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Woman Dies Giving Birth At Home Of Johane Marange Apostolic Sect "Midwife"

1 year agoFri, 26 Jan 2024 13:54:28 GMT
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Woman Dies Giving Birth At Home Of Johane Marange Apostolic Sect "Midwife"

A 30-year-old woman from Mafararikwa Village under Chief Marange’s area died last week after enduring pregnancy-related complications for three days.

The woman, Jane Muchichwa (30), a member of the Johane Marange Apostolic Church, died on her way to the hospital following her family’s intervention.

According to The Manica Post, Muchichwa died with her unborn baby’s arm sticking out of her uterus.

The acting spokesperson for the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Manicaland Province, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka confirmed Muchichwa’s death while in labour. He said:

We received a report of sudden death after Ms Jane Muchichwa (30) passed on while giving birth.

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On January 14, Ms Muchichwa, who was a member of the Johane Marange Apostolic Church, went to stay at a Johane Marange Apostolic Church prophetess, Ms Rupimo’s homestead in Mafararikwa Village in preparation for delivery as she was nine months pregnant.

On January 15, she started experiencing labour pains and at around 2 PM on the same day, the fetus’ arm and umbilical cord protruded while the rest of the body remained inside.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said Rupimo (pictured above) continued praying for Muchichwa as she assessed her condition. He said:

On January 16, Ms Rupimo told Ms Muchichwa’s husband, Mr Makebho Madziro (43) that she had failed to assist the pregnant woman in delivery and advised him to take her to another prophetess.

That evening, Mr Madziro took his wife to another prophetess, Ms Mahove, for assistance.

Asst Insp. Chinyoka said Muchichwa’s elder sister, Sarah Muchichwa visited her the following day and discovered that her condition had deteriorated. He said:

Ms Sarah Muchichwa phoned their brother, Mr Trymore Chiruka to come and ferry their pregnant sibling to hospital.

Sadly she died on their way to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital the following day. Police from Marange attended the scene.

Chiruka, in whose car Muchichwa died on their way to the hospital, revealed that his sister had earlier been transferred from two other midwives, with all of them failing to deliver her baby.

He said by the time they embarked on the journey to the hospital, the baby was already lifeless, with its hand and the umbilical cord protruding. Said Chiruka:

I consulted her husband on the way forward and he agreed to have her taken to hospital. My other sister, Sarah, accompanied us.

Jane was writhing in pain and crying out for help. After driving for about 7km on our way to the hospital, she died.

I immediately called her husband, informing him of the situation and he advised us to drive back to his homestead.

Police later arrived and ferried the body to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital.

Her death could have been avoided if she was taken to the hospital when she developed those complications.

By the moment they transferred her to the third midwife without any success in delivering her baby, they should have realised that her condition required medical attention without any further delays.

Muchichwa was buried last week on Friday in Mafararikwa Village after the post-mortem fetal extrusion process was carried out at Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital.

Postmortem fetal extrusion or coffin birth is the process whereby an unborn fetus is expelled from the body after a pregnant woman has died.

Mafararikwa Village Head, Crispen Mafararikwa said that Muchichwa was not accorded the usual rites members of the Johane Marange Apostolic Church get when they are buried as she was taken to the hospital in violation of the church’s religious beliefs.

The doctrine of the Apostolic sect does not believe in any medicine or conventional health services.

Pregnant women in the church deliver at home-based “maternity wards” referred to as “chitsidzo”, under the care of church-ordained midwives.

More: Pindula News



popop · 3 months ago
zvamunangangwa ndozvadiii vanhu varikufa kuzvipatara uko manzwa hr mungati zvekumapostori zvekuzvinzwa kamwe pagore imi kwamai vanhu vekunyika
. · 1 year ago
Mupostori · 1 year ago
Wakadhakwa unoti vanhu vakapfekedza Satan gemenzi uchireva Ani Wakadhakwa unofunga kti vanhu be kwamarange vakamakana na president vanenge vachinamata hre havaite zvekumaka vanhu asi kuti vanoita zvekunamata
Mupostori · 1 year ago
Hamuna brain ma zimbabwean munotuka vanhu kwamarange endai kuparirenyatwa muone mafiro akuita vanhu kuita kunge huku dzeku party zvimwe fungaiwo kwamarange munozvinzwa kangani
laugh emoji1
Me · 1 year ago
Even in the Bible someone was called a Good Samaritan because akaendesa kuchipatara munhu anga arohwa nembavha
Nyams · 1 year ago
mukadzi andirwadza uyu mapostori vanouraya vana nemadzimai kumusangano vachimhanyira kunodya paska vachitsika vanavanengevadonha pasi navanamai vavo madzimai vanofa nomweya wokubereka mazirume achitotsika vanhu vachifa mweya wasatan
Dennis Tariro Zishiri · 1 year ago
These apostolic sects are satanic cults
Takenote/NB · 1 year ago
makuva mangani evanhu vakafa nepamuviri vasiri vekwamarange, kuchipatara hakudzivise rufu bt inyaya yenguva yamwari, kana makutaura tangai mafunga, zvakafanana kuseka munhu aneAIDS ASI iwe uchizongofa netsaona uri mutano
Big T · 1 year ago
Akasara ndiwe usina mwari mumwoyo Rufu mutongo wamwari
Reign · 1 year ago
chipostori chakasara ndachema hangu
Tim · 1 year ago
It explains why l hate this church so much.
morning · 1 year ago
kudenga kure
213 · 1 year ago
ko marwadziwa neiko senge ndimi mafa?
@213 · 1 year ago
ini personally ndarwadziwa nemwana mucheche afa😏as for the mother it's unfortunate she was conditioned into that believing that foolish doctor and probably followed those instructions to please the husband who in most cases have many wives
Marange · 1 year ago
Pamakanzi musaende kuzvipatara makaudza kunzi musaite zvematongerwo enyika nhasi kupfekedza Satan gemanzi mwari vakagumbuka
Pipiro · 1 year ago
I think police must go kuchitsidzo ikoko vocamper ipapo wese ari pregnant akanangiswa kuchipatara no negotiations
Mhanduwe · 4 months ago
freedom of worship remember
Derere · 1 year ago
Mese muri ku supporter mapostori hama kukwana 🤔The death of these 2 people could have been avoided had the woman been taken to hospital early where they are people with knowledge and equipment 🤔but because of this St,upid mapostori doctrine an innocent woman and her baby died. I personally hate mapostori coz of their silly beliefs vachingomisa mazizuda nemazindebvu. Unongoona kupisa kwacho kunotangira pakubvisa bhutsu,kugereswa ma kuda kubatsira mazidanda pa church(tsvimbo) of which hazvina pazvakambinyorwa in the bible
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Ko ku parirenyatwa Neku gomo, pregnant woman are also dying wani
mapamba · 1 year ago
haaa vapostori vamunotuka awa ndiwo vatori nechinamato chinoendes kudeng can we remember ma israiel vaitukwa asi end of the day ndopane 144 000 vane rwendo rwekudenga sak musatuke vanhu muridz vewanhu ndimwari
Mutauri · 1 year ago
aah shame! Zvekunamata izvi zvakaoma. pamwe tinenge tichiti mwari wanesu apa tichimutadzira tichibata mabasa Erika. pakazoita machallenges seiyayo hatibudirire nekuti mwari mutsvene, ende hakuna chakawanzika paari chaaaingaziwe. Nguva yatiri ino. wakakomborerwa hawo warikuzvinamatira wari wega muhana dzawo. zvemutemo wechechi izvi??? kana zvichibva hazvo kna mwari its OK.
Joseph Ziki · 1 year ago
ko mhosva yemapostori ndeeyi,,,, vangani vanofa vachibatsirwa kuchipatara,,,,,plus kupostori hakumanikidzwi munhu kuti asaita zvaanoda uye musatuka zvitendero zvevamwe ,,,unoti church ibhanwe iwe ndiwe ani,,,, siyai vakadaro nekuzungaira kwavo imi mogara nekungwara kwenyu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This church needs to be banned 🚫 I remember in the 1970s Thier kids were not allowed to school by the sect
Anonymous · 11 months ago
This Church is church of Christ so Many miracles Happening maybe problem kusachena Pamoyo zvikoro tine over the 200 school local and International
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Barn your Church not this one
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Hoooo. My father went to xool during those years u mentioned. From standard one UpTo university yet he was born in the church. It's just mere hatred
🚩 · 1 year ago
Vamwe unovanzva vechirova slogan *Rugare rugare, vechiramba kuendesa mwana kuchipatara., vamwe wo unonzva vechiti "Africa, Africa yedu vechirambidza van a kuwokera TV. these people so.
Dhadza · 1 year ago
ungave une madegree kana urimupositori wekwamarange,unekakudzungaira kaunako so.mbanje munodziwanza,chisingaitike munoti chinoitika.
Ganyamatope · 1 year ago
Regai mazipenzi iwawo age neZanu yawo.hapana mupenyu muzikereke irero
kkk · 1 year ago
munoramba muchinamata zvinhu zvisinga fambe ndavayei
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
mapositori ese should be banned 🚫, to much ignorance and foolishness
🚩 · 1 year ago
Why are the vapostori sects so primitive and anti civilization?
Tshabangu · 1 year ago
Allow me to restore order at this cult
super · 1 year ago
Aita sei.
Jah · 1 year ago
Ungavundza kuti aita sei iwe uchindzwa kuthi akonzera kufa kwemukadzi

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