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"Biti, Chamisa, Ncube Have Shown Over Decades Their Commitment To A Democratic Zimbabwe" - Coltart

1 year agoSun, 17 Dec 2023 04:44:37 GMT
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"Biti, Chamisa, Ncube Have Shown Over Decades Their Commitment To A Democratic Zimbabwe" - Coltart

David Coltart, a former Minister of Education in Zimbabwe, has expressed his disappointment at the reported divisions among Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti, and Welshman Ncube. Coltart believes that these three individuals, whom he refers to as “trusted friends”, have consistently demonstrated their commitment to a free and democratic Zimbabwe throughout the years, despite facing numerous challenges. In a recent post seen by Pindula News, Coltart, who now serves as the Mayor of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, stated that he firmly believes that his colleagues still possess a burning desire to liberate Zimbabwe from tyranny. He said on X:

It is disheartening, to say the least, witnessing the debate swirling around my friends @nelsonchamisa @Tbiti_campaign @Welshman_Ncube. Each one of these fine men is a trusted friend who has shown over decades his individual commitment to a free and democratic #Zimbabwe. The only ones benefiting from the current rancour are ZANU PF and corrupt tyrants. Inevitably after many years of struggle against a brutal, cunning regime, which is not bound by truth or common decency, emotions become frayed. That is further exacerbated by agent provocateurs whose role is to sow division. 

Coltart called upon everyone to remember the dedicated work that each of these men has contributed. He expressed his belief that none of them have changed their desire to rid Zimbabwe of tyranny. Coltart hopes that this remembrance will serve as the seed that restores relationships between Chamisa, Biti, and Ncube, enabling them to work together to accomplish the goals they set in September 1999 when MDC was formed.

Some Context:

There have been reports circulating on social media that Biti and Ncube, who have openly expressed their disagreement with Chamisa’s methods, are behind the recalls of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) MPs and councillors. These recalls were initiated by Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the party’s interim secretary general. Tshabangu argues that the recalled members no longer belong to the party and were imposed on the electorate by Chamisa.

Both Biti and Ncube have vehemently denied these allegations. Biti stated that although he disagrees with Chamisa, he will not act in a way that advantages ZANU PF. He said recently:

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I am a democrat who believes in constitutionalism, the rule of law, transparency, openness and collective leadership.

I can never compromise on these core values.

However, no dispute nor differences is ever sufficient to place one at the service of Zanu PF.

Some speculate that Tshabangu has formed an alliance with ZANU PF, and the recalls are a deliberate attempt to secure a two-thirds majority for the ruling party in Parliament. Ncube believes the “cyberbullying” he and others are getting is one of Chamisa’s methods of pushing other party members out.

The disagreements in the opposition party became clear in the runup to the 23-24 August 2023 harmonised elections. Biti and others were against Chamisa’s “strategic ambiguity”, and party’s identity, structural, strategic and procedural polity.

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Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
I agree with Mr Coltart’s sentiments. Whilst Chamisa is quite popular and probably justified so, it would appear that he has a problem of working as part of a team or as the leader of a team. It would appear that he is somewhat jealousy. It appears that he does not want anyone else being praised for a good work apart from himself. Anyone in the party who does something good even not better than what he does, becomes a target. Recently Fadzayi Mahere was removed from being a party spokesperson for unknown reasons but I would speculate that she was becoming too popular and justifiably so because her fluency in articulating issues, Chamisa became jealousy and removed her. I have a feeling that Chamisa felt insecure by having Welshman Ncube a renowned University Professor in law and Tendayi Biti a prominent and successful Barrister as his deputies. His insecurity and possibly jealous led him to sideline them for no apparent reason. Chamisa should learn to challenge and be challenged in equal measure when discussing party issues without retreating and hiding in the cocoon of his ‘kitchen cabinet’ of renowned gossipers.
sty · 1 year ago
Goebelles · 1 year ago
@ Korekore imbopai Emperor Nero mukana veduwe. Biti naNcube , feel free to constitute alternative alliances. It will definitely broaden the democratic space.
Provocateur · 1 year ago
If possible Chamisa, Biti and Ncube should convene a roundtable meeting in an attempt to solve their differences. If not possible, they should part ways and form separate parties which I hope will broaden the democratic space by allowing more opposition parties to chart other ways to democracy. no hard feelings. the three principals are quite capable. I wish them well.
Korekore · 1 year ago
Takabveyo, kumhunga kuribe magunde. Biti naNcube vakazvitadza.
Joza · 1 year ago
Unfortunately, reconciliation is no longer possible. The other two champions have committed the cardinal sin of handing over the people's movement to Zanu Pf. Once ukadya mari yeZanu, mari yeropa, you become a permanent member of the cult (Zanu). The two former activists have also surrendered the blood of their former colleagues to the cult.
zero · 1 year ago
@Joza ndiwe cultist,you divisionist, urizvese zviri evil. what is it you don't understand about the facts that Chabangu arikushanda what Biti na Ncube havamo munyaya dzake?
Champion · 1 year ago
Tshabangu called Ncube and Biti his interim co-presidents. By the way, Ncube and Biti can sue Tshabangu for that if they wish.
gg · 1 year ago
they will remain permanent opposition politicians.
🤔 · 1 year ago
Pane angazivewo title ine chiremera ndeyipi between Advocate na Professor?
gg · 1 year ago
its all nonsense. these guys have failed zimbabweans.all of them are power-hungry.there is need to have new breed of opposition politics.chamisa thinks he a darling of zimbos and for that reason he can do it alone.its only protest politics which zimbos are having not person-centred politics.chamisa thinks if he says he is christian he can win the love of all christians.if he wants to be a true christian he must leave politics.remember there is a demon that control politics just like in any other situation.
mmmm pindula commentator · 1 year ago
vamwe venyu makadzidza yooo
Wassup · 1 year ago
Muri kuti Article yanyorwa nemazwi anonetsa kunzwisisa here?
XXX · 1 year ago
I recommend that Advocate David Coltart be "mutongi gava" to bring the trio together. Yes Advocate David Coltart has worked with these three for a long time. Advocate Tendai Biti and Professor Ncube must admit the existing set up that Chamisa is the President of CCC and go to Congress. If there is anyone who wants to challenge him can do so. CCC must now hold a Congress to iron out some of these problems. I humbly ask Advocate Coltart to engage the two Advocates, Tendai Biti and Nelson Chamisa and Professor Welshman Ncube and bring them to order. [ VASAREGE VENE VACHIURAYA NYIKA ] EHE ICHO !!!!!
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
coltart atori nenyaya yakewo yekuda kutengesa ma ccc supporters ku zapu. akara ari mupanduki uyo
cox · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a one edged sword with a hook on one end with handle. he is holding onto zanu pf by means of the hook but will soon slip away abd be ditched by his handler. in the mean time, his single edge is being used by zanu pf to rip and slice CCC into pieces as a divide and rule tactic to decimate and weaken it.
Expert · 1 year ago
Mr President Chamisa tobudirira here nhasi weather irisey ikoko
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
zvadirwa jecha zvechi rally chenyu. hakuna anoita gungano. munoda kuzadza vanhu cholera dzenyu. pasi ne ccc
. · 1 year ago
Tshabangu wavari ku siya uyu, ndiye ane a formidable force for CCC, kune vamwe vese ava bureaucracy has gone too much for a party in its infancy, Tshabangu anoda progress ne kukura kwe party, The way they are smuggling with dirt deeply shows kuti he's the main conduit in democratic view of opposition that which gets all attacks from the unproductive citizenry
mampentsha · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is renegade, he is a loose cannon, he has sold out to zanu PF and now he wants to totally destroy CCC by insinuating that some of the senior members of CCC are behind him. he is a liar and time will confirm that. ncube and Biti have their disagreement with Chamisa but that is normal in any movement. it does not mean to agree with Tshabangu.
,,,,,dott · 1 year ago
Always blaming Zanu pf ,ndoinonzi ndomene chamisa haana hutongi hwejekerere ane humbimbindoga thats why akunetsana nevamwe vake what more akpinda panyanga anotinetsa ,ccc stop blaming zanu pf mumbogadzirisana aku zanu irikungo collecter mabonus chete akubva kuccc
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Apa ndinobvuma zvangu kuti those two Biti and Chamisa have endurance. They have committed to their cause for the rest of their lives. But Zanu Pf yakaoma kunge dombo kudonhedza. As long as Zanu has power over the army and justice system mucharamba muchingo hukura nekungo hukura
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
saidi kukuzvitiwo fugu pfeee

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