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It's Time For Mthuli Ncube To Resign, Says Hanke

1 year agoTue, 27 Feb 2024 05:41:50 GMT
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It's Time For Mthuli Ncube To Resign, Says Hanke

American economist Steve Hanke says Zimbabwe’s Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion should resign as he has failed to turn around the country’s economic fortunes.

The Johns Hopkins professor on Monday said Zimbabwe’s inflation was the highest in the world at 1 397%, 38.80% more than his last reading. He said:

Welcome to Zimbabwe, home to the world’s highest inflation rate – a stunning 1 397%/yr. It’s time for Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube to resign.

Zimbabwe’s economic woes have worsened since Ncube was appointed Treasury boss more than five years ago.

The United States dollar now dominates domestic transactions, while the Zimbabwe dollar now trades at ZW$18 000 per US$1 on the parallel market.

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Ncube hiked various taxes and introduced new ones in the 2024 national budget and this has resulted in massive price hikes and the erosion of workers’ salaries, particularly civil servants.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently hinted at a raft of policy changes that he said were meant to arrest the RTGS dollar’s massive devaluation and halt the country’s gravitation towards full dollarisation.

More: Pindula News



secret · 1 year ago
@skun u ar truly speakin muturi nyube he know nothing
Rip · 1 year ago
ZANU pf must fall🎷🎷🎺🎺🎺
Bvudzijena · 1 year ago
Zanu PF must go
Zuze · 1 year ago
Louder please!
@. · 1 year ago
you are right we Zimbabweans have the leadership we deserve because we haven't done anything tangible to correct our economic crisis
. · 1 year ago
@KG.What is wrong with regime change.?If you fear regime change it means there is something wrong with your government. Any incompetent and corrupt government is put under scrutiny and should be answerable to the the people who voted for. If you are still talking of a war that was fought before you were born it shows your thinking is puerile and sterile.The world over government go through change except in a few communistic country like China, Russia Belarus and North Korea. Africa has moved away from dictatorship except Zimbabwe which has not seen a change of leaders for almost half a century. The result of an authoritarian government is what we are harvesting.Poverty, Corruption and incompetency
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
True but the opposition has dismally failed to change the ruling party because the opposition is not organized but full of job seekers instead of people centered leaders. At some point the opposition must win the election but they cant organize themselves better. Their campaign trail has no tangible development ideas. This is the time to start doing projects that create employment so that come 2030 they can use that as proof that they can create jobs. Build one school and one clinic which you use as an example, instead of Bullet train for an entirely wrong community kwamuno rambwa na Tshabangu. Musanyengerere vamunoziva kuti havakudei they will destroy your party. Do what the electrolate want not what you want.
doug · 1 year ago
When the professors speak .......... A failed bank, failing finance policies, and failing to become a politician, he keeps marching on with victims falling on his wayside.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Only his Bank balance is ballooning. @our expense for that matter!
Hanke iDuzvi Remunhu · 1 year ago
Hanke is obsessed with our country Zimbabwe. To him we are not a people but just a case study country for him to research on his academic nonsense. Most of our transactions are now in USD so his inflation figures are pure and unmitigated nonsense!!
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
as long as you have a rate that is at 18000 against the dollar at your official rate that means Hanke is nailing it. remember we are a multi currency state so what is being said is very correct but you try to make fools out of us
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He is an economist, so he researches the best and worst. Last time I checked we were multi currency, your statement is nonsense. We are a case study on how to get things wrong. Of course he would look at us. We have the greatest potential as a nation but throw that potential in the toilet on a daily basis. On all sides of the political divide. Greed is rampant on all sides. Self indulgence and love of the bribe sell the children of this nation's future for peanuts. The civil servants constantly state they are christian and quote scripture, at all levels, but the love of a bribe is an abomination to God.
economic Armageddon · 1 year ago
Mthuli Ncube was appointed to bring us into our economic Armageddon and financial destruction and he has done the job remarkably well
XXX · 1 year ago
If ZImbabwe has the highest inflation rate in the world, what is Mthuli Ncube still doing at the Ministry of Finance ? He should have packed his bags a long time ago and went back to Switzerland. I do not see him back at the next reshuffle. Kudakwashe Mnangangwa is going to take over.. Mark my word. EHE ICHO !!!!!
..., · 1 year ago
It surprises. Recently, the Minister was was accorded an award as the best finance minister of the year 2023.....
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
Europeans have realized that if you criticize the Zimbabwean gvnmt they call you names, so they decided to accord him the award but knowing very well that he is failing to do whats best
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Part of the gold mafia
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It was a private organisation that gave him the award. Not a governmental one.
in Africa we incompetence · 1 year ago
viva mangudya viva bond note ruse viva fake 1:1 viva clueless gvt viva anarchy viva economic meltdown viva poverty viva infill viva vanouraya opposition party viva annihilation
unknown · 1 year ago
in Africa we reward incompetence · 1 year ago
long live Mthuli Ncube and his politburo led decision making viva incompetence viva incompetence viva economic sabotage viva money laundering viva party mafioso viva economic tragedy
Expert · 1 year ago
Ed ipa professor Hanga citizenship auye iye kuzoita finance minister tione kupopota kwake tanzwa nako manje
sir wicknell · 1 year ago
Wataura zvandifadza,,, don't know you or your name anyway go and see Victor
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
hanke aneyi ne zimbabwe. ngangoita zvaikoko. iye nganyarare
this will liberate us not the presidum · 1 year ago
*[[2Ch 7:14]] KJV* If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Gire · 1 year ago
@fugu pfeee,tibvireiko baba imi
Golr@ · 1 year ago
I agree
ninja kid · 1 year ago
I disagree
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You would if you have your hand in his pocket.
Ninja kid · 1 year ago
izvo zvanancube muthuli hazvina basa hapanawao hrer chibabe chakanaka chislender chi2k chingada kudanana neni kotonhorera ndokuvara ne****

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