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2.7 Million Zimbabweans Need Food Aid - Govt

1 year agoSat, 13 Jan 2024 04:38:06 GMT
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2.7 Million Zimbabweans Need Food Aid - Govt

The Government says it will distribute food aid to 2.7 million people who are food insecure from January up to March 2024.

Speaking at a Press conference in Harare on Friday, 12 January, Public Service Labour and Social Welfare Minister, July Moyo, said that the Government was working with the World Food Programme (WFP).

He said the Government will cover 56 districts, while WFP will cover four districts namely Buhera, Mangwe, Mwenezi and Chivi. Moyo said (via NewsDay):

Therefore, during the peak hunger period, between January and March 2024, it was projected that about 2 715 717 people would require food assistance.

The provinces with the highest food insecurity levels are Matabeleland North (42%) down from 58% from the previous year, Mashonaland Central (31%) and Masvingo Province (30%).

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The most affected districts are Binga (62%), Kariba (60%), Mt Darwin (57%), Umguza (54%), Mbire (53%) and Mangwe (50%)…

The ministry requires 71 570mt [metric tonnes] of cereal to cater for the three months.

A total of ZWL$43.7 billion is required for the three months to cover the costs of registration of beneficiaries, grain transportation and distribution.

Minister Moyo also said the Government had put in place measures to counter the effects of El Niño, which has adversely affected rainfall distribution during the ongoing 2023/24 rainy season. He said:

The introduction of drought-tolerant crops that are distributed under the Presidential input scheme can help mitigate the drought effects. Communities in drought areas are encouraged to plant drought-resistant crops.

In addition, the government encourages households to practice the Pfumvudza/Intwasa concept, which tends to be producing good results.

The government also has projects that can also improve the food security of households.

These include the resuscitation of irrigation schemes, the drilling of boreholes, community gardens and income-generating projects.

Previously, the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum and the Zimbabwe Peace Project have alleged that known opposition members have been excluded from accessing food aid sourced by the Government and humanitarian organisations.

Traditional leaders, particularly village heads, were accused of working with ZANU PF in the politicisation of food aid.

More: Pindula News



Concerned · 1 year ago
Will hunger wait till March kuti ikhiye people? we know most NGOs open then and Gvt wants to take credit, logistics cant take that long considering all the lies of high food reserves, hameno im just concerned...
😎 · 1 year ago
And how many millions allegedly voted for Mnangagwa zviya?
skun · 1 year ago
what is needed is for government to reduce that rubbish tax that has been introduced when the country is facing high inflation...scarp it coz it only funds the luxury lifestyle of officials
Ndini · 1 year ago
l was listening to mfana July MOYO wafflling ye ye akunazvakandaro it's a. way to get money from EU you don't want the West but their money Viva Mutswanga Zanupf presidential candidate 2028 will be endorsed pa congress
Dhodha · 1 year ago
So these guys trash talk the west at every turn but gladly extend their hands for aid at every opportunity. Kusatsveruka kwacho kunodhanisa Satan
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Ummmm pakaipa pakaipa.Lets feed them please so that no one dies of hunger.
Lecture · 1 year ago
Government should put some cooking instructions to avoid"pit consumption "that's simply making it overwhelmed by basicity foods consumption,. People eat ill prepared food not to become abate but, would be inflating their stomachs This came along after 10day fastings where we see, people chowing food like there's no tomorrow, cup ye tea becomes Jomp, enough for three people 🍵 cups, sadza nema Highfields zigomo, Ukuwo, incessant visits to dump food before much is digested
Vvv · 1 year ago
Viva Chamisa not ma fannies arikuitwa vanhu muchasvinura zvenyu hamusati
Grandpa Rick · 1 year ago
Hopefully distribution of food AID will benefit each and every one of those 2.7 million people. We have seen cruel leaders in the past aiding ZANU PF supporters only and living other innocent citizens to die of hunger. Some of ghese leaderz they will rather hold onto the aid until it expires, develop molds and rot than to distribute it to citizens. The country needs real leadership. Leaders with focus and who are kind hearted not cruel
Mmmmh · 1 year ago
I think ma cruel leaders amotaura aya azvinnzwa, mazuva ese munovashambadza of their cruelty, which I'm sure by now they are ashamed of their acts, that makes their worthiness unworthy, and simply Criminals But ka tikaramba tichizvishambadza it will become nhinhi and that won't make them remorseful their acts and won't repent but Vazvinzwa now
dhadza · 1 year ago
unodyireyi chikafu chemuvengi wako?hauone here kuti ndiwe watove muroyi here.?

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