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Health Experts Warn Of Severe Health Complications As Temperatures Surge In Zimbabwe

1 year agoWed, 29 Nov 2023 09:06:18 GMT
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Health Experts Warn Of Severe Health Complications As Temperatures Surge In Zimbabwe

The recent surge in temperatures across Zimbabwe has sparked concerns among health experts regarding the potential risks to public health. With the absence of rain, the consequential depletion of pastures for livestock and the drying of dams, particularly in the southern region, the situation has become increasingly worrisome.

Medical professionals have issued warnings about the possibility of life-threatening illnesses, including heat stroke, due to the extreme temperatures being experienced in many parts of the country. They are urging the public to take precautionary measures, with staying hydrated being of utmost importance. However, it is advised to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, and sugary beverages as they contribute to dehydration.

Bulawayo City Council health services director, Dr Edwin Sibanda-Mzingwane said the public should avoid direct exposure to sunlight as it may increase dehydration levels. He told The Herald:

People should drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration, which may result in blood pressure-related illnesses. When you are dehydrated it means you will not have enough water in the body, leaving the body largely with salt causing blood pressure.

So, instead of trying to measure the number of litres you drank, just check the colour of your urine.

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Another medical health expert, Dr Misheck Ruwende, said the effects of the heat could be mild to severe.

The implications can be as mild as just headaches and I’m sure a lot of people are having headaches due to this weather.

You can have heat rash, heat burn going up heat cramps. You can also experience life-threatening ones for example heat stroke and heat exhaustion. 

So, we encourage people to drink water as much as possible. They should avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks because those types of drinks make us lose water. We have to be as hydrated as possible.

The public should avoid leaving children, the elderly, and pets in the cars because the car can quickly heat up even if the windows can be slightly opened. 

You might have heard of children who died after being left in the car. That is a big problem and it can easily happen and we must never leave the elderly and minors in cars.

The people who are at higher risk and the elderly, people suffering from asthma and heart diseases. Their symptoms can be exacerbated by the heat and they have to stay away from heat as much as they can.

The rising temperatures and lack of rainfall have had a detrimental impact on farmers and the general public alike. The prolonged dry spell, which is a reflection of El Nino weather conditions, has instilled anxiety and fears of drought. Environmental experts attribute these adverse weather patterns to climate change induced by greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, until more rains are received, the situation is expected to remain unpredictable.

In terms of outdoor activities, it is advisable to plan them during the cooler parts of the day, particularly in the morning and evening when temperatures are lower. From a nutritional perspective, incorporating hydrating foods into one’s diet, such as watermelons, cucumbers, peaches, and lettuce, can also help combat dehydration.

Despite reports circulating of collapsing and deaths due to the heatwave, these claims have been dismissed as false. According to the Meteorological Service Department (MSD), the recent heatwave can be attributed to clear skies and reduced cloud formation. However, they anticipate transitional weather patterns with cooler winds and increased rainfall in the coming days, which should provide some relief from the intense heat.

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👁️ · 1 year ago
Siki ne edzi zvichawanda.
NM · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko mvura yacho yekunwa inomvepi. Iwo mabhorani arikunzi azara korera. Nhaika tinofa zvedu either cholera or sun stroke. Apa zvipatara hazvina mishonga. Chokwadi nyika yeZimbabwe haichanakidza. Ini ndaukenda hangu Israel kunosevedza mupuraze.
ziiii · 1 year ago
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣 @Fake Zuze ndi Fugu pfee chete
🙂 · 1 year ago
.... achitaura achizvipindura ega zvake!
chigaba chehuchi · 1 year ago
Arabs Iive in deserts with more severe conditions but can survive more luxuriously because they share and well distribute their nations honey 🍯 and milk Bush lawyer for Economic Development
cid · 1 year ago
@Muto,,,hanzy avoid alcohol 😂zvimbwa imbomira kunwa imbodyawo mavise
007 · 1 year ago
hayaaaas zvimwe tingaseka hedu bt tumbwaa neheat iyoyii kuzviisa muintensive unit kabisira lets drink responsibly
Zuze · 1 year ago
Musanyepa kambwa hakapise uno diluta ne face plus ine ka cooling effect. Bvunza inini ndiri nyanzvi ye kambwa.
ZUZE · 1 year ago
kupiko kwaunozivira kambwa iwe mu ZANU PF isusu ana ZUZE taitutengerwa ne NCA tichitunwa tichibhadharwa kuita discredit government Tsvangirai aindiziva pesonari but uyu Chamisa akuwanza chifundanga kutiisira ana Mahere navana Ostallos vari aloof but hapana tumbwa twamunopihwa Ku ZANU PF imi bvunzai isusu ma CCC
Zuze · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne Zanu PF hallelujah giroriya
Zuze · 1 year ago
Unokwanisa kukopa zita raZuze, but you cannot copy his intelligence or his superior intellect. Kana uri do4 uri **** chete. Ndimi maikopa zvese nezita kuchikoro imi. Ndosaka uchisupota chiparty chechembere nehohonwa dzaakudzurwa musana nendove.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne ZANU PF chete chete kana wasvotwa rutsa.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne RHODESIANS Front Dai paikandwa audio ndakanda national anthem yeRhodesia kukusvotesa iwe mu ZANU PF because RHODESIANS NEVER DIE isusu ana ZUZE tosapota ma CCC ma puppet e RHODESIAN FRONT Chamisa anototamba nema RHODESIANS akatizira paJoza
🥵 · 1 year ago
Vangabve vaisa picture ye zuva rekugehena kuita here ikoku
· 1 year ago
wakamboenda kugehena here?
Eee aaah · 1 year ago
Apa Satan hake, anenge achitorova Gango zvake in that scotching heat
Fugu Pfeeee · 1 year ago
... and avoid ZANU as much as possible.

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