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"Schoolboy Antics" Cost Chamisa's CCC - Chin'ono

1 year agoThu, 07 Dec 2023 13:06:55 GMT
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"Schoolboy Antics" Cost Chamisa's CCC - Chin'ono

Journalist and Government critic Hopewell Chin’ono said that the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa blundered in fielding its recalled MPs under the CCC banner.

Posting on X, Chin’ono said it was inevitable that the recalled CCC representatives would not be allowed to use the party’s name and symbols in by-elections, arguing that the recalls were initiated by ZANU PF in its quest to get a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Said Chin’ono:

I have just read that Sengezo Tshabangu’s application to have the recalled CCC MPs removed from the December 9 by-elections has been granted by the High Court of Zimbabwe.

It means that those re-called CCC MPs will not run in this by-election unless CCC appeals against today’s ruling, and wins that appeal against the High Court judgement.

I and many others publicly gave open advice to these recalled MPs to run as Independent candidates because any average political analyst or reader of Zimbabwean politics would have told you that there is a third hand in this case.

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I am astonished by the schoolboy antics and mistakes that CCC continues to make aware of the viciousness of the enemy it is fighting…

ZANU PF has a hand in all this and that should be expected, but the opposition should respond strategically and not just go into courts where could have avoided doing so by just running as Independents to outwit the regime.

On 04 November, Chin’ono urged all CCC MPs to resign and trigger by-elections, and then contest as independent candidates. He said:

The real test of commitment to the struggle against ZANU PF tyranny and corrupt rule would be a total withdrawal of all CCC MPs from parliament.

That would trigger by-elections which they would contest as INDEPENDENTS.

… it gives you 100% control over the business of opposing ZANUPF, without that you will have compromised MPs whose only survival is decided by Tshabangu.

On Thursday, High Court judge Justice Never Katiyo barred the 22 recalled CCC Members of the National Assembly from contesting in the 09 December 2023 by-election after ruling that the move by the nomination court to accept their papers was unlawful. Read the judgement:

It is ordered that the decision of the Nomination Court sitting at Harare, Bulawayo, Gwanda, Lupane and/or any other location around the country on 7 November 2023 to accept the nomination papers and candidature of first to 22nd respondents for election in the by-elections set to be conducted on 9. December 2023 is unlawful, of no force and effect and hereby set aside.

It is ordered that the respondents are not candidates for election in the by-elections scheduled to be conducted on 9 December 2023 and that 23rd and 24th respondents shall not include the names of first to 22nd respondents in the preparation of ballot papers to be used in the by-elections scheduled to be conducted on 9 December 2023.

It is ordered that the first to 22nd respondents are interdicted from representing or holding themselves out to the general public and electorate in the constituencies concerned or any other place in Zimbabwe, whether physically or through any form of media, as candidates for election in by-elections scheduled to be held on 9 December 2023 and that the respondents shall jointly and severally pay the applicants’ cost on the ordinary scale.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hopeless Chinono you can write a whole book of rubish but God is in it. Kana nguva yavo Nyadenga yasvika hapana anopikisa. God is in it
dk · 1 year ago
sango rinopa adzungaira....asi kudzungaira kwemaCCC sango hati rakakupai nekuti kudzungaira kwenyu kupusa chaiko, ungamisa. party pasina constitution, ungamisa party pasina mastrutures, ungamisa party log yeparty kemwakuisa face yemunhu.....politics hadzidi kupusa kudaro, dont support zvinhu zvakapersonaliswa like ccc.look now you are blaming everyone, blaming eveything
@Chi hire Che Zanu · 1 year ago
Stop calling us mafuza because of wat we support. Uri **** nhasi
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Mazipigwa ne judgement ka🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂Muzive zveku supporter
nm · 1 year ago
judgment kuita sey, tosuppoter zvatoda.chero mukabirira majority rule you can never steal people's hearts
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is the man. Ane mabhora aya ekusunda nebhara chairo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣mafuza still hope kyti pane chichabuda pana Chamisa. Ndakazvireva on election night kuti kachamwashuka ka CCC because hakana ma advisors.... 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂..... Chamisa ari kuchema. Apa political funding ichabaya...... Kapera basa.... Nexr yeae totanga kuvaka nyika pasina ma westeeb puppets.... 😂 😂
zanu hwaga · 1 year ago
manje kugera ndebvu dzichirikubuda haisi solution otherwise dzinodzoka dzawanda, the best way to solve a complex math equation hakusi kufura teacher nerekeni, better ask and embrace that criticism and maker better future decisions. Silencing the opposition ain't solution at all.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
There's no question ipapo... Ka Cham Cham kanoita politics dze SRC... Ngadzokere ku poly. Anogona kunouta president pasina challenge
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
2/3 dzazomuda
zvongoratidza kuti muri mbavha · 1 year ago
vc · 1 year ago
kkkk @ triple c chete kungotishungu hadziurayi
Vulture · 1 year ago
ED thinks that people tolerated Bob out of fear. Bob was respected for his leadership role in the liberation struggle. ED has no such record. People hoped that nature would resolve the Bob factor and there was no need to spill his blood. Anybody else who thinks that Zimbabweans will treat him like Bob is very mistaken.
Champion · 1 year ago
Let ED have the party. He won't have the people's following. People are just marking time awaiting the decision of SADC. Whether positive or negative, people's power will take it up from there. Zimbabweans are not cowards. Misjudge them at your own peril.
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Hopewell Chin'ono must be challenging Zanu Pf and its captured judiciary instead of always pointing a finger at the victim because he wants to control CCC like Tshabangu. CCC acted legally by following the legal route just to expose the capture of our courts. The ruling in this case is illegal because the authenticity of Tshabangu as CCC Secretary General of the party is subject to a pending court case. He does not have even the fraudulent capacity to continue operating as a legal official of CCC because this is what's being challenged in court. Stop acting legal advisor to CCC because that's illegal Hopewell. CCC knows the next course of action.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
In a few days time you will realise that Chamisa has lost the party called CCC to Tshabangu and his team
Hombre · 1 year ago
Can you stop Tshabangu from doing as he pleases? He is Zanu Pf. Zanu Pf has an illegal plan for every move by the opposition. That party has no legal limits. They play their part and Hopewell's part is to sanitise their action by diverting people's focus away from Zanu Pf and blaming CCC.
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
The courts have spoken, CCC lawyers they don't think sometimes its not their fault but chamisa is the problem
. · 1 year ago
what courts ingoti zanu has stolen
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Woooooopp! No comment.
vee · 1 year ago
at least chokwadi anotaura
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
@vee p****i Anonymous uyo weErectile dysfunction anotaura chokwadi chipi koiwe bonderai
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 2023 yakupera wena apa ED is still President and Chamisa ari kupopota. It's so heartbreaking I had hoped to see change. Maybe a change can happen if the soldiers turn against ED
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru stop dreaming about sending other people's kids for a coup endesa mwana waMai wako muSa.ta.nyo.ko
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😰😰 @Anonymous I understand kuti u have erectile dysfunction iri serious, go and seek help handitika mupfana
@Big Dhara Munhu Mudiki · 1 year ago
Koiwe ndiri kuoneswa uchirara nemaSpiritual wife on a daily basis can you please explaining to the whole world how the f.u.c.k you even get an erection. So Iwe neni takasiyanei ini ndisina nemunhu anoita **** through meditation. I heard vakarambwa kuteam mubobo because of your weird ****ual design. Iwe u deserve an Oscar award & guineas world recognition for being a talented ****ually active spirituality psycho.Even Satan I heard akakuramba bcoss of this disability mind you its disability yako iyo not a blessing. R.I.P
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
@ Anonymous uri benzi zvako but apa vave kutamba nechokwadi. Ndanzwa nemaSpiritual wives.

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