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China Has Donated Over 1,000 Books, Computers, Printers To ZANU-PF

1 year agoSat, 16 Dec 2023 07:53:45 GMT
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China Has Donated Over 1,000 Books, Computers, Printers To ZANU-PF

China has donated over 1,000 books along with computers and printers to Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF party. The donation ceremony took place at the ZANU-PF headquarters in Harare, where Zhou Ding, the Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe, handed over the items to Munyaradzi Machacha, the principal of the Chitepo School of Ideology, ZANU-PF’s ideology school.

The donation includes a wide range of books covering various subjects, such as Chinese history, financial reforms, and foreign affairs according to Xinhua. These resources will be utilized in the library of the recently completed ideology school in Harare. Machacha told Xinhua after the handover ceremony:

We will be opening our school soon, and these will grace our library, where students can come and borrow and read.

It will allow our students to read widely and to have a broader global view of events that will be taking place around them.

Zhou Ding, the Chinese ambassador, expressed his hope that the donation would benefit ZANU-PF and strengthen the bonds between the two parties. He said:

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Our relations include not only economic cooperation but also party-to-party exchanges. The Communist Party of China (CPC) and ZANU-PF have a long history of cooperation.

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, ZANU-PF’s secretary for external relations, acknowledged China’s crucial role in Zimbabwe’s development, dating back to the pre-independence era. He said:

Our relations include not only economic cooperation but also party-to-party exchanges. The Communist Party of China (CPC) and ZANU-PF have a long history of cooperation.

He added that Zimbabwe aims to learn from China’s successes and replicate them within its own context.

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🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Humbled · 1 year ago
Zimba bwee hapana hapana madara aneta
VZ · 1 year ago
China itype yeshamwari dziye dzinokupa fodya kana mbanje chete. Zvinokuvaka muviri maya
think again · 1 year ago
you must remember 1 thing, zanu pf has never won any war .... they are nothing , their chinese and russian friends got f u c k ed up badly in the 70's , the only reason zanu pf won elections in 1980 was due to england and usa and west giving up ...
Tateguru · 1 year ago
These donations are good in that they help the donor accomplish their purpose, whatever it might be. It's always the giver who benefits more because he first thinks before making a donation. The receiver falls in to the giver's technical plan. I hope our Zanu PF will keep its eyes open. What I am saying is not restricted to political circles alone, even churches and other organisation's go through the same. The Bible says it's better to give than to receive.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They only thing they will keep their eyes open for is the USD100 in the cover of each book, for personal benefit under the headline "research purposes".
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Zanu Pf manyama, u see China inotida, America yakazvitadza zvekutipa ma books but China gave us military equipment and books. Tinodiwa ne Russia futi yakatipa fertilizer. Asi sadly inini handina chinobatika😭, handina kana rtgs, ndipo panozongondi rwadza ipapa. Even magetsi kumba hakuna ayenda
sad emoji1
Pastor Ludah Cris · 1 year ago
in exchange for nothing at all mmm our all weather friends are so Godly, they are the promised angels , blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh hallelujah,
nm · 1 year ago
ngavape muzvikoro, kwete kupa party
vesto · 1 year ago
communist new melonium
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndozvakanakira chitepo school of ideology.
QUICK SERVICE · 1 year ago
Books containing Chinese history for what ....? machinese akangwara vakuziva zvavarikuita ...2030 will be turned black Chinese all of us ......
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Because we are all Chinese if Zanu PF says so. Zim is to be the first official Chinese colony in Africa. They are teaching was to become our national history.
VZ · 1 year ago
@Fugu pauchazvarirwa kamwana kamuChina nemkadzi wako that's when you realise kuti Chinese are helpful friends 😂

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