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Free Education Comes In Various Forms - Minister

1 year agoTue, 26 Dec 2023 13:39:11 GMT
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Free Education Comes In Various Forms - Minister

The Government has said it will take time to roll out free education as resources need to be mobilised for its implementation.

NewsDay reported the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Torerai Moyo as saying free education will be rolled out in the next few years. Said Moyo:

The government indeed has the intention that from Early Childhood Development (ECD) up to Grade 7, children should have free education.

That is the aim of the President. So, this is not new. It is an issue that we are seriously considering and it will not take us three years to implement.

We need to mobilise the resources so that people benefit. Free education comes in various forms.

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There is the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) for those children who come from less privileged parents and they can go from ECD A up to grade 7 for free.

BEAM is a government programme aimed at providing financial assistance to disadvantaged primary and secondary school learners.

It was established to support children from vulnerable backgrounds, including orphans, children from low-income families, and children with disabilities, to access quality education.

BEAM has, however, been affected by underfunding from the Treasury. In November 2023, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister July Moyo said that the Government has a ZWL$278 billion outstanding bill for BEAM.

Meanwhile, Torerai Moyo revealed that BEAM does not cater for levies for projects that schools require from parents from time to time. He said:

In underdeveloped areas like my communal home, Muzarabani, Guruve and Kariba, children in those areas do not pay school fees.

They are going to school for free. There is a grant that is being used to cater for their fees.

Those who pay do so because they will have reached an agreement that the school wants to build accommodation for the schoolteachers and levies are going to be paid.

The ministry is approached with proposals and approval is granted.

In 2020, President Emmerson Mnangagwa signed into law the Education Amendment Act which compels the State to provide free basic education as stipulated by Section 27 of the Constitution.

In the run-up to the 2018 and 2023 general elections, the Government promised free basic education but has failed to honour the promises.

More: Pindula News



tigerforce international · 1 year ago
dai mwari atora vanhu ava
Msavadha · 1 year ago
hapana hapana. simple
XXX · 1 year ago
comrade minister free education itai serious hatisikuda kunzwa mutiudza nezve beam ngaiivharwe completely and start free education for all ,this will benefit every family ( our gold , diamonds etc). Zvazvino muriku benefita mega kubva maisa beam kutiblinder kuti you care .Tirikuda totally FREE education ,muchibhadarawo mateachers to maintain quality venyu vana varidzidza outside where teachers are paid
aaaa · 1 year ago
taneta nekunyeperwa nezvimbwa sungata izvi muno muZimba ngatizivei kti mashoko anotaurwa nechihurumende chembavha ichi ndeekunyepa
BEAM is free education and 70% are benefiting from it · 1 year ago
Most schools are abusing BEAM because we see kids with parents connected to the heads of schools on BEAM, if government could do a follow up on that the nation will be surprised to find people who do white color jobs with kids on BEAM yet orphans are asked to bring death certificates which are not easy to come by. Please let's get an audit on BEAM and see if am telling lies
Grenade. · 1 year ago
satchel yacho bla bla bla no l was just joking my dear please forgive.l like joking zvangu usanditsamwira zvako iwe.vanha ndebedu tese.
kune uyo ataura zve edzi uyo pa pic iro · 1 year ago
dai Mwari vakuwanira nyasha hutununu nehupenzi huzere mudzoro rako hwapera. dai wasunungurwa kubva munjema dzehurombe idzo dzakadai kukakata dzako pfungwa parizvino. tinoendepi senyika kana tizere nevanhu vakaita sewe who know nothing about compassion, unity a sense of togetherness and respect of fellow human being???
kiri · 1 year ago
Aids unoiziva here iwe
... · 1 year ago
Anoyiziva nekuti anayo and ajaira kuzadza vamwe.
TTT · 1 year ago
What free education are you talking about, when parents are being forced to build houses for your employees?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
No wonder why they never had a manifesto. Nothing to offer. Zanu Soo..
🪢 · 1 year ago
Tuvapfanha uto turikuoneka nepa picture kuti tune AIDS avi vabereki musadaro zvibateyi
sodhindo · 1 year ago
no no no it's malnutrition
Xxxclan · 1 year ago
Those kids are are future professionals. You never know one of them will be your doctor or lawyer one day.
G40 · 1 year ago
musina zvekutaura endai mooata since 1980 mapromise chete chete
Grenade. · 1 year ago
satchel yacho kunge bag ra conductor ya extra city 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Me · 1 year ago
Sha pakaipa panze uko,anditi mukaona butsu yacho hapana hapana,Ndokuti Zanu ka.
@Grenade · 1 year ago
unoona dai usina kumbo typer pano tisina kumboziva kuti uribharanzi??? what's funny about those little ones in rural setup???
Prophet beast · 1 year ago
Taking promises from zanu is like waiting for a bull to produce milk,,,,,,,,,, you will die of hunger

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