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Biti Accuses Chamisa Of Creating A Parody Account To Attack Him

1 year agoTue, 28 Nov 2023 08:36:06 GMT
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Biti Accuses Chamisa Of Creating A Parody Account To Attack Him

Tendai Biti, the vice president of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), accused party president Nelson Chamisa of creating fake social media accounts to attack him.

This comes after a parody account linked him to Sengezo Tshabangu, the self-proclaimed interim secretary-general. There are allegations of internal division within the opposition party, with some senior officials including Biti, Welshman Ncube, and Chalton Hwende being accused of being “sell-outs.”

Biti spoke exclusively to NewsDay after a post by a parody account in Sengezo Tshabangu’s name claimed that he and Tshabangu had met to discuss important matters concerning the party. The former Finance Minister is quoted as saying:

I’m not interested. That account must be parody account that was created by Chamisa and his team. Just check it. I have not met Tshabangu and let me repeat that I am not interested.

Biti also told The NewsHawks that he hasn’t met Tshabangu in a long time and has not had a meal at Monomotapa Hotel in 20 years. Said Biti:

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That’s false and malicious. I haven’t seen Tshabangu for a long time and haven’t eaten at Crowne Plaza for 20 years now!

Biti reiterated that he has nothing to do with the issue of recalls which have resulted in the expulsion of scores of CCC elected representatives in parliament and municipalities.

The tweet by the parody account claimed that Tshabangu had met Biti at a top hotel in Harare. The account claimed:

Just after my interview on ZBC, I had dinner with one of our decorated change champions and learned man Hon Biti at Crowne Plaza, as he is a victim of dictatorship, we deliberated on pertinent issues that will add value to our struggle for democracy, transparency and constitutionalism.

Tshabangu’s spokesperson Khaliphani Phugeni also disowned the account saying it was fake. Phugeni said:

I would think it’s a fake account.

The recent development occurred when Harare councillor Denford Ngadziore prevented former mayor Jacob Mafume from attending a councillors’ caucus meeting at the Town House. This happened before the election of Lovejoy Chitengu as mayor, following the recall of Ian Makone by Sengezo Tshabangu.

Mafume who is considered Biti’s ally is reportedly concerned for his safety after receiving threats. He stated that he did nothing wrong and expressed regret over the events that took place during the caucus meetings. Mafume added:

We are ready for service delivery of the residents and council if asked to do so. So, my conscience is clear even during the period when l was mayor.

I wronged no one except those who want to take Harare. What happened at caucus meeting stays at the caucus meeting.

According to reports, Eric Murai, the provincial taskforce chairperson for Harare, and Matsunga Machuma forced their way into the chambers to ensure that councillors voted as directed by Nelson Chamisa. Murai and Machuma allegedly asked the councillors to show their ballots before casting their votes. When asked for comment, Denford Ngadziore could not confirm or deny the scuffle that took place. He spoke to NewsDay:

l do not want to comment because it was an internal issue.

Chitengu stated that he cannot comment on the matter at this time.

The divisions within the party became apparent just before the August 2023 elections when there were accusations that Chamisa was imposing candidates in certain areas. These divisions became more noticeable after the elections when Sengezo Tshabangu began recalling CCC Parliamentarians and councillors whom he believed were imposed on the voters and were no longer party members. Some party leaders, including Chamisa, suspect that Tshabangu is not acting alone, leading to speculation that Biti may be involved due to his opposition to Chamisa’s strategies.

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🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Kumwashuka kwe CCC
Rose 🌹 · 1 year ago
hakuna zvakadaro murikurota mbuya vajonhi
Mazuva · 1 year ago
I sympathise with Biti. He is full of energy, wisdom and intelligence. He, however, doesn't know that good leaders are good followers. You may choose to disagree with me, but CCC has survived Zanu Pf's machinations because of Chamisa's strategies, and wisdom. Zanu implants are everywhere and quick to offer Chamisa advice about democracy and good governance. It's the ruling party that needs that advice. This is the democracy that CCC is fighting for. The opposition party cannot practice absolute democracy in the battlefield. Otherwise we will have coup after coup instigated by mongers of money and power in the midst of the battle. Those who want power will contest for it after the struggle. The people, the owners of the revolution, are happy with the way things are being done by Chamisa. Know this first before you can fight Chamisa. He is scoring big victories, even winning the election, under a very tough environment created every day by the enemy of the people. That he has not taken over state power is because of open Zanu Pf theft. Bhora pasi Biti. It's not too late and freedom is not too far.
dakar · 1 year ago
it also seems like pindula mukukuda kutinyebera ,kana musina nyaya its better muite sana bhoshongora rather than wasting your tym by intervening in politics that you do even know their alpha and their omega
Joza · 1 year ago
Correction vaDakar. Pindula did not write this article. They simply reproduced it from @Newsday. It's stated in the article. Pindula inongotipa mukana wokutaura nokuverenga mahara isu vanoda zvinhu tisina mari yacho.
...... · 1 year ago
Pane nyaya...
@xxx · 1 year ago
ndokwatakanga,end road 🛣️ is nigh for Biti
PTSD · 1 year ago
Its bait .. They want to fool people and Zanu Pf.. Biti and Chamisa get along very well
XXX · 1 year ago
CCC has acted decisively and off loaded Advocate Tendai Biti from CCC Vice Presidency. Tendai Biti and his colleagues can form their own political party. I wish them well in their endeavor. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Mai Ro · 1 year ago
chava chii futi! vaBiti vavakuzorasika manje. ndavakurumidze kubuda pachena vachitaura divi ravo uye kuti varikutsigira hutungamiri hwavaChamisa here kana kuti kwete. vatungamirir vaviri ava vanokosha chaizvo murwendo rwedu kuzvisunungura kubva kuhutongi hwekudzvinyirira. so tinoda vashandire pamwe. asi vabiti mukuita kwavo ndavaite vachiziva kuti musha wese una baba uye hakuna zumbu rookukuridza machingwe maviri...ndataura pachikuru..
cde che · 1 year ago
biti might not be popular, but he is one of the brightest minds in CCC. Chamisa might be making some mistakes in leaving out those guys. he himself is not bright but he is just a populist and i don't populist because they are a threat to democracy. my simple advice is for those guys to sit down and talk. I even don't like his style of power concentrated on one person he is showing traits of dictatorship which the povho are not seeing.
Givy · 1 year ago
you're wrong my bro kkkkkkk Biti Ncube n Hwende existed way back b4 Chamisa .So how did Chamisa gained popularity if it wasn't of briteness.....ALL GOOD IS UPON THAT YOUNG GUY called Chamisa
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Biti is responsible for what's happening to himself. He has been quiet for long with his name being thrown into controversy by Sengezo. He can't convince CCC supporters that he is not part of the Tshabangu project. He has been giving Tshabangu a lot of armo by allowing the imbecile to implicate him without rebuke. It's not Chamisa. It's the people whom you have now infuriated.
skun · 1 year ago
it's a mess yavasingagone kugadzirisa Vega..busy fingering each other, no wonder hapana chobuda Ku CCC kwacho..useless party isina leadership..mahumbwe chaiwo..
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tshabangu never implicated Biti, unless you believe that parody account. Where has Tshabangu ever mentioned Biti?
Champion · 1 year ago
Tshabangu mentioned Biti and Ncube as interim presidents. The two have not challenged that. So let them shut up forever until their own party becomes functional.
... · 1 year ago
once again Tshabangu s statements has successfully widened the wounds
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haaa finishi... the two.most prominent giants in the party gearing for a fight and going public about it... I forsee a major split. .
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Biti failed with his PDP experiment, he just doesn't have enough political capital to start his own thing
.... · 1 year ago
There is this indecisiveness that lingers mumatunhu e triple C, the leadership is simply not bold, I don't support the party but munhu who stands her grounds ka, ndi Mahere, she's not a push over on anything but she's just prompt to tackle, ipapo ipapo, Zvino timhu rana Nero, TLB iro hariskuda zvekutonga iro but ku parader zvrmitemo temo, kurikuda ku ngo debater a motion, as if they are in parly, We have national issues at stake here, so much more being debatable and El nini is raveshing ivo vakango Sunga their ****holes
nyika yose yati Chamisa nyangwe mkatii · 1 year ago
siyanai naye Chamisa ndiye aneyese moyo yevana vezimbabwe azvichinjiki
Ko · 1 year ago
Ngadziore uyu haasi here wekudushurwa nerimwe timhu rake opomera Zanu pf Chibharanzi wo zvacho ita, it could be people from his factionary party, ngaatiitire mushe mhani
notice · 1 year ago
Simba ramunoita muchitukana neshorana muchiputsa party kukundwa neharawa dziri kuramba dziri intact
UNKNOWN · 1 year ago
My advice to Chamisa is that he should form a new party and leave vana Biti,Ncube and hwende vachibika matope, because chinhu chaora,and History is repeating it's self
XXX · 1 year ago
All along I have been backing Advocate Tendai Biti and I still think that he is not involved with Tshabangu, but Biti is now losing the plot by personalizing the issue between him and Advocate Nelson Chamisa. Those who are spreading the rumours are pleased because their truck is working. Why has Biti become unsettled with this, yet the likes of Hwende, and Ncube are quiet ? He should not take matters personal. Tshabangu is a ZANU PF Trojan horse. There question about it. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
When Biti doesn't say anything, people will ask why he is silent. He issued a statement denouncing recalls but still people want to pester him
Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
Is there evidence to support that Chamisa is innocent of the suspicion raised by Biti. If Biti has been involved with Tshabangu in illegally recalling honourable members from parliament, just produce evidence even circumstantial evidence so that people could make their own decisions on the matter. Chamisa himself recently referred to Tshabangu as a Zanu-PF project, is this no longer the case?
doug · 1 year ago
What people know is that a lot of money and effort is use to try and break that party. That man is very wise and I do not think those words are from him.
Givy · 1 year ago
I agree with you.....this is not from Biti
· 1 year ago
what does chamisa gain from creating a parody account and attacking biti? biti is barking up the wrong tree. he and chamisa should have a meeting to sort out their differences. the division in ccc is exactly what zanu pf want.
Cde Tafirenyika · 1 year ago
Pamberi neZanu PF
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkkk pamberi ne chi? It's Iike you are saying pamberi nekupisa kwe Zuva. Gore rino iri watenga nduwe ngani?
Cde Tafirenyika · 1 year ago
kkkk wasekaka.Dzinotengeka here nduwe neMaborangoma aya.
naume lamboos · 1 year ago
kkkkkk waida kutengerwa ne part hre chivhara magadziko
lamboos naume · 1 year ago
CCC yacho ichaparara vnhu vkungorumuka
Führer · 1 year ago
Ngaiparare nyika yese igofara
dhadza · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Simba reHove riri mumvura Biti ukabva Pana Chamisa Pako papera bvunza Doug na Thokozani
Führer · 1 year ago
Manje chitunha chenyu chawora zvadhakwa zve CCC yoenda kumakuva
Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
I would appreciate it if members of CCC could be objective regarding their internal rifts which are now public knowledge, could produce concrete evidence that the referred to account is a genuine account. Worshipping Chamisa, if it is true that he imposed candidates and could have a hand in linking Biti with a Tshabangu would be tantamount to cult leadership where Chamisa cannot be blamed even if he is in the wrong. That would be a dangerous precedent for opposition politics which would cast doubt as to whether they would champion democracy if they get into power.
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
Let it be known that the CCC is dead as a Dodo. We shall enjoy to watch it self destruct due to the Me know all Twitter president, doctorial tendencies.
MuSabatha (SDA) · 1 year ago
..what an unwelcome development. so sad that @TB is abt to loose the plot now. i hope this is just some sort of social media hogwash and nothing like that ever happened. if true, champion BITI must quickly introspect and take corrective measures and return to the fold. if @biti has some issues with @nero, these two heavyweights know where to meet and sit down and iron out their issues amicably. such a fallout in the cockpit is not good for the struggle.......let it be known to @biti that any confirmed rift and attrition between him and @nero will be interpreted as selling out on his part by the masses. the people expect any serious champion to tow the freedom line by aligning and supporting the leadership of the champion in chief.
Takunda Chingombe · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkkk Chamisa has been trying hard to neutralise Biti for a long time. The CCC faithful being ignorant personality cultists with no inkling of what institutionalism is ALWAYS back Chamisa even when presented with a seriously flawed constitution putting the last nails on the coffin lid of democracy in CCC. I mean how **** can CCC members be if they accept a constitution which names a leader? What happens to CCC if Chamisa gets involved in a fatal accident when he is the only party leader and is not deputised by anyone? You'all can do pretend democracy just like the pretend inauguration at Gwanzura Stadium the other year but it will achieve nothing except ridicule for your party, it is a ridiculously infantile politicsl party oracticing kidergarten politics.
Muchatipa · 1 year ago
Was dead on arrival
NM · 1 year ago
letest pindula ine inbox hre
yeee · 1 year ago
somebody pliz reply. toda kuziva kuti pindula app yava ne inbox here. kana isati that shud be done as a matter of urgency
PINDULA TEAM · 1 year ago
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