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MPs, Councillors Letting Us Down - War Veterans

1 year agoFri, 12 Jan 2024 12:25:49 GMT
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MPs, Councillors Letting Us Down - War Veterans

War veterans in Matabeleland North Province claim they have been let down by politicians.

Speaking to NewsDay during a visit to Kusile district this week, Lupane war veterans district chairperson Jonathan Nkanyezi said politicians abandoned them once they are elected into Parliament and council. He said:

We always face so many challenges in this area. My worry is about all the leaders who are supposed to represent us in Parliament.

We chose those people so that they can help us air our grievances to the President on our behalf, but they seem like they do not care at all.

Right now as it is, the country is experiencing drought, and our livestock does not have water, but no one has come to us to at least listen to what we have to say.

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The cattle are affected and we want those who represent us in Parliament to do their job.

Bring people to our villages to see what is on the ground. The problems and challenges that we have are enormous.

I want them to know that we chose them to stand for us and they should do so.

We do not want any surprises at all because we trusted them to put word for us to the president since we cannot on our own.

The war veterans were among the people who were allocated some communal wildlife conservancies in the timber and wildlife-rich Emmergroon Estate by the government in 2001.

The area is located along the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Highway in the Gwayi area and is now bearing the brunt of neglect and marginalisation.

However, Chief Menyezwa, who presides over the area, told NewsDay he could not respond to issues raised because traditional leaders were not informed or consulted when the people were settled in the area.

According to a report by the Centre for Conflict Management and Transformation, resettlement areas in Zimbabwe face several challenges in the provision of basic social services such as schools and adequate health facilities.

The process of resettlement was rapid and with little planning, leading to inadequate financial resources, political interference, and increasing numbers of vulnerable children and orphans.

More: Pindula News



Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
Twuma fake Ooh Vets utwo, hakuna akarwa hondo anoyema zvekusvika paku blamer councilor na MP kuti mvura haina kunaya. Twakajaira spoon feeding, ngatungwavhe mu tonaz kana kurova dhavulap nevamwe twakanage Wenera uko, nxaaa
🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Mashoko makukutu
NM · 1 year ago
kkkk zvkatodarika
👽 · 1 year ago
Ma war vet havachataura zve government yezanu irikutonga , vo blamer ma mp nema councilor, hakuna zvakadaro vanhu kuitiswa handiti maiti war vet for ED asi makadzigwa munedzungu
The truth · 1 year ago
The war vet's are a disgrace, shame, they allowed zanupf to become corrupt and incompetent. Zanupf today is a shameful party disliked by the people.
😜 · 1 year ago
I am not a Zanu pf supporter but on this one i think Zim gvt has tried its best and has done a lot to support to help these war vets,,,hapana kwavangasvika vachiitirwa everything including kunaisirwa mvura
Chiiko chamakarwira? · 1 year ago
Makabva kudondo moripiwa nedondo kwete blue roof
PR · 1 year ago
@Tina you are correct Tina but can you imagine 44years after Independence could you expect a fair vetting process to come up with a true war vet or not, its really impossible.kuno I have seen some guys Born in 1980 calling themselves war vets and are highly respected.
· 1 year ago
Munhu akangoita face yakashata akutozvit mu war vet
Tina · 1 year ago
Some war vets received 50000 in 1997, but some did not, so the government should give money to only those who do not
kk · 1 year ago
makarara handit mayizviti ndini muneyese
🚩 · 1 year ago
Akusizi ukukhala, ubuhle liyazenzela . Kuma resettlements there's no proper infrastructure, abantu babelamanzi ahlanzekileyo, imitholampilo, izikolo, izitolo lemigwaqo ehambekayo ngezimota. Konke lokhu kuyaswelakala.
PR · 1 year ago
war vets were given their share in 1997 and they squandered the money. 50.000 was a huge amount of money to construct dams, drill boreholes and start income generating projects but alas they thought kuti youth ndo atinganzwa kwete imwi nyararai zvenyu.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
makagona pakurwa Hondo chasara kupa nyika kune vanhu vane pfungwa dze development. Hondo yepfuti yakapera ndiyo yaive yenyu, yasara yave ye development and haidi chisimba yave kuda njere dzakapinza. Pave kudiwa inonzi engagement kwete command. Kuhondo kwaishanda command now pave kudiwa kunzwa pfungwa dze vanhu vese, muchiteerera zvinotaurwa nana Winky D. We all want a prosperous Zimbabwe and haiuye necommand
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Ndizvo zvinoita njere shoma. Patinoti zanupf haichaita yaora imi moto pasi nesu. Dai mune njere makagarzira zvinhu kare
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Used and dumped......Will be re-cycled for the next plebiscite.......!
Ndini · 1 year ago
macomrades ini retired mu Zanupf fake after 2017 if we had listened Grace pamarally now the taste of pudding is the eating. Let's revive Zanupf original
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Cecil John Rhodes · 1 year ago
In progressive countries they could have had their own hospitals, recreational facilities , and better living standards but they were used and dumped. They shall wish they had not participated in the struggle. Most of them have nothing to show for their problems.
XXX · 1 year ago
War veterans are singing the same hyme with the rest of the citizens that MPs and Councillors are neglecting their dutis once they are in Parliament and Councils. They no longer visit their Constituencies and wards to hear citizens' complaints. This is the problem of "one state" srule. Those in power do as they please !!!!! EHE ICHO !!!!!!
Coup victim · 1 year ago
Kangaroo Court · 1 year ago
No one is letting them down , they let themselves down by aligning themselves to Zanu ( pf) .They should have declared themselves non partisan from begining and stood firm. They thought they were pleasing Robert who just wanted to use them and discard them .

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