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CCC MPs "Do Not Know What To Do" After Chamisa's Abrupt Resignation

1 year agoSun, 28 Jan 2024 11:54:50 GMT
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CCC MPs "Do Not Know What To Do" After Chamisa's Abrupt Resignation

CCC Members of Parliament have expressed frustration over Nelson Chamisa’s decision to quit the party without informing them about his plans.

On Thursday, Chamisa abruptly resigned from CCC, causing widespread confusion and panic within the rank and file of the party.

In a 13-page statement addressed to the people of Zimbabwe, Chamisa said CCC has been “infiltrated, contaminated and bastardised” by ZANU PF and its political proxies.

The NewsHawks reported that some CCC officials phoned the publication when Chamisa announced as they sought to verify whether the news was true or false.

One of CCC’s vocal legislators reportedly sent a WhatsApp message to The NewsHawks reporter Ruvimbo Muchenje asking for information, soon after the news broke out.

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Harare East legislator Rusty Markham, Mt Pleasant legislator Fadzai Mahere, Harare Youth Quota MP, Takudzwa Ngadziore, Hwange Central MP, Daniel Molokele, and Masvingo Urban MP, Martin Mureri are some of the CCC who have publicly backed Chamisa.

However, a CCC MP who spoke to The NewsHawks on condition of anonymity said they will wait to see what Chamisa plans to do before taking sides. Said the MP:

Many of us do not know what to do, because we are unaware of the vision. At this stage, we are not sure if he intends to form another party or not.

I am sure we will be expected to run with his vision but it’s quite unfair given that there were no consultations.

Most people I have spoken to were caught by surprise, perhaps only a few people know what the plan is.

Meanwhile, Marondera Central MP, Caston Matewu said he was not resigning from Parliament, while Hatcliffe legislator Agency Gumbo said he will consult his constituents. Gumbo wrote on X:

Strategy over Populism: This whole week I shall be meeting with various groups in my Constituency to explain President Chamisa’s communique and the implications on the party which they voted for.

Having openly stated my agreement with Prez Chamisa on the issues he raised, I shall also be consulting my constituents on the several options available to us at the moment. Our next steps must be strategic and collective.

We must quickly resolve the questions of the day and refocus our efforts to winning state power.

Chamisa walked away from CCC after Sengezo Tshabangu, who was virtually unknown to opposition voters before October 2023, recalled the party’s MPs, senators and councillors.

Analysts say Tshabangu’s subterfuge wouldn’t have succeeded without support from the executive, Parliament and the judiciary, as well as ZANU PF.

More: Pindula News



🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
ko zveku murmur zvirikuitika ku CCC zanu pf ikupindira papi nhai vedu?zanu pf itori busy nenyaya dzayo pedzai nyaya dzenyu ma CCC pasina kuisa zanu pf pazviri.
spectator · 1 year ago
nero's experiment gone south a structureless party manje for the next 4 years the citizen will not b represented @parl
Me · 1 year ago
The so called MPs have no people at heart. They want to fatten their pockets
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
and in your delusion Chamisa is the people's all caring Messiah???
. · 1 year ago
of course...why not?
yuo · 1 year ago
me wakadhakwa
doug · 1 year ago
The report wants to put unnecessary fear into those CCC people. I am sure if they are seriously CCC they would know where to verify information about their party, rather than the press, most of which is getting involved and taking sides in politics.
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
did Chamisa resigned.....No he just dissociate with captured CCC, if one want to remain with Zanupf controlled CCC it's yr choice and someone doesn't it's all up to you.....
Those not recalled no longer belong to Chamisa · 1 year ago
why were you not recalled, isn't you say you spent on campaigns so you can't leave. so does Cham is a the president of the Nation come in?
Nyasha · 1 year ago
Mahere was not recalled 🤔
Ndini · 1 year ago
Chamisa took his personal decision to hang political boots but you guys yesterday you were saying that Chamisa is single handling the party now he has resigned you cry
💙 · 1 year ago
Disdain will give Tshabangu and Mnangagwa the power over you. Be carefull you will end up being played dirty. Mari yamakapiwa chidzorerai, Zanu chiwororo inowurayal
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
remain as MP since tshabangu has bared from recalling. never followtshabangu's directives. zanu controlling courts, police,parliament, are all captured
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
remain as MP since tshabangu has bared from recalling. never followtshabangu's directives. zanu controlling courts, police,parliament, are all captured
Me · 1 year ago
Ko ivo ma MPs acho anoramba akakwira bhazi risisina mutyairi sei ngavatevere kwaaenda kwacho.. Nemumvura mese nyaya kkkk
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Ndopakaperera sarungano. Its end of theroad. He betrayed the tjink tanks. Zvavharana now and forever
SeeSeeSee · 1 year ago
The article is nonsense. Only the traitors are confused.
Nonsense Ndiwe · 1 year ago
The article reported what was said by your gods vaunonamata. You wanted Pindula to say they are not confused? Traitor to who?
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Leave CCC and bury your political career. In fact, they'll accumulate debt by resigning. Following Chamisa to where? Prison is loading 🌀... There is no Jesus Christ amongst the MPs. None of them can carry Chamisa’s cross. None can die with him too. Let him fall diwn forever. Zimbabwe shall be Lion. Its payback time... He was temporarily fragile around 2018.As of now he's grown up enough to receive a beating..... ZANU PF IS NOT A PUSHOVER
🎶 · 1 year ago
Stay at CCC at your own risk
. · 1 year ago
Prison is where heroes are born, zvibatisise ipapo.
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Chamisa is one big coward
JJ · 1 year ago
At least he is a brave coward than most cowardly ninicopops who are good at nothing other than seeing cowardly acts of others.
Jacobmhoff from TikTok · 1 year ago
I suggest you leave the parliament and let Zimbabwe be a one party State for a couple of months,this shít is already a totalitarian state ibvayi mutere leader of the revolution besides WW3 is coming and most of us will die anyway if you want more nonsense like this follow me
Nyasha · 1 year ago
That's exactly wat we call democracy Nero explained why he was leaving CCC and it's up to each individual to decide what he or she wants.If Nero is to tell them to quit that would be dictatorship.The future will only be told to those who would have aligned themselves to Chamisa
@Nyasha · 1 year ago
u're on point sezamu remhandara
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
the future will only be told to those who would have aligned themselves to Chamisa?????? told by who??? what future pakadai apa given the track record of failure from the opposition since tsvangirai's era???? nyika ine over 15 million people kungongwarira kutevera s**** ya Nero chete chete ayaaaas.
most popular · 1 year ago
ayizve ko zvatinogaro reva kut CCC izere hwai dza Nero mukuda dzizive zvekuita zvipi idzo dzakajaira kufudzwa nemufudzi wadzo? vamwe vanhu mafuza chaiwo instead of embracing the ability to think for themselves they expect others to do the thinking for them haaaa haaa daaaa kuva hwai yemumwe murume ane ndebvu iwe uri murume ane ndebvu uchingosweroti Chamisa Chamisa zvekudaro.
@most popular · 1 year ago
ko ini moti Ed shwee baba vedu uyu Akusiria momuti Mai wani.Zvima Scarf zvamopfeka hantie makakopa mumwe murume Ed shwee

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