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UPDATE: David Livingstone Primary Kids Found

1 year agoFri, 19 Jan 2024 12:22:26 GMT
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UPDATE: David Livingstone Primary Kids Found

Approximately 22 students from David Livingstone Primary School who were reported kidnapped have been found. It turns out that the driver of the school van, Samuel Honde (60), drove along the Harare-Mutare Road until the van ran out of fuel. The van was found in Macheke, which is about 91 km from Harare. An official from the school narrated:

Pane that Nissan Caravan yeWhite inotakura vana vekuDavid Livingstone indoDhiraivhiwa naSekuru Honde. Pavaenda kunotakura vana masikati kuma1, Sekuru vangotakura vana ndobva vasimuka pachikoro ndobva vangobuda vakananga naMutare road. Hatizivi kuti sekuru va vavhiringidzika sei kana kuti kurasika kwenjere here kana kuti chii chaitika. Saka sekuru vabva vangorova mota vakadaro kusvikira mota yapera dhiziri yava paMacheke. Saka kubva masikati ese pataona vana vasina kusvika kudzimba vanhu vanga vachingotsvaga vachiedza kufonera sekuru vachitryer kutsvaga kombi iya kuti ko yafamba sei yadii. Foni yesekuru yanga isingaiti pamwe pacho yanga ichidairwa nevana vachingoti sekutu vari kuDriver Sekuru vari kudriver. Saka pazenge papera mota iya dhiziri manje vana manje varohwa nenzara kwasviba, kuma half 6 to 7 ikoko vana vaakuchema vakangozara kombi iri paside peRoad payaperera dhiziri paMacheke apa ndopapfuura nemunhu apfuura nepo akazviona akazobvuta phone yasekuru payazofonwa. Ndiye munhu azotizivisa kuti kombi iyoyo iri kuno kuMacheke yakangopaka nevana vari kungochema, driver haana zvaari kutaura tatryer kutaura naye ari kuratidza kuti haasi kukwanisa kutaura. Saka azonozivisawo mapurisa, mapurisa ndiwo azotora mota iya akayiisa paPolice Station paMacheke. Saka ndokutozomhanya kwatazoitawo kuti tichitanga kutevera vana iko kuno kuMacheke.

LOOSELY TRANSLATED: [There is a white van that David Livingstone Primary School uses to transport their students. The driver’s name is Sekuru Honde. On Thursday, January 18, 2024, around 1 pm, he picked up the kids, left the school and drove along Harare-Mutare Road. We’re not sure what happened, but he might have had a mental problem or something else. He kept driving until the van ran out of fuel. In the afternoon, when the students didn’t come home, we started searching for Sekuru Honde and the van. We couldn’t reach him on his phone, and sometimes the students answered, saying, “Sekuru is driving.” When the fuel ran out, he parked the van on the side of the road, and the hungry kids started crying. Around 6:30 – 7 pm, a person passing by found Sekuru Honde’s phone and was the one who informed us that the van was in Macheke. The passerby notified the police, who took the van to Macheke Police Station. That’s when we went to Macheke to bring back the kids.]

The pupils were subsequently taken to Marondera Hospital for a thorough medical examination to address any physical or emotional harm they may have experienced. A police report of the incident read:

Honde was contracted by parents to ferry learners to and from David Livingstone Primary School from their respective residencies around Harare since 2016.

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Police interrogated the driver on where he was heading and he stated that he was going to Kuwadzana Extension in Harare. He was arrested for kidnapping and escorted to Macheke Police Station.

Next of kins of the children were advised and the pupils were ferried to Marondera Provincial Hospital for medical examination.

When the responding officers arrived, they discovered 25 children inside the van. There were 14 girls and 11 boys, all between the ages of 4 and 8. The driver of the van, Samuel Honde, who is 60 years old and resides at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Kuwadzana Extension, will soon be appearing in court.

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chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
Vana vana nhamo. I can imagine achifamba asekuru benzi vasingadi kunzva anything from 1 o'clock kusvika 6 manheru vana varimumotan9 recess vana vachingoitiraweti mumota imomo sekuru driving kupera. Chero foni vasingadairi kuchinzi ndirikudriver. Sorry zvenyu vana vangu masangano nemhepo. Chero vanhu vakuru vanobatwa nemhepo yakaipa.
Knigga Smerty · 1 year ago
I do sympathize with the parents and guardians of the minor for the trauma but honestly there's no kidnapping there. He might have gone off route for a myraid of reasons but a mental condition is most probable. Im sure that's how this "case" will be concluded.
nm · 1 year ago
mbavha yevna
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
Wena n'a sponono. Urukuti **** yako yamira pawanzva kuti mu caravan. Une chokwadi kuti **** yako yamiswa ne kunzva kuti mai a nevanasikana 8 vari between the ages of 4 and are a rapist, an undesirable element in the society. Iam disgusted by your utterances.
Rudo · 1 year ago
Sekuru abatwa nechidzimira ipapo angachidzi ona aripa right direction .chidzimira chinorwadza,sorry hako sekuru.
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 1 year ago
sekuru vakarohwa nechadzimira avo
super · 1 year ago
nhaiwe kuenda kuwadzana kune tollgate here. unenge waive pamwe nakule ava iwe. vakadarika tollgate vasina kubhadhara here funga mhani iwe
Tindo Ngwazi · 1 year ago
Haungati Idhii wotamba kongonya Zanu pf yomuti Scarf unodei iye woti musoro wa Sikhala magara makazvironga kare!
never · 1 year ago
these kids were lucky
Fari · 1 year ago
From what I have heard so far, it seems sekuru vakuita kakurasika njere but family yavo haina kuudza vabereki vevana fearing kuti vanozochinja mota inovatakurira vana which will result in a loss of source of income. It is said sekuru has been doing this job for the past 8yrs hence those who know him well are in doubt that this is a case of kidnapping but hurwere hwakuita huchiwedzera.
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
I just wonder how this driver was behaving.If it is madness then its something else really,praise the Lord,the van ran out of fuel.Just imagining if it had a full tank,where were they going to?Munhu uyu ngaambobatwabatwa ataure nyaya yake mushe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Let's not speculate..Honde is now behind, expect the exact "lyrics" to follow suit..
flatfish · 1 year ago
Hakuna zvikoro here in Kuwadzana amana.zvekuendesa vana zvikoro zviri kure zvoda muneyenyu mota.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What do you mean approximately 22 children. Number of children is a finite integer, you don't get 22.6 children or anything like that. 22 is 22. It's also that easy to count exactly how many they are.
😜😜 · 1 year ago
okay tazvinzwa teacher we maths
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 VaHonde vanga vachida kuchekeresa vana nhai nhai aaaah. Mwari anonzwa munamato these kids were rescued by God, motor yakapera fuel nekuti vabereki vainamata kudzimba dzavo. VaHonde is a Satanist chaiyo
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
Sponono · 1 year ago
@VaBhomba, apa mabaya dede nemukanwa. Kano shamisira ka# 💅Rudo.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
#💅Rudo must learn to co-exist with her namesake. @VaBhomba, magona zvikuru. You're a STAR
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @Sponono stop using my name handitika, ndosaka wakafanana ne Mbóroo yaED ine 80 years dzekurarama pano panyika
Observer · 1 year ago
Very sad that the children went through that experience. For sure Sekuru Honde must have lost his mind. The English translation from Shona omits the fact that the old man was found at the car and could not speak. It shows his mental capacity and innocence. It's very important to highlight that. May the Lord help him to fully recover.
inini · 1 year ago
aaaàa. imi kule. vane. case to answer from town to kuwadzana pane tollgate here chadzimira kusvika macheke aaaa. no. no no. apa pari kuda CID panyatsoonekwa. kuti chii. chaizvo
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
Muregei mdhara uyo ndomuziva haati izvozvo uye haadhakwi. Ndewe ma Jolly Jus. Pane nyasire yanga isina kunyora homework yamudirira chitondoni mu bottle drink yake.
rhabos · 1 year ago
but kutopfuura nepatolgate bhoo boo kutobhdharawoo bhoo bhoo zvnh zvcho so
· 1 year ago
Sekuru vakarashika njere dai vanga vaine dhiri vangadai vakadira fuel inokwana kuenda kudhiri ravo . Ndofunga pavakapinda Muna mutare road vakatofunga kuti vari Muna Bulawayo road . Sekuru ngavawongororwe pfungwa dzavo dare risati rapa mutongo
Shona Tribe 24 · 1 year ago
Vanosvika vadzidzi makumi maviri nevaviri veDavid Livingstone Primary School vakanzi vakapambwa vakawanikwa. Zvinoitika kuti mutyairi wekombi yechikoro, Samuel Honde, akatyaira achitevedza mugwagwa weHarare-Mutare kusvikira kombi yapera mafuta. Kombi iyi yakawanikwa kuMacheke, iyo inenge makiromita makumi mapfumbamwe nerimwe kubva kuHarare. Mumwe mukuru wechikoro akarondedzerwa: Kune iyo White Nissan Caravan inotakura vana vaDavid Livingstone uye inotyairwa naSekuru Honde. Pavakazoenda kunotakura vana masikati kuma1 sekuru vakangotakura vana ndokuzosimuka pachikoro vakabuda vakananga kwaMutare road. Hatizivi kuti sekuru vanovhiringika sei kana kuti vakarasika njere kana kuti chii chaitika. Saka sekuru vakabva vangorova mota kudaro kusvika mota yapererwa nedhiziri paMacheke. Saka kubva masikati ese patakaona vana vasina kusvika kumba vanhu vaingotsvaga vachiedza kufonera sekuru vachiedza kutsvaga kombi kuti vanzwe kuti zvakafamba sei. Nhare yasekuru yaisaita asi yaidavirwa nevana vachiti vari kutyaira sekuru vachityaira. Saka pakapera mota yedhiziri, zvino vana vava kuziya nenzara, kwava kusviba, pahafu past 6 kusvika 7, vana vaichema vakangozara kombi padivi pemugwagwa pakapera dhiziri paMacheke, uye pakapfuura munhu, paakazviona, iye akabata nhare yasekuru vake payakazofonerwa. Ndiye munhu achatizivisa kuti kombi iya iri muno muMacheke, yakapakwa nevana vari kungochema, mutyairi haasi kutaura chinhu, Tatryer ari kutaura naye achiratidza kuti haasi kukwanisa kutaura. Saka achazivisawo mapurisa, mapurisa achatora mota oisa pakamba yemapurisa paMacheke. Saka takatozomhanya kwatakatanga kutanga kutevera vana vari muno muMacheke. Yakashandurwa zvakasununguka: [Kune van chena iyo David Livingstone Primary School inoshandisa kutakura vadzidzi vavo. Mutyairi anonzi Sekuru Honde. Musi weChina Ndira 18, 2024, kuma 1 pm, akatora vana, akasiya chikoro ndokutyaira achitevedza Harare-Mutare Road. Hatina chokwadi kuti chii chakaitika, asi anogona kunge aine dambudziko repfungwa kana chimwewo chinhu. Akaramba achityaira kusvika kombi yapera mafuta. Masikati apa vana vechikoro vasina kuuya kumba takatanga kutsvaga Sekuru Honde nekombi. Hatina kukwanisa kumubata pafoni yake, uye dzimwe nguva vana vechikoro vaidaira vachiti, "Sekuru ari kutyaira." Pakapera mafuta, akamisa kombi padivi pemugwagwa, vana vane nzara vakatanga kuchema. Around 6:30 – 7 pm, munhu aipfuura akawana nhare yaSekuru Honde uye ndiye akazotizivisa kuti kombi yaiva kuMacheke. Mupfuuri uyu akazivisa mapurisa, uyo akaendesa kombi iyi kukamba yemapurisa yeMacheke. Ndipo patakaenda kuMacheke kunodzosa vana.] Vana vechikoro vakazoendeswa kuchipatara cheMarondera kunoongororwa zvakakwana kuti vagadzirise chero kukuvadzwa kwemuviri kana mupfungwa kwavangave vakasangana nako. Chirevo chemapurisa chechiitiko ichi chakati: Honde akapihwa kondirakiti nevabereki kuti vafambise vadzidzi kuenda nekubva kuDavid Livingstone Primary School kubva kwavanogara vakatenderedza Harare kubva muna 2016. Mapurisa akabvunzurudza mutyairi kuti ainanga kwaaienda akati aienda kuKuwadzana Extension Harare. Akasungwa nemhosva yekupamba ndokuperekedzwa kuMacheke Police Station. Vepedyo vehama dzevana vakarairwa uye vadzidzi vakaendeswa kuMarondera Provincial Hospital kunoongororwa kurapwa. Pakasvika mapurisa aipindura, vakawana vana makumi maviri nevashanu mukati mekombi. Paiva nevasikana 14 nevakomana 11, vose vari pakati pemakore 4 kusvika 8. Mutyairi wekombi, Samuel Honde, uyo ane makore makumi matanhatu uye anogara paSeventh Day Adventist Church muKuwadzana Extension, achakurumidza kuoneka mudare. More Pindula News
Musharukwa · 1 year ago
Well tried. Zvazoramba hazvo when you got carried away. Your account is now very confusing and a completely different story kkkk
Q · 1 year ago
Kkkkkk askies monk.
Tribalistic monk · 1 year ago
Zi mbanje lezo 😂😂😂 Mbanje + Hot stuff +Depression caused by the January disease +Tshabangu +Old age +ZANUpf + Little RTGS salary +Mthuli Ncube 15% tax.........
· 1 year ago
On point. Just leave out the mbanje and hot stuff bit
doug · 1 year ago
A reason why retirement age needs to be reviewed. What are other people doing what they should not be doing in places of employment due to old age? It's there for all to see. Other people's lives are endangered.
Sekuru · 1 year ago
We can't base all cases on this one incident. Maybe you could be more concerned about the retirement age of our soldiers which was reviewed upwards to 75 years. Entrusting the security of the whole nation to great grandpas with walking sticks.
Charity · 1 year ago
Pamwe sekuru vainge vaita chadzimira. Totenda Mwari kuti hapana kuzoita tsawona.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁Chamisa anga akuda kubika bika mbashto na sekuru kumba kwavo ku kuwadzana
Benzi raTshabangu · 1 year ago
Uchiri kufunga kuti Nero achiri kugara kuKuwadzana? vanhu veFAZ makarashika njere.

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