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Tendai Biti Should Take A Break From Politics - Chin'ono

1 year agoWed, 28 Feb 2024 07:22:58 GMT
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Tendai Biti Should Take A Break From Politics - Chin'ono

Award-winning journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono has advised Tendai Biti to take a break from active politics and focus on his work as a lawyer, author and international public speaker.

Biti (56) was on Monday found guilty of verbally assaulting a Russian woman, Tatiana Aleshina, following a trial that lasted nearly four years.

The CCC vice president was on trial for calling Aleshina “stupid” while leaving court in November 2020.

On Tuesday, Biti was given a wholly suspended six-month prison sentence and also ordered to pay a US$300 fine by Harare magistrate Vongai Guwuriro Muchuchuti following his conviction.

In a post on the social media site X, Chin’ono said Biti has done a lot for Zimbabwe both in opposition and government but of late his efforts have been wasted and his good standing has started to go down the drain. He wrote:

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Zimbabwean politician, lawyer and author, Tendai Biti avoided jail yesterday after a senseless FOUR-year trial over something that is not a crime.

My advice to Tendai Biti is to take a break from politics and concentrate on his work as a lawyer, author and international public speaker.

He has done a lot for Zimbabwe both in opposition and government, and he has written powerful books with luminaries like President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Over and above that he has used his legal skills to get terrible laws removed from our constitution.

He is undoubtedly the best Finance minister that Zimbabwe has had in the last 25 years.

But there comes a time when your efforts become wasted, and your social capital starts going down the drain, at such a time you need to take a strategic break from politics and focus on meaningful things in your life.

Zimbabwe’s opposition politics is in the worst possible shambolic place it has ever been, it is painful to watch someone who has given so much of his time and life to fighting for democracy being dragged into senseless Punch and Judy shows.

At such a time, a break is the wisest thing to grab, a fellowship away from Zimbabwe could allow him breathing space and a time to reflect and reenergise.

He is a highly successful professional, he is marketable anywhere in the world, perhaps this is the time to use his professional capital in that regard.

Everything has a time and place!!!!!!

A move away from the tumultuous world of politics and focus on his other talents and passions would rejuvenate him.

Sometimes stepping back to regain perspective and recharge your batteries can lead to new productive opportunities and directions in both your social and professional lives.

Genuinely honest and respectful Zimbabweans are grateful for the over 30 years of service that Tendai Biti gave in civil society and mainstream politics, and indeed using his professional legal skills to get many innocent pro/democracy folks out of trouble, and also getting draconian laws stuck off our legal statutes.

A time will come when Zimbabwe will need and get a very strong, powerful and indefatigable opposition, people like Tendai Biti will be required to share their experience, wisdom and insights gained in the past 30 years.

From his exploits and mistakes, he has a lot to share, but for now I advise a break to help him heal from the so many years of persecution and being in the trenches!

More: Pindula News



. · 1 year ago
you sir should take a break from telling people what to do
Sunata · 1 year ago
Muregei aite term yake ye rotational.Hapana kwaanoenda Biti.Once in no one leaves
Rass1 · 1 year ago
The biggest problem with Tendai is his power hunger.Otherwise he is one of the most brilliant politicians to emerge from our cursed motherland.Indeed the the Zim political field wld be a desert without his input.Let him bury their differences with commander Nero whatever they were and join Nero in his new endeavours.Zim can't afford to lose the best Finance Minister in the world.A big No to that.
zzze · 1 year ago
iiish uyo anongotaura zvebonda pesepse. mupe mukadzi home. hapaaaaaana zvino zivikanwa
Champion · 1 year ago
Hopewell Chin'ono himself should equally take a break from politics. He was in it together with Biti and Ncube. It's a pity that Chamisa went away with all the supporters.
terminator · 1 year ago
Hopewell is not a politician,he is a journalist who has a keen interest in the politics of Zim and the whole world
Champion · 1 year ago
My king, Hopewell is a very active political activist who cannot form a party because he has no support base. He put his bet on dead political parties who cannot appoint him. He was very much in the fray of things with Sikhala, Welshman, and Biti. Unfortunately, Chamisa slammed the door in his face.
Christall · 1 year ago
rudo unoita nezveyi iwe bcz u hauko
· 1 year ago
Murume uyu. Team rekumanyowa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chamisa did more damage than good. He messed up by weakening the opposition after Tsvangirai died. Refused to have a Congress to choose new leader. Soon after CCC was formed, started targeting strong MDC stalwarts and surrounded himself with loyalists. No structures except for the position of President and his spokesperson. Biti, Welshman, Hwende and others ignored. Resigned because Party was infiltrated. Forms another Party. Will resign again when infiltrated. No Team builder. Weak leadership.
doug · 1 year ago
Give credit where it is due. Only if you knew how targeted the opposition leader is by different forces and his successes and what he has been denied or has had taken away from him you would not be commenting the way you are. You actually show that you are on the side of those who wish him away, or you have become so brainwashed for others to paste into your brain. You may be benefitting from dissing the opposition leader, in which case you have to diss him harder.
Phillip · 1 year ago
Opposition leaders are targeted everywhere in the World. Recently, the Russian Opposition leader died in prison. Since 2018, Chamisa has never been in the streets demonstrating or imprisoned. He never had to defend himself in court for opposing the govt. Chamisa's misfortune are of his own making as previously mentioned. He is very popular but has no leadership qualities. You only need to check his leadership trail from 2018 after Tsvangirai's death. Most supporters are ruled by emotion rather than logical thinking. Constructive criticism is very important, especially if we want our leadership to remain true to democracy. No one can deny that Chamisa lined himself with loyalists and sidelined strong candidates who dared to have a different opinion. Lastly, I would like to say advise people that "once someone resigned the way Chamisa did, there is very little chance of a comeback." People should move on and rebuild the Party through True Alliances. Take time to trace Chamisa's rise and fall analytically and you will understand what I mean. Above all, people have to face the Honest Truth instead of being Cheerleaders.
Phillip · 1 year ago
Has anyone ever considered that Chamisa might have been the Mole who was paid to destroy the Opposition? The manner he resigned without even consulting with his loyalists is very suspicious. It appears as though his resignation was intended to deliver a devastating blow to the opposition so that they would never arise again. It will require resilience and Strong-minded leaders to rebuild the Party and ensure that they will be ready for the 2028 elections. Alternative Thinking🤔
doug · 1 year ago
Ching'ono seems to not have seen that the case was being used to frustrate Biti from the 2023 elections. If he had become a candidate, the case would have been fast tracked to make him ineligible my throwing him into jail. Just after his not participation, the case has literally fallen from the US one million the Russian lady wanted from Biti and the number of months or years he was supposed to serve, to US$300. What sentence would they have given to Biti if the lady was a police officer on duty? A woman did worse than what Biti is said to have done. She went to a police station and used political power to harass a policeman on duty into trauma , and nothing was done to the lady who went on to contest, became an MP and was elevated to a minister in government! One just needs to look at the two sides des of the political coin, one side with Biti and the other side with the lady!
· 1 year ago
Uyo akuzviti Rudo uyo Murume Anemhru asin zvekuita
Gire · 1 year ago
murume uyo, kuanana nachibaby chezanu
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
munhu ane brain chaiyo anotoziva kuti I am a single woman ari kuda zvekuroorwa. I want to be a housewife, I hate kushanda. Ndinenge ndichitoda housemaid futi. I prefer kuswera ndichiona T.V, kuenda pa Youtube and chatting with friends, life yakadaro inonakidza coz murume ndiye anenge achiwunza mari ozondikwìra zvake achiita zvaanoda on my body.
Student Lite · 1 year ago
Kkkkkk Rudo zita rako ndi Judo. You want to be a Housewife or a Housefly? Ngochane
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
@Student lite, remember kuti mahùre akaita sa Pokello vakagarika even Kim Kardashian and her family are living an amazing life
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Biti has fallen, he should have just stayed close to Chamisa. Everyone who detached himself from Chamisa akungodonha
Bhudhu · 1 year ago
@Yoyoyo ko wadii kungoti haana kuyita Wiwi zvakanaka
Master H 🎤 · 1 year ago
🎤🎤🎸 Ooooohoooooo kuvhara vende nechigamba, ehe ndaramba nekuti ndiri legende, ndine mahombe mache.nde. Kuti wanna dem yes wanna dem
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Tindo has done so much good for Zimbabwe. His greatest undoing was betraying the people's struggle to Zanu Pf. He has sealed his own political coffin by fighting Chamisa, the people's choice.
onlooker · 1 year ago
Why this advise is coming after Biti appointment as one of the acting president in Tshabangu's political party?
· 1 year ago
Ambitions of power has buried him.
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
I doubt kuti Biti was having enough sĕx with his ama 2000 girlfriend yakanaka iya, jealous down, his new girlfriend is beautiful. What I know is murume akayita sĕx nemusikana akanaka uye anonaka, they will feel better and relieved
DR Proffesor Big head · 1 year ago
Why are you so possessed with the functions of the ****ual reproductive genital organs? Why don't you shift your focus on other body parts ie the Brain, heart or nose? You have discussed enough about the same topic and pliz take note that obsession is bad for your normal mental health functions. DR Proffesor Big head PhD in Social science
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
@Professor big head musoro bhangu bandupandu, tibvirei apa. I know men like you think alot about sĕx and ipapa hamutotane kumisa nhengo yenyu the moment pamuonzwa nyaya dze sĕx. Muchibata bata mazamu nekupfanya ****, worse mukavhurirwa makumbo
holy 10 · 1 year ago
the situation has gone to another level kkkkk
Taliban · 1 year ago
For the first time Chinono nono you speak sense not somnambulist
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Why should Biti go quietly .... one of the few non-cowards ...
PhD · 1 year ago
tendai biti is arguably one of the best minds ever to emerge from Zimbabwe if not the entire continent of Africa. his intellect matches the caliber of marechera, James manyika Barack Obama and the like. chinono s suggestions are absurd at best and sinister on the other side. biti needs to do whatever he wants with his life

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