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Chamisa Must Engage CCC MPs, Explain His Plans And Listen To Their Concerns - Chin'ono

1 year agoSat, 27 Jan 2024 14:54:41 GMT
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Chamisa Must Engage CCC MPs, Explain His Plans And Listen To Their Concerns - Chin'ono

Award-winning journalist Hopewell Chin’no says former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa should engage his MPs, explain his plans and also listen to their concerns following his departure from the party on Thursday.

This comes amid mounting pressure, especially on social media platforms, for CCC MPs to resign from Parliament to prove their loyalty to Chamisa.

Chin’ono claims that several CCC MPs told him that they were not disloyal to “the cause” that Chamisa is championing but need to be consulted on the way forward.

He said the concerned MPs claimed they incurred huge financial debts after funding their own 2023 election campaigns. Said Chin’ono:

They also argue that the disengagement move was done without consultation, so they were not prepared for it.

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Many of them say that the very root cause of not consulting others in the party is what led to this crisis.

They also felt that I and others were being unfair to them when we castigated them for not leaving parliament after Nelson Chamisa’s announcement without paying attention to their financial obligations as these obligations may ruin their lives.

They argue that they don’t even know what is coming after departing from parliament.

Chin’ono said Chamisa has to engage the MPs to hear their concerns considering that they have publicly backed him since his resignation. He said:

I think Nelson Chamisa must engage his MPs and make his case based on collective engagement, they are his MPs and they have publicly declared their loyalty to his leadership.

I think they can dump the toxic vehicle called CCC, and instead of walking away from parliament, they should force the regime to push them out, which has more political capital to them and whatever they become in the aftermath.

I also think that since Nelson Chamisa is fighting for democracy, he should encourage his supporters to be loyal to the cause and not just an individual, that way he will have more power to move the political needle where it matters.

We are fighting against ZANUPF’s big-man politics, the world shouldn’t see us replicating it in spaces where we have control.

He must also make an important introspective diagnosis to evaluate his own culpability in all this.

He can form a dozen political parties, but if he doesn’t self-correct, they will all similarly fall.

He can do this privately and the results can be seen in his new actions without posting a sorry post about his mistakes.

Chin’ono conceded that ZANU PF engineered the artificial crisis in CCC which forced Chamisa to quit, but he has to learn from the mistakes he made. He wrote:

Yes, his adversaries Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF have everything to do with this crisis too, they are the main ingredient, but his political adversary exploited his strategic weaknesses… his Achilles Heel.

It would be extremely naive of him and his supporters to think that they are innocent victims without an iota of contribution to this mess.

A man or woman who doesn’t learn anything in 2 years of making mistakes would have lost 2 years of their lifetime, what is important is what we learn from our mistakes.

I also think that public shaming of these MPs online instead of engaging them in logical arguments creates a toxic environment.

Politics is more effective when you are more strategic than emotional, what I have seen on social media is more emotion and less strategy that looks into what every decision means in the positive and negative.

There are complex dynamics within CCC and its MPs stemming from financial pressures and a perceived lack of consultation.

Engaging MPs collectively, encouraging loyalty to the cause, and strategic planning are paramount for Nelson Chamisa and his group’s future success in whichever form or name they take.

Reflecting on internal weaknesses is a sign of strength, not weakness, emphasising the need for strategic thinking over emotional reactions in political discourse makes you emerge stronger, not weaker.

Mt Pleasant MP Fadzayi Mahere and Masvingo Urban MP Martin Mureri announced they have resigned from CCC in solidarity with Chamisa.

Senior CCC leaders who allegedly back the party’s defacto secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu have hitherto opted to stay in the shadows.

More: Pindula News



££ · 1 year ago
Thats where the hidden hand is firmly controlling
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
the problem is that the court is delaying in giving judmet on issue that tshabangu is not SG. because even in MDC alliance he never holder that post.( captured institutions) way to 1 party state. kana murwere wepfungwa anozviziva kuti tshabangu is not SG. his 9 members committee of only ndebele pple, thr is no such committee on Zim politics. who appoints that committee. how didi mudenda proves that tshabangu is SG.. kushaya hanya nevanhu
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ehe ndazvinzwa. Asi even the Biblical Goliath met his match in a tiny shepherd called David.
mapamba · 1 year ago
nhas anonymus ukupa maviews ane musoro wawana bsa kuRBZ huya monday ndikup imba kuchishawasha hills ne300 searies landcruzer u deserve kufamb wakgar iwe une picture yehupeny
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I don't believe Chinono that is his personal view he never met the ccc parliamentarians
shadows · 1 year ago
problem ku ccc munoda mnh not party. imagine kuzanu pf kna Ed akat ndabuda, pane anotiwo ndakumuteera hr. ccc a bag of blind ppl. ppl who are fooled everyday. from mdc- mdc t- alliance- ccc and now daz. you can change actors bt that will get u nowhere. this tym change the script. elect a leader to replace chamisa and move 4ward. musafurirwe nerovha iro risina zvekuita
... · 1 year ago
Ida waunoda everyone is free to follow whoever he or she may want to follow
Mistubish Pajero · 1 year ago
vari kwa sengezo itai zve ikoko
Pepsi · 1 year ago
Zviri nani kuti vasiye vaende zvavo coz vakasaenda naChamisa vanoruza kwese coz Chabungu akaona kuti pane maMps asara vachiita kunge vari kumuda Anobva adaidzira musangano kana pane anonga asina kuuya kumusangano or meeting anobva avadzinga vakaruza kwese
Pepsi · 1 year ago
Zviri nani kuti vasiye vaende zvavo coz vakasaenda naChamisa vanoruza kwese coz Chabungu akaona kuti pane maMps asara vachiita kunge vari kumuda Anobva adaidzira musangano kana pane anonga asina kuuya kumusangano or meeting anobva avadzinga vakaruza kwese
.... · 1 year ago
Why should people be loyal to Nero, Nero is not an idea and he is not a country. People should be loyal to ideas and to their motherland. This non.sense of loyalty to personalities is what has destroyed this once upon a time bread basket of Africa. Chamisa made a personal decision to quit, he did not consult anyone on the decision so why should people follow him blindly. Chamisa is a worse dictator than ED and Mugabe combined
· 1 year ago
If you don't want to be loyal to a leader, don't join an organisation. Where do you join an organisation and disregard its leadership. Why do you join an organisation whose leadership style you don't support?
Champion · 1 year ago
Did Mnangagwa consult you when he executed the military coup? I see that you support him
.... · 1 year ago
You don't join an organisation because of its leader, you do because of the ideals. @Champion Mnangagwa did not execute the coup to save Zimbabwe but to safeguard his loot. Only those that shared the idea of safeguarding their loot supported the coup, those that joined in the fake street demos to oust Bob were ignorant people who thought Mugabe was the cause of their poverty not knowing it was ED. I did not support the coup and have never voted for ED, I do not follow him. Chamisa is not an idea, if you follow him and God decides to take him from this earth what then happens. Ideas last longer than personalities, ideas can last for thousands of years, ideas can be worked on and be realised . How do you measure your success in following an individual??
· 1 year ago
We seem to be in agreement, but you contradict yourself. You have to agree with with a leader's ideas before you can join him. That's why I'm you cannot follow a leader whose ideas you don't support. There is no wisdom in that.
· 1 year ago
... that's why I'm saying...
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1234 · 1 year ago
RTGS here
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
comrade Hopewell you're spot on kunonzi kurova shot reipapo uku but manje tose tose tinoziva kut bato re CCC ranga rizere Nelson nehwai dzake zvino angaite consultation nehwai here vakomana!!!
doug · 1 year ago
People should not become MPs or Councillors if they are not able to support themselves without any money coming from politics. People who survive on such money are already compromised and do not work for those who voted them in as they can easily be bought. The MPs and Councillors should be wise enough to see that they are in an unworkable political system and there is need for them to leave the game without rules, as has been done by the real leader.
.... · 1 year ago
The system has been unworkable since 1980. MDC was advised not to participate in the 2013 elections because the playing field favoured zanupf, they argued that if they don't other parties will still participate and take seats that should be for MDC. The same happened in 2018 and 2023. The CCC participated not to represent the people but for the crumbs that fall from zanupf table. It took the court to bar them from the by elections, if it wasn't for the courts they would be participating in the February 3 by elections. Zanupf gives the opposition a few seats to make it appear like there is democracy yet there is none absolutely. Chamisa participated in a flawed election against better advice from many sources, he told the worked he had plugged all the loopholes yet what he had actually done with is strategic ambiguity was open up the opposition for infiltration by zanupf. He insisted that there was no room for rigging when everyone knew the election would not be free and fair, why did he do that if he is not a zanupf agent, why why why?
377 · 1 year ago
if 2x0 Equals zero. 4x0 remains the same. forming another Party, what guarantees do we have that the new Party will survive if all others have fallen? Just my own point of view. not personal
XXX · 1 year ago
Award winning journalist Hopewell Chin'ono is right that President Chamisa must consult on just engage his Members of Parliament and Councillors so that he also digest their inputs. Let me quickly hasten to say that President Chamisa did not do something wrong to get out of CCC because the party had been contaminated. The keeping some of the issues to himself and a few others contributed to the imposition of Sengezo Tshabangu. EHE ICHO !!!!!
1966 · 1 year ago
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Chamisa avakutofoma another very successful party, Hopeless achingowawata. Focus on your inheritance Hopeless, CCC. That's the party that needs your advice. Nero left you with CCC.
.... · 1 year ago
once beaten twice shy. only fools keep doing the same thing but expecting the result to be different
Warrior · 1 year ago
A resilient soldier knows that one battle does not make a war. There are many battles to fight before uhuru in Zimbabwe. Carry on Nero. Zimbabwe is behind you.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So Sangoma Hopewel knows about everything, he has an answer to everything, i am sure besides commenting he also runs several , billion dollar businesses
Chamisa · 1 year ago
Chamisa destroyed to political parties in just 5 years, he is a total failure. Morgan ran the MDC for a good 18 years and left it running, Chamisa destroyed it.
@Chamisa · 1 year ago
You are out of touch with reality. Is it chamisa who destroyed those parties.? Dont shy away from the truth
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Our true revolutionary cadres know who to appeal to between Nero and Hopeless of our former CCC party. Those loyal to Nero have not waited for Chin'ono to speak on their behalf. Maybe some do not know that Hopeless and Tshabangu are the same. Only a few days ago, Hopeless was bragging about opening a bank account with FNB Bank of South Africa. Ever heard of the Gold Mafia?
jethrol · 1 year ago
haana kwekutizira chamisa koz kurikudiwa ma receipts,ma books .uye ma records ekuti Mari yaifamba sei kubva pakaformwa CCC in 2022 January..parikudiwa kuziikanwa kwakaiswa Mari yemadonations emota inofamba na president weccc.now that asiya..tikuda kuipa incoming president.. tirikudawo luziva kuti Mari yakabviswa ne EU for elections yakafamba sei.. anototengesa zvese zvaainazvo.akasasiya ma books for handover takeover tirikuenda Ku court ..and achatengesa magonyeti ake na Tinmac
@jatiwero · 1 year ago
President ndiye anoita zvemabhuku here nhaiwe cabbage or zvinoonekwa na Treasure
Nyasha · 1 year ago
I don't see anything wrong what Chamisa did🤔these guys can enjoy their 5years as MPs and recover their monies or they want to contest again in 2028 elections.its not like if they don't follow Chamisa they will cease to be MPs they still have more than 4years to enjoy
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
we are behind chamisa full time
☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
horaiti tazvinzwa ana zimsketch kut muriko kus**** kwa Nero full time achiku surirai henyu nekuku murmirai muriko henyu s**** kwake fulltime
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
we are behind chamisa full time....
💙 · 1 year ago
Fokol...Chinono once urged CCC to pull out from the parly enmass, now he wants Chamisa to engage the impostors...that's rubbish.
Rtgs · 1 year ago
Blue 💙 Nation is coming with Power, only those with their source of income will be free to join. hatidi vachawotinetsa vakuita zve corruption
ini · 1 year ago
ndakangoona kuti party isina president handijoine kkkkkkest
Rtgs · 1 year ago
That's where the problem is, of joining Politics as a source of income. I think he is right, tomorrow they will say the same that the Blue 🔵 nation was built from CCC
Rtgs · 1 year ago
Even you Hopewell you can join them and be their President,
.... · 1 year ago
Chamisa is selfish, very selfish, how could he resign from the party without consulting his MPs and councillors. Now these people are expected to resign from their jobs, their only source of income and this after spending thousands of dollars in campaigning and nomination fees. This is not fair to the MPs and councillors and not fair to the voters who elected them. Chamisa is denying the people their democratically elected representation. he is selfish and worse that Tshabangu. If Tshabangu is a zanupf agent then Chamisa is an agent 100 fold
txy · 1 year ago
I've nyarara mhani ndian mp amanikidzwa kusiya ccc,only those dedicated to the interest of the country ruled by oppressors are the ones who will have the guts to follow footsteps.Haisi nyaya mari but its a bigger picture of realising an opposition party of all zimbos ruled by NC
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kwako kuida here CCC yacho, warwadziwa nei pakuparara kwe party yausingadi
Rtgs · 1 year ago
I think Chamisa is right, those who want to follow him they will do so, those who want to remain with their President Tshabangu let them, I think he is trying not to force anyone they might follow 2019 MDC Alliance structures, likely Welshman and Biti anyone can take over the President,
🌀♐🔵🌐🌍👣 · 1 year ago
we have no problem following Chamisa, but we need to know to which home he is leading us to! CCC has been a home for 2 straight years, we had gotten used to it's comforts, its challenges and so on. should we the. leave an established home for a promise? Misha watirikunzi tiende hausati wavakiwa.
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
change is constant
tshaka de Zulu · 1 year ago
good move
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
Chamisa resigned period.Chino'ono form your own party uite izvozvo.
Zinja · 1 year ago
exactly, why kuita fofa fofa naChamisa when you can form your own and do what you think is right?
..... · 1 year ago
Very TRUE i think people should form their parties if they no better. The prevailing situation required drastic and decisive action
Me · 1 year ago
Kana iwo ma MPS acho akaramba akabati mu tiripuru c dzinenge dzakashotawo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mashotero akaita dzevaya vachiri kusupporta a party that has failed to lead Zimbabwe to prosperity in four decades despite its rich endowments with mineral wealth
Me · 1 year ago
Kana iwo ma MPS acho akaramba akabati mu tiripuru c dzinenge dzakashotawo
😎 · 1 year ago
Asi ngatitaureiwo chokwadi, zveshuwa shuwa here vanhu vangade ku supporter a defunct team se Zimbabwe saints chikwata, imi makatarisa premier league, Chamisa is a goner now, it doesn't matter what caps he's held before, I s he Jesus here that you want following zvekudaro, he's given up, toita ka zvinyowani, kwete zvimackenzi weku Kenya izvo zvema cults,
☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
ipapo wareva chokwadi wena kut Chamisa is a goner now. asi uchangoona zvinyamukukura zvichingoti Nero chete chete
Stalin 🇷🇺 · 1 year ago
We need a one party state
☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
Stalin hakusi kuma 1950s kuno kwawaiita zve**** munyika ye Russia way back.
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Chamisa is a failure. He wasted people's time
. · 1 year ago
@gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
wena I think people are failures bcz they allowed Nero to waste time.
🌀🌀🌀🌀 BLUE CYCLONE 💙 · 1 year ago
go Chamisa Go hopuwelo ratava drama
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Before elections Chamisa claimed he a cheatproof strategy to win the election where is it now ? When results where published he claimed sadcc & UN observer mission report will cause a rerun what happened next? Chamisa is a clueless leader or a Zanu of project who listens to his boss. He could have quoted ccc in a better way but the boss told do it now to shame the western world a d Zim populace. As an obedient servant he hanged his boots. Usazvonetse Hope chinhu chedu ichi.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The problem is that MDC and CCC see ZANU PF as a pushover. This is a party that outsmarted the British, UANC and RF, not to mention PF ZAPU to win the 1980 elections, which were needless I must add because ZANLA would have won the war a year later. If Chamisa wants to win, he must get the support of a faction of ZANU PF. That way he would dent the party. As it is he is just skirting on the margin. He must also stop believing that God sent him on a mission to lead Zimbabwe. No one in their right mind can make such a claim.
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
dont gloat over a negotiated settlement. maizopihwa ma conditions nevanhu vamarova pa hondo here 😂😂😂😂
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe's independence was not won but people died for it. Tell me, where are the mass graves of the Rhodesian Front forces who were massacred by our guerrilla fighters? Our people were killed for standing up against the whites while the freedom fighters burnt fuel tanks and destroyed railway lines. Negotiations were done in Europe Lancaster not in Zimbabwe. Vanoripa ngozi havasi ivo vanoteverwa kumusha kwavo kuti paitwe matare. Ane simba ndiye anotsvagwa.

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