOA nemamwe ma ant government media ndosaka usikuziva kuti hurumende yatove kumberi kare nezvekugadzirira zve draught. Inga wani mune vamiriiri venyu mu cabinet vanoudzwa zvese nezvehurongwa hwavepo. Ita mushe usango tsoropodza zvese zvese nxaaa
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
kumusha vakato tonga kunyorana very zanu takato zvinzwa kuti edu mazita haapo
chimusuri · 1 year ago
@pasi pameora ziso I second u.wakakomborerwa kana uine maonero akadaro.go a see victor u deserver a tractor and irrigation equipment.thnk u
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 year ago
The Govt of Zimbabwe should have by now implemented drought mitigation methods besides the Pfumvudza initiative Drill rigs should be deployed in all rural wards and make sure that every house hold should have a borehole sunk at the expense of the government and its international partners I have seen this in rural areas of South Africa were school leavers are driving Gd6 vehicles after growing okra for export to the Asian market How many people have realised that all the small Honda fit cars are moving irrigation systems if the the owners were advised to invest the same value in agribusiness
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Most ama2k are not interested in that. They only know of selling airtime and selling money. They do not know that food is first grown and end up in supermarkets 😄
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Very correct,ama 2K will kill this country after these mandalaz are gone....
baba Jukwa · 1 year ago
@pasi pamera ziso, even red beans and pumpkin seeds are on demand in the diaspora market
africa · 1 year ago
mvura ngainaye
...... · 1 year ago
God knows why.

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