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Chamisa Is A Failed Opposition Leader; CCC As A Political Party Is Finished - Chin'ono

1 year agoThu, 07 Dec 2023 17:33:07 GMT
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Chamisa Is A Failed Opposition Leader; CCC As A Political Party Is Finished - Chin'ono

Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono comments on the High Court judgement nullifying the nomination of recalled CCC candidates to contest in the 23 December 2023 by-elections:

What does today’s High Court judgement mean to Zimbabwean politics if it is not reversed?

Today’s High Court judgement against the recalled CCC Members of Parliament stopping them from using the party-political name “CCC” was predictable for those with a discerning political eye, and for those who fully understand the treacherous Zimbabwean political terrain and how ZANU PF has mastered it against its political opponents using a scary array of tools like State capture, repression, corruption, violence and even murder to retain power.

ZANU PF understands two things too well, Power and how to use it corruptly against its opponents and the ordinary citizens.

It sits down and strategies, and it executes using captured institutions that it ruthlessly controls through patronage or coercion.

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Unlike the opposition CCC, people in ZANUPF work across factions for the survival of their corrupt project and ZANU-PF because they understand that politics is business and not necessarily personal, ZANUPF uses its best brains to execute its corrupt agenda.

Political decision-making is not about emotions but strategy, politics requires strategic thinking and decision-making grounded in practical political considerations rather than emotional impulses and reactions.

It involves navigating around complex political scenarios, anticipating contrived political and legal consequences, and formulating plans to achieve specific political goals, and in this case, legal outcomes too.

Embracing a strategic political mindset helps political parties respond effectively to political challenges thrown at them by their crooked and corrupt political opponents, and it also helps political parties to pursue their objectives in a well-calculated manner.

This is what is called SCENARIO PLANNING in organisational management, something that every political party should do when faced with a political crisis of monumental proportions like CCC faces today.

Balancing the importance of party names and the practicalities of navigating around a repressive and captured political system like what we have in Zimbabwe underscores the complex challenges faced by CCC and its legitimate leader, Nelson Chamisa.

The Rhodesian era historical context of these issues that I mentioned in the attached tweet which I put out on November 7, 2023, advising and warning the recalled CCC MPs to run as Independents in the December 9 by-election, highlighted the adaptive nature of political movements and parties when faced with suppression.

The most logical route for CCC to take was for its recalled MPs to run as Independent candidates because as I said in the attached tweet, what matters most are the principles you carry in your political heart, and not a political party name when you are in the middle of a mortal fight for your survival against an oppressive and crude opponent who controls the State and wants to destroy you.

After Sengezo Tshabangu illegally but successfully recalled the CCC MPs, I mentioned that CCC as a political party was finished.

It was clear to any average political thinker that there was a third hand taking advantage of the CCC leadership disharmony created by Nelson Chamisa’s so-called strategic ambiguity, the third hand is facilitating the destruction of CCC to the third hand’s advantage.

It therefore boggles the mind why someone would gift that third hand, which we know to be ZANUPF, a penalty kick instead of making things harder for ZANUPF by making its moves look more ridiculous even if it succeeds in its nefarious actions.

It is the equivalent of a thief coming to your home and asking you to open the door and you oblige arguing that you are doing so because you have done nothing wrong instead of fortifying your door.

Yes CCC is yours, yes the MPs are also yours and yes Tshabangu is playing a game, but don’t you have a logical obligation to protect the people’s right to democratic representation in councils and parliament at any cost including for you to run as Independents so that you block ZANUPF parliament capture?

What is the point of holding on to a name when you will lose it anyway, why play games as if you are on X-Box when it involves people’s lives and democratic political representation?

I have told you twice, I will tell you again for the third time, many in the diplomatic community and many important regional political actors are now asking if CCC is not a front for ZANUPF to calm citizens down.

They ask this pertinent question because of CCC’s many school-boy mistakes that it has continued to make since its formation last year.

Astounding, ridiculous and shocking mistakes one must add if you are going to be genuine and logical in your analytical discourse about the situation!

One of the senior team members of a Western election observer mission team said this to me; “I have covered more than 60 elections across the world, I have never seen a presidential candidate who has done everything possible in the book to lose an election like Nelson Chamisa has done.”

The election observer continued: “We went to see Nelson for a meeting, and yet he was alone, it has been the same with other observer missions,” the election observer said to me in astonishment.

If CCC is not a front for ZANU-PF, then its leader is thoroughly incompetent for having made all these avoidable but now talked about mistakes and for making traditional allies of the democracy movement in Zimbabwe doubt CCC and his political sincerity through his commissions and omissions.

This behaviour speaks to Nelson Chamisa’s disdain for teamwork, and his overreliance on advisors who are and were taking instructions before, during and after the sham elections from counter-intelligence folks who many believe deliberately misled them.

How can you get advice from your opponent under the guise of having so-called “insiders in the system?”

This has been a running joke in the diplomatic community, a community which has almost given up on Chamisa and is now saying that they will try and make things work with the Harare regime, a rogue regime now being seen as an alternative to what was supposed to be a democratic movement.

Diplomats come to Zimbabwe to represent the interests of their countries, if the opposition has failed to prove to them that it is a genuine alternative to the current ZANU PF corrupt order, that is a serious indictment on the opposition leadership.

The concerns about Nelson Chamisa and CCC’s actions and their potential implication for CCC’s credibility both at home and abroad are now extremely serious and shouldn’t be ignored by those genuinely fighting for change in Zimbabwe.

You can’t continue making catastrophic political mistakes and relying on only blaming your opponent for your continued self-evident failures to read the political terrain and get some gains here and there instead of always being on the receiving end of comical political failures.

Chamisa’s ardent supporters point towards CCC’s ability to stop ZANUPF’s two-thirds majority goal during the shambolic August 23 elections, but was that really citizens voting for CCC or it was fed up citizens voting against ZANUPF?

The delusional declarations reflect a tragic understanding of Zimbabwean politics, any main opposition leader would have made things tougher for ZANUPF during a general election, he just happened to be Nelson Chamisa.

Zimbabweans are suffering, Zimbabweans have no jobs, they have no healthcare, they have no clean drinking water, they have potholed roads, they have 20-hour electricity load shedding, they don’t have pensions, neither do they have savings, they only have ONE TV station, they have a captured judiciary and a corrupt government. So Why Would They Vote For Anyone Else Except The Main Opposition?

What has upset many serious Zimbabweans is the astounding move by CCC and Nelson Chamisa of not going into the by-elections as Independents, when they knew too well that all odds were stacked against them in captured courts, something that they correctly sing about daily.

When you know that the judiciary is captured, and when you know that the election board ZEC is also captured, why do you make decisions that play into the regime’s hands like insisting on going into by-elections using a contested name whose dispute will be adjudicated by your adversary’s judiciary poodles?

You can’t expect a Praise and Worship one-man decision-making outfit to remove a military-assisted political party like ZANUPF when it makes such ridiculous decisions and grand political delusions scaffolded by Bible verses and inspirational tweets.

ZANU PF is a corrupt political machinery, it controls the judiciary, it controls the elections management body ZEC, so the best thing which was a no-brainer was to remove any need for CCC to go to captured courts by simply running as Independents.

But someone’s ego was more important than a political strategy that would stop the desired ZANUPF two-thirds majority.

You can’t keep forming political parties and abandoning them and forming more new political parties because you say you are popular, and yet your popularity is leading to nothing except economic survival for yourself and a few others around you.

There are now serious apprehensions in the region about the political credibility of Nelson Chamisa and his ability to bring about any meaningful change to Zimbabwe, his leadership is questionable to many in the region.

Nelson Chamisa and his supporters can ignore those apprehensions at their peril, but he knows that they exist and many have told him face to face.

Only sycophants continue to pretend that there is no political crisis around his leadership style and skills.

Zimbabweans can continue cheering on this one-man decision-making muppet show at their own political cost, they will deserve the outcomes and consequences of such a political muppet show whose failures are now too many to mention in one sitting.

There is no doubt in my mind that Chamisa continues to be the best foot forward in terms of galvanising public support, but you need more than support to remove ZANUPF’s corrupt rule, you need a strong team with a cogent political strategy, and more importantly a political vision.

Sadly many serious regional political players are no longer feeling sorry for struggling Zimbabweans because they say that we are supporting the schoolboy antics of Nelson Chamisa which have emboldened ZANUPF, and that we insult those who call for reason and a sensible political approach to dealing with ZANUPF’s corrupt rule.

Now that Nelson Chamisa has predictably lost this battle to hold on to CCC against the captured political charlatan Tshabangu, there is no longer anything called CCC as Tshabangu can now do as he wishes.

It is sad to watch people’s democratic electoral rights being washed away illegally like what has just happened, but until the same people accept that Nelson Chamisa’s unbridled desire for absolute power has contributed to this, the same people will have learnt nothing at all and will deserve what they are getting.

As French philosopher Joseph de Maistre said, A People Get the Leadership That They Deserve.

Zimbabwe needs an opposition leader who is secure with himself and his talents, and who is not scared of the abilities of his colleagues.

It is in the nature of politics that some will be more talented than others, such talent differentials should not be the reason to shut the door on those more talented than you are.

Zimbabwe needs an opposition leader who is a team player, and not one who relies on advice from shadow and compromised characters, it needs an opposition party which is rooted in constitutionalism, and not Chinhu Changu Chete politics.

The later Dr Alex Magaisa warned the CCC on 24 April 2022 when he said: “I conclude by urging the CCC interim leadership to hasten the pace to establish the set of rules called the constitution, even on an interim basis. These debates and accompanying noises are a reflection of the unsureness that results from a constitutional void.”

This advice fell on deaf ears, and it is the reason that CCC finds itself in this mess, ZANUPF will always take advantage of any created own goals, it is a predatory political animal.

Today Zimbabweans have a choice, to either continue following the Alice in Wonderland opposition fairy-tale politics that define Chamisa, and always blaming ZANUPF, or to start demanding the opposition to be serious and to constitute itself into a solid and respectable alternative to the corrupt and incompetent ZANUPF regime.

Zimbabwe has many educated people whom regional leaders and the diplomatic community look up to, these regional leaders and diplomats have failed to understand why so many smart Zimbabweans remain under the spell of a failed opposition political leader whose signature is Bible verses and inspirational quotes every Saturday morning.

Human beings seek spiritual guidance from churches and not from politicians, they seek economic redemption from politics and not to be told that Joy is coming and given empty promises that are never fulfilled.

Zimbabweans have been stripped of their human and economic dignity, how about putting them first ahead of this unbridled desire for absolute power that has now come to define both the main opposition leader and Emmerson Mnangagwa to the detriment of the suffering citizens living in penury?

Mnangagwa wants a two-thirds majority to be followed by a third term, and Chamisa wants to get rid of all colleagues who are perceived to be competitors to be his crown.

It is all Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me! When will these leaders put people ahead of their desire for power, and when will they choose to lead instead of rule?

ZANU PF is the pits on any given day, but it remains emboldened by CCC’s failures. The sycophants will not want to hear this truth, but they will realise the truthfulness of these cols facts after another shambolic 2028 election.

I encourage the youths to leave and better their lives elsewhere through good education or better jobs or both.

More: Pindula News



Hombre · 1 year ago
Hopewell must tell the nation why Zanu Pf financed his antiChamisa crusade in the USA just before the August elections.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Don't be so sure , a moment of self engeneered victory doesn't tantamount to victory. This may be the undoing of the mighty , let's wait and see
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He still cannot clear his name in the UK about stealing money from the bank
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hopeless is now saying what we said 5 years ago. He is a slow learner
hopeless chonini · 1 year ago
ah pliz guys i need to write sh i t to make a living, i even write sh i t when i am totally drunk from drinking expensive liquor , i drink a lot of booze and write s h i t online ,
It sits down and strategies eh ah ok · 1 year ago
".. It sits down and strategies, ...." strategizes maybe ? what people sit down and strategies ? wake up all of you clowns !!!
23 · 1 year ago
jn headlands · 1 year ago
hopuwero vata une hope, tokuziva uri young chibhangu iwe, come what may CCC Chamisa woyeeee 💯👍💕
Masola Wadabu Dabu · 1 year ago
True Mr Chinóno . He Has The Clout , The Charisma , The Standing And The Appeal , But He Lacks The Strategy . Who Is Giving Him Advice ? If The Trent Continue Like This , It Will Prove Detrimental To The Survival Of The CCC Brand He Created . Many People Are Behind Him , But He Should Be Able To Embrace Reality And Strategies To Defend His Party . As It Looks , It Seems His CCC Is Vulnerable To ZANU PF Mischievous Traits .
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Luke Malaba ending his career on a high note.Shame on you.You have destroyed this country big time and your will forever be remembered for the role you played single handedly to mess up justice delivery in our country.You ushered in corruption in an institution that is meant to fight and kill it.You have run down the pilitical and social fabric.We are all naked and vulnerable because of you.God bless you in retirement
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's unfortunately that a lot of people who continue to blindly worship and follow Chimisa will start posting rubbish directed at Chinonoi ,instead of taking the contents of his article seriously.
cde che · 1 year ago
I agree with Hopewell, i think Chamisa lost the plot when he decided to personalized the movement.
Zvichapera · 1 year ago
Duft and Bizzaire Hopewell.Where has your common sense gone? You are conspicously out of your wits.Isnt that awkward.Think
maparamuro · 1 year ago
How did we end up this ****? In soccer you don't accuse an opponent of breaking through your defence lines, you take a closer look at your defence and try to improve it. CCC defence has huge yawning gaps that give Zanupf free passage, instead of closing the gaps, CCC accuses zanupf of being aggressive, that's the whole point. You can never run a political party with no known constitution and structures, hazvishande. Zanupf saw that weakness, a gap in CCC defence and exploited it, it's as simple as that. Hopewell said nothing but the truth, both Idhi and his young brother Nero are so selfish, they don't mind sacrificing the whole nation for their personal glory. The courts upheld the recalls, it meant the recalled were no longer part of CCC, how do you then go to the same court and argue you have a right to represent the same party that recalled you? What was the logic? Politics is not private business, you cannot hide your structures and constitution. These should be made public and even available on the internet
truth · 1 year ago
truth be told Advocate Chamisa, has lost both foreign and international support because of lack political objectiveness and governance. We all know Advocate is the best in Public Relations, he knows what to say. The Citizens they don't need Chamisa they need a change which will have a positive impact on their lives,with that perception the citizens were going to be disappointed cz the change that they so much desire was never going to materialize as they are conditions to that change. lyk allow the whites to take back the land they claim,we might say that's not it but that is one of the major things the Americans want I order to remove sanctions
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
and chamisa is the only one with charisma to lead the opposition........ we all know the field of play that the player is also the referee, the lines man and the VAR. the struggle need a leader and chamisa is the only one who can do that for now......Mr chin'ono and his opinions can form his party and see how he will perform
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Charisma is not equivalent to brilliant ideas, those who follow charisma are always disappointed. Followers of Magaya, Makandiwa et al are a disappointed lot
Tk · 1 year ago
We also failed, kaChamisa akonewa so todiiiii, oky let's forget about Chamisa wamurikuti 'failed'....... Mr Hope whats your plan for the freedom of Zim
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hopewell hates Chamisa even before this he was castigated him with CIO nothing tangible will ever come out of his head
Holy ten · 1 year ago
Zanu turning Zimbabwe to munangagwa family business vana chi baby chana mupurwa supporting nonsense
taps · 1 year ago
vote Wilbert mubaiwa #2028
dk · 1 year ago
sango rinopa adzungaira....asi kudzungaira kwemaCCC sango hati rakakupai nekuti kudzungaira kwenyu kupusa chaiko, ungamisa. party pasina constitution, ungamisa party pasina mastrutures, ungamisa party log yeparty kemwakuisa face yemunhu.....politics hadzidi kupusa kudaro, dont support zvinhu zvakapersonaliswa like ccc.look now you are blaming everyone, blaming eveything
sharo · 1 year ago
iwe face yamdara wako ndoyakazara pama billboards kuno, mdara wako anoda kupersonalizer munhu wese: from vendors4ed to mapostori4ed...isu kutoviga mastructures neconstitution kwanga kuri kutoitira imi musatibira party yacho sezvamakaita pa MDC alliance, zvakadero munongoba zveginya
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Referencing SADC is the false hope we have been talking about that Chamisa is giving to the nation. Hapana chichabuda ku SADC musanyepere vanhu.
hv · 1 year ago
Well said Professor Hopewell Chinono, hamurevi nhema apa
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Hope we'll is bitter, buruka urange vanhu iwe Shamu imunyu readily available, Remember..we are friends to all and brother to every other opposition political party
Chief Nemauyu · 1 year ago
Hopewell has lost hope in his bid to elevate his colleagues at the helm of Chinhu Changu Chete.
chipoko chaPrigozhin · 1 year ago
Chamisa timomuda zvedu but tichaneta naye ZANU ihombe musaderera
. · 1 year ago
iwe uri chipoko cheZanu don't pretend
Anonymous · 1 year ago
mudhoti · 1 year ago
to many lawyers in Ccc
mudhoti · 1 year ago
Ngambopawo mu soja atungamire. Zanu haibviswe ne twitter takuda zvepfuti manje
mampentsha · 1 year ago
mutambara Arthur is the answer to this nonsense. at the moment he is the only viable option
zbc · 1 year ago
vana kuchikoro ana baba kubasa
Jojo · 1 year ago
Hopewell anozviziva kuti zanu is corrupt and courts are captured. even if they ran as independent candidates their votes were still in the hands of the corrupt zec, but whatever occurs what is left for zanu is a messed up reputation of rigging, abuse and violation of human rights to the international community. Then brace for more restrictions...
Taneta · 1 year ago
Hopewell its us the majority who is suffering, please stop Attacking our President Advocate Nelson Chamisa come hail come thunder we are still alive, Godisnit
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Hopeless Daddy is a failed political aspirant. He wants to realise his political dream akapfeka dehwe raChamisa. If you so much want to make things work, come out in the open and lead by example. There is so much political space. You will automatically have your slot in POLAD, since you're already Zanu Pf for all intents and purposes. If you're trash in politics, we will throw stinking eggs at you. Bring your own shield and mouth guard.
NM · 1 year ago
kkkkk rino ratopera angoti mavote chte
Jameson Museva · 1 year ago
True love did race
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Chin'ono's criticism of Chamisa is on point, there was need to heed Magaisa's advise and set up a constitution to avoid capture. Right now Zanu pf is ridding on Tshabangu, he is wrong, but the ruining party owns the courts so they will give him victory at every turn.
Tshabamgu · 1 year ago
Whatever my brother Tshabangu os doing it might be painful and stressing but I take it as a lesson for leaders of tomorrow. If CCC manages to survive this they will understand that in politics you have to be foolproof and be ready to play in the mud. Its important to be fully armored and be ready for war everytime. Politics is not a child play also politics arena is no jokes its not level for everyone
Kachi · 1 year ago
if you see me voting again in Zim dirty politics I will be feeling seek , day dreaming. Zim politics it's like a public toilet filled with pu.pu.....
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
seek or sick
Anonymous · 1 year ago
to run as Independents. no
fidzaa · 1 year ago
daddy hope.. just form yo own party and cee if you can see the sun 4 two days. you hd such a character lyk the late Judah learnmore jongwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hope is not a Zanu pf project & will be eliminated. Ccc ndeyedu tinosa ieambe iripo tichingotonga,kkkk
· 1 year ago
pamberi ne one party state
mai huni · 1 year ago
haa chekupembera hapana kana muchizviyanika pachena kuti muri mbavha
SADC Said · 1 year ago
Adopting a report zvinoreva kuti ma elections aiva mahumbwe saka ndivo vanenyaya yema elections akaitiwa 23 August, saka naizvozvo Chamisa akati zvema by-election haaneyi nazvo nekuti kurishandisiwa ZEC yakashorwa ne SADC ndoozvatakanzwa amheno vamwe kuti murikuendepi mberi iyo nyaya yakasara ku SADC
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
saka ccc uri kudeyi kucourt. you are contradicting yourself. politics ndedze madhara kwete vapfana. musha unotungamirwa nevakuru kwete vana
CCC IS DEAD · 1 year ago
Chinhu Changu Chete politics. 🤣🤣🤣
zizi · 1 year ago
Handei tione. SADC is waiting for you
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
SADC yaishambadzwa na Zuze 🤣🤣🤣😂😂accept defeat amana. Mamelodiiii
Wuto · 1 year ago
Chamisa you meathead wakadhakwa we need serious opposition party in Zimbabwe right now not this CCC full of nincompoóps and imbeciles
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Chamisa still has his loyal bumlickers... Vana @Zuze etc who were busy cheerleading achiitira **** mu road... Nanhasi they still believe in him. Mwana benzi chero ukamuudza kuti iyi i**** haidyiwe unongoona akati gotsi papata. Ndozvakaita vana @Zuze nana Bvepfepfe 😂😂😂😂😂
lodza · 1 year ago
kungopembera madhara ako aya but haana chaanokupa kunze kwembeu nefertereza sezvo mvura yatadza kunaya
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
A self fulfilling prophecy. CCC is as dead as Dodo 🤣🤣🤣
dhambi · 1 year ago
dai madhara aya aikuda semadiro aunoaita ingadai uine a verified X account, that's why uchikweshana nesu marovha pano pambombera
Shungurudzai · 1 year ago
@dhambi she actually doesn't have money to buy data. she's a clown.
unknown · 1 year ago
another ZANU pf project brewing, Chamisa is the only solution, even akafa toisa mukadzi wake nokuti ndivo vane zodzo
· 1 year ago
@unknown the movement shouldn't be about individuals. it should be about a shared vision and common values. political parties should never be run like a personal project.

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