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British Oil Company Ordered To Pay $15 Million As Alleged Fuel Export To Zimbabwe Is Disputed

1 year agoFri, 19 Jan 2024 06:00:01 GMT
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British Oil Company Ordered To Pay $15 Million As Alleged Fuel Export To Zimbabwe Is Disputed

A South African judge has ruled that BP, a British oil company, must pay $15 million as the fuel it claimed to have exported to Zimbabwe in 2019 never actually arrived. The case was brought to court by the South African Revenue Service (SARS), which argued that BP received tax rebates of $12 million for the consignment of diesel. However, the judge found no evidence that the diesel crossed the border into Zimbabwe, stating that BP failed to provide a factual case supporting their claim, newZWire reported. The document purporting to record the export was deemed a forgery. As a result, SARS intends to seize BP’s properties.

The case sheds light on dealers’ abuse of fuel trade channels in Zimbabwe, particularly during the fuel crisis of 2019. Many traders took advantage of favourable exchange rates to order fuel using US dollars from official channels, only to divert it to other markets. The quantity of fuel involved in the BP case was sufficient to last four days based on Zimbabwe’s diesel consumption levels.

Zimbabwe has struggled with a significant annual fuel import bill, averaging $1.3 billion between 2017 and 2019. In response to persistent fuel shortages and rising costs, the government removed subsidies in 2020 and allowed market prices in US dollars. Import volumes subsequently dropped by 50%. However, industry players suspected that the import bill had been inflated previously, suggesting possible misuse of foreign exchange allocations.

The Indigenous Petroleum Association of Zimbabwe (IPAZ) raised concerns about fuel shortages and questioned the high import volumes. They highlighted discrepancies between the economy’s size and the quantity of fuel being imported. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor, John Mangudya, acknowledged the shortages but did not provide a clear explanation, mentioning factors such as “invisible hands” and “indiscipline.”

According to government critics, Zimbabwe has experienced its most corrupt period since gaining independence between 2018 and the present day. This coincides with President Emmerson Mnangagwa coming into power in 2018. When he assumed office, President Mnangagwa promised to tackle corruption head-on. He set up various anti-corruption units, but critics argue that the situation has actually worsened, as no effective measures have been taken to combat corruption. These critics claim that even the anti-corruption units have members who have been engaged in corrupt activities themselves.

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skun · 1 year ago
mazhet Aya akaitwa NEMA zimbo now BP facing the actual problem..mazimbo kungwarisa APA..but must be big names kutadza kuita point out.. BP yakavharwa last APA..I don't see them doing business NEMA zimbo again..mazimbo well-done mukuvharisa madhiri all over the world kunge manaija
we stand with Mazviita no matter what · 1 year ago
Mazviita Pamberi Sandra wakanyenye haaaa too much we stand with Mazviita no matter what even state chaiyo ikabuditsa ma tankers we stand with Mazviita no matter what
Nyasha · 1 year ago
Zvimbwa zviri kupengesa vanhu shuwa🤔wadii wamuvigira Sadza ku chitokisi kwaari iye Mazviita wako
# · 1 year ago
'Zimbabwe has experienced its most corrupt period since gaining independence between 2018 and the present day. This coincides with President Emmerson Mnangagwa coming into power in 2018' wonder Mugabe fired this guy
Gire · 1 year ago
Mati madiyi
doug · 1 year ago
A British company wants to seize South African assets for fuel ordered by Zimbabweans the press does not want to name! The ordinary Zimbabwean economic refugee in South Africa has been given all names and being blamed for all crimes just because of the tiny number of us who are criminals there. With this fuel issue, the anger will now be on companies and between companies, graduating to anger between countries! We seem to be going too far in what we do.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Point of correction SARS is the one who wants to seize BP assets over unpaid taxes
XXX · 1 year ago
handuru mha ta yako wanzwa pengera kwawakaroiwa shi ti mhani
Observer · 1 year ago
Andrewww and Mai Andrew are ZANU trolls trying to block discussion on Corruption yaED Pfeee.
Thomas Mapfumo · 1 year ago
Corruption in a Society.... Nothing for Nothing... Ndozvinoitika mukaisa gonzo mudura
maiAndrew · 1 year ago
irinyaya yababa vako vakaponda munguva yehondo... ikozvino wakumhanya nebani
Me · 1 year ago
Vanorapa pfungwa pindirai
maiAndrew · 1 year ago
number dzacho watotandza kudzinyora wani ..handidzo dzako.endai mumbonwe piritsi kani ..zvikadarika apa hatizozvigone
Andrewww · 1 year ago
Kana wasvotwa nemacomment angu huya pa# idzi +263 78 041 8847
Andrewww · 1 year ago
Andrewww · 1 year ago
Pfungwa dzako dzakakotama hameno kuti dzchatwasuka riini .

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