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Passengers' Association Makes Plea For Price Controls As Buses Hike Fares For Christmas Travel

1 year agoMon, 25 Dec 2023 06:44:46 GMT
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Passengers' Association Makes Plea For Price Controls As Buses Hike Fares For Christmas Travel

The Passenger Association of Zimbabwe (PAZ) has urged the Government to protect travellers during holidays by enforcing regulated fare scales amid reports that some long-distance bus operators have doubled fares.

Zimbabwean public transporters are wont to hiking fares during the festive period thereby forcing people travelling to various destinations across the country, especially rural areas, to pay through the nose.

Reports suggest that there has been congestion at Mbare Bus Terminus in Harare since the 22nd of December as travellers seek transport to rural areas.

Investigations by NewsDay established that both long-distance buses and local commuter omnibuses have hiked fares with a Harare-Mutare trip which usually costs US$10 now at US$20.

Those travelling from Harare to Bulawayo were also affected, with their bus fares having been increased from US$15 to between US$20 and US$30.

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The trend was also observed for major routes across the country as bus operators took advantage of an increase in the number of travellers.

A bus driver plying the Harare-Masvingo route Clifford Dhlakama defended the fare hikes. He told NewsDay:

Fuel prices have gone up again. We need to cover our costs; especially with the extra trips we’re running to meet the holiday demand.

Maintenance costs are also high. Spare parts are expensive, and with more passengers crammed, the wear and tear is even worse.

However, PAZ president Tafadzwa Goliati said transport operators were taking advantage of desperate passengers who want to unite with families during holidays. Said Goliati:

These claims of increased costs are often exaggerated. Operators take advantage of the festive season rush to maximise profits at the expense of ordinary Zimbabweans who just want to be with their families.

Commuters are not ATMs [Automated Teller Machines]. They shouldn’t be penalised for wanting to travel during the holidays.

Bus fare hikes during holidays in Zimbabwe, especially Christmas and New Year, are almost inevitable and expected.

This, however, does not necessarily result in reduced travel but makes it difficult for people to pay for recurring expenses in the new year as a huge chunk of their earnings is gobbled up by transport costs.

More: Pindula News



... · 1 year ago
Picture iyo ndeyenguva yeRhodesia, zvinhu zvichatengeka, vanhu vachiyenda ku Christmas kumamisha vakazadza makeriya emabhazi. Vazhinji mukore uno kungofamba neka Mbare bag.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
yave nguva yema zhongtong wena zvekwa Rhodes zvakatopfuura forever.
aaaa · 1 year ago
ndosimbi dzeparoad idzi maAVM
ladonam · 1 year ago
Achiko here mabhazi ayo
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
chiii chitsva ipapa? zvatanga nhas here? Inga ndiwo mugariro since 1980. zvmwe zvnhu zvnongoda kushandisa njere dzako wega pachako. ukadzigarira unoita loss.
🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Vabereki ungava we ccc or zanu kana usina mari garai pamuri ipapo,,,hapana nguva yakanzi ndiyo yekunoona mhuri chero February tora off wonoona hama dzako,,,vanhu vasina kurongeka monetsa
· 1 year ago
Vanhu vakawanda Havana kurongeka unotoona munhu achikwidza chikochikari ne building materials pa bus nguva ino worohwa Mari woti vema bus vakaipa
gatsheni · 1 year ago
schools closed early December, surprising yu c xool children traveling on the 22nd creating a fertile ground for the greedy transport operators we're our own enemies
· 1 year ago
Asina Mari ngaagare paari ipapo musatinyaudza mazvinzwa

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