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Zimbabwe Dollar Is Now Over 90% Weaker Than It Was A Year Ago

1 year agoFri, 12 Jan 2024 10:00:34 GMT
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Zimbabwe Dollar Is Now Over 90% Weaker Than It Was A Year Ago

The Zimbabwe dollar fell by 21% this week on the official market, a drop that leaves the currency 91% weaker than it was this time last year, reported newZWire.

The Zim dollar traded at ZWL$8 240 per US dollar on Thursday, down from ZWL$6 467 earlier this week, according to Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) data.

This means that the official rate is now more than 91% down over the past year on both the official and black markets.

The Zim dollar started 2023 at ZWL$705 to the USD on the official market and around Z$1 000 at the black market.

Persistence Gwanyanya, a member of RBZ’s monetary committee, was cited by Bloomberg as saying authorities are trying to narrow a widening gap between the formal rate and the street rate.

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He said authorities see a gap of 10% to 20% between the official and unofficial exchange rates as acceptable.

Gwanyanya said the depreciation of the Zim dollar was a result of a softening of global commodity prices and the end of tobacco sales, which have slowed US dollar inflows into the economy. He said:

Even this quarter, our situation will not have got to normal. We will need to manage the demand side, that is deal with the demand for forex and judiciously allocate resources.

Gwanyanya said that with the recent depreciation, the “equilibrium has been disturbed” as the gap between official and unofficial markets exceeds the 10% to 20% range set by authorities. He added:

We will now be seized with re-establishing the equilibrium.

Currently, businesses are allowed to charge prices within a 10% margin of the official exchange rate.

In a policy paper to the Government, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) proposed that they be allowed to set prices at 20% below the market exchange rate.

More: Pindula News



Sisi · 1 year ago
Has the weekly Tues auction been abandoned. ???
Peanut Gallery · 1 year ago
The maths is not mathsing! Correct me if I am wrong. But the my thinking is like this. If in January 2023 the rate was at $1000 = US$1 And 50% of 1000 is = 500 and the current rate is now $10000 = US$1 So how do we get the figure of 91% when it nine 9 times more more money to buy US$1? Help me understand
M2 · 1 year ago
I was also initially confused by this kind of reporting but it's correct. ZWL705 last year could buy you 100/705 = 0.14184 American cents. Now it only buys you 100/8240 = 0.01213 American cents. Therefore it has lost 100 * (0.14184 - 0.01213) / 0.14184 = 91.448% of its original value.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Seriously, if you start one year at $705 and start the next at over $8000, then you tell me that the currency has depreciated by 91%!!!???. The reporter did not pass Mathematics at O Level!
laugh emoji3
Peanut Gallery · 1 year ago
The whole article is a bunch of nonsense. It might be a recycled article from last year with a few touch ups. Written sometime last year when the rates were much together than they are now because I know for sure there is more than a 10% gap between the official and black market rates
M2 · 1 year ago
The math is correct: (1/705 - 1/8240) * 705 * 100 = 91.161%
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Bond ibond zvakasiyana kure nakure ne Dollar....!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
BOND harichinje kuita DOLLAR......!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The only good thing is we are millionaires now not even American get rich at this rate kkkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chancing the black markert rate will not help at all that rate has no fundamentals no formula
Ndini · 1 year ago
Head line reads Zimbabweans dollar 90& weaker that it was a year ago from what was there on ground Zimbabwe didn't have any dollar or currency had a monster of finance instead of a minister actually the ministry of finance should be disband. until we have the finance
sekai · 1 year ago
Lelilizwe alilamali a song by Lovemore majaivana he sang the truth nguva yacho.
dhara · 1 year ago
Tirimusango hwenjeeeeee
Gaffa · 1 year ago
The aftermath of a sham election and hostile utterances will not help. Mutswangwa and Charamba's foul spewing mouths will regret.
🌀🌀🌀🌀 BLUE CYCLONE 💙 · 1 year ago
uuu zvandotunga mirwa nebofu ini ndiri bofu,, Shem
sekai · 1 year ago
l only read and laugh
Ndini · 1 year ago
No no Zimbabwe has never had currency for past 30 years. so you can talk of something that doesn't exist to be weak it's illusions and dillusions
pj · 1 year ago
Do away with the reserve bank , it's the cause of inflation.

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